Breast Cancer Ballyhoo

This ad from Americans for Prosperity caught our eye because of the sheer number of falsehoods it hits on, both new ones and old faithfuls.


Rove Vs. Brokaw and Other Sunday Spats

We caught a few items worth checking in this week's Sunday shows.


Health Care Summit Squabbles

This marathon discussion had no shortage of factual malpractice.


Dick Cheney vs. Joe Biden

We referee the Battle of the Veeps.


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FactCheck Articles

Health Care Summit Squabbles

Health Care Summit Squabbles

This marathon discussion had no shortage of factual malpractice.

We tuned in to watch the president’s health care summit at Blair House today — all six-plus hours of it. And we weren’t surprised to hear some factual missteps in the discussion: Sen. Lamar Alexander said premiums will go up for “millions” under the Senate bill and president’s plan, while President Barack Obama said families …

Still on the Table?

Still on the Table?

Republican and bipartisan health care proposals may be up for discussion at Obama's summit. What are the details of these plans?

So, what about those Republican health care plans? Contrary to claims made by some Democratic detractors, detailed GOP proposals, and a bipartisan bill with several GOP cosponsors, do exist. And they’re scheduled to get attention at a half-day, televised “summit” meeting at Blair House on Feb. 25, with …

Dick Cheney vs. Joe Biden

Dick Cheney vs. Joe Biden

We referee the Battle of the Veeps.

Vice President Biden and former V.P. Cheney have been slugging it out publicly over the proper way to prosecute suspected terrorists. Biden went so far as to accuse Cheney of being “factually, substantively wrong.” So we took a look, and found both men have been straining the facts …

Tea Party Fact-Checking

Tea Party Fact-Checking

Palin makes a few errors in her convention speech -- and on Fox News Sunday.

Sarah Palin made a splash over the weekend as the keynote speaker at the first National Tea Party convention, and she followed up with an interview on Fox News Sunday. But she didn’t always stick to the facts. Palin implied that the Nigerian would-be Christmas Day bomber stopped talking after he was read his Miranda rights. He did, but …

Koop’s False Claims

Koop’s False Claims

The 93-year-old former surgeon general claims seniors would be 'too old' in the United Kingdom to get a pacemaker or joint replacement. He's wrong.

Former U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop claims that the United Kingdom’s health care system would consider seniors “too old” to qualify for the artificial joints, heart pacemakers and coronary stent that he’s received in the U.S. U.K. guidelines make clear …

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