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Global Voices Citizen Media Summit 2010 - Santiago, Chile. May 6-7


March 22nd, 2010

Iran: New wave of blogger arrests

Another wave of blogger arrests has been reported in Iran but the details are murky. The leader of an anti-censorship group named Iran Proxy, and the founder of blog hosting service Persian Blog have both been arrested.

March 21st, 2010

Translator of the week: Audrey Lambert and her students in France

A faithful volunteer translator for Global Voices in French since 2008, Audrey Lambert is also a pioneer of using Global Voices in the classroom at the Lycée Ozenne in Toulouse, France.

South Africa: Remembering Sharpeville Massacre

South Africans remember the Sharpeville Massacre on 21 March 1960 as a turning point in the history of political resistance against racial discrimination. Sixty-nine people were killed in the township of Sharpeville when South African police opened fire on a crowd of black protesters.

Dubai: Iranian Blogger Omid Reza Mirsayafi RememberedPhotos postVideo post

About 40 young people from all four corners of the world came together in a cafe in Dubai and remembered the first anniversary of the death of Iranian Omid Reza Mirsayafi, the first blogger to die in prison. The meeting also reflected on the March 18 Movement, OR318, via art.