Thursday, March 18, 2010

Report: Iran arming the Taliban

Tehran accused of arming the Taliban with weapons and explosives.
(Times Online) The Iranian Government has been accused by Afghan and Western officials of delivering tonnes of weaponry to the Taleban, including plastic explosives, mortars, grenades and technical manuals.

Weapons and documents shown to Channel 4 News indicate that more than ten tonnes of weapons have been intercepted at Iran’s desert border with Afghanistan in the past year, with a tonne and a half recovered in the past week.

The reports come as General David Petraeus, the head of US Central Command, warned the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that Iran also provided a base for al-Qaeda operatives. Afghanistan’s intelligence agency estimates that about 60 per cent of the weaponry it has intercepted from Iran has been supplied by the Iranian Government rather than black market dealers.

Do you think maybe a really deep bow and a few apologetic letters can cure this problem?

Iraq: Two security officials 'beheaded' in north

Allah must be pleased.
Salah al-Din, 18 March (AKI) - The decapitated corpses of a policeman and an army officer were found in northern Iraq on Thursday, according to unnamed police sources cited by Iraqi media. Gunmen reportedly abducted the two men from their vehicle near the town of Sherquat in Salah al-Din province on Wednesday.

Police found their bodies close to a nearby village where they lived and were combing the area for the men's killers. [...]

Also on Thursday, unknown gunmen killed a woman after storming her brother’s house in south Baghdad, a police source said, citing the news agency, Voices of Iraq.

It is believed the gunmen were searching for the woman's brother and killed her as he had escaped, the agency said.


German government debunks Dresden death toll myth

(Germany) For years now the left and far right have used the bombing of Dresden in which to try and implicate the UK and the US of mass genocide. (The same idiots who cry that Hiroshima was a war crime.)

Funny enough, the march of the revisionists was started by that well known Nazi apologist David Irving who in his book The Destruction of Dresden (1963) arrived at a figure of between 100k - 250k as the number of people killed during the bombing of Dresden. A death toll used since them in which to attack the Allies over their bombing campaign of Germany during the Second World War.

Well, not only was Irving discredited in court as a historical expert, his so called Dresden death toll took a kicking today when the German government revealed that the total death count for Dresden came in at 25,000.

I wonder if the Nazi apologists will now revise their cries of victim status.

Public relations Hamas style

(Gaza) On the day the new EU foreign policy chief visited Gaza, the religious thugs who love to play the victim card in which to garner the sympathy of the likes of Baroness Ashton decided to launch a so called homemade rocket into Israel and killed a man.

I wonder how the terrorist loving, CND supporting EU foreign policy chief will respond to this latest Jewish outrage against the peace loving people of Gaza?

What is it with wannabe terrorists pleading not guilty?

(US) Colleen LaRose aka Jihad Jane who was picked up after returning from Sweden has pleaded not guilty on charges that she wanted to end the life of the Swedish cartoonist who offended Islam.

Yup, JJ who belonged to a group arrested in Ireland on terrorist charges seems to have forgotten about how she moved to Sweden last year in which to get closer to Lars Vilks, or the MSM message she sent out while over there to one of her fellow coven members:
"an honour & great pleasure to die or kill for" him and pledging that "only death will stop me here that i am so close to the target!"
Yup, so close, she gave up after 3 months and returned to the US.

Not guilty my arse.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

New “CAIR Observatory” website connects the dots on CAIR’s foreign funding and lobbying

March 17, 2010: WASHINGTON, DC – The Center for Security Policy announces the launch of the website CAIR Observatory at The website presents comprehensive open-source evidence and analysis alleging that the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has acted as a foreign agent on behalf of Iran, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait. The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) requires any agent of a foreign principal - including agents of foreign states, political parties, corporations, non-governmental organizations and even individuals - to register with the U.S. Department of Justice as a foreign agent.

The centerpiece of the website is the report “CAIR and the Foreign Agents Registration Act,” which details the foreign funding, foreign direction and domestic political influence operations of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) in the United States.

The report documents these CAIR activities as a foreign agent:
  • CAIR received at least $2,192,203 in Contributions, Income and Money from foreign principals in the form of 10 distinct transactionsReceived a $2,106,251 mortgage loan from a foreign principal for their Washington, D.C. headquarters
  • CAIR secured the promise of at least $54,500,000 in pledges from foreign principals
  • CAIR met and coordinated with foreign principals on at least 30 occasions
  • CAIR engaged in at least 50 political influence operations on behalf of foreign principals in the United States
The Center has additional evidence that cannot be made public at this time documenting an additional $2.4 million in foreign donations and loans given to CAIR since 2000.

The goal of the “CAIR Observatory” (http://www.cairobservatory. org/) is to build a model for researching and compiling evidence of illegal behavior by Muslim Brotherhood front organizations, with a focus on organizations operating in the United States as unregistered foreign agents for the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) and its member states.

The website’s name-- “CAIR Observatory”-- is a direct counter to the so-called “Islamophobia Observatory” maintained by the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC). The Jeddah, Saudi Arabia-based OIC has been a contributor to CAIR, and the two have a history of coordinated meetings, methodologies and goals. The website will be updated regularly with new evidence on CAIR’s ongoing activities as a currently unregistered foreign agent.

The Center for Security Policy is a non-profit, non-partisan national security organization that specializes in identifying policies, actions, and resource needs that are vital to American security and then ensures that such issues are the subject of both focused, principled examination and effective action by recognized policy experts, appropriate officials, opinion leaders, and the general public.

Hamas: All your holy places are belong to us

Hamas TV puppets claim that all Jewish sites in Jerusalem really are Islamic and usurped by "criminal Zionists", and encourage children to liberate Jerusalem.

Nigeria: Muslim attackers in fresh Jos violence cut out murdered victims’ tongues

Do you think the UN will send a special rapporteur on a fact-finding mission to Nigeria in case war crimes were committed against civilians? I, for one, don't think so.
(Nigeria) Machete-wielding raiders who killed over 12 people in an early Wednesday morning attack on the village of Byei, in the Riyom area near Jos, Plateau State cut out the victims’ tongues, according to agency reports.

The Associated Press reports that the attack almost mirrored the tactics used by those who carried out similar massacres in villages dominated by ethnic Berom Christians last week when more than 500 people were slaughtered. [...]

Six people were wounded in the overnight raid and taken to a local hospital, said Mark Lipdo, leader of a regional Christian nonprofit group. He said attackers burned down 15 homes during the violence.

The dead included seven women, four children and one man, Lipdo said. Attackers removed the tongues of most of the victims, witnesses said.


Turkish PM ups the ante by threatening to deport 100,000 Armenians living in Turkey

(Ankara) Clearly offended by how the US and Sweden have voted in recognizing the Armenian genocide, the Turkish Islamist PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan told the bBC:
"Of 170,000 Armenians living in Turkey only 70,000 are Turkish citizens.

We are turning a blind eye to the remaining 100,000... Tomorrow, I may tell these 100,000 to go back to their country, if it becomes necessary."
What is it with Muslims and hissy fits when they don't get their own way? I mean, here the PM of a Muslim country, who objects to anybody talking about how his country murdered over 1.5 million Christians less than 90 years ago, hints at kicking out 100,000 people because of their faith and country of their birth. What's even stranger is how, while professing his country's innocence at charges of genocide, Erdogan has no problem laying the charges of genocide at the door of Israel for killing around 1,000 people last year, the vast majority of whom were terrorists. Funny that.

Anyway, does anybody find it strange how the leader of a country whose largest export is its people is bitching about so called economic immigrants in his own country?

Me, I'd be more than happy to send every Turk in the EU back home. Racist? Nah, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Gay Muslims in the UK complain about racial abuse from... other gays

(UK) What is it with Muslims and bitching about something? Well, it seems that a number of Islamic male bitches have got it in for the non-Islamic gay crowd because they feel they are getting abused from the people they are trying to stab from behind.

Yup, it seems that a couple of homosexual Islamic men in Yorkshire, are upset over how they, when they enter a gay bar, are looked at funny by the rest of the punters. (Gosh, and I wonder why?)

How they are referred to as the suicide bombers (maybe they would prefer to be known as the suicide bummers?), and that they only get served at the bar when they make a scene. (Got to be gay.)

Kam bitches that:
"Before we can go into a club bouncers ask us to kiss other men to prove we are really gay. White men are not asked to do this so I just don't bother going out anymore, it's not worth it."
Yes Kam, and I wonder why they do so, could it be because so many Islamic idiots would drool at the chance of setting off a bomb inside a gay night club.

While I feel sorry for the gay Muslims, you'll have to admit the gay community are only playing safe.

When human rights turns into a human blight

(UK) Since 9/11, an increasing number of Islamic women have taken to wearing a burka in which to shove two fingers up at non-Islamic population in the UK. While the oppressive garb isn't banned in the UK, the way they (the women) express themselves when asked, tells me it's more about sending a political message than any human rights issues they can conjure up on the spur of moment.

Well, that so called human right has only gone and bitten them on their backsides. In turns out that Rickets (a bone softening disease eradicated from Great Britain during the Victorian era) has made a come back. It transpires that most Islamic women in the UK are coloured, and as such they require extra Vitamin D in their diet, as compared to white people. Now, normally in the mother country they get that from exposure to the sun. However, the UK isn't known for sunny days (cloudy today), and with the latest penchant for covering up like a ninja, that Vitamin D just isn't getting absorbed.

So what does that mean at the sharp end? Well, it means that over 200 children (all Muslim) in the city of Leicester alone have been born with bendy legs. Add the genetic disorders found amongst Pakistani Muslims who prefer to keep it in the family. It would seem that Muslims in the UK are really dammed.

Hey, guess who robbed the Berlin poker tournament?

BERLIN-A man who admits to taking part in a brazen daylight raid on a poker tournament in Berlin turned himself into authorities and identified three accomplices who remain on the run, officials said Wednesday.

Authorities had been hunting since March 6 for four suspects who, armed with a revolver and a machete, stormed into the tournament at a downtown Berlin hotel and made off with €242,000 ($332,000) in jackpot money. [...]

Authorities issued photos of the three — Ahmad el-Awayti, 20, of undetermined nationality; Jihad Chetwie, a 19-year-old German; and Mustafa Ucarkus, a 20-year-old Turkish citizen. They said they did not have further suspects.

All three already are known to German police in connection with previous suspected offences including robbery and bodily harm.


Fatah: Virgin Mary Was Palestinian

Palestinians claim Virgin Mary as one of them and, because the is "the woman of love and peace", equate her to fighters and suicide bombers.

Nice, huh?
( Palestinian Media Watch reports that in its official statement in honor of International Women's Day, the Fatah movement listed a group of "Palestinian" women of whom it is proud: Martyrs, fighters, prisoners and the Virgin Mary.

"If we are proud of the holiness of our land, then we are proud and pride ourselves that the first and most important holy woman among the nations and peoples is from the holy land: The Virgin Mary - the woman of love and peace - is of the nation of Palestine, whose roots are grounded in the depths of history. Our movement takes note of its pride in all the women Shahidas (Martyrs), prisoners, Palestinian fighters, who have become a model of sacrifice and a school that teaches the meaning of giving and of sacrifice.

Bullshit Bingo

Sometimes the phrases come so fast you can't keep score.

Rules for Bullshit Bingo:

1. Before Barrack Obama's next televised speech, prepare your "Bullshit Bingo" card by drawing a square (I find that 5" x 5" is a good size) and dividing it into rows and columns -- five across and five down. That will give you 25 one-inch blocks.

2. Write one of the following words/phrases in each block in any order you like:
  • Restored our reputation
  • Strategic fit
  • Let me be clear
  • Make no mistake
  • Back from the brink
  • Signs of recovery
  • Out of the loop
  • Benchmark
  • Job creation
  • Fiscal restraint
  • Win-win
  • Affordable health care
  • Previous Administration
  • Greed on Wall Street
  • At the end of the day
  • Empower (or empowerment)
  • Touch base
  • Mindset
  • Corporate greed
  • Bush
  • Game plan
  • Leverage
  • Inherited (as in "I inherited this mess")
  • Relief for working families
3. Check off the appropriate block when you hear one of those words/phrases.

4. When you get five blocks horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, stand up and shout "BULLSHIT!"

Testimonials from past satisfied "Bullshit Bingo" players:

"I had been listening to the speech for only five minutes when I won." - Jack W., Boston

"My attention span during speeches has improved dramatically." - David D., Florida

"What a gas! Speeches will never be the same for me after my first win." - Bill R., New York City

"The atmosphere was tense in the last speech as 14 of us waited for the fifth box." - Ben G., Denver

"The speaker was stunned as eight of us screamed "BULLSHIT!" for the third time in two hours." - Harry A., Chantilly

"Much more fun than struggling to unwind this liberal socialist's lies." - Jake C., Albuquerque

The BBC and its love for Hamas

(UK) The bBC is meant to be an impartial news agency which is there to state the facts. However, like a number of Western media outlets it has deemed the Jews of Israel as the new Nazis and as such spares no effort in repainting the terrorists of Hamas as victims.

It's latest foray into helping the thugs of Hamas is a photo montage of how power-cuts in Gaza are crippling the mini state. It seems that instead of looking into how the government of Gaza would rather purchase weapons to fire at Israel (this from the org which complains about British arms spending) than rebuild their kingdom.

The bBC airs the views of those hit by the intermittent power supply. Such as blacksmith Adbual Rahman seen working on something in his smithy. Have another look at what he is working on. Does it remind you of something... say, like a homemade rocket launcher?

Why is the bBC bitching about the inability of Hamas to make weapons of terror due to a lack of electricity?

Iran: Protesters sentenced amid new street clashes

Tehran, 17 March (AKI) - Eighty-six people alleged to have taken part in anti-government protests since the disputed presidential election last June have been sentenced by Tehran's Revolutionary Court. According to the state-sponsored Press TV, all have been found guilty of taking part in "illegal riots and disrupting public order".

The court issued a statement on the sentences amid reports that 50 people were arrested on Wednesday in fresh clashes between opposition supporters and police during a new year Feast of Fire festival in Tehran.

According to the court statement, most of those sentenced will face prison terms.


Afghanistan: Disguised 'suicide bombers' killed in thwarted attack

A pair of male Allah's little helpers, disguised as women, were carrying explosives under their clothing. Both were killed in the shootout with police guards.
Lashkar Gah, 17 March (AKI) - A pair of alleged suicide bombers disguised as women were shot dead on Wednesday as they attempted to enter the compound of a American aid organisation in southern Afghanistan. The Afghan interior ministry said the alleged attackers were trying to enter the compound in the southern Afghan town of Lashkar Gah, capital of Helmand province.

"Two (male) suicide bombers... started firing on the police guards and in a return of fire by the national police within moments, both suicide attackers were killed," the ministry said in a statement. [...]

The male attackers were reportedly carrying explosives under traditional women's clothing and opened fire on guards at the gates of the IRD compound, according to officials.

"The two suicide bombers were shot and killed by the IRD guards, luckily their explosives did not explode," Helmand province spokesman Daud Ahmadi said in a report.


Pakistan: Nine killed in suspected drone strike

At least some of the killed are believed to be foreign fighters.
Islamabad, 17 March (AKI/DAWN) - Suspected US drones fired missiles struck a militant hideout in Pakistan’s North Waziristan tribal region on Wednesday, killing at least nine insurgents, officials said. In the first attack, the drones fired four missiles at a vehicle and flattened a nearby house and killing six near Miramshah, the main town in North Waziristan.

About 50 minutes later, drones fired three more missiles at a vehicle in Madakhel,west of Miramshah, killing three insurgents, said the officials on condition of anonymity.

Other militants were also wounded in the two strikes, they said.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ex Latvian SS members allowed to march through capital

(Riga) Flanked on either side by riot-equipped police armed with automatic weapons, hundreds of former SS veterans (and their camp followers) were allowed to march through the city in which to lay flowers at Riga's Freedom Monument in which to honour those who fought the good fight against defenseless Jews, Russians and anybody else who didn't have blond hair, blue eyes and an extra chromosome.

Yup, only in the f-ing EU can those who subscribed to the so called superior Aryan race mentality which resulted in WW2 and all its associated baggage be allowed the right to strut their stuff. What next from the EU, a bin Laden holiday?

If only the Blues Brothers had been on tour:

When multiculturalism in the West isn't good enough

(UK) For years, the powers that be (in the West) have been banging the drum of equality for all and that multiculturalism is the way forward. What that did was enact laws which stopped people like me getting thrown off a bus based simply on the colour of my skin. In the UK, Islam was given equal status with Christianity (which explains the hundreds of mosques complete with minarets). However, what do we do when the rules enacted during the late 60s and early 70s, in which to make everybody equal, are said not to apply to the people it was designed to protect?

It seems that the Islamic students at City University of London have objected to a multi-faith prayer room saying that their faith forbids them from sharing a room which is used by other faiths. So as is normal for Muslims in the West who feel oppressed they have taken to praying on mass outside on the road until they get their way.

However, things don't look good for Allah's little helpers at City University. You see, the Trustees took umbrage at how the Islamic Union there invited radical Islamic cleric 'Abu Usamah' to a charity event. Who, it transpires, was exposed as a racist, sexist bigot when he was caught on camera dictating that homosexuals should be thrown off a mountain and labelled women intellectually deficient.

In reply to the negative publicity that rent-bigot brought to their cause, the Islamic Union then aired a letter on their website and in the University paper which stated:
“submit to Allah” or face “severe and painful punishment” in the “next life”.
What is it with Muslims who feel that the rules which were put in place to give them an equal footing don't apply to them, and when they don't get their way, resort to subtle threats in which to cower the opposition? Then they wonder why the world over (never mind the West) people are wary of them. And when that happens, they bring out the racist or 'Islamophobe' card.

The irony.

Hugo Chavez admits to secret talks with FARC terrorists

(Caracas) With the pressure mounting on Venezuela to come clean over its links with FARC terrorists, President Hugo Chavez has finally revealed what everybody has known for a while and admitted to having secret meetings with the Colombian terrorist group.

However, he did stipulate that he did so under much duress and that he only did so after the then Colombian President asked him several times in which to talk some sense into the terror outfit responsible for over 40,000 deaths since the 1990s.

Funny enough, the Colombians deny any such request, which may explain why Chavez also made a threat towards the Spanish (who accused Venezuela of funding ETA and FARC) with losing all of its assets in the country if they pursue the matter further.

It appears that Chavez went to the same school of diplomacy as the tiny little prick who runs Iran. What with their support of terrorists, threatening those who ask far too many questions and destabilizing the region?

What is it with short arses and their penchant for war?

Internet video: Muslims must rise up in Nigeria

The video calls on Muslims to do their usual thing — use "the sword and the spear" against infidel enemies of Allah the merciful, in this case Christians.
LAGOS, Nigeria (AP) — A video posted on a militant Web site calls for Muslims in Nigeria to use "the sword and the spear" to rise up against Christians in Africa's most populous nation, according to a translation released Tuesday by a U.S. group that monitors militant sites.

The video on the Ansar al-Mujahideen forum, a Web site sympathetic to al-Qaida, comes in the wake of a series of religious massacres and riots in central Nigeria.

The video shows television news footage and graphic images of those killed as a narrator tells viewers "the solution is jihad in the cause of Allah," according to a translation provided by the SITE Intelligence Group.


Hamas calls for terrorist attacks inside Israel

Since the Palestinians and the Arabs in general are reading a "green light" from Obama, I don't suppose they'll be getting an angry phone call from Hillary.
(Ynet) While hundreds of Palestinians demonstrated and threw stones at security forces in a number of places in east Jerusalem to mark a "Day of rage", the Palestinian Authority announced a general alert.

Hamas' acting parliamentary speaker Dr. Ahmed Bahar called on the Palestinian organizations to strike Israel with terrorist attacks in its central region in response to the "desecration of al-Aqsa."

By "desecration of al-Aqsa" they mean the reopening of the renovated synagogue in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem.

WSJ: Obama's Turn Against Israel

The Wall Street Journal unloads on Obama's policies like no "conventional" media had done before.
In recent weeks, the Obama Administration has endorsed "healthy relations" between Iran and Syria, mildly rebuked Syrian President Bashar Assad for accusing the U.S. of "colonialism," and publicly apologized to Moammar Gadhafi for treating him with less than appropriate deference after the Libyan called for "a jihad" against Switzerland.

When it comes to Israel, however, the Administration has no trouble rising to a high pitch of public indignation. On a visit to Israel last week, Vice President Joe Biden condemned an announcement by a mid-level Israeli official that the government had approved a planning stage—the fourth out of seven required—for the construction of 1,600 housing units in north Jerusalem. Assuming final approval, no ground will be broken on the project for at least three years.

But neither that nor repeated apologies from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu prevented Secretary of State Hillary Clinton—at what White House sources ostentatiously said was the personal direction of President Obama—from calling the announcement "an insult to the United States." White House political chief David Axelrod got in his licks on NBC's Meet the Press yesterday, lambasting Israel for what he described as "an affront."

Since nobody is defending the Israeli announcement, least of all an obviously embarrassed Israeli government, it's difficult to see why the Administration has chosen this occasion to spark a full-blown diplomatic crisis with its most reliable Middle Eastern ally. Mr. Biden's visit was intended to reassure Israelis that the Administration remained fully committed to Israeli security and legitimacy. In a speech at Tel Aviv University two days after the Israeli announcement, Mr. Biden publicly thanked Mr. Netanyahu for "putting in place a process to prevent the recurrence" of similar incidents.

The subsequent escalation by Mrs. Clinton was clearly intended as a highly public rebuke to the Israelis, but its political and strategic logic is puzzling. The U.S. needs Israel's acquiescence in the Obama Administration's increasingly drawn-out efforts to halt Iran's nuclear bid through diplomacy or sanctions. But Israel's restraint is measured in direct proportion to its sense that U.S. security guarantees are good. If Israel senses that the Administration is looking for any pretext to blow up relations, it will care much less how the U.S. might react to a military strike on Iran.

As for the West Bank settlements, it is increasingly difficult to argue that their existence is the key obstacle to a peace deal with the Palestinians. Israel withdrew all of its settlements from Gaza in 2005, only to see the Strip transform itself into a Hamas statelet and a base for continuous rocket fire against Israeli civilians.

Israeli anxieties about America's role as an honest broker in any diplomacy won't be assuaged by the Administration's neuralgia over this particular housing project, which falls within Jerusalem's municipal boundaries and can only be described as a "settlement" in the maximalist terms defined by the Palestinians. Any realistic peace deal will have to include a readjustment of the 1967 borders and an exchange of territory, a point formally recognized by the Bush Administration prior to Israel's withdrawal from Gaza. If the Obama Administration opts to transform itself, as the Europeans have, into another set of lawyers for the Palestinians, it will find Israeli concessions increasingly hard to come by.

That may be the preferred outcome for Israel's enemies, both in the Arab world and the West, since it allows them to paint Israel as the intransigent party standing in the way of "peace." Why an Administration that repeatedly avers its friendship with Israel would want that is another question.

Then again, this episode does fit Mr. Obama's foreign policy pattern to date: Our enemies get courted; our friends get the squeeze. It has happened to Poland, the Czech Republic, Honduras and Colombia. Now it's Israel's turn.
Obama's policies towards -- or rather against -- Israel really shouldn't come as any surprise.

Monday, March 15, 2010

What is with men called Muhammed and crime?

(UK) Mahmood Ahmad went missing after finishing work on the 7th March 2010. All that has been found of him is his thumb which just happened to be hanging around in the middle of the street.

Police have charged Mohammed Riaz, 33, with kidnap, false imprisonment, harassment and dwelling burglary in connection with the incident.

FFS what is it with idiots named Mohammed and serious crime in the UK?

Iraqi group which kidnapped 5, killed 4, released 1 complains about bad press

(Iraq) In 2007, Iraqi terror group Asaib Ahl al-Haq kidnapped 5 British civilians working in Bagdad. After killing 3 of the hostages (the last is still missing and presumed dead) and getting their demands met (the release of an Iragi terrorist), IT consultant Peter Moore was released. Since his release he has related to the media how he was subjected to mock executions, how he was beaten on a near-daily basis and once subjected to severe punishment for allegedly breaking a lock. Which, coming from the only one of the five men taken that day who has come back alive, is consistent with how other hostages say they were treated.

Well, in this world of where only Muslims can be victims, the kidnappers have themselves gone to the media in which to air their side of the story by releasing a 46-second video of Peter Moore enjoying his 31 months in captivity. I quote from their press release:
"We deny the lies he said and assure all that we had treated him well.To confirm our position, we are showing you a video of Moore's circumstances while in custody."
Wow, what has the world come to when the wankers who kidnapped 5 people, killing 4 of them, are allowed to play the victim card to the ethical latte drinkers of the world.

Switzerland: Muslims plan to sue to have Islamic cemeteries in every canton

The Religion of Peace just keep on making new demands, and if the
(swissinfo) An umbrella group for Swiss Muslims says they should be able to be buried “with dignity” and is therefore calling for Islamic cemeteries in every Swiss canton.

Farhad Afshar, president of the Coordination of Islamic Organisations in Switzerland, told the Sunday newspaper Sonntag he was preparing a legal case concerning freedom of religion.

He said that following the Bernese commune of Köniz’s recent rejection of a separate burial ground for Muslims, a legal ruling was necessary so that “the next time someone says no [to an Islamic cemetery] they are violating freedom of religion”.

Islamic law says Muslims should not be buried with those of a different faith – something already possible in some Swiss cities, for example Zurich, Bern, Basel and Geneva.

The Muslim community in Switzerland accounts for about 4.5 per cent of the population. Most Muslim immigrants came from the former Yugoslavia and Turkey. The community includes up to 100 nationalities.
Don't you find it funny that when the intolerant interlopers' demands are not met by the host infidels, they threaten to sue for intolerance?

Second American Woman Linked to Terror Plot Brainwashed 6-Year-Old Son into "Baby Bomber"

Don't you just love it when you're being told you have to learn about the "real Islam"? Well, here it is.
(NY Post) He was being turned into a baby bomber.

The 6-year-old son of a Colorado nursing student who ran off to Europe to join a terrorist murder cell was brainwashed into a hate-filled Islamic fundamentalist zombie, his family said Saturday, The New York Post reported.

"He said that Christians will burn in hellfire," the child's grandmother, Christine Mott, told The Post. "That's what they are teaching this baby."

The boy's mom, Jamie Paulin-Ramirez, 31, converted to Islam over the last year. Her family said she struck up an Internet friendship with another Colorado radical, Najibullah Zazi, an Al Qaeda associate who pleaded guilty last month in a plot to set off bombs in the New York subway system.

Her conversion was so complete, Paulin-Ramirez changed her son's name from Christian to the Islamic name Walid after enrolling him in a fire-breathing Muslim school in Ireland.


Palestinians cheer new US stance on Israel

From The Jerusalem Post:
Washington’s public outrage over the Ramat Shlomo project, as well as its increased pressure on Israel, are now being welcomed by the PA leadership as a sign that the Americans have finally grown disillusioned with Netanyahu. The Palestinians are now waiting to see if they will be able to reap the fruits of the crisis.
This administration is basically giving the Arab world clear signals that the US no longer supports Israel.

Obama has given the Palestinians reason to not negotiate, and to wait to see what the US can squeeze from Israel for them, while they themselves do nothing.

I seriously doubt that Obama would aid Israel in any way if a war were to break out.

Yemen kills local al Qaeda chief in fresh air strikes

Feel good news.
SANAA (AFP) — A suspected Al-Qaeda chief was killed in a new wave of Yemeni air raids against the branch of the global terror network thought to be behind a botched US airliner bombing, an official said on Monday.

Jamil Nasser Abdullah al-Ambari, 25, believed to be the leader of Al-Qaeda in southern Abyan province, was one of two militants killed in the overnight raid, the security official told AFP, requesting anonymity.


Israel's envoy: US-Israel relations at their worst in 35 years

(Haaretz) Israel's ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren, has told the country's diplomats there that U.S.-Israeli relations face their worst crisis in 35 years [...]
Absolutely no surprise here, as it was so evident from:
  • Obama's friendship with Rashid Khalidi (a PLO spokesman)
  • Obama's anti-Semitic, Israel hating, Chicago "church"
  • Obama's anti-Israel advisors
  • Obama's top ME policy campaign advisor Samantha "we need to invade Israel" Powers
  • Obama's continues pressure on Israel to make one-sided concessions
  • Obama's continues kissing up to Arab and Iranian regimes
I just hope the 3 million or so Jews who voted for Obama are seeing the reality that they voted for a pro-Arab candidate.

Hopefully, the Arabs won't realize that the best time to start a new war with Israel is while Obama is in office.

This presidency is turning into a farce of gargantuan proportions - from the economy to health care to foreign policy. It's government run by the Keystone Kops, aided by the Three Stooges and advised by the Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight.

Public servants use taxpayer funds to live the good life

But... they feel you pain.
(WaTi) They might talk a good game and say they feel your pain, but don't expect members of Congress to really understand the struggles of hardworking Americans in this recession. While the middle class is scrimping to get by, our spoiled political class enjoys up to $250 per day to cover food and other sundry expenses when traveling overseas. No, life isn't so tough on Capitol Hill.

It's not as if lawmakers are left to fend for themselves when they travel. Their schedules typically are jam-packed on foreign junkets, especially with meals and banquets sponsored by interests looking to curry favor with American VIPs. The fact is, our public servants rarely need their lavish street cash to get fed, so they blow taxpayer money on other things rather than return their leftover per diem. "There's a tacit understanding that if lawmakers don't spend the money, they get to keep it," former Rep. Sue Kelly, New York Republican, told the Wall Street Journal. Some public servants use their allowance to buy souvenirs, go shopping, cover their spouses' travel or even pick up a painting or two.

Credit for highlighting congressional spending abuses like these goes to the Pork Report, published by Sen. Tom Coburn, Oklahoma Republican, which draws attention to the ridiculous taxpayer-funded spending habits of our elected representatives.

It's hardly surprising that irresponsible government stewardship of public resources trickles down from Washington to the local level. Lawand Johnson, director of Louisiana's St. John the Baptist Housing Authority - which is funded through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development - racked up more than $2,000 in personal expenses on a government credit card. "I thought it was my card," Ms. Johnson explained, according to the New Orleans Times-Picayune. That lame excuse might be more believable if two of her predecessors hadn't been fired for misusing public funds for private purposes (one with an agency credit card) in 2000 and 2004.

The Tea Party movement is building momentum because Americans are outraged by out-of-touch government officials. No wonder.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

CNN video: Spreading Islam in Britain

Nic Robertson reports on a radical Islamic fringe active in Europe and close to al Qaeda.

And then the AP blames Europeans for "provoking" Muslims.

Report: ‘Hamas used kids as human shields, hospitals as launch pads'

Exclusive: New research report finds medical facilities served as command centers during Gaza op; 100 mosques used for military purposes; police incorporated into group’s military wing.
(JPost) Hamas gunmen used Palestinian children as human shields, and established command centers and Kassam launch pads in and near more than 100 mosques and hospitals during Operation Cast Lead in the Gaza Strip last year, according to a new Israeli report being released on Monday that aims to counter criticism of the IDF.

The detailed 500-page report, obtained exclusively by The Jerusalem Post, was written by the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (Malam), a small research group led by Col. (res.) Reuven Erlich, a former Military Intelligence officer who works closely with the army.

The IDF and the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) cooperated with the report’s authors and declassified hundreds of photographs, videos, prisoner interrogations and Hamas-drawn sketches as part of an effort to counter the criticism leveled at Israel in the UN-sponsored Goldstone Report.

Work on the Malam report began immediately after former judge Richard Goldstone issued his damning report of Israel’s offensive in the Gaza Strip in September.

One example of the material revealed in the Malam report is an-until-now classified sketch of the village of Beit Lahiya in northern Gaza discovered by IDF troops during the operation, that details the extensive deployment of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and snipers inside and adjacent to civilian homes.

The sketch was discovered in a home of a Hamas operative together with several IEDs and Kalashnikov rifles.

“The Goldstone Report is one-sided, biased, selective and deceptive, since it simply accepts Hamas claims at face value and presents everything through Hamas’s eyes,” Erlich said.


AP blames Europeans for "provoking" Muslims

See, according to AP's Michael Weissenstein ("European art provokes Muslims"), it's not Muslim interlopers who want to force their medieval belief system and "culture" on Europe, it's the European freedom of expression that provokes the interloper and worldwide Muslim violence.

Why not vice versa: "Muslims provoke European art"?
LONDON - With the West locked in conflicts across the Muslim world, why would anyone throw fuel on the fire?

A small group of Europeans have been doing just that — provoking death plots and at least one murder by turning out art that derides the Prophet Muhammad and the Quran in the name of Western values.

Behind the scenes is something bigger: a rising European unease with a rapidly growing Muslim minority, and the spreading sense that the continent has become a front in a clash of civilizations.

Recent events — including surprising electoral success by an anti-Islamic Dutch party, moves to ban veils in France and minarets in Switzerland, and arrests in Ireland and the U.S. this week in an alleged plot to kill a Swedish cartoonist — are signs of the rising tensions.

Swedish artist Lars Vilks says he was defending freedom of speech when he produced a crude black-and-white drawing of Muhammad with a dog's body in 2007. Authorities say that set him in the crosshairs of an assassination plot by extremists including Colleen LaRose, a 46-year-old Muslim convert from Pennsylvania who dubbed herself "Jihad Jane."

Vilks said in a recent interview with The Associated Press that he wasn't interested in offending Muslims as an end in itself, but wanted to show that he could make provocative art about any topic he chose. "There is nothing so holy you can't offend it," he said.

The Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten also said it was defending free speech in 2005 when it printed 12 cartoons of Muhammad, one in a bomb-shaped turban, setting off protests and the torching of Western embassies in several Muslim countries. And bottle-blond Dutch populist politician Geert Wilders said he was promoting European values by producing Fitna, a 15-minute film that lays images of the Sept. 11 attacks alongside verses from the Quran. The film was shown in Britain's House of Lords this month.

The cases are extreme, but millions of moderate Europeans also are re-examining the meaning of the liberal values widely cherished across the continent. How, many are asking, should a liberal society respectfully deal with immigrants who often espouse illiberal values? Should the immigrants adopt the values of their adoptive land — or, to the contrary, should society change to accommodate the newcomers who now form part of it?

In other words, freedom of expression provokes Muslim terrorism, and Europe better drop it and start accommodating Muslims as soon as possible or else...

Gunmen kill 3 employees of the US Consulate in Mexico

(WaPo) Assailants gunned down three people returning from a party at a U.S. consulate employee's home in the Mexican city of Juarez, including a pregnant U.S. government employee and her husband, in two attacks a few minutes apart that prompted a furious response from the White House on Sunday.

The White House said President Obama was "deeply saddened and outraged" by the slayings, which occurred in broad daylight. They appeared to be the latest sign of the explosion of drug violence in Mexico in recent years, which has claimed thousands of lives in border cities like Juarez. But it was unusual for U.S. citizens to be slain -- particularly an American government employee.

State Department officials said authorities were still investigating whether the victims were targeted by drug gangs, but it did not appear the slain consular employee was involved in counter-narcotics work. Her in-laws identified her as Lesley A. Enriquez, 35, of El Paso, just across the border. She was a locally hired employee of the consulate whose job involved helping American citizens, U.S. officials said.

Her husband, Arthur Redelfs, 34, worked for the El Paso County Sheriff's Department, according to his brother, Reuben Redelfs.


Fatah: Israel's renovation of synagogue in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City a “provocation”

The Jerusalem Post reports that Fatah is starting a new hysteria over the Israeli renovation of the old synagogue in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City and that by doing so Israel is “playing with fire” by provoking the peace-loving Palestinians.
Top Fatah official and holder of the Jerusalem portfolio Khatem Abd el-Kader called Palestinians on Sunday to “converge on al Aksa to save it” from what he called “Israeli attempts to destroy the mosque and replace it with the [Jewish] temple.”

Khader was speaking ahead of a dedication of a renovated synagogue in the Jewish Quarter in the Old City, planned to take place Tuesday.

He called Israel’s renovation of the Hurva Synagogue a “provocation” and warned Israel that it was “playing with fire.”
What isn't a “provocation” to them? Yet somehow, Muslims never regard building mosques in Christian lands a "playing with fire".

But wait, couple that with their claim from 2008:
"The annexation of Jerusalem by Israel has had two important consequences for Palestinians revolving around culture and economics. Culturally and historically Jerusalem was the original capital of Islam, where the Prophet Mohammed not only began his ministry, but from where he also ascended to heaven. After the center of Islam moved to the Arabian Peninsula, Jerusalem, or ‘Al Quds’ as it is known in Arabic, remained its third most holy site."
These people are nuts (and liars), and the Obama administration, not surprisingly, is taking their side.

17 killed in Muslim inter-clan fighting in Somalia

News from the Islamic heaven of Somalia.
MOGADISHU (AFP) — Fighting between rival clans in Somalia left at least 17 people dead on Saturday, most of them militiamen, with bodies littering the streets of one village, elders said.

The clashes broke out Saturday afternoon in Somalia's central Mudug region, where two sub-clans of the Hawiye tribe, armed with heavy machine guns, are locked in a violent dispute over land and water.

"Seventeen people -- mainly combatants -- died so far, 25 others were also injured," Moalim Abdulahi Afrah, an elder in the region, told AFP by phone.

"The heaviest fighting occurred near Jildhere village and there are bodies still strewn in the streets and forests close to the village."

Adan Sheik Mohamoud, another local elder, said fighting resumed after efforts to mediate between the clans failed early on Saturday, and suggested the toll could be higher.


Israel captures senior Hamas commander in West Bank

Maher Uda, a senior Hamas commander, was captured as a result of security coordination between Israel and the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority. According to Hamas, this "is going to bury reconciliation alive" (which seems like a bonus feature).
JERUSALEM (AP) — A top Hamas commander in the West Bank has been arrested by the Israeli security services after more than a decade on the run, an Israeli military spokesman announced on Sunday.

Maher Uda, 47, a senior commander in Hamas's armed wing in the occupied territory, was captured overnight in the West Bank political capital of Ramallah, the spokesman said.

"He had been on the wanted list since the end of the 1990s for his implication in a series of suicide attacks in Israel which claimed 70 lives," the military spokesman told AFP.

Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhum said the arrest was "the fruit of dangerous security coordination between the Palestinian Authority and the (Israeli) occupation, because he was wanted and hunted by both parties."

"The continuation of this security coordination is going to bury reconciliation alive because it comes in the context of uprooting Hamas and strengthening Fatah," he told AFP.


British couple appealing Dubai kiss conviction

A man and a woman kissing is against the law. Dubai - a place to be.
(Times Online) A British couple have been told they must wait a further month to find out if they must serve a month in prison for publicly kissing in a Dubai restaurant.

Ayman Najafi, 24, a British expatriate in Dubai, and Charlotte Lewis, 25, a tourist, have been accused of breaching strict public decency laws at the fashionable Jumeirah Beach Residence in the Muslim emirate.

The pair had their passports confiscated after their arrest in November, and attended court today to appeal against the prison sentence imposed last week.

Khalaf al-Hosani, a lawyer, told the AFP news agency today that they are accused of “committing a sexual act [by] kissing on the lips and touching”.

They are also accused of consuming alcohol, a charge to which they pleaded guilty, but said they only kissed on the cheek. The Misdemeanours Appeals Court ruled that it would reach a final verdict on April 4, Mr al-Hosani added.


Pakistani jets pound Taliban hide-outs; 17 killed

Good news. But what I find interesting in reports like this is that when the Pakistani military bombs insurgents' houses, they somehow only kill insurgents, as opposed to reports on the US strikes when there are always civilian deaths.
PARACHINAR, Pakistan (AP) — Pakistani fighter jets pounded Taliban hide-outs near the Afghan border Sunday, killing 17 insurgents, local officials said.

The hide-outs were in the village of Mero Bak in the Taliban stronghold of the Lower Orakzai tribal region, said Rasheed Khan, an Orakzai official. The air attack killed nine militants, he added.

One of the bombed houses belonged to a local Taliban commander, Aslam Farooqi, but it was not clear if he was among those killed.

Jabir Gul, another local official, said the bombing in neighboring Upper Orakzai killed eight more Taliban fighters.


American-born jihadist tricked his Yemeni guard into unshackling him, then killed him with his own gun

The cynicism of this story is that the guard was ticked into unshackling him on the pretense that they would pray together.
SAN'A, Yemen (AP) — The U.S. al-Qaida suspect detained in Yemen had persuaded his guard to unshackle him so the two could pray together and then snatched his unattended gun and killed him during the suspect's failed escape attempt, senior security officials said Saturday.

Sharif Mobley, a 26-year-old American of Somali descent, had traveled to Yemen two years ago, ostensibly to study Arabic, and was recently arrested there in a sweep against al-Qaida.

Mobley made his bold escape attempt March 7 after being transferred from prison to a hospital in the capital, San'a, for medical treatment. He tried to shoot his way out of the hospital, killing one guard and seriously injuring another before being recaptured.


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Irish police free 4 in alleged artist murder plot

4 people, including the American convert to Islam Jamie Paulin-Ramirez, known as the second Jihad Jane, are freed without charge.
DUBLIN (AP) - Four people, including an American woman, arrested over an alleged plot to assassinate Swedish artist Lars Vilks have been freed without charge, but three others remain in custody, Irish police said Saturday.

Seven people—three Algerians, a Libyan, a Palestinian and a Croatian and the American woman, who is married to one of the Algerians—were arrested Tuesday in Ireland hours before U.S. authorities unveiled a terror indictment against a 46-year-old Philadelphia woman, Colleen LaRose.


Pakistan: Suicide bomber kills 13 people

(CBC) At least 13 people were killed and dozens injured after a suicide bomber blew himself up Saturday near a security checkpoint in Pakistan's Swat Valley.

Police are calling the attack part of a renewed Taliban push in northwest Pakistan after the government launched a major offensive against militants last year.

Police say the bomber was driving a motorized rickshaw and was trying to get to a courthouse in the small town of Saidu Sharif.

Witnesses say the man blew himself up as he was confronted at a security checkpoint, killing civilians as well as two soldiers and two police officers.

The blast injured 52 people.


IRS agents visit Sacramento carwash in pursuit of... 4 cents

Government at work.
(SacBee) It was every businessperson's nightmare.

Arriving at Harv's Metro Car Wash in midtown Wednesday afternoon were two dark-suited IRS agents demanding payment of delinquent taxes. "They were deadly serious, very aggressive, very condescending," says Harv's owner, Aaron Zeff.

The really odd part of this: The letter that was hand-delivered to Zeff's on-site manager showed the amount of money owed to the feds was ... 4 cents.

Inexplicably, penalties and taxes accruing on the debt – stemming from the 2006 tax year – were listed as $202.31, leaving Harv's with an obligation of $202.35.

Zeff, who also owns local parking lots and is the president of the Midtown Business Association, finds the situation a bit comical.

"It's hilarious," he says, "that two people hopped in a car and came down here for just 4 cents. I think (the IRS) may have a problem with priorities."

Now he's trying to figure out how penalties and interest could climb so high on such a small debt. He says he's never been told he owes any taxes or that he's ever incurred any late-payment penalties in the four years he's owned Harv's.

In fact, he provided us with an Oct. 22, 2009, letter from the IRS that states Harv's "has filed all required returns and addressed any balances due."


Hillary Clinton’s troubling transformation

It's not that big of a surprise, really.
PHILADELPHIA (JTA) -- Hillary Rodham Clinton as New York’s U.S. senator from 2001 to 2009 was a reliable and vocal supporter of Israel. She was especially strong on Jerusalem, stating in a September 2007 position paper, “I believe that Israel’s right to exist in safety as a Jewish state, with defensible borders and an undivided Jerusalem as its capital, must never be questioned.”

Her spokesman said the paper "is a reflection of her consistent policy" and "that hasn’t changed.”

Clinton also repeatedly warned of the monumental dangers of Palestinian incitement to hatred and murder of Israeli Jews in their schools, media and mosques as having “dire consequences for peace for generations to come.” She even said, “It is clear that the Palestinian Authority, as we see on PATV, is complicit” in terrorist attacks and that we should condition U.S. aid to the Palestinian Authority on a “cessation of Palestinian propaganda and hateful rhetoric.”

It took only a matter of weeks to confirm that on Israel, Secretary of State Clinton bears little resemblance to Senator Clinton.

Now she enthusiastically supports an unconditional increase in U.S. aid to the Palestinian Authority and Gaza, to $900 million a year -- a significant increase. This week, after criticizing Israel for not opening up border crossings to Hamas-controlled Gaza while Hamas rockets were still flying, she demanded Israel allow illegally built Palestinian Arab homes in eastern Jerusalem while demanding that Israel stop allowing legally built Israeli/Jewish homes in eastern Jerusalem. Such Jewish construction, she said, was “unhelpful.” (Even the very liberal Israeli Supreme Court has upheld Israel’s right to demolish these illegal structures.)

Suddenly, parts of an “undivided Jerusalem” are places where Jews may not move or build, even though Jews were a majority in eastern Jerusalem from the mid-1800s until 1948 -- when Jordan forced the Jewish residents to flee -- and again are the majority. Jerusalem has always been the religious, historical and political capital of the Jewish people.


Afghanistan: 4 Explosions Followed by Gun Battles Rocked Kandahar

At least one explosion was caused by a suicide bomber.
(Sky News) Four blasts followed by gunfire have rocked the centre of the city of Kandahar in southern Afghanistan, police have said.

The explosions were near a hotel, a prison, a mosque and at a crossroads in the centre of Kandahar, deputy provincial police chief Mohammad Shad Farooqi said.

A Reuters reporter said one explosion was near the chief of police's compound.

Another was apparently near the residence of President Hamid Karzai's half-brother Ahmad Wali Karzai who is the head of Kandahar's provincial council, Ismail Sameem said.

Mr Sameem said police at the scene of the first blast were shooting and windows in nearby buildings were shattered.

A spokesman for the interior ministry said one explosion was possibly caused by a suicide bomb.

"We have reports of a suicide attack in front of the Kandahar main prison. It is too early to talk about casualties," Zemarai Bashery said.

"After the explosion rockets were fired into the city.

"At this stage we don't know how many, where they landed, or if they caused casualties," he said. "The prison is under control."

Update: At least 30 people are dead.

Second American Jihad Jane arrested for conspiring to kill Swedish cartoonist

(WSJ) Last Easter, Jamie Paulin-Ramirez, a 31-year-old mom with a $30,000-a-year job as a medical assistant, announced to her family that she had converted to Islam. A few months later, she began posting to Facebook forums whose headings included "STOP caLLing MUSLIMS TERRORISTS!"

On Sept. 11, she suddenly left Leadville, Colo., a small town in the Rocky Mountains, for Denver, then for New York, to meet and marry a Muslim man she connected with online, her family says. Ms. Paulin-Ramirez, who is 5-foot-11 and blonde, phoned her mother and stepfather in Leadville, providing them with an address in Waterford, Ireland, they say.

Now, she is in the custody of the Irish police, along with six other individuals, arrested as part of an investigation into a conspiracy to commit murder, according to officials familiar with the case. The nature of the authorities' suspicions about Ms. Paulin-Ramirez couldn't be determined on Friday.
It seems that plotting to kill someone or blow yourself up is some sort of initiation requirement for conversion to Islam.
Ms. Paulin-Ramirez is the second American woman to be linked to an alleged plot to kill a Swedish cartoonist who made fun of the Prophet Mohammed. An indictment was unsealed this week against Colleen R. LaRose, 46, a suburban Philadelphia woman who authorities said used the Web alias "JihadJane."

Ms. LaRose was accused of plotting to kill the cartoonist and attempting to recruit jihadis via the Internet.

She was arrested in October and later charged with providing material support to terrorists.

The Justice Department kept its case under wraps until this week while investigators in the U.S. and Europe pursued their investigation against other potential suspects in the U.S. and abroad.

The main contact for Ms. LaRose is believed to be one of the men in Irish custody, an Algerian, who has a relationship with Ms. Paulin-Ramirez, according to a person close to matter.


Friday, March 12, 2010

Pakistani Muslim Man Allegedly Rapes, Burns Christian Girl to Death

Pakistani police have not yet arrested the suspect and his sister who is also his accomplice.
Washington -- International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that a Pakistani Muslim man allegedly burned a Christian teenage girl to death in Lahore, Pakistan. Pakistani police have not yet arrested the suspect and his accomplice.

The victim, Kiran George, had been working as a house servant at the family home of suspected killer Muhammed Ahmed Raza. Raza repeatedly raped Kiran over the period of several months. On March 9, when Raza attempted to rape Kiran once again, she threatened to call the police. Raza and his sister then poured gasoline on Kiran and set her on fire. "That little girl was caught in flames from head to toe", an anonymous neighbor said, "Kiran was shouting for help."

An eye-witness called Kiran's family who took her to the Mayo Hospital. Doctors examined her and said that she had sustained severe burns over eighty percent of her body.

After battling with the severe burns, Kiran succumbed and died at Mayo Hospital on March 11.


Concern in the UK over the huge rise in the Islamic prison population

(UK) In a country where much has been made of the lack of Islamic representation in British society, be it work, rest or play, the powers that be have, until now, turned a blind eye towards one area where the faithful haven't needed any help in being above average in the stats. Yes folks, it seems that when it comes to having people behind bars, Muslims, while representing around 2% of the general population, account for 12% of the British prison population.

While that figure is worrying, what is more disturbing is how radical Islam is slowly but surely gaining ground in controlling the gangs that rule the roost behind bars.

As Watcher wrote a while back, prisoners who refuse to convert to Islam are attacked. How is it possible for a religion, which professes to the whole world that it is a religion of peace, to be the largest flag bearer for inmates in British prisons? What is even more damming is why it has been allowed to carry on.

Dubai police chief gives spies one week to leave Gulf region

Dubai police chief Tamim was all like "Listen up, spies! I don't know who you are and where you are, but if you don't leave, you'll be like real sorry."
"Those spies that are currently present in the Gulf must leave the region within one week -- if not, then we will cross that bridge when we come to it," Tamim told the Dubai-based English newspaper Gulf News.
In other Gulf news: Major dildo bust in Kuwait:
KUWAIT CITY, March 10: Acting on information and armed with a search and arrest warrant issued by the Public Prosecution, personnel from the Consumers Protection Department of the Kuwait Municipality raided a shop selling women’s garments in Al-Rai area and seized a large number of male genital toys, reports Al-Shahed daily.

During interrogation the salesman said he was selling each toy for KD 100.

The owner of the shop has been summoned for interrogation.

Al-Qaeda freed Spanish hostage after she "voluntarily" converted to Islam

Right, voluntarily.
CAIRO (AP) — An Al Qaeda offshoot in North Africa says it released a Spanish woman who spent 100 days as a hostage in Mauritania because she voluntarily converted to Islam.

In a statement posted on militant Web sites Friday, Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb says Alicia Gamez adopted the Muslim name Aicha after being exposed to the teachings of Islam by her captors.

She and two male colleagues still being held captive worked as volunteers for an aid group called Barcelona Accion Solidaria. They were kidnapped by gunmen Nov. 29 while delivering relief material to poor villages. Gamez returned home Wednesday.

A photo with the statement showed three armed men standing behind Gamez and the other hostages. Gamez appears in the photo wearing a head scarf.

Saudi Arabia: Islamic Court Upholds Death Sentence Against Magician

JEDDAH: The General Court in Madinah upheld its verdict against 46-year-old accused Arab sorcerer Ali Hussein Subat (aka Shahrzad), saying he deserved death for publicly practicing black magic, thus spreading corruption on the earth.
Well, there you go - words of wisdom from the Islamic paradise of Saudi Arabia.
The judges said they called for the execution of the man for his continuous practice of black magic and that he had been doing it publicly for several years before millions of viewers of a satellite channel.

In a statement on Wednesday, the court said it was not convinced by the appeal bench’s rejection of its verdict against the sorcerer and its attempt to ask the man to repent.

“All evidence proved that he was practicing black magic,” the court said.

The general court has now passed the case back to the Appeals Court in Makkah. It also seized the man’s cell phone, which he was carrying at the time of arrest.

The court insisted that the magician deserved death in order to make him an example and deterrent for others, especially for foreigners who come to the Kingdom to practice sorcery.


Here's a Novel Idea: Let's launch 'Arab Apartheid Week'

With all that massive, coordinated demonizing of Israel by the Arabs and equating it to the apartheid South Africa, it's only natural to take a close look at how the things are in that department in the Arab countries.

Simply put, Arab states remain the last great outpost of despotism and tyranny.

Michael Freund at The Jerusalem Post has a good idea.
[...] Well, I say the time has come to stop playing defense and to bring the offense out onto the field. We need to turn the tables and fight back against our opponents by taking the struggle toward their end-zone.

A good place to be start would be to organize an annual “Arab Apartheid Week,” which would highlight the decrepit state of human and political rights throughout the Arab world.

There is a solid case to be made that the Arab states remain the last great outpost of despotism and tyranny on earth, and people need to be reminded as much. Indeed, the Arab world today is a living encyclopedia of outmoded forms of government, from sultanates such as Oman and emirates such as Qatar, to thuggish dictatorships such as Syria and dynastic monarchies along the lines of Jordan. It may be a political scientist’s dream, but it is a nightmare for the hundreds of millions of Arabs chafing under oppression and tyranny.

Basic and fundamental freedoms such as personal autonomy and individual rights are routinely trampled upon, and ethnic and religious minority groups suffer extreme discrimination and intolerance. Just ask Coptic Christians in Egypt, Baha’is in Iran or Shi’ites in Saudi Arabia for starters.

This was borne out most recently by a report issued by Freedom House, the independent Washington-based group that advocates for freedom worldwide. Its annual survey, “Freedom in the World 2010,” would make for eye-opening reading for all those who cry “apartheid” whenever they see a flag with a Star of David.

Consider the following findings:

Of the 18 countries in the Middle East that Freedom House surveyed, only one is considered to be “free.”

And just who might that be? Yep, you guessed it: Israel.

Not a single Arab country – not one! – did Freedom House consider “free.” Three Arab states – Morocco, Lebanon and Kuwait – were labeled “partly free,” while 13 other Arab states as well as Iran merited the dubious distinction of being branded as “not free.”

In effect, then, this means that of the approximately 370 million human beings currently residing in the Middle East, only 2 percent enjoy true freedom – namely those who live in the Jewish state.

So much for “Israeli apartheid.”

NOT SURPRISINGLY, in a press release announcing the report’s publication, Freedom House concluded that “the Middle East remained the most repressive region in the world.” It is this message that Israel and its supporters need to begin highlighting. By casting a spotlight on the subjugation, oppression and tyranny that typify nearly the entire Arab world, we can open some eyes out there and educate the Western public as to who really shares their democratic values.

As Prof. Bernard Lewis has written, the Arab states are little more than “a string of shabby tyrannies, ranging from traditional autocracies to new-style dictatorships, modern only in their apparatus of repression and indoctrination.”

An annual Arab Apartheid Week, held on campuses and at community centers, could be an effective vehicle for driving home this fundamental truth.

Doing so will reframe the debate. More importantly, it will help Westerners to finally begin recognizing the Arab regimes for what they are: a dangerous mix of despotism and dictatorship.
Read the whole thing here.

Pakistan: Suicide bombers kill 43, wound 100 in

LAHORE, Pakistan (AP) — A pair of suicide bombers targeting army vehicles detonated explosives within seconds of each other Friday, killing at least 43 people in this eastern city and wounding about 100, police said. It was the fourth major attack in Pakistan this week, indicating Islamist militants are stepping up violence after a period of relative calm.

About ten of those killed were soldiers, said Lahore police chief Parvaiz Rathore.

The bombers, who were on foot, struck RA Bazaar, a residential and commercial neighborhood where several security agencies have facilities. Security forces swarmed the area as thick black smoke rose into the sky and bystanders rushed the injured into ambulances. Video being shot with a mobile phone just after the first explosion showed a large burst of orange flame suddenly erupting in the street, according to GEO TV, which broadcast a short clip of the footage shot by Tabraiz Bukhari.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! Who are these beasts? Oh my God!" Bukhari can be heard shouting after the blast in a mixture of English and Urdu.
