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By Mark Raby, GamesRadar US posted 43 minutes 40 seconds ago

If LG has its way, Sony won't be able to bring any PS3 consoles into the United States. Likely to happen? Not really. Likely to be a headache for Sony's legal team? Probably...

By Mark Raby, GamesRadar US posted 1 hour 58 minutes ago

It's unclear exactly why Warhammer Online is shutting down three of its game servers, but fans of the game should be pleased to know that if they use one of the servers that are affected, they'll be able to transfer to another one free of charge...

By Mark Raby, GamesRadar US posted 2 hours 32 minutes ago

We all make a few bad choices when we're kids, but Brendan Jordan's bad choices have left his mom with one hefty Xbox Live bill. After he racked up £1082.52 (about $1,700 USD) in XBL charges over the course of several months, his mother is asking Microsoft to help reverse some of the damage...

By Matt Bradford, GamesRadar US posted 2 hours 59 minutes ago

Flowers are overrated. And jewelry? So cliché. This Valentine's Day, if you truly want to impress the videogame vixen on your list, the only gift that will do the job is a romantic, life-sized, battery operated Dead Space Plasma Cutter replica...

Five minutes. Five minutes of a very short demo was all gamers needed to decide that, yep, they were definitely interested in whatever twist on first person shooters Bulletstorm had to offer later this February. Of course, it helped that those five minutes could be repeated over and over and over again, each time played with an incredibly different – and incredibly sadistic – approach.

But those are still only five minutes of an hours-long campaign. If that much diversity and insanity can be packed into a demo, what might happen through the course of the entire single player story? Having finished Bulletstorm last month, I can give you an idea. Here's a sample of what I experienced during just the first third of the game…

By Matt Bradford, GamesRadar US posted 3 hours 33 minutes ago

Because nothing says bad-ass like a mob boss with Demon Arms, 2K Games has announced that it will be revisiting The Darkness in a new sequel for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC this fall...

By Matt Bradford, GamesRadar US posted 3 hours 47 minutes ago

A petition to game developers on behalf of gamers with disabilities has reached the attention of Visceral Games developers, who today confirmed that it will be including control customization options in an upcoming patch for the PC version of Dead Space 2...

As a young Christian Bale is about to teach your eye holes in an advert for Pac-Man cereal, we’ve all got to start out somewhere. And hey, selling video game related breakfast edibles is at the very least better than getting a paper route…

Nathan Drake has always been partial to a pretty particle effect. In his first adventure, it was all about gorgeous water and alluring wet man nipples. In the second, it was Nepal’s real purdy lookin’ snow and ice. And now, for Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception, Naughty Dog is turning its collective programming ninjutsu to sophisticated fire… which we can only guess you have to wine and dine before it burns your face off. Boy howdy, we’re a bunch of kidders, ain’t we? For more interesting flame-focused words from Naughty Dog, head inside…

“Is that your profession or pleasure?” Well, when it comes to jobs in games, it’s usually both. Y’see, your average gaming hero’s nine-to-five is a never-ending stream of employed excitement. Acrobatic plumbers who frolic in magical fantasy kingdoms. Archaeologists with pornstar bodies who can dual wield pistols like everyone’s favourite slaphead assassin. And suspiciously buff scientists who routinely save the human race with nothing but a crowbar. They all enjoy incredible careers we mere mortals could only dream of. Of course, if their jobs were a little more true to life, Mario would probably do himself in when he faced his first backed-up toilet… 

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