The Round-the-World Bomber

Russian bomber TU-22M 1

This is a Russian bomber plane TU-22M. It can go all around the globe carrying a-bombs on board, in production since 1978.


Comments (109) 10:52 am

Boxer in the Accident

Russian Boxer Valuev 1

Russian celebrity boxers also get into car accidents. This time Nikolai Valuev, famous Russian boxer got into road accident in his native city St.Petersburg, Russia.
People say that the guy who caused the accident could not open his mouth after finding out whose car he crashed.


Comments (34) 10:45 am

Video Sunday 2

Today some videos popular on Russian Internet.
First one above is from some Christmas sale!

Riding a bike can be dangerous!

This guy was adored by many. He tried to brake a bottle, but no luck :(

Tajikistanians working on construction sites of Moscow are very creative. Once we had “Jimmy Jimmy” singer, now a dancer.

Some road accidents in Moscow, Russia.

Comments (19) 9:56 am

Future Ads

Russian advertisement 1

One Russian online company has started its ad campaign by putting those paper ads on the telegraph poles and bus stops in major Russian cities. The ads contained the offer for some not very common goods, like “Large Hadron Collider for sale, cheap, customer pick up from 30 feet underground in Europe” or other stuff like that. They put futuristic looking flying cars, moon luxury properties etc on those ads and intrigued people. I don’t know if they succeeded in gaining enough attention for their services in such a manner, but those are pieces of their ads.


Comments (16) 6:32 pm

Abandoned Missile Launch Site

Russian abandoned missile launch site 1

This is an Abandoned Missile Launch Site. What it differs from other of such kind is that it has launched really big rockets that traveled to orbit, and what else – it was not destroyed like all the other sites left by Soviet army but is left untouched in the desert of Kazakhstan for anyone to visit.


Comments (55) 5:29 pm

Evpatoria Blast

Evpatoria city blast 1

This can happen in almost any ex-USSR city. Most ovens in old houses are on the gas supply. This gas doesn’t have any smell, so if someone leaves occasionally or on purpose a faucet open gas fills the inner room space very fast and then just a small spark is needed to ignite it, often caused by the phone call, often at night..


Comments (21) 5:20 pm

How Did They?

Russian accident 1

This one is the most strange accident probably of those that were featured here.

Comments (17) 5:05 pm

Russian Business Calendar

Russian Calendar 2009 1

One Russian company in this calendar tried to show how they see the business in Russia.


Comments (36) 4:59 pm

Don’t Sex and Drive

Russian coca-cola truck  1

This Cola-Truck driver amused all the fellow drivers by smashing all the obstacles entering the opposite lane and then ravishing thru it right to the river.
When the police came on to crime scene and saved the driver and his passenger they figured out that she was all dressed except her underwear – so the reason of the accident was put “an accidental sex during the driving”.


Comments (23) 1:39 pm

Russian Bitbox

Bitbox, Russian style.

Comments (31) 9:12 am

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