Freedom of Speech, Cyber-Activism, Governance, Human Rights
Farsi, English

mirsiyafi-iconOmid Reza Mir Sayafi, a 29-year old Iranian blogger and journalist died in Evin Prison in Tehran on March 18. In December, he was sentenced to two and half years in prison for allegedly insulting religious leaders, and engaging in propaganda against the Islamic Republic of Iran. Mir Sayafi was still awaiting an additional trial for insulting Islam.

According to the Human Rights activists in Iran website, Omid Reza suffered from deep depression in jail and was prescribed medications of which he apparently took too many. Dr. Hesam Firouzi, a jailed doctor and human rights activist says [fa] he urged prison authorities to send Omid Reza to a hospital outside prison but that prison doctors refused, and would not perform even basic tests.

A campaign has been launched in Facebook to “Hold Iran Responsible for Death of Blogger Mirsayafi in Prison”.

Blogger Mojtaba Saminejad says [fa] Omid Reza had communicated to him two days before his death that he would possibly be allowed to exit the prison in the coming days to visit a hospital. The blogger says he was led to expect better news than this.

In an interview [fa] with Human Rights activists in Iran a few days before going to prison, Omid Reza said his blog was a cultural blog and not intended to be insulting.

Here is a video once filmed by Omid Reza in Tehran. It is the funeral of Iranian archeologist and academic Parviz Varjavand.


  • [...] See Hamid’s full blog post here. [...]

  • [...] Reza Mir Sayafi,Iranian blogger and journalist who died in prison yesterday, talked about Iranian new year in his blog,Rooz Negar, 3 years ago. He invites [...]

  • [...] didn’t allow him to get treated in a hospital outside of prison (Link To Original Blog: Omid Reza Mir Sayafi, a 29 year-old blogger and journalist was sentenced to prison for and a [...]

  • I hope he didn’t die because of the views in his blog, very sad..

  • [...] Vítima de uma depressão durante a sua segunda detenção – já tinha sido detido em Abril do ano passado - Sayaf dividia uma cela da prisão de Evin com Hessam Firouzi, um médico activista dos direitos humanos, que terá tentado alertar os funcionários para o estado de saúde do jovem de 29 anos de idade (texto em farsi). O advogado Mohamad Ali Dadkah esclarece que «o Sr. Fioruzi telefonou-me da prisão para me informar que Omid apresentava uma baixa preocupante do ritmo cardíaco. Tinha alertado imediatamente a enfermaria mas os médicos não levaram a sério», não tendo sequer efectuado testes básicos. O blogger Motjaba Saminejad afirma que Omid terá comunicado com ele dois dias antes da morte, dizendo que provavelmente seria autorizado a sair da prisão para se deslocar a um hospital (texto em farsi). [...]

  • [...] the death of Iranian blogger Omid Rez Misayafi. Bruce’s post this morning announcing it, via Global Voices, left me shaken and upset. I have spent the last hour frantically pouring over the accounts of a [...]

  • Damn…RIP.

  • [...] GLOBAL VOICES מוסר שהבלוגר האיראני אומיד רזה מירצאייפי (Omid Reza Mir Sayafi) [...]

  • [...] to Hamid Tehrani, an Iranian blogger and activist who writes (as I do) for Global Voices Online, Misafayi was [...]

  • Lately there are more bloggers in jail in Iran, presumably as well in the Evin prison, like Hossein Derakhshan aka Hoder.

    Seems as if in the run up to Iran elections the imprisoned bloggers serve a special aim, that’s only known to leaders with full religious understanding… so, an earthling like me simply can’t have a clue about that, but i am VERY worried about what’s happening with Hoder and the others, and I think we MUST make a lot of noise, for a start. How? hehh… let’s gather ideas, and see what’s the noisiest one?

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