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    Thousands of Deadly Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9/11


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  • Schoolhouse Rock Slaughter Edition: How a Bill Becomes a Law
    In a Congress with an 18.7% approval rating
  • Chris Christie's New Jersey Revolution
    A leader
  • My Health-Care Plan
    Ann Coulter
  • Doctor with 'Disregard' for Patients Who Sent Baby Girl Home to Die Is Suspended for Just FOUR Months
    Many of the good doctors having fled Britain's nationalized health care system, now it's down to the dregs
  • Muslims Slaughter 12 More Christians in Nigeria & Cut Out Their Tongues
    Cowards slaughtered seven women, four children and one man. Where's the outcry?
  • De-Fence, De-Fence
    Where's that 700-mile physical border fence Congress authorized?

  • Washington Walgreens: No New Medicaid Patients as of April 16
    Private company can't afford to keep giving government a free ride
  • Biden Mistakenly Blesses Irish Leader's Mother
    It wasn't the blessing that was the problem. It was "God rest her soul" for a woman who's still very much alive
  • The Latest from the Conniving Weasel
    Which one? Oh, THAT one. And the other one
  • The Failed State of England
    A major Western power comes crumbling down
  • Obama's New Target for Regime Change: Israel
    Terrific. Because they built housing. E-vil!

  • Obama Is a Stranger in a Strange Land
    Attachment disorder?
  • Obama and Israel: Not Smart
    Nice way to irritate part of your base, Mr. Obama
  • White House Announces Unemployment Will Remain High For Rest of Year (Video)
    But it's only March. Maybe the right result in November can change all that
  • Specter Opens Door on White House Felonies
    Caught red-handed?
  • Obama Says He Won't Campaign for Dems Who Vote No on Healthcare
    Another good reason to vote "no"
  • Fourteen Months of Hell
    A Brief, Illustrated History of the Ill-Fated Democrat Health Care Nationalization Efforts of 2009-10
  • Nancy Pelosi’s Deficient Cleaning Service
    What did she know, and when did she know it?
  • Journey to Zimbabwe
  • Why Don't Christians Care?
    It's open season on Christians around the world. 500 were just slaughtered in Nigeria. Where's the outcry?


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