Nick Griffin on climategate

Here's some brightness for a dull Saturday morning.

Frances justice minister has said Muslim men who force their wives to wear the burkha are not welcome in France. Good for them, the burkha is a walking prison sentence and no female in their right mind would want to wear one. Lets face it, a creator would love his/her creations and want them to take in all the other beautiful things that he/she has created, including air.

Once a Muslim said to me, that women were being punished for the sins of Eve and for her sins women were deceitful and had to be controlled by the husband!!

If there was a creator, then he/she would forgive. Not hold grudges women aren't all the same as Eve. Ah well thats my bit on religion.

Next little ray of sunshine is

A victory for free speech

Got to love this judge.
A judge in Liverpool, bless his heart, has thrown out a case for religious harrasment made against 2 hoteliers who had been accused of insulting a Muslim guest.

Another £1 billion to 3rd world countrys

I feel very sorry for people in the 3rd world, we wouldn't be human if we didn't feel sad for their predicament.
But I just wanted to say "Somebody stop this man" he is unelected, unwanted and has no dignity at all. Brown I'm talking about, as if you needed any help in knowing that.
The biggest incompetent government that has ever governered this country, with their band of merry bullys. We can't afford to fork out £1 billion a year for 3rd world countrys to help them fight global warming which in it's self is a myth a con of this disgusting socialist government.
Brown, seems to think it's ok to continue to put money pressures on us, to keep us all down and depressed because that's all this scummy government has achieved.
They have never taken us into consideration, even during the Blair years, although they were called "The peoples government" oh please is there ever anything that good?
I find people hard to tollerate these day, as continually they voted this government into power and every time this country got worse. Good Game!

Lord Monckton Reveals Fraud at Copenhagen Summit

That's a nice way to treat cancer sufferers

How can you make a terminally ill person claim job seekers and throw them off of the ESA?

Staff at job centers across the country are so caught up in following procedures that they are forcing cancer sufferers, into work based interviews, in some cases they are being forced to sign on after having their ESA scrapped.


Seriously ill cancer patients are being forced to undergo "cruel" back-to-work interviews despite the fact they should be exempt, charities have warned.

Those who are terminally ill or undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy are being threatened with benefit cuts if they do not attend the meetings, according to Macmillan Cancer Support and Citizens Advice.

The "fit for work" interviews are for people seeking the employment and support allowance (ESA), which replaced incapacity benefit and income support in October 2008.

The drive behind ESA is to focus on what people can do rather than what they cannot do, as a means of getting them back to work.

However, cancer sufferers undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy or who are terminally ill are automatically exempt from the interviews.

Macmillan and Citizens Advice condemned the ESA process, saying it was "failing seriously ill and disabled people". Macmillan's benefits helpline has taken more than 600 calls about the issue since May.

A joint report - Failed by the System - found evidence of cancer patients with just months to live being told they had to undergo medical examinations and be questioned. Others having radiotherapy and people in hospital have also been refused ESA when they should automatically get it, the study found.

It also noted examples of people with cancer being told they are fit for work even when they are suffering from the long-term effects of the disease.

The charities said poor knowledge of ESA rules among Jobcentre Plus and Department for Work and Pensions medical staff is resulting in claims being handled badly. Poor administration systems and a lack of understanding about cancer are fuelling the problem, they said.

Mike Hobday, head of campaigns at Macmillan, said: "It's cruel and completely unacceptable that people who are terminally ill or going through gruelling treatment are being made to jump through hoops to get money they should receive automatically. The safeguards to protect cancer patients clearly aren't working, and the ESA system is riddled with problems."

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Uncontrolled immigration and the lies that have rolled off of socialists tongues in the last decade "We need immigration" as contributed to a more dangerous society.

Woman kidnapped from Bristol street at 4pm and gang-raped, court told

woman was dragged into a car on a busy Bristol street before being driven to a park and raped by five men, a court heard.
Bristol Crown Court was told the 25-year-old victim experienced 'every woman's nightmare' when she was bundled into the car in daylight as she walked to a takeaway in Fishponds.
Crown Prosecutor James Patrick told a jury the attack was "almost the stuff of horror movies" before describing how the woman was pinned down and raped by each of the five strangers on a football pitch in Eastville Park.
The court heard Afghan asylum seeker Ahadullah Khughiani, 19, of no fixed abode, and four other foreign men "laughed and joked" as they forced the woman out of their car and into the park during the late afternoon of November 26 last year. The woman told the court she was distraught when dog walkers failed to notice her struggling with the men as they led her away and pushed her onto the muddy ground to carry out the attack.
Opening the prosecution case, Mr Patrick said the victim had walked alone for 20 minutes from her home in Staple Hill towards KFC in Fishponds Road when she heard a man shouting at her from a car at 4.15pm.

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Thank you Labour for this messed up country.

Birmingham gang warn about becoming Taliban suicide bombers

GUN-toting members of a new Birmingham teenage gang are boasting about becoming suicide bombers, it was claimed last night.

The chillingly named Bang Bang Taliban have told community workers they want to dominate the city’s gangland – and that they would gladly be “martyred” as Islamist terrorists.

The gang, thought to be linked to the notorious Burger Bar Boys, mainly consists of Asian youngsters from the Handsworth area.

“They’re threatening rivals with violence and talking about becoming suicide bombers,” said one community worker, who asked not to be named. Their affiliation is with the Burgers, and nine out of 10 of their members will start off as couriers and runners for the bigger gangs.

“It’s a real shock to hear them talking about suicide bombings and grinning about it.

‘‘We have to educate these boys and get into the schools to help stop them getting involved. Someone is influencing these youths, someone is getting them involved in this.”

A group calling themselves The Bang Bang Taliban have posted rapping videos about gang life on the YouTube website.

In the songs, the singers boast about shooting rivals, using knives on other gang members and carrying out armed robberies.

The group’s videos have also attracted comments from Handsworth Police.

Last week, we revealed that West Midlands Police was using social networking sites and YouTube to politely convince gangsters to hand over their weapons.

Under the Bang Bang Taliban video Handsworth cops wrote: “Birmingham Reducing Gang Related Violence has spearheaded the work dealing with the issues surrounding gangs in Birmingham, with the aim of reducing gang related violence. Stop the guns, call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

The force posted similar messages under another gang video in which youths brandished shotguns and warned rivals they would ‘blow their heads off’.

Last night a West Midlands Police spokesman said that work to reduce gang violence remained a priority.

“Officers visit sites like YouTube on a regular basis and use their popularity to engage with young people,” he said.

Chief Superintendent Tom Coughlan claimed earlier this month that Birmingham’s two most notorious gangs, the Burgers and the Johnson Crew could be wiped out within a few years.

But Dr Derrick Campbell, a government advisor on gangs and chief executive of Race Equality Sandwell, said he was sceptical.

“In my view, this statement is strangely naive,” he said.

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I saved this one for last, because, it truely sickens me.
We don't want to be forced to eat meat that goes against our beliefs, I don't want to eat the meat of that which has suffered. It horrifies me when I hear that Asda of all places has taken away their traditional meat and replaced it with Halal only!

SUPERMARKET giant Asda has risked sparking a racial backlash in the place where the BNP won its first ever council, by closing its traditional fresh meat counter and replacing it with a halal only section.

The chain has decided to make the move at its large store on the Isle of Dogs, east London.

Within weeks, anyone wanting fresh pork chops or ham off the bone will have to go to the pre-packed meat section, with Muslim customers having a wider choice from the halal counter.

Asda insisted it was “responding to customer demand” and had done a deal with a local halal butcher to reflect the ethnic make up of the area’s population.

Yet figures show that while the borough of Tower Hamlets is almost half Muslim, the Isle of Dogs is about 80 per cent non-Bangladeshi.

Workers at the store said furious non-Muslim customers would not meat derived from cutting the throats of animals and letting them bleed to death.

Politicians were concerned last night that the move could reignite racial tension on the Isle of Dogs, where Derek Beackon won the BNP’s first council seat in 1993.

Local MP and farms minister Jim Fitzpatrick said: “As the major supplier on the island, Asda should not be restricting choice.”

Peter Golds, leader of the Tories on Tower Hamlets Council, said the decision was “insensitive”.

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Now to me this is what sparks racial tensions this is what causes unrest, the fact that they decide that the rest of us can go to hell. I can only suggest that you boycott Asda, maybe even send them a letter of complaint or ring them.
Telephone your complaint - (020) 7987 2614
The store manager is Richard Pieri
To send a complaint by post -
151 East Ferry Road
Isle Of Dogs
E14 3BT
Arrested councillor suspended from Labour Party

A SENIOR city councillor has been suspended from the national Labour Party following his arrest.
Coun Hassan Ahmed, who until this week was a member of the council's executive board, was arrested on July 29 on suspicion of assault and sexual assault.
Following the publication of the story this week, Coun Ahmed – who vehemently denies the allegation – stood down from his position as portfolio holder for employment and skills, pending the outcome of the police investigation.
Now, the national Labour Party has taken action.
A spokeswoman said: "The party has suspended Hassan Ahmed pending an investigation by the Labour Party.

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City councillor arrested on suspicion of ABH

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A CITY councillor has been arrested on suspicion of assaulting a woman in her front garden.
Coun Marcia Watson, of Bilborough ward, has been accused of assaulting Fiona Kirlew, 28, who is the mother of Coun Watson's grandson.
Police arrested Jorael and Shimone Thomas at the same time. The Evening Post understands they are Coun Watson's children and the arrests followed a conversation about Coun Watson's grandchild's comfort blanket.
It is the second arrest of a city councillor to be revealed by the Evening Post this week. The other was Councillor Hassan Ahmed.
The allegations against Coun Watson relate to an incident which took place at about 9.30pm on October 28 outside her home in Nuthall Road.

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Hypocritical labour, has employed a hardcore islamist in a key home office job.

A “hardcore” Islamist has been given a key Home Office job to tackle terrorism and divert fellow Muslims from the path of violence.

The appointment of Asim Hafeez as head of intervention at the Office of Security and Counter-Terrorism has caused serious concern among more moderate Muslim advisers across Whitehall. It is seen as a sign of a shift in the government’s policy on radical Islam away from engagement with more moderate groups. There is a sharp divide of opinion within government about whether ministers should engage with Muslims at risk of radicalisation or concentrate on forging links with moderates.

Mr Hafeez was described by one fellow adviser as “hardcore Salafi”. Salafism is a strictly puritanical branch of Islam, often associated with Saudi Arabia. It does not promote violence, but does urge the creation of an Islamic state.

The new Home Office adviser is reported to have raised eyebrows at his new department during the Muslim festival of Ramadan, when he lectured guests at a reception about the benefits of fasting. Before his appointment at the Home Office, Mr Hafeez worked as an adviser to the Welsh Assembly, government where he had a reputation for his strict views on Islam. He also regularly lectured on Islamic issues at Welsh universities.

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