19 November 2009
Egyptian Mummies Diagnosed With Heart Diseases
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05:20 Ukrainian President Asks Kremlin to Amend Gas Agreement
17:20 Russia Is Ready to Cut Its Gas Emissions
17:03 California to Face $21B Budget Gap
16:44 Shuttle Atlantis Docks at International Space Station
16:34 Hershey and Ferrero Consider Buying British Cadbury
15:53 Israel Defies US Calls to Stop Settlement Activity
15:24 Johnny Depp Is Sexiest Man Alive, according to People Magazine
13:10 Obama Gives Interview to Fox News in Shanghai : Feud Over?
12:58 Sarah Palin Regains Her Sparkling Celebrity Image
12:58 Safest Cars of 2010

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To the author of the Pravda.Ru article, "Yes, We Noticed". For a person who seems to spend a great deal of time “noticing” things, how could you have missed the following? Because we didn’t. We noticed the idiocy of someone thinking that wearing a flag pin on one’s lapel is somehow synonymous with what one wears in their heart.

Barack Obama - the new Abraham Lincoln?
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The achievements of the three Baltic countries with respect to EU and NATO membership make the pro-Western governments of Ukraine and Georgia regard them as role models, both in politics and economics. In many ways Victor Yushchenko’s and Mikhail Saakashvili’s desire to follow the Baltic states is caused by the fact that these states are the strongest in Europe supporters of both internal and external policy of the Ukrainian and Georgian governments
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Obama in China: Don't Bite the Hand That Feeds You
Berlin Wall: 223 dead. Wall that separates the USA from Mexico: 5.6 thousand dead
Iran Desperately Needs Russia’s S-300 Systems
Phantom Democracy in Afghanistan Needs More Victims
Venezuela Prepared for War with America's New State
Ukraine Made Terrible Mistake When It Decided to Ruin Relations with Russia


To this day, All-Russia Exhibition Center (former VDNKh) is one of the largest Moscow attractions. This year the Center celebrates its 70th anniversary. The exhibition was established by Stalin’s decree on February 17, 1935 as the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition.  The original design of the complex resembled the solar system. According to the architect’s plan, a huge statue of Lenin was to be placed in the center of the square
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Russia Builds New Spaceport for Lunar and Martian Missions
Russia's Hopes for New Arms Reduction Treaty Based on Myth
Russian Arms To Shatter USA's Far-Fetched Monopoly in Saudi Arabia
Medvedev Sees Russia as Highly Developed Superpower with Technologies of the Future
Putin Ranked One of World’s Three Most Influential People
Flu Causes Hysterical Euphoria in Moscow

In the beginning of 2009, Gazprom suspended gas supply to Ukraine. According to the Russian company, transit fuel for European consumers was supplied to the Ukraine’s Gas Transmission Network but was not delivered to the consumers. This caused the gas giant to suspend the transit of gas through Ukraine. Ukraine’s state debt is rapidly growing. According to Yushchenko’s front office, the state debt has increased by 2.6 times since last year, and as of July 31, 2009 was $23 billion
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Gazprom Expects $20 Billion Losses in Gas Consumption in Europe
Used Bentley or Yacht, Anyone?
Planet's Megacities Create A Third of World’s GDP
McDonald's and Burger King Kill Russian Bistro
Putin More Than Just Mad at GM
General Motors Suddenly Wants Opel Back. Why?

Sasha Pekhtelev, a 13-year-old boy weighing 180 kilos (396.8 lbs), was delivered to a hospital in the city of Volgograd on Friday afternoon. The boy began to suffocate and had swollen legs: he could not get up from his bed for seven days. Paramedics had to call a rescue squad to help them take the boy out of the apartment building. Sasha was hospitalized to the intensive care unit of the city’s children’s hospital
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World's Ugliest Dog Lives in Russia, Not California
Truth and Lies About Alcoholism
Sometimes Police Officers Become Midwives in Traffic Jams
Brave Mini-Skirts, Avoid Side Effects, Have Courage!
Those Who Masturbate Shall Be Cursed?
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Vegetarianism became popular in Russia years ago. However, a majority of Russian nutritionists and gynecologists believe that this diet is not suitable for Russians and absolutely contraindicated for pregnant women. This is caused by the lack of protein-rich vegetables growing in Russian climate conditions. Would pregnant vegetarians have to start eating meat?
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Chipmunks Have the Nuts to Survive an Ice Age
Million-Year-Old Antarctic Lake To Unveil Billions of Secrets
Mankind Destroys Food
Fear of Socializing Leads to Obesity, Depression and Alcoholism
Your White Death Has No Nutrients At All
Pilot Cosmonaut Pavel Popovich and UFOs

Tragically in many societies, we often frequently find oscillatory behavior between extremes where e.g. in Russia, the Tsar ruled a highly feudalistic society comprising a small percentage of wealthy "elites" who subjugated a vast majority of uneducated impoverished, and overworked serfs. Then came communism in which property was forcibly redistributed to the masses (really to the government), little incentive was given for hard work, and competition was killed (literally)
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I Noticed Too
There Is No Need for Extra Troops to Afghanistan
500 Million New Terrorists!
YES, We Noticed
Natural Selection Doesn't Produce Evolution!
The Illusion of Democracy in the Modern World
Hotspots and Incidents

The police of Russia’s Perm region solved the brutal murder of a homeless man, slaughtered by three of his own friends. The criminals ate a part of the corpse and sold the rest to a kebab kiosk. Forensic experts have taken samples of the suspicious meat to find out if the kiosk was selling kebabs made of human meat
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Little Girl Bites Her Baby-Sister to Death While Parents Sleep
Military Man Throws Two Sleeping Kids Out of Window Because of Jealousy
Man Eats His Mother and Says He Dislikes Her Fatty Meat
Nude Model Kills Photographer Over Esthetic Disagreements
Flu Strikes Ukraine: 500,000 sick, 86 dead
Moscow Police Prevents Massive Invasion of Alien Leeches

Russia lost to Slovenia on Wednesday night in Maribor and will therefore miss the 2010 World Cup finals. The match saw Russia, with star player Andrei Arshavin having a disappointing evening, reduced to nine men by the 90th minute as they threw men forward in an attempt to level the score on the night
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Pavel Bure Throws Wedding Party in Moscow
Most Notorious Frauds in History of Sports
How Football Players Invest Their Millions
US Open: 4 Russian tennis players continue
Masculine Female Runner Caster Semenya Receives New House
Russian Clubs in the Champions League

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