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In response to the murder of Ajmal Naqshbandi in Afghanistan we have started a fund for the families of fixers killed or injured while working in international media. 100% of the money currently collected will go to Ajmal's family.

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Next live webcast: Tue 27th January, 7.00pm UK time

Media Talk: Obama on the Middle East - From Rhetoric to Reality

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Latest Articles

Somalia's Exiled Press Pack

Rob Crilly, 01 Sep 2008

Speculation continues about the fate of the western journalists kidnapped with their Somali colleagues. As usual with Somalia there are lots of different theories floating around but I learned long ago to steer clear of anyone who claims to know what’s going on.

Read more http://tinyurl.com/6xpee3. more++

Remembering the fallen

Robert Fox, 22 Jun 2008

To those who paid the ultimate price for their journalism

The dedication of Jaume Plensa’s giant glass vase ‘Breathing’ on the roof of the BBC at Portland Place as a memorial to all who have fallen in the cause of news and reporting  was moving, fitting and strangely remote. more++
  • From Forgotten Frontlines: As the Frontline Club's "Forgotten" season gears up, Nancy Durham highlights three memorable documen - Nancy Durham
  • When hope turns to fear: Hunger, death and fear stalk the streets of Zimbabwe as the election crisis continues. - Catherine Philp
  • Rough Justice: The tale of the journalism student and the Afghan warlord. One sentenced to death, the other remains - Kim Sengupta, Kabul
  • Africa's Dark Heart: An unnavigable river, barbarous treatment of the natives by Belgian colonists and despotic rule have - Tim Butcher
  • Congolese Cliches: Victorian era cliches about Africa are all-too-often the mainstay for reporters and writers - Fred Robarts


Stalin's Children: Three Generations of Love and War

Simon Sebag Montefiore, 19 Aug 2008

Book by Owen Matthews

I have read many sagas of Russian families, but this one has facets that make it poignant. It is both tragedy and love story by a distinguished chronicler of the East. Matthews has covered Moscow for Newsweek since 1997 and has witnessed the Chechen, Bosnian and second Iraqi wars. more++

White Cargo: The Forgotten History of Britain's White Slaves in America

Eamonn Gearon, 19 Aug 2008

Book by by Don Jordan and Michael Walsh

White Cargo tells the story of the 300,000 plus urchins, prostitutes, criminals and those without social blemish or criminal record who were taken from the British Isles during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and sent as forced labour to the American colonies. more++

Palestine Inside Out: An Everyday Occupation

Najwa Najjar, 19 Jun 2008

Book by Saree Makdisi

How do you review a book that articulates what your life under occupation is like so honestly and clearly that you are left feeling shocked and angry? To an outside world that sees only the issues of “peace” and “terrorism,” occupation loses its significance and becomes a mere abstraction. more++

new media

AP vs. Bloggers

Graham Holliday, 22 Jun 2008

The Associated Press riled bloggers in June by asking them to pay for quotes lifted from its reports

As freelance word rates go, $2.50 per word isn’t bad. It’s what you might expect from some of the higher end magazines in the US. However, it might not be what you expect the Associated Press (AP) to charge bloggers for quoting AP material. more++

Reporting on the forbidden

Graham Holliday, 19 Mar 2008

RSS feeds and news aggregators are powerful new tools that offer journalists a way around news black

When Georg Blume of Germany and Kristin Kupfer of Austria left from Lhasa train station in the early hours of Thursday March 20 they were the last two foreign journalists to leave Tibet after being forced out by the Chinese authorities. more++

Public or Private?

Graham Holliday, 19 Feb 2008

Social networking sites have brought new opportunities for journalists, and new problems

Social networking sites like Facebook and Bebo are awash with video and pictures uploaded by the general public.
News organisations are grappling with what they can and can’t use from the sites, but there is no agreed standard and recent months have seen them make a litany of mistakes. more++

Event Calendar

Jan 2009

6th January

Preview Screening: Rageh Omaar - Pakistan's War: On the Frontline FULLY BOOKED

As the fallout from November’s bloody siege in Mumbai focuses the world’s attention on Pakistan, Al Jazeera’s new flagship documentary series Pakistan’s War investigates Pakistan’s ability to control militants inside its own borders. This evening we will preview the second episode of this two-part series, where Rageh Omaar joins the Pakistan army in their full-scale military offensive on the frontier with Afghanistan.He follows infantry from house to house in their advance on the Taliban stronghold of Loe Sam. He is forced to retreat when the army unit that he is filming comes under fire from Taliban fighters.

13 Norfolk Place, London, W2 1QJ


7th January

FULLY BOOKED Media Talk: Viva la Revolucion: Cuba at 50

Nearly one year on since Raul Castro officially took power from his brother, Fidel, and with a new US president about to take office, the change that has inevitably been creeping up on Cuba looks set to continue into 2009. Amid celebrations of the Cuban Revolution's 50th anniversary, we remember its achievements and  legacy, while assessing the implications of Obama's Presidency for the island.

13 Norfolk Place, London W2 1QJ


9th January

Cuba at 50 Screening: Personal Che

Personal Che, directed by filmmakers Adriana Marino and Douglas Duarte, is a film that has Che at the centre but examines not the history, but rather how this man continues to be re-interpreted by many around the world in ways that would probably surprise Che himself.

13 Norfolk Place, London, W2 1QJ


12th January

Sneak Preview Screening: Pig Business CANCELLED

A shocking new feature-length documentary, Pig Business, shows how gruesome methods of factory farming are increasingly inflicting hidden long-term damage on public health and the environment, making a mockery of animal welfare and driving traditional, small-scale, humane farmers to the wall.

13 Norfolk Place, London, W2 1QJ


13th January

FULLY BOOKED Insight with Tariq Ali on Pakistan

Tariq Ali's new book, The Duel: Pakistan on the Flight Path of American Power, weighs the prospects of those contending for power in the aftermath of Benazir Bhutto's assassination, and demonstrates Pakistan's unique influence on the emergence of a secure world or global conflagration.

13 Norfolk Place, London W2 1QJ


14th January

FULLY BOOKED Dinner Briefing: Threats, response and reconstruction - Afghanistan in 2009

2009 promises to be a crucial year for the war in Afghanistan. While the latest independent report indicates that the Taliban have significantly increased their political and military control to around 75% of the country and that 2008 has been the deadliest for US troops since the 2001 invasion, President-elect Obama has pledged to make the fight against the Taliban and Al-Qaeda his top priority. He'll be sending more troops to the region, has proposed an additional $1 billion in non-military assistance each year, and seems committed to preventing corruption.

13 Norfolk Place, London W2 1QJ


16th January

Screening: The English Surgeon

THE GUARDIAN“…the best documentary for a long time”VARIETY“Deeply touching, resonant and ….very funny”What is it like to have God like surgical powers, yet to struggle against your own humanity? What is it like to try and save a life, and yet to fail? Shot in Ukraine, The English Surgeon is an intimate portrait of neurosurgeon Henry Marsh as he openly confronts the dilemmas of the doctor patient relationship on his latest mission to Kiev

13 Norfolk Place, London, W2 1QJ


19th January

Preview Screening: Frost/Nixon FULLY BOOKED

Frontline is pleased to present a second sneak preview of Frost/Nixon - the film adaptation of Peter Morgan's hugely successful stage play. Oscar winning director Ron Howard brings this remarkable story to the screen, not only recreating the on-air interview, but also showing the motivations of both men, and the around-the-world, behind the scenes maneuvering and machinations at play. Frost/Nixon will be officially released in the UK on 23 January 2009.

13 Norfolk Place, London, W2 1QJ


23rd January

Preview Screening: Bolivia, Child Miners - A Film by Rodrigo Vazquez

Child Miners is a poignant observational documentary from acclaimed director Rodrigo Vazquez (Inside Hamas, Bolivia, Looking for the Revolution) that follows the plight of two young Bolivian tin miners. Jorge and Alex are two of 3,000 children working in Bolivia´s tin mines. This film follows their lives as they struggle to survive on less than one dollar a day while fighting against hunger and silicosis, the miners disease. It is set against the backdrop of the country's newly elected indigenous president, Evo Morales, a man of principle who promises to improve the lives of ordinary Bolivians. The question is, will his promises ring true for the two young miners?

13 Norfolk Place, London, W2 1QJ


26th January

Screening: Louis Theroux Presents... America's Most Hated Family FULLY BOOKED

For one night only as part of our new 'Presents...' strand, intrepid broadcaster Louis Theroux, will introduce America's Most Hated Family - his own personal favourite from a TV career that started with Louis Theroux's Weird Weekends in 1998.

13 Norfolk Place, London, W2 1QJ

26th January

FULLY BOOKED - Frontline Pub Quiz - members with guests only

Come to get challenged and entertained at our first Frontline pub quiz. Enter as a team (up to 6 people) or as an individual. The quiz will last two hours and includes a break. Free drinks and books for the winners.  £5 entry per person donated to the Fixers' Fund.

13 Norfolk Place, London, W2 1QJ


27th January

FULLY BOOKED - Media Talk: Obama on the Middle East - From Rhetoric to Reality

As Obama prepares to take office as the 44th US president, he is set to face huge challenges in the Middle East. Will the renewed emphasis on diplomacy that he is proposing with the region pave the way for improved relations with Iran and prevent them from developing their nuclear programme? Will he be able to broker an Israeli-Palestinian peace process where every US president before him has failed and how will he balance his commitment to Israel with his desire to build peace with the Palestinians? Who are his new panel of advisors and special envoys to the Middle East and what will they mean for the region? And will the man famed for his rhetoric be able to make his vision a reality?

13 Norfolk Place, London W2 1QJ


30th January

Insight with Sean Langan: Tales of the Taliban and Other Stories

Sean Langan is a British journalist and documentary film-maker and has made a name for himself by making video-diary style films in dangerous and volatile situations, from Latin America to Zimbabwe. Most recently, he's made a name for himself with his films Fighting the Taliban and Meeting the Taliban in Afghanistan. In 2008 he was kidnapped while filming in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region and freed three months later after his family had negotiated his release.

13 Norfolk Place, London W2 1QJ


Event News


New Year, new look

Frontline is currently in the process of moving to a new website that will offer a great deal more - however, during this period of transition our video archive will temporarily be hosted here.