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Just Another WordPress Weblog

Posted: Thursday, April 1st, 2010 at 9:27 pm. Filed in Domains, Features, New Features, Upgrade, WordPress.com.

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DNS Editing Deployed

by Andy Skelton

A few years ago, when we began to offer domain mapping—serving a WordPress.com blog on your domain, like example.com—we omitted DNS control because we didn’t count on many people needing it. Soon we tired of saying “no” to users wanting email on their blog domains so we added limited support for Google-hosted email. Recently we tired of saying “no” to users wanting DNS control so today we deployed a DNS editor for custom domains.

The link to the DNS Editor on the Domains page

The Edit DNS link is on the Domains page.

This free enhancement is available to everyone who uses domain mapping on WordPress.com. The ability to add some common DNS records (MX, TXT, CNAME, A) opens the door for services hosted elsewhere to work under the same domain as your blog. Integrating other hosted services with your domain, such as email (you@example.com) or other kinds of web content (wiki.example.com), can make your dot-com a more powerful branding tool. We hope it makes WordPress.com a better choice for bloggers all over the internet.

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  1. 3dbloke

    Like :)

  2. உதய தாரகை

    Wow.. I am wordless.. You guys rock!

  3. zumbacontracosta

    Thank you so much. I’m guessing this will save us tons of headaches with Google mail not recognizing our passwords when logging in from other computers.
    For those of us, with Google mail mapped, please direct us to instructions for changing our mail map.

    Thank you so much for keeping wordpress.com fresh.
    Zumba Contra Costa

  4. donnacha

    Very useful, especially being able to integrate other services, thanks!

  5. jabierans

    OK… If I understand (I´m new), as I have my domain and blog hosted with WordPress.com, I can register my email services with another server (for example Fasthosts) and work with my own email address me@mydomain.com? So I would manage my web content in WordPress.com and my email with the other server.

    Please could someone explain me in simple language what do I say to the email company? (what is it that I´m buying) What settings do I need to change at WordPress dashboard? Or the settings need to be changed at the server who is managing my email?

    • Andy Skelton

      The settings you need are going to be called DNS records or, more specifically, MX records. Your email company will most likely provide these in a FAQ entry or documentation.

  6. Pingback: Wordpress.com Enabled DNS Editing Feature
  7. aareet krsna

    Thank you!

  8. Anthony


  9. aareet krsna

    Waaaaait. I hope that wasn’t an April Fool’s gag…

  10. Wintery Knight

    Excellent! I have a domain name registered with you, and this provides more value for me.

  11. th3sha`

    Nice :)

  12. yoriyuliandra

    Seems like we need to consider a self-hosted WP

    Great, keep working

  13. Jean-Luc Crucifix

    Great, I’ll try that with my domain venezuelatina.com. Is there any tutorial for the non-completely-geeks?

  14. Mary

    Looks good.

  15. Andrew

    Interesting stuff!

  16. nayantaka

    It’s a good improvement. WordPress is going better and better.

  17. Pingback: Wordpress.com DNS Editing Deployed « Just Chillin…
  18. KaushiK™

    @jabierans: your email company will give you MX records which you can add in your wordpress domain page (see in the picture above). once you have the MX records, just add those carefully and your email should start working as soon as records propagate. and if you want to use your own mail domain like mail.yourdomain.com then add a CNAME “mail” (get this record from service provider). i hope this helps you.

  19. Arun Shanbhag

    *scratches head*
    I should come back on April 2nd and re-read this.

  20. showmescifi


  21. Pingback: Automattic, Tired of Saying No, Adds DNS Editing to WordPress.com « Changing Way
  22. musicofourheart

    A very logical move in anticipation of WordPress 3.0, thank you for constantly being forward thinking.

  23. Anne Lessing


  24. Moses


  25. David Fulton

    I’m also a newbie and am not sure I understand what the benefits of this feature are or how I would use it. I have a custom domain (through WordPress) for my blog and have used Yahoo email for many years. I don’t plan to change my email address. Can someone please explain what I could do with the DNS records for my domain?

  26. PeachyPeach

    This was a smart move. Lack of DNS control put me off of WordPress.com for a long time.

  27. art predator

    One day hopefully I’ll understand what all this means and how to use it…in the meantime I’m a lowly writer and blogger and grateful to wordpress for bringing my words to my readers…


    Thank you! That’s awesome! So nice!

  29. Car

    This is a Huge Feature Great Work!!

  30. Neeraj Bhushan

    It’s a total new experience… a great experience. WordPress moves closer to me.

  31. Lim Jun Jie

    awesome. wp is just getting better.

  32. David

    Thanks… great move… makes it more flexible… now all we need is Google Analytics or perhaps lijit analytics on WordPress.com and you guys will have the almost everything there is as a single package.

    Thanks for listening..

  33. phoxis

    Hey I just mapped my domain and WordPress is here with the DNS editing feature!

  34. Pingback: wordpress now allows editing of DNS records « Jacobian
  35. Kevin Aditya

    your guy fawkes moustache rocks.

  36. Saint Jude

    Thank you guys, SO much! We’re very, very happy with your service. And it really is service!

  37. Wez

    Just keeps getting better. Thanks for your work. Cheers

  38. Daniel Tsang

    That’s great~! I love this feature!

    WordPress is really getting better and I am really satisfied with its superb service!

  39. Raoul

    Thank you! Awesome stuff.

  40. markmcdougall

    Glad you have this now as I have registered a few domain names for some of my blogs. Handy!

  41. Hana

    Another great WordPress.com improvement to help publisher and blogger. Thanks for special service

  42. maureen17

    Looks like another step in the right direction!

  43. sid

    good news for domain mapping users :)

  44. barry

    Wow, I just did it – it was the easiest domain purchase & setup ever! Thanks WordPress.

  45. qbert72

    I’ve been hoping for this for a long time. Thank you!

  46. pbeug

    Wow, this looks awesome. I’m glad to see such good improvements on WordPress.

  47. rightwired

    Very cool! This is change I get behind.

  48. Guy

    Sweet! Just brought my Tumblr blog under my domain. Good stuff, thanks!

  49. jabierans

    @Andy Skelton & @KaushiK™ Thank U! Great feature

  50. Admin

    Great, Awesome stuff. Thanks for great service.

  51. Pingback: DNS Editing Deployed « IT stuff 4 u
  52. peacefulone

    Over my head for now…but that’s ok. Thanks! :)

  53. Scope

    What is DNS…??? And how to use???
    Sorry, I am so technically dumb.

  54. aingarant

    wow. this is great!

  55. scripturesnapshots

    Snapshot editing NOT deployed, but it’s all good!

  56. Anya

    Hm, a bit over my head as well… :P

  57. PoetTraveler

    I don’t have much of a concept of how this new facility will benefit me….. but I do have an immense understanding of how much being a member of WP benefits me. WP rocks! … in every direction. I love being in this amazing and wonderful community, where I can write and reach out to others and feel their own posts reaching out and touching me as I read them. Whatever DNS brings it can only be beneficial and add to the treasures already available in WP’s treasure chest.
    Thank you WordPress ! :) :) :)


  58. Moco Scribe

    Hmmmm……sounds complicated and luckily not sure I’ll need it soon!!

  59. Pingback: $24.99 to buy a domain at Posterous - I'm Knight
  60. carlaspacher

    An answer to my prayers!

  61. princeconnoisseur

    This is great. I wish I fully understood the implications!

  62. Anant

    Really glad you folks added this, been wanting it for a long time! Thanks WordPress :)

  63. xcobar

    I waited for this feature for quite some time, and now: there it is.
    Thank you guys! ; )

  64. amhoanna

    Wow… Does this mean that now if we wanna run two or more blogs on WordPress using the root domain and different subdomains, we only have to map the root domain with WordPress?

    Say I want to map blog1.wordpress.com to mydomain.com…
    blog2.wordpress.com to subdomainX.mydomain.com… and
    blog3.wordpress.com to subdomainY.mydomain.com.

    From now on, can we run all these off one domain mapping?


  65. Harpreet Randhawa

    Can someone please bring out a tutorial for non-geeks like me? I want to use this enhancement asap, but without tears!

  66. webmistress


    now for future refference if perhaps we, me or anybody else wants to purchase their domain name on wp.com then for some reason later down the line would like to transfer the domain name and/or have it privately registered (which wp.com does’nt offer). How can one go about doing this if its bought here on wp.com first?

    • Ryan Markel

      Our domain registration process allows you to transfer the domain away from us anytime after 60 days from purchase or change to your registration information.

  67. belladaze

    Excellent! wordpress is the BEST!

  68. Jaya

    Like someone said! An answer to prayers! :)

  69. croneandbearit

    You folks keep making great strides – but when will you allow us to add something like The Library Thing to our wordpress.com blogs? Blogspot does it and doesn’t seem to have an issue. I’m getting tired of having to have a separate page to list what I’m currently reading and another page for what i have finished reading – how archaic. Please come up with something to enable us to use this widget.

  70. smog

    Sorry to be naive, but what I would like to do is move my blog to its own domain (say smogsblog.com) and have people be able to send email to @smogsblog.com such that this email is then all aliased/redirected to another email address (nothing to do with Google) which I already have through my ISP. This is real old-fashioned email, not web-based.

    Is it possible to do this simply by buying the Domain Mapping service through you and then configuring DNS records? If so, could someone please explain how?

    If not, why not? :)

    • Ryan Markel

      You would need to already have an email account set up to be “listening” at whatever@smogsblog.com. The easiest way to do this would be to actually use Google Apps and then forward the emails you get to your other email address – which would also make all the email go through Gmail’s spam filtering.

  71. Mason Emma

    I don’t have much of a concept of how this new facility will benefit me….. but I do have an immense understanding of how much being a member of WP benefits me. WP rocks! … in every direction. I love being in this amazing and wonderful community, where I can write and reach out to others and feel their own posts reaching out and touching me as I read them. Whatever DNS brings it can only be beneficial and add to the treasures already available in WP’s treasure chest.
    Thank you WordPress !


  72. fjpoblam

    Very nice and much appreciated. Of course, different from normal hosting environment: expect questions!

  73. idiotnesia

    Great, i have a mapping domain in wordpress.. i can practice it soon

  74. storytyme

    Huh, that’s pretty cool. Awesome. :’D

  75. nemajordude

    You guys rock in a major way. I’m going to move my blog over post haste.

  76. Faishal

    As I have been with WP for about 2 years, I am satisfied with it…now with the new service I love it much more…Bravo WP!

  77. Kuya Marc

    DNS Editing… That’s something I miss when I started having my blog hosted by WordPress.com. When I had my blog privately hosted, my web hosting company was the one that edited the DNS settings.

    Thanks for adding it to WordPress.com.

  78. olympiada

    Ahahaaaaa! My propaganda for wordrpess in Greece worked after all! Now you really rock!!

  79. smog


    Thanks for the response, but I don’t intend to make Google’s efforts at recording every aspect of my (and everyone else’s) life any easier than I absolutely have to; I’m also quite happy to do my own spam filtering. I guess if I want the email addresses I’ll have to go the whole hog and host my blog somewhere else that provides email forwarding. Which seems like a lot of hassle, so maybe I won’t bother for the time being.

    • Ryan Markel

      If you can get just email hosting somewhere, that would do it, too; you wouldn’t necessarily have to host your site anywhere else. (That’s why we added this feature here.)

  80. webmistress

    Thank you Ryan Markel and all the other helpful folks here at wp

  81. Marsh

    This was really the only thing left on my wishlist. Thanks, ya’ll!

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