Television – Inside Look

Television - An Outward Glance 2 These pictures taken during an excursion at the news channel Russia Today. (more…)

Comments (30) 7:42 am

White Crow Has No Fear

You are lucky if you’ve had a chance to see a white crow. This one turned out to be rather friendly – ate a piece of bread, took some water from the lake, let to pat it and flew away.


Comments (14) 6:43 am

Flood in Rostov

Rostov Flood 1

Flooding Europe means flooding Russia too, as there is a significant part of Russia lays in Europe, so we had some water shots from the Russian cities and they keep coming – meet Rostov-on-Don – the capital of Russian south as some call it.


Comments (19) 5:20 am

Russian Armored Vehicles Factory

Armed Vehicles Factory 1

A big factory in Russia where the armed vehicles for the army are being produced. The coolest photos might be of a basin where they test for swim the new made vehicles.


Comments (25) 5:09 am

The Sweetest Gold

This gallery shows the process of extracting honey from a hive. Though these beekeepers are just the beginners they managed to extract 70kg of honey this year being stung only twice.


Comments (24) 7:29 am

Darling Kitty! Another Unusual Wedding

Darling Kitty! Another Unusual Wedding 1

Mad about unusual weddings again! This is the ONLY photo in this post where these cute couple look like mentally healthy people.


Comments (28) 5:48 am

Fountain Swim – Part II

Fountain Swim - Part II 19

Manege Square in Moscow is a favourite place of Muscovites and guests of the capital. Nearly each evening here they meet, dance, drink, fight or swim in the fountains … This day was particularly hot.


Comments (18) 5:36 am

Zombie Wedding – Accord of Black Hearts

Zombie Wedding -  Accord of Black Hearts 1

This unusual couple is having their wedding No. 3! The previous one was “a punk wedding” – trash and passion. Maybe they will inspire you to some ideas too.

Comments (13) 5:08 am

River Excursion in St. Petersburg


Recently we’ve observed the Northern capital of Russia from bird’s eye view. Today enjoy the beautiful photographs taken during a river excursion in St. Petersburg. (more…)

Comments (15) 2:48 am

Two Traffic Policemen Killed by a Drunk Driver in Izhevsk

In June, 26 a driver of “Mazda Hatchback” refused to stop on demand of a traffic policeman, his refusal was followed by a chase: at the highest speed “Mazda” was trying to throw the police off, but was finally caught up. We can only guess what happened next but the police’ “Daewoo Nexia” was found crumpled and both policemen were dead, the driver of “Mazda” was hiding his face with hands, he was blind drunk … (more…)

Comments (21) 1:15 am

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