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Just Another WordPress Weblog

Posted: Tuesday, April 27th, 2010 at 2:52 pm. Filed in Themes.

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New Theme: Structure

by Ian Stewart

Sometimes you want your blog to look a little more structured. To help with that, I’m happy to introduce to you today the Structure theme: a multi-column theme with featured images, an alternate dark color scheme, and customization options.

The Structure theme highlights the latest post from your choice of featured category

Structure highlights your latest post—from a featured category of your choice—by displaying the title in beautiful Georgia Italic and highlighting the featured image alongside a special front page widget area.

Did you see the Twitter and Facebook icons in the header? They’ll appear when you add your Twitter and Facebook URLs in Appearance→Theme Options.

And the ordered multi-column layout and high-contrast style of Structure is flush with style.

The 3-column home page

Structure switches to a two-column layout for posts and pages that ensures your carefully crafted content takes top priority for your readers.

2 columns for your posts and pages

I know you’ll like Structure’s drop-down menus and four footer widget areas but I think you’ll really love the customization options. With an alternate dark color scheme, custom header option, and custom background option, you can really make this theme your own. I’ve gone ahead and made a simple example of just that.

The dark color scheme with custom header and background

The Structure theme is available today in your WordPress.com dashboard and, for self-hosted WordPress.org users, from Organic Themes.

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  1. Priti

    Nice one! Good work guys!

  2. Neeraj Bhushan

    Yes. Red and Black are in. Gr8.

  3. Cyndy Otty

    Very snazzy. I especially like the dark variation. Thank you, as always, WP.com for giving us so much versatility! :)

  4. Mas Gaptek

    Great work, lot of new themes these days… thanks.

  5. phio_chan

    Nice work. I can’t wait to see more themes from you guys. Thanks for the very hard work! ^__^

  6. Brian Currin

    Excellent… can’t wait to test it out.

  7. leverage1408

    It’s great, and really I love it. :-)

  8. devilevilgod

    Nice theme. Good work.

  9. Harlem World

    Love it, but waiting for more media oriented themes…

  10. planejaner

    Wowser–you and the team never sleep! I love all the new options that keep rolling out! It’s fabulous to have so many tools and options to choose from. WordPress has been AWESOME! Thanks for all you do–and continue to do!

  11. Melissa N.

    LOVE it! Appeals to my pesky rational, organized side. ;)

  12. Sven Seebeck

    Another great one. And again, I was just happy with the previous one and I’m almost done with my CSS editing of Twenty-Ten…

  13. The Gunter

    That Facebook option is excellent.

  14. Elena

    Beautiful! Thank you for all these wonderful options. New theme every week – great job.

  15. Thema Felix

    I’d love to see if this could work on my blog. Very classic, clean style.

  16. महेंद्र

    Yesterday’s theme was great, I am using it.

  17. technogran

    I like this one! My readers are dizzy with all the theme changes I keep making! Keep it up though guys. Let’s see more adjustable widths and adjustable font sizes especially for the Sidebar content. Also more colourful themes as well.

  18. Laura Cruz

    Very nice! You guys are coming up with great themes left and right! : )

  19. -

    OMG, I heart the theme team! What great level of customization options!

  20. Ummati

    Ow, yes… I like this theme: Structure!

  21. youcantcallitit

    This is very tempting.

  22. timethief

    Oooh nice features and typography and social media button too. I like it. :)

  23. arali2008

    Wow! This theme is incredible, structured which is desired by smart people. Thank you.

  24. Randy Osae

    WordPress is the best ever! I love WordPress, I just do!

  25. leylander

    OMG! it’s like one new theme every week! Awesome!

  26. stickinsect

    Wow, you really are churning out new themes as of late. I have to say, the dark colour scheme does look nice.

  27. Dan North

    Oh, I’m so tempted to switch to the red and black option right now…

  28. primaindesire

    Great! Two themes in a day! Good job!

    But I’m still using mine. I still feel comfortable with the old one. :)

  29. Zeenat{Positive Provocations}

    OMG! This one looks like it’s the one for me to finally make the shift from Vigilance which I so love. Am gonna test drive this theme for sure :)
    Thank you!

  30. mrasherkade

    YES! I am in LOVE! I think I like this theme more than my spouse! FINALLY!
    It’s better than Inuit! It comes at a perfect time, as I just launched my 26 day “how to” articles on my blog!

  31. aoinnoji

    Great design… love it!

  32. T3CK

    Wow the design team has sure been pumping out great-looking themes lately and come to think of it Twenty Ten was announced yesterday which makes me feel spoiled and privileged to be a blogger here at WP.com. :) Also please keep the great-looking themes coming the more the merrier.

  33. giiid

    Looks nice. I wonder if there is an easy way to see the different themes when they are in use by bloggers? (Searching the theme name is giving a lot of hits related to other things than the theme.)

  34. Catherine

    Looks great! Will try it! Thanks.

  35. A x e l - F

    Love the Twitter/Facebook ad on. I hope to see them for more themes in the future!

  36. Lisa

    Oh, I love it! The “structure” makes me happy :D

  37. vorks

    I think this is great!

  38. JawGeX

    Great another really good theme!

  39. M Shodiq Mustika

    Looks like a professional site. Great. I am very satisfied with this theme. Thank you.

  40. Dina

    Gorgeous! Thank you so much!

  41. pbeug

    Oh wow. I may actually switch to this one, the dark version looks awesome. Great job!

  42. Sue Ling

    I absolutely LOVE those twitter and facebook icons! They should be staples of all new themes, in my humble opinion. :D

  43. David A.M. Wilensky

    It’s almost what I want. I really want a simple black and white theme with two columns for widgets. But this one is only good if you’re making heavy use of big photos, which I’m not.

  44. murato

    Wow. How fast you are, theme team. Releasing new themes day after day. I am really amazed by your performance.

  45. r3dxt

    I’ve never loved WordPress more than I do now. I’ve been desperate for a black and red theme!!
    You guys are awesome!

  46. C.H. Scarlett

    This theme is great and I thank you. Finally, I can use my backgrounds etc. However, I found one problem so had to take it off my other blog. What if we have a blog with multiple bloggers and what if they do not include an image in their article? Is there anyway to make it feature just the written text at the top of the page instead of an image? And do we have to select a category because with multiple users, who knows which they will click for that day.


    I like this theme! Thanks

  48. Mary

    Wow, very structured, very neat!

  49. Pied Type

    OMG, I’m still fine-tuning my Twenty Ten and here you go again! You guys are amazing. Thanks! <3

  50. Amit Singh

    You have got to be kidding me! I had this theme in my list of wanted themes. Go Theme Team!

  51. clearlycomposed

    really cool theme!! :)

  52. Hetal

    Awesome theme… Looks like a theme marathon… one theme a day :)

  53. dbbradle

    The quality of the themes that have been launched over the past few weeks have been insane. Thanks, WP Theme Team!

  54. Remain.Simple

    Looks fantastic.


  55. nancysmoments

    Getting very spoiled with all the new themes. Yeah….we like that! The more personal we can make our blogs is so important because of the number of bloggers out there. The new themes you are creating for us give us such a unique opportunity to be individuals in a sea of bloggers. Thank you. ~

  56. ekamran

    Nice theme….Every week a new theme….Good work

  57. kendylau

    Great job you guys!!! i Personally love those themes which have background changing option:)

  58. Marianne

    I’m loving this one. I think I’ve finally found the new theme for my blog :)

  59. ileaneb

    This one is nice, but I’d love to see a theme that lets me add Twitter, Facebook AND Google Buzz….


  60. Amit Singh

    Please replace “Get a free blog at WordPress.com” on the footer with “Blog at WordPress.com”

  61. the rufus

    It’s hard with you guys – a new theme everyday … my readers are somehwat lost in all those changes :lol:

  62. Play Syndicate

    YeaH!!! This might be the best attempt for “structured” blogging since… i don’t know. I defentely appreciate the customisation options, because i always wanted almost ecactly that. Good work. Best wishes from the Strategic Command HQ, that our blog is for sure. *Chapeau!*

  63. Anne Lessing

    WOW! Wonderful Gothic colors without weighing the theme down! That’s very difficult to do–I salute you.

    Thanks for another great theme.

  64. Joe NDZULO

    Very nice theme. And yes, I agree with Mas Gaptek. There many new themes around.

    This shows the WP kitchen is doing great work.

    Keep up.

  65. intelligentchallenge

    Great work, I’ll try that one soon.

  66. Rokugatsu

    Another one? Wow :D
    This one looks really nice! :)

  67. سالم الامــارات

    Nice work guys, please make a special page for all new themes, so we can see what exactly has been updated.

  68. Sandra Lee

    All I can say is WOW to the Theme Team. And thanks too.

    This looks very close to the the stylish “white” theme of my dreams, but not sure about the small sized – gray font and small writing area on front page. If I could mix the black serif type face and font size of Inuit Types with this, I would be in heaven. (Sorry, I’m too technically challenged for CSS)…

    I will definitely play with this one to see how it will work for me. Then I know I am going to be so torn between this and Inuit Types theme. You are making it really tough to choose between these gorgeous new themes!

  69. christinekakaire

    Great! This one is just perfect :=

  70. Disciple

    WP themes wizards on a roll! Another cool looking (and useful) design. Thank you! :)

  71. NiLPv

    Very nice, but I prefer something else. More customizable as I said before.

  72. Sara

    I don’t care for the white because it looks so much like other themes. The dark scheme looks organized and edgy. Another nice theme!
    ~Sara :mrgreen:

  73. Rogue|Hero

    Hey there, Theme Team!

    Thanks very much for all the wonderful themes that you keep on introducing! You guys really rock! Keep them coming and maybe I’ll find the theme that works for me best.


  74. VAJRA, South America

    Guau! with the dark color is cool and elegant…Thanks!

  75. Kris


  76. Rhieinwylydd

    oh, fabulous, thank you – this is exactly what i have been waiting for, custom headers + dropdowns. you’re awesome!

  77. sylviahubbard1

    I love your three column themes! thanks so much for this addition!

  78. Mehreen Kasana

    I love this! Please please please please keep thinking of more themes, Theme Team!

  79. Emir

    Again, works perfectly… when will you stop making me change my blog every other week!?
    Cheers and keep up the good work!

  80. jmpgraphy

    Great theme but I can’t seem to figure out how images show up on the home page. If anyone could help, thanks.

  81. Kaitlin

    This is awesome. You guys are just giving us some amazing themes lately. Thank you!

  82. r3dxt

    Would it be possible to have an option to show the category/date archives in the same style as the index? I love how the posts are displayed on the homepage, especially with the featured images, but the archive pages just strip all that style out.

  83. Jean-Luc Crucifix

    A dream theme by a dream team. ;-)

  84. Wez

    I really like the pick a category for front page feature. Thanks again.

  85. Admin

    Love it. Especially the featured post and social network link at top header. Good work guys :)

  86. dhenztm

    This theme is very nice! :D

  87. Ikhsan Madjido

    Perfecto. I will try this one because I love it.

  88. marmaladeangel

    Wow ! another good theme…..!

  89. .a

    Loving the new themes, guys. Thank you!

  90. Mat

    Although I appreciate all the free themes coming along I’m a little tired of the simple and want something a bit more substantial. iNove is still probably the most advance theme here and looking at some of the custom themes on organic’s website made my mind swim with possibilities. Is there anything like these in the pipeline? Would make a great service even greater if so!

  91. pranabchatterjee

    I must say that I am not the greatest fan of dark colored themes but this one has me floored. And now I wonder whether it is time for me to chuck inuit types and experiment with the structured theme! Love the featured posts feature!

    Great going, folks, wordpress.com is now getting cooler by the day!

  92. Wild Focus

    That’s really nice!

  93. Sally

    Your themes are getting better. This is really well thought out. Well done for giving more great functions and choice.

  94. Prateek

    Killer, man!!!

  95. jlm50

    That is just the greatest!

  96. Tobi-Dawne

    Oooooo…. This one is purty!
    Oh boy. These latest two themes are just lovely. And the social networking links? Awesome!

  97. Brenda Nepomuceno

    Aaaaaaand… the new themes keep on comin’! Gotta love WP! :)

  98. Pingback: WordPress New Theme: Structure | Ansermot.ch
  99. Sandra Lee

    Another great theme! I tried it out However…the huge centered featured post title, the tiny font for text, and the super-gigantic font for the block quotes (I mean super) are a deal breaker for me.

    My wish is for a 3 column white front page similar to this with new groovy features but a wider writing area, black serif font, and maybe an option to have two columns on the same side (like Grid focus but more stylish and updated) or either side with a wider post page like this one.

    How will the featured image on the last 3 new themes transfer when you change to a new theme in the future?

    • Ian Stewart

      It depends on how large the original featured images when they were uploaded, before they were cropped. The larger the better as they’ll likely work great for all our themes that use this feature. Otherwise, you may have to replace or re-upload some featured images.

      Great question, Sandra.

  100. onebigadventure

    Brilliant theme :)

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