Baztab News Baztab News
Last Updated: 08 April 2008, 21:03
The Morality Police Try to Roll Back Reform Amid Culture Clash in Iran
By Martin Fletcher - The Times
Just a Headscarf ?
By Mehran Derakhshandeh
Iran and the Concession In Persian Gulf!
By Morteza Aminmansour
Bush’s Cowboy Rhetoric
By Hassan Hanizadeh
A Perfect Titanic
By Oscar Taffetani
What does the Qur'an Say about Jesus?
US Ramblings
By Armin Hedayati
Horses and Hunger, an American Woman's Life in Iran
By Reuters
Iran, its Territorial Integrity in the Persian Gulf Region
By: Morteza Aminmansour
Protecting Iranian Interests in the Persian Gulf Region
By: Morteza Aminmansour
The NIE Report: Solving a Geopolitical Problem with Iran
By George Friedman
Iran, More Asian than Ever
By Mohsen Aminzadeh , Former Deputy Foreign Minister of Iran
FT Interview: Mohammad-Baqer Qalibaf
Let’s See the World as an Opportunity, Not a Threat
Interview with Mahmood Sariolghalam
Iran's Reformers to U.S.: Let's Talk
By : The Christian Science Monitor
Federalism, not Disintegration
Interview with Sadroddin Qabanchi, member of Supreme Council of Islamic Revolution in Iraq
Bezels of Wisdom from 13th-Century Persia
An Interview with Robert Bly
Jews Influence American Politics , Military Occupation against Democracy
Uri Avnery , Former Knesset Member
20:54 - 2008/04/08 Ahmadinejad: Nuclear Achievements Herald Comprehensive Progress
He announced that Iran has started the phase for installing some 6,000 new centrifuges in the Natanz nuclear facility.
19:01 - 2008/04/07 Iran to Disclose New N. Achievements on Tuesday
The foreign press is invited Tuesday to attend Ahmadinejad's "National Day of Nuclear Achievement" which marks the first anniversary of Iran having achieved uranium enrichment on an industrial level.
Majlis Speaker Gholam Ali-Haddad Adel here on Tuesday strongly condemned the recent actions in some European countries insulting religious sanctities and Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and said both Islam and Christians as two divine religions promote peace and friendship around the world.
Since the reformists lost power they have turned into the country's only meaningful opposition party. With little to show voters for their years in power and in the wake of their resounding defeat at the hands of Mr. Ahmadinejad in 2006, reformers are under pressure to show unified resolve in this month's runoffs.
A strong statement from General David Petraeus about Iran's intervention in Iraq could set the stage for a US attack on Iranian military facilities, according to a Whitehall assessment.
Barack Obama stresses that he would. Hillary Rodham Clinton equivocates but basically would be averse to premature talks with our adversaries...Talking to your enemy make sense -- that is a legacy of Ronald Reagan.
We do know - as the Basra affair showed - that Iran is crucial to any Iraq solution. And here is where the next president will have an opportunity to try something different - with Iran.
President: Iran Keen on Developing Ties with Switzerland
Swiss Foreign Minister Micheline Calmy-Rey will probably sign the gas deal with Iran with an aim of reducing Europe's dependence on Russian gas.
President: Iran Keen on Developing Ties with Switzerland
Swiss Foreign Minister Micheline Calmy-Rey will probably sign the gas deal with Iran with an aim of reducing Europe's dependence on Russian gas.
Mr Qalibaf was defeated by Mr Ahmadinejad in the 2005 presidential election, but if his “pragmatic” conservatives do well today analysts expect him to challenge the increasingly unpopular President again in next year's presidential contest.
No doubt about Iran's ownership over three islands- Government Spokesman
Elham added that reports about support of some Iraqi officials for the UAE's claim "were not accurate or officially confirmed." He stressed that no one could comment on Iran's territorial integrity.
Iran Determined to Produce Nuclear Energy - Envoy
Iran is also ready to cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency to build confidence and address possible questions on its nuclear program.
Choices for Parliament Are Limited, but President Is Not Immune From Critics..."The new parliamentarians will be critical of the president on the economy but not attempt to destroy Ahmadinejad," Talebzadeh said. "Criticism is healthy in a democracy like ours."
"I wish leaders of certain Arab states would decide to shut down Israeli embassies and sever diplomatic ties with the fake regime.
A gas terminal will be established and Iran's gas pipeline will be extended to Switzerland and Austria through Croatian borders.
The Iranian president arrived in Baghdad this morning heading a high-ranking political and economic delegation on a two-day official visit.
Addressing the Group 5+1, Larijani said, "We advise you to think and back to the negotiation table which would benefit you. If you assume you can compel our nation to give up its righteous course of action through posing threats or imposing unleashing sanctions, you are making a big mistake."