Sunday, March 14, 2010

TSA's Lords Of Discipline

Ruben Hernandez, theTSA officer who allowed the Chinese man to evade security at an exit at Newark and caused a shutdown of the whole terminal will not be terminated, only "disciplined." At first I was surprised, as TSA acutally is one of the more agressive federal agencies in the area of discipline. They probably terminate more employees each year than any other agency. They certainly are the most agressive in that area in the Department of Homeland Security. Just the opposite of Immigration and Customs Enforcement and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. It is interesting in that ICE agents are required to testify routinely in federal courts, and any misconduct can make them useless in cases that go to court. ICE agents dominate the Department of Justice Giglio lists of agents who cannot be used in court. ICE agents are just not terminated unless they kill and rape someone. Corruption, incompetance, lying, those are accepted behavior in ICE. Customs and Border Protection though is close to TSA in that arena, but not as agressive.

At first look, TSA says that Hernandez is a great employee, and that appears to be why he is not being terminated. But in reality, look no further than his last name. Like most other agencies, TSA is short on Hispanics, they are just not qualifying for employment because of their lack of education, high number of inelligible aliens and illegal aliens, low scores on testing, and high rates of criminal activity. Also Federal Security Directors, the heads of TSA at airports, are political appointees and the Bush Administration packed those positions with people of color, even if they were Democrats, especially Hispanics. Supposedly there is a shortage of Hispanics in the federal government. This appears to be affirmative action discipline, which is quite common throughout the federal government.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Not So Model Minority

A bit of a surprise from these immigrants.

Jag Talar Svenska

Well, that is what they will have to do if employed by a Swedish soccer team. How about Los Mets?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Your Department Of Homeland Security At Work

The Department of Homeland Security has announced that Greece has been added to the Visa Waiver Program where aliens can enter the U.S. without visas on business or pleasure and stay for 90 days. Greece is notorious for its corrupt government officials and is suffering an economic collapse because of government overspending, very similar to an Argentinian economic collapse that resulted in its removal from the VWP. Greece is also amnestying millions of illegal aliens, many from terrorist sponsoring countries. This will result in an increased terrorist threat to the United States and increased illegal immigration. It is only an organization as incompetant as DHS that would bring Greece in the the VWP at this time. Millions of Greeks, both new and old citizens will flee to the U.S. and increase the demand for an amensty and compete with Americans for jobs during our Great Recession.

Nippon Leads The Way

On treatment of asylees and illegal aliens. Leftists are playing the same game in Japan that they are in the U.S. They relentlessly propogandize on the immigration issue, exaggerating, lying and misrepresenting the issue. In Japan the left wants to destroy indigenous Japanese culture and replace it with third world diversity. Apparently Japan has a shortage of car thieves, so the left wants them imported from Pakistan. However the Japanese will have none of it. The most recent hit piece in the Japan Times was better written and researched than most pieces in the U.S., with the reporter actually pointing out that the illegal alien complaining of an incredulous beating had no marks on his body to support the claim of a beating so vicious he flew into the air from kicks underneath him:

"'In no second or minute, I was in the air with showers of kicking under my back, blows on my stomach,' Ssentamu later wrote in a letter sent to The Japan Times, Amnesty International and several other organizations that deal with refugee and asylum issue.'

Kicked so hard he was floating in the air like a soccer ball. Not likely.

Much similar to claims in the U.S. for their incredulidity, the claims in Japan have no real basis in fact. The Japanese reaction is much more intelligent. The Japanese only approve 6.5% of asylum claims, and because of that the number of claims is much smaller, 3,292. Given the fact that 99% of asylum claims in the U.S. are fraudulent, but we approve about half of all claims, even the Japanese are erring on the side of the alien, but it does show that detention of asylum seekers deters others. Demanding a real bond before any release is also helps sort the wheat from the chaff. Here we release asylum applicants with no bond, unless they are whites from Europe. In those cases they go straight to jail.

But, just as we attract the criminal class, so does Japan. Just how many car thieves does Japan need? About as many as America.

Hate Crime By Black Muslims

Is not being investigated by the City and County of San Francisco and not being investigated by the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division. It shows one that blacks and Muslims are not equal before the law, but above the law. It shows us that white Christians are not equal before the law, but held to be inferior to others, those others being blacks and Muslims. And that is all good with the Demoncrat Party, the party of blacks and Muslims. Chris Daly knows who his supporters are and he backs them to the hilt. Why doesn't someone give the Civil Rights Divsion a call?

U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.Criminal Section, PHB, Washington, D.C. 20530
(202) 514-3204
(202) 514-8336 (fax)

A Hyphenated American

Is not an American at all.

This why: '"I'm an American, a Muslim and a Pakistani," explains Chaudhry, who repairs computers and runs an export business. "It's who I am. It's hard not to think about it -- my own race being killed. Innocent people . . . it's kind of like saying 'My people are doing this to my people. My American people are doing this to my Pakistani people.' It's so hard."'

One cannot serve two masters. You are either American, first, last and always, or you are not. You are then a Pakistani and a Muslim. You will then go on jihad and kill Americans. This is the end of any view other than American, first, last and always. Any division of loyalties results in disloyalty to America. Immigrants need to learn this. There is no such thing as mixed loyalties, there is only either-or; either an American or not. It is clear that most immigrants are not.