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It’s pretty amazing that raw Twitter posts already show up by default right on Google search results pages. Today at the Search Marketing Expo, project managers from the three major search engine gave insight into their companies’ approaches to the quickened pace of the web. Read More »

On Tuesday afternoon, Elliott Associates, L.P., a hedge fund with a significant position in shares of Novell, placed an unsolicited offer to buy the company for approximately $2 billion. The offer places a high valuation on Novell, and the troubled company must consider it carefully. Read More »

The Vancouver 2010 Winter Games were a major hit on the Net, as outlined on NewTeeVee earlier today. NBCOlympics.com clocked 710 million page views and 46 million unique visits. They were equally big on mobiles, too — far more than when they were held in Beijing. Read More »


Today at the RSA conference in San Francisco, Microsoft Vice President for Trustworthy Computing Scott Charney proposed an Internet usage tax to fight malware infections and the effects of botnets. Do users at large really need to pay for one of Microsoft’s own most costly problems? Read More »

Mobile data consumption continues to surge, as Chetan Sharma notes in his latest update of the U.S. mobile industry, but data revenues aren’t keeping pace. That explains why AT&T and Verizon — which dominate mobile the mobile data market — are moving toward metered billing. Read More »

Jonas Jacobi’s Kaazing is pushing forward a new protocol called web sockets. Rather than AJAX-type hacks to make web apps quick, web sockets are a full browser upgrade to better send and receive data between a web client and server. Read More »

Yahoo’s CEO Carol Bartz slammed government involvement in broadband deployments, crappy consumer spending, and said she would would have taken Microsoft’s offer of $36 per share back in 2008, in an interview today on CNBC. However, she didn’t come out against net neutrality. Read More »

More Must Reads

Books Now Outnumber Games on the iPhone

Books now outnumber games in the iTunes app store for the first time since the iPhone was launched, according to a recent survey by mobile advertising firm Mobclix. The popularity of the iPhone as an e-book reader could help pave the way for the Apple iPad. Read More »

iPad’s 3G Pricing: Why It’s So Great

Without a doubt, among the most interesting announcements to come out of Apple’s iPad unveiling were the wireless plans. A close look at the mobile data plans reveals that they may be major competitive advantages. Read More »

Worlds of Email Marketing and Twitter Collide

In another sign of how Twitter and other social media tools are becoming intertwined with the world of traditional marketing and CRM, email marketer ExactTarget has acquired Twitter account management service CoTweet for an undisclosed sum. The two plan to create a “social media lab.” Read More »

U.S. Carriers Are Running Out of Growth Options

It’s hard to grow in a saturated market, but despite the 89 percent cell phone penetration the U.S. has, AT&T managed to pull out some impressive revenue growth, thanks to consolidation. But for U.S. carriers future growth will require new business models and applications. Read More »

Apple Taps ITC to Kneecap Google

Apple has filed a lawsuit claiming HTC is infringing on 20 patents related to the iPhone’s user interface, hardware and architecture. But the lawsuit likely is a tactic to slow the remarkable momentum Android has picked up in recent months. Read More »

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