Vegan Protesters Demand Cruelty-Free Dunkin' Donuts

A Fine Blog spotted a demonstration today outside the Dunkin' Donuts on East 14th Street, where protesters were handing out free vegan donuts and literature about the chain's use of factory farm eggs: "When asked if DD would change to a cage free supplier who used humane practices, one protester said 'that would be an improvement, but that would never happen for such a large chain.'" For more on what these people are so upset about, check out Dunkin' Cruelty, which has targeted Michael Foods, the egg supplier for several national restaurant chains, including Dunkin' Donuts. One investigator used a hidden camera to document abuses including "hens immobilized in the wires of their cages, unable to access food or water; and decomposing and 'mummified' corpses left in cages with live birds." Mmmm, mummies. Disturbing video below!

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that "protest" is lookin' a little anemic.


Police should be able to shoot these people on sight. Death to extreme liberal rats who have nothing better to do than protest what kind of eggs chain stores use.


They have the freedom to express ideas you dislike, and vice versa.

Or they are people who just give a shit about other living beings.

Vegan donuts might cost a bit more but I'd buy 'em.

(case closed am I right?)

why? because they would be even more processed and less food-like than they already are?

what do you think is in vegan donuts?

I'd go throw eggs at them but that would be cruelty to sidewalks.

I'd throw some brains your way, but you obviously don't know what to do with them.

An attractive girl and two guys looking to impress her do not a protest make.

Thank you!

I'm sure we all know that 99% of male vegan activists are only there to try and get vegan women to give them some!

i wonder what felix thinks about this!

Whining isn't going to do anything. Go design a safer cage and sell it to the farms.

eggs are so unnecessary in this day in age. We're just a lazy and gross society

Yeah, breads, cakes, cookies, ice cream, custards, pudding, omelettes, quiches, and fried chicken are just so unnecessary.

I think your opinion is "unnecessary in this day in age" (sic). Eggs are so unnecessary? How the fuck did you get born? Retard.

How the fuck do you even exist with yourself?

Clearly Dunkin Donuts' more egregious crime is the millions of styrofoam cups they sell every day.

I didnt realize they even used real eggs

those arent real eggs, those things in the video didnt look like chickens either

"When asked if DD would change to a cage free supplier who used humane practices, one protester said 'that would be an improvement, but that would never happen for such a large chain.'

Then why the hell are you out there wasting your time? Is it to feel better about yourself? To rebel against Daddy? To show your moral superiority? TO GET LAID?

Getting laid notwithstanding, you would think they would stop wasting their time on such a self-proclaimed hopeless cause and put their efforts into something that has more than an icicle's chance in hell of happening.

Next, protest McDonald's for not offering a vegan option. Add every fast food place to that list. While you're at it, protest every non-vegan restaurant in the city.

Look, you're vegan, fine. Don't eat the fucking donuts. Case closed.

Why does everyone hate on vegans so much? I understand that PETA does crazy things every once in a while but not all vegans are complete nuts.

I only hate the ones that feel the need to protest dunkin donuts. The rest can eat their bullshit fake meat and go fuck themselves.

Why? Masturbation is very liberating and is proven to improve circulation, muscle tone, imparts a healthy glow, and may ward of wrinkles!

Perhaps your bullshit is just as unnecessary in this "day in age" Mr. "may ward of wrinkles!"

why do I have to be a "he"?

Don't these losers have anything better to do? Must we suffer these meaningless hipster protests week after week?

you finally got it! 'meaninglessness' is what they have been trying desperately to convey. weeks after weeks.

...and now that we have a winner all these will go away...?

Not at all, you can move back to your hometown in Hillbillyville or Bumblefuck and you'll never have to put up with them ever again.

Woe is you; having to read about people who give a shit and having to face what an ignorant fuckwit you are!


a local deli/bodega probably has some competition, so the hired these guys to squeeze Dunkin. Here in Greenpoint the local donut shop is much better than Dunkin

it is, but Peter Pan does not have Mocha Cappuccino Blasters or ice cream cake and they are not open till 11

true but you must admit they have better donuts than Dunkin.
BTY the Polish pąncki(jelly donuts)are great, try some, I grew up on them.

It's actually spelled "Packzi" and it is pronounced "punsh-kee". They are very good, but traditionally only sold on Fat Tuesday or Fastnacht Day. Although here in America they call them "calorie-bombs"!

They are sold freshly baked on a daily basis here in Greenpoint I grew up on them, my dad brought home a bag every day We called them Punch-keys as kids

BTY the true calorie-bombs" are sold at D & D not by the Polish who don't OD their donuts with sugar!

The average doughnut at DD contains an average of 250 calories and 15 grams of fat.
The average paczki contains appox. 400 calories and 25 grams of fat.

The traditional Paczki recipe calls for:

3 cups of milk
1/2 pound of butter or margarine
12 egg yolks
3/4 cup sugar
among other ingredients

and the paczki is sprinkled with powered sugar when cool.

Now tell me again why a Dunkin' doughnut is a calorie bomb, but a paczki isn't?

Paczki are locally made here in Brooklyn and a wholesome homemade taste, not like the D&D factory made donuts. I only ask the young people here in Williamsburg to try them, you will like them.

I keep trim by eating smart, I always cut the Paczki in half and share them.

Here is a picture for the curious hipsters who would like to try Pączki (don’t be shy walk in the bakery, the woman speaks English)

Also since you lkie cream cakes ect, try out the Polish Bakeries, they employ European pastery chefs, some of their cakes are as good as those in Austria.

Yes. I moved to the area after discovering Jubilatka.

Notice how they fixed the place up, not bad

At Jubilatka they have had many pastry chefs over the years, I always see help wanted signs in Polish looking for a pastry chef. The bread down the block at the Wrocław bakery is very good.

Since you are in the neighborhood check out the PSC Cafeteria at 177 Kent St – In Polish STOLOWKA

for once, you and me agree, peterpan FTW.
those sour cream donuts are a little ring of heaven.
but the vegans wouldn't eat them either.
more for me! yay.

also, being fairly new to the neighborhood, who's got the best kielbasa? i tried the little butcher on manhattan and... india? was pretty good, but they didn't have the smoked one. and the smoked one fries up much better with beer, onions, and pierogies.

D&D doesn't even offer soy milk. Good luck.

d&d says: soy and milk are two different products.

While the conditions on the video are appalling, IMO, they are going about this the wrong way.

Targeting DD in this fashion is a mistake. They'd be better served, IMO, with better PR, not this 'event'.

Vegan donuts are filled with just as many empty sugar calories as DD donuts. Just because you have cruelty-free eggs doesn't mean that you are putting anything healthy into your body.

other topics to cover:

"humans breathe too much oxygen--learn to breathe less to conserve air."
"walking with shoes on hurts the earth. walk barefoot--optional levitation classes offered."
"stop taking shit and learn to hold it in to save the holy earth"

after reading this i'm going to buy a dozen :) at dunkin donuts!

and they go great with a beer!

homer says: mmmmmm... donuts.

Didn't even know about this protest. Kudos to them. Eggs aren't necessary for donuts. Vegan donuts ate better without the cruelty and cholesterol.

You do need eggs to make a delicious ham, egg, and cheese on a muffin. My morning stop every day. Damn its good.

But I like my donuts with cruelty!

I usually see very unhealthy lookoing people. Not only are they funding the cruelty but these peoples' guts are spilling over their belts.

that's the DD across the street from me. i go there often and the people inside are nice.

stop. i bet you have eaten donuts for a while now thinking it was ok and only now stopped after the egg thing.

youre crazy. peta = crazy

People who murder and don't think twice are the crazy ones.

"I usually see very unhealthy lookoing people."

Don't worry Felix there are a lot of people that are just naturally unhealthy looking. It has nothing to do with eating donuts, it's caused by being ugly looking from birth.

snoopy, yes but I was referring to their muffin tops, guts, double chins etc. Very unhealthy looking people.

unfortunately there isn't a physical feature that screams "i am a crazy person that thinks christine quinn and the carriage drivers are responsible for everything bad in the world"

I thought a vegan donut is what they have to sit on when their hemarrhoids flare up after all those soy burgers.

Here is an idea for the two protestors: If you don't like a product, DON'T BUY IT FROM THAT STORE. But leave me in peace to go in, or walk by, without hearing your retarded "protest". No one cares what you guys think.

OR don't be an ignorant misinformed prick.

Ignorant murderer commenters.


Fuck Vegans ! What's next Vegan Sex ????? The World's got enough problems without hearing these sad people bitching about donuts . Go get laid people !

I get laid every night. The world's problem is self-absorbed people like you who can't see beyond PBR vs. Budweiser.

Using hand motion is not the same as getting laid. And BTW are you talking the comparison of tall boys in cans or just the normal PBRs and Buds in bottles?

vegan sex? yep, I don't have sex with animals. Perhaps you should do the same.

Then you must not have any sex at all since humans are animals (Family: Hominidae).

did you really need to use a biological semantic argument to prove that felix doesn't have sex with other people

i have sex with other vegans, now just 1 vegan since she trapped me. :(. Hey that girl holding the banner looks hot.

Farm factory eggs or not, they are still going to be eaten you vegan dumbasses.

Just because something is Vegan doesn't mean it's healthy. Vegan Donuts are just an alternative to that garbage dunkin donuts usually sells.
eat up fatties..
(The Healthy Vegan)

Wow, so much vitriol over a 5-person vegan donut protest.

D & D is processed Frankenstein food crammed full of additives. The locally baked old fashioned donuts in Brooklyn are far better

I checked the Dept Health website for violations on two locations in Greenpoint-Manhattan ave

Jubilatka(off Java st) No Violations-None -They sell great old school jelly donuts

D & D (off Greenpoint) 9 violations- They sell factory made donuts full of additives.

Vegan or not, Dunkin Donuts is a shithole. Lousy overpriced coffee with mediocre stale donuts. Most of the locations are downright filthy with surly workers. I have no idea how they stay in business.

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