
Human Rights

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March 24th, 2010

Argentina: Arrest Order Against Judge's Father Creates Controversy

Argentinean Judge María José Sarmiento believes that the arrest order for her father, accused of human rights abuses in the 1970s, is "obviously related" to her ruling against the government regarding the use of the federal reserves.

El Salvador: 30th Anniversary of Assassination of Oscar Romero

Each year on March 24, the people of El Salvador and around the world commemorate the life of Roman Catholic Archbishop Oscar Romero, who was assassinated 30 years ago for his outspoken criticisms of the repressive government.

March 23rd, 2010

Pakistan: Child Abuse On The Rise

The term ‘child abuse’ covers a wide array of very diverse kinds of crimes subjected towards the minors. Bloggers discuss the disturbing rise in child abuse cases in Pakistan.

March 22nd, 2010

Iran: New wave of blogger arrests

Another wave of blogger arrests has been reported in Iran but the details are murky. The leader of an anti-censorship group named Iran Proxy, and the founder of blog hosting service Persian Blog have both been arrested.