Tuesday, January 27, 2009
12:10 Mecca time, 09:10 GMT
Swat: Pakistan's lost paradise

Girls attending school have been targeted by Maulana Fazalullah, a local cleric [GALLO/GETTY]

Amid Barack Obama's inauguration as US president, the war on Gaza and the aftermath of the Mumbai attacks, Pakistan's media had until recently all but ignored the descent into hell of the Swat Valley in the North-West Frontier Province. 

The valley has been transformed from a tourism magnet because of its alpine scenery into a valley stained with blood in recent months.

From banning female education and blowing up schools to the hanging of decapitated bodies in Mingora, the valley's main town, the reign of terror spearheaded by Maulana Fazalullah, a radical cleric, defies description.

Until recently, the 11-month old government in Islamabad was virtually oblivious to the chain of events that question the very territorial integrity of the country.

Even the hyper-active local media was busy elsewhere: angling for the latest in the India-Pakistan stalemate, decoding what the incoming Obama administration held for Islamabad and the usual soap opera that passes for national politics.

No-go area

Swat valley was once a tourism magnet because of its alpine scenery [GALLO/GETTY]
That all changed, however, after radicals delivered on their promise of blowing up schools if they were not shut down by a January 15 deadline.

Their actions have made a mockery of the government's commitment a day earlier that the schools would reopen with its patronage and protection.

Only last week did the national parliament pass a resolution, rejecting the ban on female education and condemning the blowing up of schools.

On Saturday, the government decided to deploy troops to guard some institutions in Mingora.  

But the belated measure to post 25 soldiers each at 16 locations is seen by many as an exercise in futility.

Swat today is a decidedly no-go area. Even Haji Adeel, a senator and senior leader of the Awami National Party, which heads the ruling coalition in the North-West Frontier province, pointed to the valley's dire security situation.

He said: "Swat is a part of Pakistan but no governor, chief minister or the prime minister can venture to go there."

The Pakistan army says armed groups have so far blown up or torched 165 schools for girls, 80 video shops, 22 barber shops and destroyed 20 bridges.

A devastating after-effect of the insurgency is that an estimated one million children in the Frontier province, which includes Swat, may have missed anti-polio vaccinations after the government exempted from its immunisation drive various settled areas it deemed too dangerous.

Kingdom of fear

Fazalullah's attempts to enforce Islamic Sharia and an ongoing military operation launched by Pervez Musharraf, the former president, in 2007 have forced nearly a third of Swat's 1.5 million people to migrate out of the province.

Taking advantage of the government's deep engagement in the "war on terror" and Musharraf's own protracted battle for survival in 2007, Fazalullah's 10,000-strong private army established control over 5,337 square kilometres of territory.

The radical cleric uses FM radio to pass on his decrees to the local population. So effective is his grip on the valley, that the government's influence is now largely confined to just 36 square kilometres of territory in and around Mingora.

Fazalullah runs a self-styled judiciary, which hears cases and hands down verdicts.

A treasury collects ushr (the Islamic practice of collecting one-tenth of agricultural produce). Last month, they also collected animal hides worth millions of rupees on Eid Al Adha, the Muslim festival of sacrifice.
His feared - and well-equipped - rebel army reportedly takes its cue from Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, an extremist organisation headed by Baitullah Masud, the commander suspected of authoring the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, a former prime minister, in 2007.

The two came together in the aftermath of a sweeping military operation in 2007 at the Red Mosque in Islamabad that killed hundreds of seminary students and clerics who had defied the Musharraf regime for months.

Following up on their threat to avenge the killings, this alliance is said to be responsible for suicide bombings that killed dozens of security personnel.

The army, which has four brigades in Swat, says it is considering a new strategy to retrieve the situation by securing the main supply routes and reinforcing its strength in urban and rural centres.

However, skepticism abounds about how that will be achieved.

Scene from hell

Zubair Torwali, a social activist who lives in Swat, says the security forces fear patrolling the Swat valley.

"The police are escorted by the army personnel and come out of their hideouts for a couple of hours," he said.

"One of the busiest squares, Grain Chowk, was renamed by shopkeepers as Khooni (bloody) Chowk because when they come to their shops in the morning, they find four or five bodies hung over the poles or trees. The bodies are usually headless."

"The police are escorted by the army personnel and come out of their hideouts for a couple of hours"

Zubair Torwali, a social activist

A more chilling account of the prevailing fear is provided by Hamid Mir, a talk show host with Geo TV; Mir earned fame for his interview with Osama bin Laden in 2001.

Mir describes an episode in which a widow, who taught at a private school in Mingora, was warned by the extremists to stop coming out of her house, let alone teach.

Having no other means to feed her three children, she begged a religious scholar to intercede with the extremists, one of whom was a former student of the scholar.

However, the commander of the extremists was so annoyed that he had the scholar arrested immediately, before banishing him from Mingora.

Days later, the widow was executed by the extremists after being declared a prostitute.

At least three journalists - Sirajuddin, Azizuddin and Qari Shoaib - have also been killed while a sister of another, Sherinzada, perished in an attack on his house.

However, two other journalists, Hameedullah Khan and Musa Khankhel, have braved death to report on events in Swat.

Khan had his house dynamited by the local Taliban earlier this month and Khankhel has escaped two assassination attempts.

Khankhel has managed to earn the ire of both the security agencies and the extremists for his reporting.

The army has also been accused of indiscriminate fire resulting in the deaths of many innocents. It claims to have killed 784 extremists while losing 189 personnel since launching the military operation.

Mission impossible?

Faizullah's army with its sophisticated weapons practically rules Swat [GALLO/GETTY]

Syed Allauddin, a ruling Pakistan People's Party MP from Swat who is unable to return to the region, believes there may be a three-pronged solution to the violence.

He suggests that Sharia be officially implemented followed by economic development and creation of job opportunities.

"But if I cannot enter my area how can I help my voters?" he said.

Caught between an indifferent government and ineffective army on the one hand and the extremists on the other, the people of Swat are, similarly, at a loss.

"The predicament of the people of Swat is worse than even of the people of Gaza. In Gaza, the enemy was well known but in Swat, the people don't know who the enemy is and whom to hold responsible," said Torwali.

The lack of faith is understandable, said Nasim Zehra, a security analyst based in Islamabad.

"Clearly, people in Swat have zero faith in the institutions of their own country. Can we blame them?"

Kamran Rehmat is News Editor at Dawn News, an independent Pakistani TV news channel.

The views expressed by the author are not necessarily those of Al Jazeera.

 Source: Al Jazeera
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Feedback Number of comments : 32
Umer Javed
Swat: My Countries Paradise
I ve never felt so helpless coming from the town of swat growing up there in a somewhat moderate enviroment but now as i speak today my hometown has been turned into a warzone The Talibs execute people in bazaars and malls as you call them- i ve seen with my own eyes the decapitated bodies of my fellow swatis... i can only wait and hope for the best.. the way pakistani army is fighting them makes me wonder that is indeed the army really wants to fight them?

Mohammad Shoaib
I don’t want to be pessimistic about the condition of Swat & NWFP in general, but let’s face it it was the people who supported the Taliban, Mujahids, Extremists and pro-AlQaeda groups in the past few decades all over Pakistan. I just want to add:- “Please don’t let these barbarians destroy any further paradises in any part of the world, and Raise your voice and put an end to this madness once and for all, before it reaches your door steps”.

United States
Swat: The Lost Paradise!
The real of enemy of Muslims is the misguided extremists like Fazlullah and the Taliban. With such friends who needs an enemy? How does preventing girls from learning to read and write and the savagery they call justice can be Islamic? Muslims must stand up and crush those hoodlums and give people freedom and dignity. The West is not the real enemy but it is the ignorance and extremism that plagues the some who call themselves Muslims. The best solution is seperation of state and religion.

Justice for All
Kamran Rehmat (((Swat is Paradise))) So what you want is child molesters,murders,thefts all in one criminals like Americans and Israelis that's what you call democracy or you better call it hypocrisy. You only live by man made laws which you don't trust, full of Corruption and injustice where your rights are abused and yet you call it freedom rather its Enslavement.come out of the this madness and think why does a man needs his master?

United States
Swat and Umer
Umer, Although it seems no one likes Americans I can tell you that there are a lot of us that feel very badly for you and hope that this misery ends as soon as possible. It is terrible that there can be so many people that kill and oppress others using religion as an excuse. Umer, you have my sincere support and I hope only the best for you and all of the people that suffer in Swat.

Lost Paradise
Ali, you need to worry about your country first, before a city in Pakistan. I am sure it has its share of child molesters. Swat was a stable place for centuries until foreign influence, including Taliban imported from Middle East, arrived when they could not control the Western influence in their own countries. Lets bring education and economic development instead of uneducated mullas whose only interest is covering women's head or beheading. I think the mullas should move to China.

Eesa Ahmadi
Swat: Pakistans lost paradise
And then they came for me, And by that time there was no one left to speak up." Let us paraphrase the said quote as “When they (Taliban and Al-Qaida) came for Hazaras, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Hazara. When they came for Tajiks, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Tajik. When they came for Uzbeks, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t an Uzbek. and then they came for me “Pakistan Paradise”…. And by that time there was no one left to speak up for me.

Ente Sunny
I don't think I can comprehend the pathalogical behaviour of profoundly unislamic barbarians like Fazullah and Masud, or the terror of swatis to have these roaming groups of savages on your doorstep. Can the Pakistani government succeed in broadcasting its power and a degree of stability by using traditional tribal structures through a series of loya jirgas? And at the same time attempt invest in the areas infrastructure and its society? Solutions are difficult.

swat pakistan lost paradise
The Taliban of pakistan known as the followers of known shame character Fazlu. These are the real coward and opportunist who are using the name of islam for their personal gains.They are not muslims nor pukhthoons, nor they following the sharia and islamic law which orders their followers to be respectful and do not cruel to other human beings even with enemies. Nor they are following the rules of pukhthoonwali where to support the women and children and the weaks. THEY ARE TOTAL A SHAME.

it is so tragic that we Pakistani are helpless even in our own country.....we cannot save people from death and violance in our own land....our political elites are busy achieving their own interests........whether it was an Army general or so-called democratic government.....they are not sincere in solving the problems in SWAT and FATA.They just want to be USA's first row ally in GWOT and have their own pockets full of dollars n chance for extremists to b politicaly powerfull

Harrison Fisher
United States
Swat:Pakistans lost paradise
Ali: those who throw acid at schoolgirls are worse than child-molesters, and I would hope, considered anti-islamic. I pray for your soul you're not one of them. Bombing SCHOOLS? Indeed!

Eesa Ahmadi
Swat: Pakistans Lost Paradise
Looking at atrocities of Taliban and Al-Qaida even in Pakistan from where the Taliban and Al-Qaida raised and supported, I remember a famous quote from Niemöller said during Nazi German regime where it said"In Germany, they came first for the Communists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist And then they came for the trade unionists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist And then they came for the Jews, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew. Contiued

Hantu Laut
Swat: Pakistans lost paradise
I think I've been hearing for the past few years until today that the Pakistani Government and the US, keep on targeting Madrasah as one of the target on their war on terror. So, believe me, this is just a logical reaction when the Talibs targeting the Secular school. He..he.. the US and its puppet is looosing....

King khan
As for as i know about the devastation of my land Swat is that whatever is going on is just a game of pakistani ISI, to show the US that we condemn terrorism and fight against terrorist in response to get trillion of USD.

Bilal Khan
My Home (Swat)
The US started some thing even they did not know how to controll and now it has become a living threat for humanity not just Pakistan or Afghanistan. I agree with Eesa Ahmadi, by the time its hits many of us there will be no one to raise a voice. This has happend to Afghanistan and is happening to Pakistan. Swat is my home, my ancestors rest in their graves there. My heart cries when i see this bloodshed. This is not us. Some one, all of us need to make some decisions, tough decisions. NOW.

The genesis is the religion. Religion should always be a private thing in one's life. When religion pervades into social life, it is interpreted differently. The fanatics in all the communities such as hindu and chritian communities remain on the fringes. But Islam could not put them in their right place. The real danger is when the fringe elements take center stage in all the communities( such as BJP getting center stage in india)

It wouldn't be fair to link these mercenaries with having any religious(islamic) agenda.These are just the tools in hand of Intelligence agencies within and outside Pakistan.

United States
Swat, Pakistan
It is heartbreaking to learn of the bombing of the girl's schools and the other violence the cleric Fazalullah is leading. What will it take to end the violence and hatred?

f. khan
"how" and "why"
i appreciate the sympathy of the american people for this misery in pakistan, but the US is also partly responsible for it... people, you should read some analyses of, for instance, Gary Leupp if you want to understand "how" and "why" this could happen in our home country.

Hudu Guru
Ali from Afghanistan. Who brainwashed you mate? Come live in a real democracy!!! I guarantee you will never go back to your medieval existence. Look at what religious dogma has caused throughout history.

SWAT is undoubtedly a mini Switzerland so please don not label as "lost paradise",it gives a bad feeling instead I would request the esteemed Pak Army chief to clearly warn the militants to vacate the valley & declare war to eliminate the culprits without mercy so as to save the integral part of my beloved country and the swati brothers & sisters,who are suffering!

Nasreen Khan
United Kingdom
My Beloved Swat
Dear All, I would just like to say that I am heartbroken at what is going on in Swat, where I was born. My elderly parents are weeping as they learn about how their homeland is being destroyed and how all our relatives are becoming homeless. All these innocent people being evicted from their ancestral homes. There is no end to the chaos in sight. How is this the teaching of Islam?

Anirudh Singh
Swat: Pakistans lost paradise
Why does it happen this way? It is the children, the women and the aged who are affected the most. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Wake up people! Unite for Peace. There is o other way.

brian dillon
Swat Valley
If Pakistan wants the US to stop bombing this region they must not give ground to the Taleban. You don't give in to murder & terror tactics. How dare they sacrifice these poor people in the name of cooperation. The Taleban will now take more & more territory untill they have control of the national government. Neither the west nor India will allow them the chance of getting their hands on nuclear weapons. If this happens, I'm afraid Pakistan will be sacrificed.

US hypocricy
Harrison Fisher – US ‘democrarcy’ has finally reached SWAT! US bombs Madrasas (Muslim schools) irrespective of whether there are boys or girls in them. As long as they are Muslims, US ‘democracy’ will be delivered because Muslims are not “democratic and worth bombing with White Phoshorous and cluster bombs and no body will speak up. The invaders and occupiers have the right to starve Muslims and the right of ‘self defense’! What a bunch of hypocrites!

Spencer Stevens
US created a monster
If not for the original US support of these maniacs to hurt the USSR in Afghanistan, such men would not have power whatsoever, anywhere. The US govt created this monster and it is time for it to admit it and start promoting peace and justice for the innocents. There will never be an end to this violence as long as responsibility is ignored by a US govt I do not trust. I refuse to pay for its illegal, war-mongering ways. If you are an American, resist now!!! Give $ directly to those who suffer.

New Zealand (Aotearoa)
My friends and I traveled in the swat valley in 1998 and it is an awesome beautiful part of this world we all share. We where visitors and respected local custom by wearing long sleeve shirts and the females with us whore head scarfs etc. We found the people so friendly and happy, this current situation is so tragic for them. The Germans killed both my Grandfathers and we killed theirs, learn from our mistakes. Only those who think they are right fight.

United States
It amazes me how people blame groups and countries and governments while completely ignoring personal responsibility. When someone is murdered or a school is bombed, it happened because of a single person's choice, even if that choice is to follow a group. It's because of generalizations that groups target other groups. Last I checked, I wasn't a child-molesting, homosexual thief and I've never willingly or knowingly donated money to the Taliban, so somebody must be wrong in their assumptions.

A mess of its own making
The Pakistani government should understand that it is locked in a life and death struggle with the Taliban in NWFP. Capitulating and letting the writ of the Taliban take hold will only erode the authority of the state and embolden the Taliban to venture into areas outside NWFP.

Useless Offenses to survive diminishing culture
Talibans are Remnants of DINISHING people like once there were Red Indians in Americas, Samurais in Japan, Barbarians in Europe and Tataaris in Northern China. Those Left-Behind civilizations had done useless offesnses to survive in ever progressing world. Talibans may survive a little longer b/c they are using Flag of ISLAM. Actually they are group of Pashtun speaking tribes using Flag of Islam as Shelter to protect their old Male-Dominating Culture. You can't join as Talib if u r not Pashtun

Swat Paradise Lost
Anybody with a long beard is not a religious cleric or Islamic pundit. The Pakistani Govt. should never have entered into an agreement with these goons of Malakand. Killing people, throwing acid on women are crimes against humanity in any religion. The coutry is slowly sliding into hell! Today Malakand tomorrow the whole of Pakistan?

Manoj Singh
As you sow so you reed.........
In fact this is clear from the act of Pakistani Government that they certainly have a healthy understanding with Taliban and other terrorist groups. India has also seen in past that. Late Indira Gandhi supported "Khalistan" supporters and finally she was hit by them. Simultaneously, Late Rajeev Gandhi favoured the LTTE, resulting his brutal murder by LTTE. Therefore "As you sow so you reed" and it is a universal truth and now the Pakistan will have to face it. What is going on there, can be seen

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