Scuba Diving Cat

Russian Scuba Diving Cat

You’ve seen the first Russian Parachute Jumping Cat. Now meet First Russian Scuba Diving Cat.


Comments (32) 11:04 am

Bad Parking Gets Punished

Russian bad parking punished 1

Some Russian got used to punish their fellow neighbors who park their cars the wrong way.
The first car above received a graffiti “This is a lawn!”.

The second one is the gray Russian Lada car. Its driver parked it in a wrong way all the time, then the neighbors hired a trash-truck to put the trash bin so that it could not move for a few days until the next trash-truck would come.

And the third one was badly parked and then was towed in the river by the boat in order to revenge.

So when you go to Russia park your cars well!


Comments (27) 10:23 am

The Moscow Downtown Invaded

Moscow invaded by Russian army 1

Yesterday through all the day columns of tanks were rushing through the Moscow.


Comments (41) 9:34 am

Alcohol and LSD: Russian Photoshop Madness

Russian photoshop works 1

And the second part of today Russian Photoshop Posts.
See the first part here.


Comments (27) 4:48 am

Russian Photoshop Masters

Russian ad, photoshopped 1

It has been a while since we published works of Russian Photoshop Masters. Today we compensate this and have two posts of two ads photoshopped by Russian bloggers.
Meet part 1, it was originally a BIC ad.


Comments (15) 4:33 am

Bear Growers

Russian bear growers 1

This guys do a good thing. They grow bears, treat them as pets (who didn’t dream about having a bear as a pet, at least in Russia?), and then release them to the wild nature. They treat them in such a way that small bears learn to get the food by themselves and don’t trust other humans so that not to get in trouble in their future wild life.
Scroll down for a video too.


Comments (42) 12:40 pm

Moscow Invasion

Moscow, Russia invaded by Russian Army 1

These days, suburbs of Moscow, Russia look like they were invaded by Russian army.
Anyone in this blocks can look from his window and see a tank or two.


Comments (32) 11:26 am

It’s too Tired to Work

Russian construction crane got tired 1

It was building all the day long, and he can’t stand any more!


Comments (10) 10:12 am

A Strip for my Teacher

Another day at Russian school…

Comments (20) 10:04 am

Doing Ninety

This video got extremely popular last days in Russian blogs etc. Everyone wanted to laugh at this bunch of Ukrainian youngsters, or for some other reason. Just because it was so popular in Russia let’s share it with outer world too.
The story in short is in following: Those guys were so happy that they were doing ninety on the mud road on the old Zaporozhets (smallest Soviet car) that they didn’t noticed some stuff on the road and got flipped up-side-down a few times. Then surprisingly all got no serious injuries, and all were pity for the guy with the camera. According to his words it was a new camera, and he was very worried about it. Well, see it yourself.

Comments (16) 3:12 pm

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