Special Coverage

On these pages we summarize more extensive Global Voices coverage of major news events through blogs and citizen media worldwide. If you have suggestions for new special coverage pages, please email us.

In January, a dispute over Chinese government hacking of dissident Google accounts resulted in an ultimatum from Google saying they would cease filtering search engine results in China or possibly leave the country. more »

On January 12, a devastating 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti. In spite of power outages and interruptions in phone services, citizen media reports of the quake are streaming out via phone and internet. more »

An end of year retrospective highlighting some of the most memorable Global Voices stories from 2009. Happy New Year! more »

Happy Birthday to Global Voices, all our readers, authors, editors and translators. The global blogosphere has come a long way. And so have we. more »

The United Nations Climate Change Summit (COP15) is taking place in Copenhagen, Denmark on December 7-18. All eyes are focused on the negotiators and activists that will help determine the future course of the world. more »

Global Voices marks World Aids Day with our best posts on HIV/AIDS in world blogs. Join us for a virtual chat on December 3 to discuss how we can make a difference. more »

November 25 is the international day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. We (Global Voices!) invite you to join us by blogging about these issues in your own blog too. more »

Immigrant high school and university students in the United States have used the internet effectively in building activist networks to support the passing of a law called the DREAM act. more »

Global Voices explored how internet and communication technologies can assist human development, supported by Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet & Society and Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC). more »

Citizens everywhere are using videos to help tell their stories in times of crisis, moments of beauty, or online campaigns to improve their lives. Check out our favorite 10 video posts of the past year. more »

A new blog sponsored by the UNFPA called Conversations for a Better World has commissioned Global Voices bloggers to help them highlight online conversations about population and development around the world. more »

The June 28 arrest and expulsion of Honduran President José Manuel "Mel" Zelaya by the country's armed forces has caused deep rifts between Hondurans on whether it should be considered a military coup or not. more »

President Barack Obama's first official visit to Sub-Saharan Africa in July 2009 sparked conversations across African blogospheres and online discussion forums. On July 11, he delivered a speech in the parliament of Ghana that was widely commented. more »

Few artists have earned such worldwide fame and recognition as Michael Jackson. Global Voices authors look at the outpour of commentary from bloggers around the world. more »

After the presidential election on June 12, 2009 thousands of Iranian demonstrators took to the streets demanding an annulment. Although the government tried to block access to online social media, images and descriptions of events have flowed from citizens in Iran to the rest of the world. more »

Confirmed or suspected cases of swine flu, which was detected in Mexico in April 2009, have been found in a growing number of countries around the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) says that this outbreak constitutes a “public health emergency of international concern.” more »

April 23 is UNESCO World Book Day – and just because the Global Voices team loves blogs, doesn’t mean we have forgotten book! In fact, because we think reading literature is such an enjoyable way to learn about another culture, we have a fun challenge for all Global Voices contributors and readers, and bloggers everywhere. more »

On April 9, 2009 a court of appeals in Fiji declared that military ruler Commodore Voreqe Frank Bainimarama came to power illegally in December 2006. Judges asked the President to appoint a new government, but instead he nullified the constitution and re-appointed Bainimarama. more »

Global Voices coverage of the global economic crisis is developed in partnership with True/Slant a brand new online magazine covering news and world affairs. The global blog roundups on this page highlight different aspects of the crisis. more »

The world's largest democracy, India, goes to elections starting April 16, 2009. This is an important election for India, in the context of a series of terrorist attacks last year and a worldwide financial crisis that threatens to derail its strong economic growth. more »

For International Women's Day on March 8, Global Voices authors and editors trawled world blogs to write a series of posts on women's rights in recognition of the achievements of women across the globe. more »

Who says bloggers aren't romantic? For Valentine's Day (Feb 14) netizens of the world, are typing, tweeting, social media kissing (#SMK) and sharing their feelings of friendship, love, and understanding. Alas, there is heartbreak too. In the battle against oppressors of love, and freedom of expression, Global Voices leads the way with a meme to “Teach someone you love to blog (or micro-blog!)“. more »

After months of political tension between the current administration of president Marc Ravalomanana and the mayor of Antananarivo, Andry Rajoelina, acts of violence and social unrest erupted in many Malagasy cities January 2009. more »

The first great natural disaster of 2009 in the Asia-Pacific region was the series of flooding disasters which struck Fiji, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines over several weeks. There is still no region-wide initiative to address the flooding problem and its aftermath. more »

The six month truce between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip mediated by Egypt ended on December 19. Following the end of that ceasefire, tensions and violence escalated between Israel and Hamas. more »

Nearly 3 million people visited Global Voices in 2008. Traffic to the site has tended to peak at times of natural disasters or conflicts, but the stories we've highlighted this year cover a vast range of subjects. 2008 has been an eventful year for citizen media, which continued to increase in importance and influence this year as an information source alongside mainstream media. more »

This year marks the 20th anniversary of World AIDS Day (December 1). More than 33 million people live with the HIV/AIDS virus, and at least 2 million have died in the past year. Bloggers around the world play an important part in keeping awareness about HIV/Aids alive. more »

Anti-government protesters led by the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) have been conducting provocative street actions for several months demanding the removal of the elected government. They believe the current leadership is a proxy of ousted Thai leader Thaksin Shinawatra. more »

On November 26, 2008 the city of Mumbai in India came under attack in at least seven different locations in an unprecedented sort of terror. A combination of gun fire, blasts, grenade blasts have been used to attack cinema halls, hotels, hospitals, and other public places. more »

Google Street View arrived in Japan in August, one year after its debut in the United States. The photo mapping service immediately drew criticism. Despite the Google's generally positive image in this country, Japanese online bulletin board threads and blogs were filled with comments about how Street View was rolled out. more »

Americans are the only ones who can elect the United States president, but the 2008 election offers a unique opportunity to harvest global commentary on America's politics and foreign policy and how it affects the rest of the world. more »

Throughout most of the western world, Halloween is celebrated on October 31st and All Saints Day is commemorated on November 2nd. These couple of days are ones where the living think back on the dead, and when ghosts, ghouls, myths and legends are remembered in stories and tales. more »

On September 11, 2008 China's biggest milk powder producer, the Sanlu Group ordered a recall of its milk products because melamine, a chemical used in plastics, was found in their products. The incident resulted in enormous public outrage in China, when it turned out that Sanlu was notified about the melamine several weeks earlier. At least 3 babies have died as a result of poisoning. more »

On August 8, 2008 fighting intensified between the Georgian and Russian military on the outskirts of Tskhinvali, the capital of the breakaway region of South Ossetia. Earlier in the week, Georgia and the South Ossetian separatist government had concluded a truce after an outbreak of fighting for which each side blamed the other. more »

The Olympics in Beijing have begun! Thanks to support from Reuters, Global Voices is covering citizen media reactions to the Olympics from citizens in China and around the world on our special coverage page and in our Olympics Twitter feed. more »

The XVII International AIDS Conference is taking place in Mexico City from August 3rd to 8th, 2008. The event, which is the largest international meeting on a global health issue, occurs every two years in a different city. more »

The fourth global iSummit will be held by in Sapporo, Japan from 29 July to 1 August, 2008. The meeting, convened by iCommons, will bring together pioneers of the free Internet from over 60 countries to discuss open education, access to knowledge, free software, open access publishing and free culture communities. Several Global Voices contributors will be attending and blogging the iSummit. more »

Radovan Karadžić was arrested in Belgrade by Serbian security officers in July 2008 on charges of genocide after evading capture for more than 13 years. He lived under the alias Dr. Dragan David Dabić and practiced alternative medicine. Read the astonished reactions of Balkan bloggers. more »

They say one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter, and seldom has it been more apparent than in the aftermath of the exchange of prisoners between Israel and Lebanon on July 16, 2008. Bloggers across the Middle East are the witnesses of events unfolding in parallel emotional universes, with shared physical borders. more »

On July 2, 2008, Colombian security forces launched a rescue operation that successfully freed 15 hostages taken by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). Among the liberated were former presidential candidate Íngrid Betancourt, 11 members of the Colombian security forces and 3 U.S. citizens. more »

On May 12, an earthquake registering 7.8 on the Richter scale struck in southwestern China's Sichuan province, centered in Wenchuan county, with tremors felt as far away as Beijing and Hong Kong. Thousands have died. Citizens have distributed videos, pictures, and comments in the aftermath. more »

A deadly cyclone hit Myanmar (Burma) at the beginning of May, causing massive human loss of life and environmental destruction. International controversy has followed over the military junta's refusals and delays to allow aid workers and journalists to enter the country or reach disaster areas. more »

Bloggers around the world have noticed the global increase in food prices. Global Voices authors translate and link to the observations of ordinary people writing in blogs in many different countries. For some it's a matter of life and death, for others a mere inconvenience. more »

What started as a day of general strike in Egypt on April 6, to protest inflation, low wages, and the ongoing bread crisis, has sprawled into a face-off between authorities and the masses. Now Egyptian bloggers are working around the clock to tell the world about the workers' revolt that is shaking their country. more »

On March 29, 2008 Zimbabweans cast their votes in the presidential election. Days later, the official result has still not been declared. MDF opposition leader Morgan Tsvagirai, has claimed victory over the incumbent president Robert Mugabe of Zanu (PF), but power may not change hands without a fight. more »

On March 10, 2008 hundreds of Tibetans in Lhasa began protesting on the 49th anniversary of the Tibetan uprising against Beijing rule. Police arrested protesters, and violence in the streets has escalated in the following days. Bloggers across the region have responded. more »

On March 1, 2008 the Colombian Armed Forces attacked a camp of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) located in the territory of Ecuador, killing a high-ranking leader, Raúl Reyes. As a result, the neighboring countries Venezuela and Ecuador publicly questioned the incursion into Ecuador, which ultimately led to the breaking of diplomatic ties. more »

On Dec. 27 a surprise victory for former president Mwai Kibaki (PNU) in the Kenyan presidential election was followed by arson and violence aroused by suspicions of vote rigging. More than 200 have been killed (mostly from the Kikuyu tribe) and tens of thousands displaced. more »

The death of Benazir Bhutto, the former Prime Minister of Pakistan comes at a crucial time for Pakistan, as a political emergency period was recently lifted, and elections are scheduled for January 2008. Bloggers writing from Pakistan and around the world have expressed shock and concern. more »

Global warming is already a life and death matter for many world citizens. Without new political solutions, the environmental crisis will grow beyond control. From 3-14 December representatives of more than 180 countries are meeting at a UN Summit in Bali, Indonesia to discuss a successor agreement to the Kyoto Protocol. more »

Will there ever be peace in the Middle East? Leaders of Israel and Palestine once again showed up for peace negotiations in the United States at the end of November, but evidence of true progress is lacking. Bloggers in the Middle East vent their frustrations, hopes, and first hand experiences on the long, bumpy road towards peace. more »

On 3rd Nov 2007, the President of Pakistan and Chief of Army Staff Pervez Musharraf declared a state of emergency. Private television channels were taken off air, local phones and internet were blocked. Bloggers in Pakistan have responded to the situation, even as criticizing the government or mobilizing action could pose a risk to their personal safety. more »

Democracy activists aligned with Buddhist monks led massive protests of civilians throughout the streets of Myanmar. Burmese bloggers and citizen media were the main source for images, videos and live reports, in a country where Western media has virtually no access. more »