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When someone asks “Guess What?”

Mar. 2, 2010

funny graphs and charts

When someone asks “Guess What?”

Graph by: dunno source via Graph Jam Builder

» 23 TPS Reports

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Prime Time TV Censorship

Mar. 2, 2010

funny graphs and charts

Prime Time TV Censorship

Graph by: DarylM via Graph Jam Builder

» 16 TPS Reports

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Time Spent Flying Kites

Mar. 2, 2010

funny graphs and charts

Time spent flying kites

Graph by: Benny_Westside via Graph Jam Builder

» 11 TPS Reports

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Talking speed in parts of medicine commercials

Mar. 1, 2010

funny graphs and charts

Talking Speed in parts of medicine commercials

Graph by: dunno source via Graph Jam Builder

» 16 TPS Reports

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Time spent on a DVD

Mar. 1, 2010

funny graphs and charts

Time Spent on a DVD

Graph by: Spireal via Graph Jam Builder

» 35 TPS Reports

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What I Know About Math, Science, History, Government, and Language

Mar. 1, 2010

funny graphs and charts

What I Know About Math, Science, History, Government, and Language

Graph by: lyds1012 via Graph Jam Builder

» 36 TPS Reports

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Conclusions you come to watching Ice Dancing

Feb. 28, 2010

funny graphs and charts

Conclusions you come to watching ice dancing

Graph by: dunno source via Graph Jam Builder

» 43 TPS Reports

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