
Tarek Amr

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About Tarek Amr

72 posts · joined 2007-10-9

If you really don't know me, then it's either you live on Jupiter, or you've never searched for gr33ndata or Tarek Amr on Google or Yahoo.

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Latest posts by Tarek Amr


February 15th, 2010

Egypt: Valentine's Day Dilemma

Forget about anything you know about the Valentine's Day, as you are going to experience so many contradicting reactions and thoughts regarding this day, after paying the Egyptian blogosphere a visit.

February 3rd, 2010

Egypt: We Are The Champions

The Egyptian football team beat Ghana in the African Cup of Nations' final match, and achieved its third consecutive championship. This is also Egypt's seventh championship since the launch of the tournament in the 50's. Bloggers join the rest of the country in celebrating the achievement.

January 18th, 2010

Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood Elects New Head

The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt has elected a new leader - Mr Muhammad Bedei. Egyptian bloggers reaction to the new appointment in this post.

January 15th, 2010

Middle East & North Africa

JessyZ - Chocolate Mints in a Jar - created a list of the things younger generations won't know.

January 13th, 2010

Egypt: English Loan Words

"Egyptian" Arabised English is taking the Twittersphere by storm. Tarek Amr collects reactions from #EgyEnglish in this post which explains how bilingual Egyptians have included English words in their dialect.

January 12th, 2010

Iraq/Saudia Arabia: The Clerics War

Saudi-Iraqi relations have plummeted to a new low following remarks by Saudi Sunni cleric Mohammad al-Ureifi against Iraqi Shia Grand Ayatollah Ali Al-Sistani during a Friday prayer sermon. Bloggers react to the development in this round up by Tarek Amr.