• We need a break from the Jihad

Henrik R Clausen 17 March 2010

Colleen LaRose, commonly known as "Jihad Jane" for her plans to kill Lars Vilks, is just another example of the worldwide Jihad movement, which seeks to impose Islam on our free societies.


Kurt Westergaard on appeasement

Kurt Westergaard gives this interview on Danish media about his views on appeasement of Islam and life under threat. This is a good interview even by his standards. Kurt is very clear and says what needs saying, probably to the extent that he can, and still have it play on Danish media.


• The endgame for the euro?

Henrik R Clausen 16 March 2010

The news that some sort of bailout plan for Greece is in the works is bad, for the Europan Union, the euro and not least for European citizens. The decision, if carried through, would mark the end of the euro, and probably of the European Union as we know it.


Is Geert Wilders the new William of Orange?

Blogs.Telegraph.co.uk 15 March 2010
By Ed West

The Kingdom of England is in a parlous state. Ruled by a rotten Scottish tyranny, the nation groans under the weight of oppressive, unconstitutional laws, the ruling elite is in the pay of its absolutist masters on the continent, and many Englishmen suspect their government is promoting an oppressive and reactionary religion against the will of the people. The nation’s only hope is a charismatic young Dutchman fighting almost single-handedly against the creation of a united Europe under the rule of an unelected tyrant in Holland’s southern neighbour.


Dutch Labour party leader stands down

Financial Times 15 March 2010
By Michael Steen

The Dutch Labour party announced a sudden change of leader on Friday, just three months ahead of a general election, in what appeared to be the latest sign of increasing alarm inside the established


Video: Shocka! Geert Wilders not 'Far Right'

wilderssupport 15 March 2010

Canadian TV points out the obvious. Geert Wilders is not 'far right' [1]


Qaddafi, Wilders, and the Jihad Against Switzerland

PajamasMedia 15 March 2010
By Andrew G. Bostom

Ever since the triumphs of Islam’s prophet became the ultimate inspiration for jihadism almost 14 centuries ago, Muslims have especially revered the bellicose, conquering Muhammad of Medina. (For a pious contemporary example, see Yusuf al-Qaradawi’s "The Prophet Muhammad as a Jihad Model.”) According to a canonical hadith (Sahih Muslim, Book 001, Number 0272), Islam in essence belongs to Medina, as a serpent to its lair, the specific words being, "Verily the faith [i.e., Islam] would recede to Medina just as the serpent crawls back into its hole.”


Al Qaeda Demands Concessions to Free Spaniards

CAIRO – The "safety” of two Spanish aid workers kidnapped last November in Mauritania by the group calling itself Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb depends on compliance with the organization’s


'The Swedish cartoonist' and his eye for the absurd

Irish Times  15 March 2010

On Tuesday, gardaí investigating a plot to kill artist Lars Vilks arrested seven people in Waterford and Cork. Days later, defiantly chomping a burger in a Stockholm branch of McDonalds, the target


Turkish diaspora accuses Sweden of double standards

News.Az 15 March 2010

Head of the Turkish Diaspora of Sweden has commented on the adoption of the resolution on the so-called "Armenian genocide" in the Swedish parliament. "I regret the decision which might cast


Turkish ambassador to Sweden returns home in protest of genocide resolution

People's Daily Online 15 March 2010

Turkish Ambassador to Sweden Zergun Koruturk returned to Turkey on Friday, noting that the resolution passed in Swedish parliament Thursday recognizing the Armenian genocide was groundless. Local


Spanish Hostages: AQIM wants 5 million dollars and the release of Islamists

Ennahar  15 March 2010

MADRID - Al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) asked the Spanish government $ 5 million (3.7 million euros) in ransom and the release of imprisoned Islamists in Mauritania, in exchange for the two


Three freed in Ireland after Swedish cartoonist 'plot' arrests

AFP 15 March 2010

DUBLIN — Three of seven Muslims arrested over an alleged plot to kill a Swedish cartoonist who drew the Prophet Mohammed with the body of a dog have been released without charge, Irish police said


FM Verhagen: Wilders Spreads Hatred

THE HAGUE - In an address to foreign journalists, opinion-maker and students, Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen has stated that MP Geert Wilders spreads hatred. Wilders is currently on


France: Teacher Sprayed with Gas after Denouncing al-Qaeda

Independent Online 15 March 2010

Lyon - A 15-year-old French schoolboy sprayed a teacher with teargas after she described al-Qaeda as a "terrorist group", she told reporters on Tuesday as prosecutors began their


French mosque reopens after protest disruptions

Reuters India 15 March 2010
By James Mackenzie

DRANCY - A French mosque, whose imam says he has received death threats over his promotion of dialogue with Jews, reopened for Friday prayers after it was forced to close down this


France plans bill banning burqa for spring

France24 15 March 2010

French premier Francois Fillon has announced plans for a bill banning the full Muslim veil for the spring. His announcement comes just days ahead of regional polls which are expected to end in heavy


German Islamic leaders postpone conference decision

Monsters & Critics 15 March 2010

Cologne - Islamic leaders in Germany postponed Friday evening taking a decision on whether to suspend their involvement in a government-sponsored forum on German-Islamic integration, after a


Hamas Sermon in Gaza: Rome Will Be Conquered by Islam

MEMRI 15 March 2010

Preacher: "The prophecy of the conquest of Rome remains valid, Allah willing. Just like Constantinople was conquered some 500 years ago, Rome too will be conquered. "Our prayers, our fasting, and


Muslim website calls for 'Sharia' Islamic law in Ireland

Irish Central 15 March 2010

An Irish Islamic website which argues for the introduction of "Sharia" law in Ireland had nearly 270,000 hits last month alone. The site is targeted at what it calls Irish "O'Muslims," the Muslim


British Airways worker and aspiring suicide bomber sought to join cabin crew

Jihad Watch 15 March 2010

More on this story. "Terrorist British Airways worker planned to take advantage of strike," by Duncan Gardham for the Telegraph, March 12


UK: Growing fears over Muslim prison 'gangs'

BBC News 15 March 2010

Violent Islamic extremism is being promoted in prisons across England and Wales, according to inmates who have been speaking exclusively to the BBC. Former prisoners said they were able to watch


MP calls for burkas to be banned in Britain

Telegraph.co.uk  15 March 2010

An MP has called for ministers to ban the wearing of burkas, branding it ''offensive'' and ''against the British way of life''. Philip Hollobone, Conservative MP for


Islamist Blogpost of the Day 8: Political Rules Are For Other People

Telegraph.co.uk  15 March 2010
By Andrew Gilligan

THE fundamentalist Islamic Forum of Europe is fond of telling us that it is merely a bunch of "democratic Muslims” seeking to take part in the political process – a line faithfully echoed by


Counterpoint: In defence of Wafa Sultan

National Post 15 March 2010
By Joanne Hill

Tarek Fatah has used the National Post to present a one-sided, inaccurate and potentially dangerous editorial about statements made by Dr. Wafa Sultan during her March 3rd debate in Toronto with Dr. Daniel Pipes.


Moderate Islam: Pipes believes in it Sultan calls it a Western myth

Jewish Tribune  15 March 2010
By Joanne Hill

Two years ago, Syrian-born American psychiatrist and activist Dr. Wafa Sultan was forced to go into hiding after an Islamic scholar issued a fatwa (death threat) against her. Last week, she participated in a debate with Dr. Daniel Pipes at Shaarei Shomayim Synagogue and prefaced her remarks with, "I am used to debating with a Muslim imam, not with a dear friend like Dr. Pipes. The best part of our debate is, I know for sure at the end of this debate, he's not going to call me kaffir (unbeliever) or to issue a fatwa against my life.”


Safe -- but where's the bunting?

Telegraph.co.uk  15 March 2010
By Melanie Phillips

Good news: it appears that the BBC journalist Paul Martin, who was kidnapped by Hamas four weeks ago, has been released. What’s that – you didn’t even know a BBC journalist had been kidnapped by


How to Make Defeatism Look Good: Let's Give Up and Cheer the Islamists

Global Politician 15 March 2010
By Prof. Barry Rubin

I'm not going to bash or rant about a Newsweek article about Turkey by Owen Matthews-shocking and dangerous as it is--but rather talk about what is wrong and inaccurate about it. That article is part of a new wave of defeatism sweeping the West, though it still remains subordinate to the more ostensibly attractive idea that there is no real conflict or at least one easy to fix by Western concessions.


Amnesty International Mainstreams the Jihad

Islamist Watch Blog 15 March 2010
By David J. Rusin

Amnesty International famously advocates on behalf of people persecuted just for expressing an opinion. However, last month the group suspended Gita Sahgal, the head of its gender unit, after she expressed an opinion of her own: that by working with Taliban supporter Moazzam Begg, Amnesty has betrayed its mission to advance human rights. Here is a look at the scandal that the American media — once known for championing whistleblowers — have all but ignored.


Turkish PM Says Message ‘Misconstrued’; Media Says It Heard ‘Loud and Clear’

IPI: International Press Institute 15 March 2010
By David Dadge, IPI Director

While Turkey’s PM Used a Meeting of Parliamentarians to Re-explain his Extraordinary Attack on Turkish Journalists, Many in the Turkish Media Say they Understood his Meaning Perfectly.


Obama and the Denial of Genocide

Armenia Diaspora 15 March 2010
By Stephen Zunes

The Obama administration, citing its relations with Turkey, has pledged to block the passage in the full House of Representatives of a resolution passed this past Thursday by the Foreign Relations


Second American Woman like Jihad Jane Arrested In Ireland

Gather.com  15 March 2010
By Dexter S.

Kamie Paulin-Ramirez, 31 was arrest in Ireland suspected in terrorism efforts with JihadJane, Collen R LaRose from Pennsylvania . The mother from Leadville Colorado was arrest on charges she was


Another US Qaeda suspect held, again Yemen connection

Indian Express 15 March 2010

He was raised in New Jersey, where he was on the school wrestling team and a black belt in karate. Nearly a decade later, Sharif Mobley is under arrest in Yemen, suspected to be a member of the same


Canada, U.S. mourn Grand Imam who took on Osama

Vancouverite  15 March 2010
By Karen Mullins

CAIRO – One of the most influential clerics in the Islamic world – the Grand Imam Mohamed Sayyid Tantawi – who took on the 9/11 attackers and described them as cowards, has passed away. Canada and


In Rifqa Bary Case, Dhimmi Media Cheers on Sharia Law in Ohio

Big Journalism 15 March 2010
By Pamela Geller

A girl flees from her home in fear for her life – and law enforcement goes after the people who helped her. That’s the situation in the Rifqa Bary case. Bary The Columbus Dispatch reported

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