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Support Options

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We have several resources available to help users with the questions and problems they encounter while using WordPress.com. If you are running a self-hosted WordPress blog, please visit WordPress.org Support

Help in the Administration Screens

Whenever you are in your blog’s administration screens and have a question, look for the Help option in the upper right corner of the page.


Click on Help and you’ll be able to browse through our Support documentation without leaving your blog.

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Support Documentation

Our Support site has a lot of great documentation to answer your questions. We have videos, screenshots, and walkthroughs detailing many of the problems users encounter while using WordPress.com. Search through the documentation and you’ll likely learn some extra tips as you go.

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The WordPress.com Forums are a great place to get support as well. Staff are active members in the forums, but there are a lot of volunteers ready an willing to help as well. Most of the forum volunteers are veteran WordPress.com users who started out just like you. They’ll surely have some tips and tricks to help with most questions.

Be sure to make use of the forum’s search feature to locate previous discussions that could provide the solution to your problem.


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Contact WordPress.com Staff

If you’ve looked through the other resources and still have a question, you can contact the staff of WordPress.com using our Support Contact Page.

If you know how use IRC (Internet Relay Chat), you can start a live chat with our staff by joining the #wordpress.com channel on irc.freenode.net.

When you contact WordPress.com Support, please be sure to include the following:

  • The URL to the blog you are having trouble with.
  • The URL to any specific post, page, image, or other item you are having trouble with.
  • A detailed description of what went wrong, what you have tried so far, what you were expecting to happen, and what you would like to happen.
  • If you are having troubles with a user account, provide your username and the associated email address.

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Support Hours

You can use the contact form to send a message to staff 24 hours a day, unless otherwise noted on the page. We have staff spread around the world to help cover all time zones, but the majority of our employees are based in the United States, so during US holidays our support coverage may be lighter than normal.

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How Soon Will Staff Respond?

We can’t provide a response time guarantee, because every day is different in terms of the number of support requests we get. You should expect to hear back withing 24 hours, except in rare circumstances. Most support requests receive a response within a few hours.

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Phone Support

We do not provide phone support. All support is done through online communication.

Last modified: December 4, 2008

Help us improve:

We're always looking to improve our documentation. If this page didn't answer your question or left you wanting more, let us know! We love hearing your feedback. For support, please use the forums or contact support form. Thanks!