
Middle East & North Africa

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March 23rd, 2010

USA: In Census, Only Some Races CountVideo post

Census forms are being delivered to all U.S. households this month, but some citizens complain that the question on race does not offer enough answers to give an accurate picture of their ethnicity.

March 22nd, 2010

Iran: New wave of blogger arrests

Another wave of blogger arrests has been reported in Iran but the details are murky. The leader of an anti-censorship group named Iran Proxy, and the founder of blog hosting service Persian Blog have both been arrested.

March 21st, 2010

Azerbaijan: Reflections on NovruzPhotos post

This weekend marked the official start of Novruz, the Zoroastrian holiday marking the beginning of spring. Bloggers comment on the festival.

March 20th, 2010

Iraq: Seven Years On

With the recent elections still fresh in the news it is all too easy to forget that the anniversary of the start of the war is this week. But this will not pass some bloggers. And, the latest results show that the election on 7th March is still too close to call. In the mean time, I have some speculation from the Iraqi blogs.