Russian Kids TV Program

Do you want to watch a sample of Russian TV show for the younger ones?

You have a chance to do it now.

The language used in this video is International, except the most last part of it, so enjoy.

Comments (33) 1:25 pm

The Hole From a Bullet

This is the photo from the Russian army museum.

One can see here a big hole in what was once a helicopter facing part. This hole was made by a machine gun bullet that can be seen inside the hole.

The hole itself tens times bigger than a bullet.

Russian helicopter facing with a hole from a machine gun bullet

Comments (15) 9:39 am

Another T.A.T.U. Video Remix

Now T.A.T.U. video remix with a cult Soviet movie “Kin-Dza-Dza”.

It’s very weird to watch, especially if you have not watched the movie before.

Comments (8) 9:10 am

Another Old Woman

This is another old Russian woman

She tells us how is hard to log in to ICQ when the password is wrong.

Also she knows about the current origin of ICQ, the AOL corporation and tells it to fix the software.

Her gesture in the end of the video is also addressed to AOL.

Comments (5) 8:33 am

Oldest Lady in the World

This is a passport photo of an old lady from South of Russia.

It seems now that she is older than an oldest living human on the world marked in Guinness book for 15 years, so she is going to claim the correction to be made in the book in order to recognize her fame.

According to her passport she was born 1875, so she is 131 years old now.

oldest lady in the world lives in south of russia

Probably if the Guinness commission won’t let her be the number one she would follow the method of getting the truth from her fellow old lady living in other Russian city. (more…)

Comments (11) 7:18 am


Here are two field photos from the war in Chechnya.

war in russian chechnya

Comments (26) 1:51 am

St. Petersburg, Fontanka river

Some say St. Petersburg is not so dark as it was depicted in “Zombietown” post.

Yes it isn’t. Here is another example of St. Petersburg.

The photos were taken in the same place in different seasons.

The place is Fontanka river of St. Petersburg.

st. petersburg, fontanka river

Comments (27) 12:12 pm

Dragon Bag

It’s a Dragon-Bag made by one Russian guy. It looks really odd.

dragon bag by russian guy

Comments (13) 11:52 am

A Few Guys and One Russian

Here is a little video clip about how a few guys looking like Orthodox Jewish people jeer at a Russian guy.

I better won’t comment such.

Comments (17) 11:41 am

Strange Cat

A Russian photographer Dmitriy Konstantinov has made a photo of a very strange cat.

It’s not a computer animation or photoshop, it’s a real cat and a real girl.

He was preparing to make photos of this girl, model, but decided to make some photos of the cat first, and what he made astonished him. (more…)

Comments (25) 11:09 am

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