More Dangerous Juggling

dangerous juggling

Yesterday we had a video of a guy juggling at barbecue and hitting a bird occasionally, today there are two more videos of the same origin – of dangerous juggling in some casual places like in office or at the bowling.

Comments (16) 7:54 pm

A Big Thing

Riga, Latvia 1

Some strange big thing was transported across the streets of Riga, Latvia. People actually didn’t know why somebody needed this in the old city downtown.


Comments (59) 4:39 pm

Wedding Carpets

Russian wedding 1

It’s something strange even for those who have seen a lot of weddings – these guys for some reason decorated their cars with carpets.


Comments (39) 9:44 am

Snowy Soccer Fan Ladies

russian football fans 1

These days it’s already snowing in Russia but Russian soccer fans don’t care – these girls express their love for favorite players in such an extreme way:

Comments (37) 9:39 am

The Toilet Phone

Russian girl gets inside of the toilet 1

Can you guess what are they doing?

If not I can explain, though the thing is really shocking. The story is that this Russian girl has dropped her cell phone into… into this hole that they use in villages as a toilet (it has no drain or sewer system – just a hole and all the people drop there), probably you have seen such system at least once in your life. So she dropped her cell phone occasionally and it got right inside this thing. She got a choice – to forget it or to try to get it from there. She has chosen the latter and….


Comments (94) 12:48 pm

City Offroad

Russian roads 1

Even in the city sometimes a big four-wheel drive car is not enough for secure driving…


Comments (22) 12:34 pm

A BBQ Pigeon

a barbeque bird

This Russian guys were making bbq, everything was OK, until a pigeon has not appeared:

Comments (18) 11:07 am

An Abandoned Horror

strange abandoned place in Russia 1

Well, I have seen a lot of photos of abandoned places in Russia, but this one is something special. It looks like some unknown lifeforms have invaded the area after people abandoned it, or did they abandon because of the invasion has started?


Comments (99) 8:44 am

Pedestrian Care

Pedestrian crossing in Russia 1

In some cities authorities care of pedestrian care much. Sometimes, too much, making the pedestrian crossings like this one.


Comments (22) 8:06 am

Northern Dreams

Paintings of Russian prehistoric North 1

This guy, Vsevolod Ivanov, was born in Russian Karelia region, the place as some people think the prehistoric motherland of all Northern nations. He is artist and is known for devotion of all his paintings to this ancient Russian North themes.


Comments (50) 8:02 pm

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