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  • A wealthy businessman who raised money for leading Democratic Party politicians, including Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, pleaded guilty on Thursday to defrauding three major banks out of $292.2 million in loan transactions.

    Hassan Nemazee, 60, who once ran a private equity firm, admitted in Manhattan federal court to defrauding Bank of America Corp (BAC.N) of more than $142 million, Citigroup Inc (C.N) of $74.9 million and HSBC Holdings Plc (HSBA.L) of $74.9 million to pay his debt to Citigroup.

    During the plea proceeding, Iranian-born Nemasee, who owned several multimillion dollar properties and had interests in various companies and hedge funds, said he had tried to get out of financial difficulty starting in the 1990s.
    More culture of corruption crap from Obama and Clinton

  • The United States has diverted a shipment of bunker-busters designated for Israel
    Officials said the U.S. military was ordered to divert a shipment of smart bunker-buster bombs from Israel to a military base in Diego Garcia. They said the shipment of 387 smart munitions had been slated to join pre-positioned U.S. military equipment in Israel Air Force bases.

    "This was a political decision," an official said.
    Here comes the appeasement to Iran……

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casenfieldpoll318 CA-Sen Field Poll: Senator Barbara Boxer Fades as Tom Campbell and Carly Fiorina Surge

Poll Graphic Courtesy of the Sacramento Bee

California U.S. Senator Democrat Barbara Boxer is in deep trouble for her re-election bid. The latest poll results are in the graphic above but in summary:
GOP Primary
  • Campbell 28
  • Fiorina 22
  • DeVore 9
  • Und 40

General Election

  • Campbell 44 – Boxer 43 – Und 13
  • Boxer 45 – Fiorina 44 – Und 11
  • Boxer 45 – DeVore 41 – Und 14

The March 9-15 survey was conducted of 748 LV with a MoE of +/- 3.7%. For the primary, 353 GOP LV were surveyed with a MoE of +/- 5.5%.

A very good poll for former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina as she emerges as the conservative favorite in the race. In fact, supposed Tea Party favorite Chuck DeVore is not doing so well with that group of voters as Fiorina beats DeVore.

The results of this poll are pretty much what I have expected. Carly Fiorina is starting to surge, Tom Campbell is holding on to a small lead based on his name identification and Chuck Devore trails badly. I expect to see in the next month conservative voters peeling off DeVore to support Fiorina as it becomes perfectly clear that DeVore will not win. Conservatives will flock to Fiorina over the left-leaning libertarian Tom Campbell.

The biggest shock in the poll, however, is how poorly Barbara Boxer is doing. This race has to be viewed as a toss-up now and the national Republican Party has to be lickng its chops.  Look for more money to surge into Carly Fiorina’s campaign coffers.

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0318106145251 Day By Day March 18, 2010 - Tools

Day By Day by Chris Muir

Chris, are you saying that President Obama and Rahm view CNN and MSNBC as tools to be used in their own media wars?

Well, you are correct and their latest viewership ratings show it. The ratings are in the dumpster as Americans turn off their shows and biased news coverage.

With more instant “new” media and Fox News, the White House cannot expect to use the old left-leaning outlets to promote their propaganda. But, they do – much to their peril.

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  • President Obama will travel west next month to raise money for California Sen. Barbara Boxer and the Democratic National Committee, the White House confirmed Wednesday afternoon.

    The fundraiser will take place in the Los Angeles area. Further details were unavailable.

    The event comes on the heels of a fundraiser for Boxer headlined by former Vice President Al Gore earlier this year and as the three-term Democratic senator is facing what is expected to be her toughest re-election battle yet.
    The new California Field Poll is released tomorrow morning at 6 AM PDT and the numbers will NOT be pretty for Barbara Boxer. The poll is embargoed and I can say no more.

  • House Democratic leaders on Wednesday night said the long-awaited Congressional Budget Office score of the reconciliation bill will not come out until Thursday, forcing an acknowledgement that a Saturday healthcare vote is likely off the table.

    But leaders are still hoping for a score on Thursday, and are still preparing for a possible vote before the end of the weekend.
    Probably a Sunday vote now – if votes for passage are there.

    (tags: Obamacare)
  • Assemblyman Chuck DeVore threw verbal punches at his two GOP congressional opponents Wednesday, predicting that Tom Campbell's campaign will collapse and characterizing Carly Fiorina as a political "dilettante."

    DeVore, in a meeting with the Sacramento Bee's Capitol Bureau, smiled when reminded that columnist George Will had predicted that he would win the Republican primary for Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer's seat. "He's a wise man," DeVore quipped.

    The Irvine Republican predicted that Campbell's campaign is doomed, despite a new Field Poll showing Campbell with a six percentage point lead over Fiorina and a 19-point lead over DeVore.
    Chuckles DeVore cannot possibly be serious. Now, all is left of his campaign is to name call fellow Republicans.

    How pathetic.

  • It's looking like a Jerry Brown and Meg Whitman match-up.

    And not only is Whitman pounding GOP rival Steve Poizner in the primary, she's opened up a narrow, if statistically insignificant, 46 percent to 43 percent lead on Brown in the general election, according to the latest Field Poll released this morning.

    The hypothetical match-up between Brown and Whitman was asked of 748 Californians likely to vote Nov. 2. Those numbers are within the margin of error of plus or minus 3.7 percentage points reported by the pollsters.

    Whitman led Brown among both Republicans and nonpartisan voters, and in Southern California and the Central Valley.

    Brown led in the Bay Area and Northern California, and among voters ages 18 to 39.
    All but over in the GOP primary election

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0317109630512 Day By Day March 17, 2010 - Third Party

Day By Day by Chris Muir

Chris, the unfortunate aspect of a third party is that it always leads to a leftward leaning candidate to win. Remember Bill Clinton, Goerge HW Bush and Ross Perot?

There are too many split votes and since the Electoral College is a statewide winner take all election, it makes it real tough for a third party candidate to win – even one state.

In Congressional districts, the state election rules favor the two major parties and make it difficult to even get on the ballot.

The result of Obamacare passing will be massive Tea Party tax and illegal immigration protests, physicans retiring and hospitals closing. For the Republican party, it will mean the regaining of the majority in at least the House.

Stay tuned.

If there is no vote by Friday, I suspect Obamacare is dead.


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