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Blogs about: Propaganda

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Tom Hanks on the Pacific War and the Impact of Race in the Pacific War

padresteve wrote 11 minutes ago: Anti US Japanese Propaganda This is my third installment of my series background for the new HBO ser … more →

Tags: History, world war two in the pacific, al-Qaeda, american anti-japanese propaganda, american propaganda, Band of Brothers, Clausewitz, Dr. Seuss, impact of race in pacific war

While I was Checking Barnie Franks Web Site (Video Below)

dancingczars wrote 22 minutes ago: I found this picture and wanted  to write a story to go with it.  I went to Barney’s homepage … more →

Tags: Truth Lies and Video Tape, While I was Checking Barnie Franks Web Site, Barney Frank, catie couric, Health Care Bill, lies, Linda Douglas, Truth, videotape

FOX News. I hate, and you do too. The difference?

djshott wrote 4 hours ago: Disclaimer: this isn’t intended to be cruel or critical. I’ve just been hearing WAYYY to … more →

Tags: CNN, Fox News, media, News, npr, Politics

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu Says No To Obama's Palestinian Propaganda

volubrjotr wrote 4 hours ago: (IsraelNN.com) Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu challenged U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’ … more →

Tags: God, Israel, Netanyahu, obama, Palestinian, Video

18 Obamacare Myths Debunked

The Republican Heretic wrote 6 hours ago: Of all the people out there to debunk some of the propaganda myths out there on Obamacare, I didn … more →

Tags: Federal and Constitutional Law, Health care politics, Liberalism, National Politics, huffington post, Obamacare

Pepsi Commercial 2010!!

gurufilmes wrote 6 hours ago: Galera não deixem de conferir o último comercial da Pepsi de 2010, um verdadeiro aperitivo para todo … more →

Tags: Copa do Mundo, Esportes, Funny, Internet, Música, Tecnología, televisao, World Events, advertising


realwomendo wrote 9 hours ago: Today the man who holds the highest elected office in the land, the 44th President of the United Sta … more →

Tags: 32725185, 9/12, activism, BILLS and Congress, Blog, Common Sense Citizens, Conservative Politics, constitution, Government


realwomendo wrote 9 hours ago: Day one, is signing into law by President Obama. IRS informs us they will require, as many as, 16,00 … more →

Tags: 9/12, activism, BILLS and Congress, Blog, Common Sense Citizens, Conservative Politics, constitution, GEORGE ORWELL, Government

Obama Signs 'Landmark Bill' Overhauling U.S. Health-Care Policy

Steven John Hibbs wrote 9 hours ago: March 23, 2010: Roger Runningen / Bloomberg News – March 23, 2010 March 23 (Bloomberg) — … more →

Tags: Big Brother, Big Pharma, Civil Rights, communism, Conspiracy, corruption, deception, Disinformation, Economy

Reform of the Century? US Health Care

Travis Fast wrote 10 hours ago: To my mind the most interesting aspect of the health care debate south of the border is just how far … more →

Tags: corruption, Elections, welfare policy, American Politics, Public and Private goods

Hasbara goal?

benwhite wrote 10 hours ago: Starting today, and for the next two days, UEFA (Union of European Football Associations) will hold … more →

Tags: Israel, Sport, Boycott, Football, Hasbara, Tel Aviv, UEFA

Drummer needed

Vimal wrote 10 hours ago: We’re looking for a drummer who’s interested in playing in an Indie band. Music we play: … more →

Tags: blah

Think before you bin the politicians’ bumf3 comments

thejohnkeenan wrote 11 hours ago: As the general election lumbers ineluctably into view, householders across the United Kingdom, must … more →

Tags: The Media Village, Brighton, #bfong, Stanley Baldwin

I am no angel40 comments

martyrathbun09 wrote 12 hours ago:  Since DM has been making such an enormous effort to discredit me to actual and potential independen … more →

Tags: cover up, ethics, healing, Int Base, Justice, miscavige crimes, The Future, Wins

Conclusion to Lies The Government Told You

Harold wrote 12 hours ago: Andrew P. Napolitano 3/23/2010 Truth vs. the Federal Liar State When the Supreme Court last looked a … more →

Tags: corruption, Executive, Government, legislative, Progressives

The Bishops, Not Stupak, Are The Problem

Harold wrote 12 hours ago: Cliff Kincaid 3/23/2010 The health care debate, with either side citing this or that Catholic group, … more →

Tags: amnesty, Catholicism, corruption, Government, Health Care, Illegal Aliens, U.S. Constitution

Nutrition Experts Battle Industry Groups Over Sugar

Harold wrote 12 hours ago: Dr. Mercola 3/23/2010 There’s a heated debate going on over the health risks of consuming too … more →

Tags: corruption, FDA, FOOD&WATER, health

$10,000 Birth Certificate Challenge

Harold wrote 13 hours ago: TheObamaFile.com WorldNetDaily Editor and Chief Executive Officer Joseph Farah is offering a $10,000 … more →

Tags: Executive, U.S. Constitution, Election Fraud

Minutemen Return to the Border—This Time Locked and Loaded

Harold wrote 13 hours ago: Linda Bentley 3/17/2010 On March 15, Minuteman Civil Defense Corps President Carmen Mercer sent out … more →

Tags: Border Patrol, corruption, Criminal Activity, Government, Illegal Aliens, Mexican government, Minutemen, Patriotism, U.S. Constitution

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