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Blogs about: Politics

Oh, wowsers: What’s more complicated and controversial than politics? Since the dawn of (relatively) civilized society, we humans have been trying to control each other, either for the common good or personal gain. We’re still working on getting it right, meaning there’s no shortage of hot-button political issues going in the world today, from local city council meetings to debates at the United Nations. The internet, thankfully, has helped level the playing field. It’s now possible to keep tabs on serious issues like government atrocities, the influence of money on politicians, and that all-important topic known as political humor.

Drew Brees Hanging Drywall?

morethananelectrician wrote just now: Hearing all of this political talk around this health care debate leads me down a familiar philosoph … more →

Tags: Crazy, dad, Government, MTAE, my head, Not Funny, Personal, Personal reflection, Rant


slickricks wrote just now: The Republicans have been handed a stunning defeat with the passage of Health Care Reform, plain and … more →

Tags: Ideology, Perception, Philosophy

Extinct Creatures

mcns wrote 4 minutes ago: The Dodo. The Passenger Pigeon. The Great Auk. The Scoop Jackson Democrat. And the Pro-Life Democrat … more →

Tags: varia

Short-term benefits, long-term shortfalls of health care passage

Wellsy wrote 6 minutes ago: In the media afterglow of the historic signing of the health care reform bill, the immediate advanta … more →

Tags: News, budget deficit, CBO, health-care reform, Health Insurance, Individual Mandate

I Always Have An Opinion, So What's Yours?

talkingtrish wrote 6 minutes ago: There is so much going on and so much to say but I must chill lax this evening for health reasons. I … more →

Tags: Life, People, chill-lax, Port

We Wouldn't Have Public School Without The Lottery

truelogic wrote 6 minutes ago: I just watched a new program that was speaking of all the cuts that need to take place.  They need t … more →

Tags: lottery

How Dare You Mr. President and Congress...

Mr.Anderson wrote 7 minutes ago: By SpartanKingLeonidas , from ATS - How dare you pass a law which many Americans are against complet … more →

Tags: health, Mixed News, Recent news, Barack Obama, Bill of Rights, Health Care Bill, health-care reform, How Dare You Mr. President, INFORMATIONS

Michael Savage: I'm sick of speaking about Obama in hushed tones because he's of mixed race

jr wrote 8 minutes ago: … more →

Tags: Barack Obama, Michael Savage, News, racism, radio

Health Care to the People of United States

fallingchairs wrote 9 minutes ago: They say there’s a reason why we have two ears and one mouth. Thank you Big Ears. September 16 … more →

Tags: Social Studies, Big Ears, Health Care, Illinois, Insurance Reform, obama

Hey, Have you Read Your Founders today?

Steve Hilton wrote 9 minutes ago: I keep hearing crap about how states don’t have rights to stop the federal government. Folks, … more →

Tags: Common Sense Information, General, 10th amendment, constitution, Federal Nullification, Founders, states' rights

Has Israel started tearing down Al Aqsa Mosque, Third Holiest Shrine in Islam?

Rafik wrote 12 minutes ago: Note from Rafik Beekun: I just read this article and am wondering whether it is true. Has Israel sta … more →

Tags: Palestine, Peace Now, zionism, Al Aqsa destruction, Israel

$938 Billion

scr2695 wrote 12 minutes ago: After multiple bailouts of the auto, banking, insurance, and mortgage industries, the Stimulus Packa … more →

Tags: Captain Ras, captainras, Conservative, Deficit, Healthcare, obama, socialist

So, when do they pass healthcare REFORM?

ikefriday wrote 13 minutes ago: The bill is passed.  Finally, after hundreds of years, we have healthcare.  No more poverty, no more … more →

Tags: Abortion, Current Events, Democrat, Government Services, social issues, Tax Policy, Unconstitutional Taxes, CEO, doctors

Does Romans 13 still apply in a democracy?

theconstitutioninc wrote 16 minutes ago: This is a question that I am sure will be debated for years to come. Following the House of Represen … more →

Tags: Constitutional law, Government

The War We Have Lost.

texasgomer wrote 18 minutes ago: I live about 300 miles from Juarez, Mexico.  There was a time when I traveled to that city as a tour … more →

Tags: illegal drugs, México

The elder generation versus the current; WWII vs Today

dascienceguy wrote 18 minutes ago: I have been thinking a lot about how America lost its way.  That at least appears to be the mantra o … more →

Tags: News and Commentary

Why Are Conservatives Like Ann Coulter So Racist?

dekerivers wrote 19 minutes ago: This is deplorable.  We would not let our kids talk this way so why do so many conservatives speak l … more →

Tags: ann coulter, Conservatives, racism, Republicans

Healthcare Reform is now law.

E.J. Corretjer wrote 20 minutes ago: Healthcare is now law. As I mention yesterday the fight is not over. The President will be traveling … more →

Tags: Healthcare

Health-Care Bill Passes

Tyler Walter wrote 24 minutes ago: What else is there to do when a landmark bill passes Congress and nearly every conservative and teab … more →

Tags: Editorials, National News, News, Opinion, health, Health Care Bill, NY Times, obama, reform on health