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It’s got a ring to it, no?

Ditch ‘warming’ and start talking ‘deteriorating atmosphere,’ PR firm says 1

Posted 4 hours, 23 minutes ago by Jonathan Hiskes

New public opinion research from ecoAmerica suggests a new set of climate talking points, and other dubious strategies. Read More

  • MT promises?

    Obama admin will scrutinize mountaintop mining, but not stop it 0

    Posted 3 hours, 48 minutes ago By Kate Sheppard

    The Obama administration on Thursday announced new steps to reduce the environmental damage from mountaintop-removal mining. Activists say that's a nice first step, but they're disappointed that the admin isn't planning to rein the practice in further and ultimately put a stop to it. Read More

  • Little feast on the prairie

    From grass to grill, a Midwestern farm struts its stuff—and dishes up delicious lamb chops 0

    Posted 11 hours, 45 minutes ago By Kurt Michael Friese

    Chef Kurt Michael Friese recently joined the members of Slow Food St. Louis for their fourth annual "Lambstravaganza" at Prairie Grass Farms just outside of New Florence, MO.  Get a taste of the event yourself with a recipe for grilled lamp chops.  Read More

  • The Grist List: From Bikes to Books

    Bikers seeking good ride get naked, and more 0

    Posted 4 hours, 26 minutes ago By Sarah van Schagen

    The best part about World Naked Bike Day: No awkward spandex shorts. The worst part about World Naked Bike Day: No awkward spandex shorts. Read More

  • A walk through the week's climate news

    The Climate Post: Insider baseball on Waxman-Markey, outsider baseball on Hawaiian solar power 0

    Posted 6 hours, 7 minutes ago By Eric Roston

    For those mercifully far enough away not to know, the “Capital beltway” is a looping highway, Interstate 495, the way many metro Washington residents ride to work. “Inside the beltway” isn’t coincident with Washington, DC. It also connotes a mythical place unrestrained by geography, a state of mind where consequential details of legislation attract and hold attention, sometimes for years on end. Whether you work inside or outside the beltway determines whether you… Read More

  • How do I love Waxman-Markey? Let me count the ways ...

    14 things I love—and 6 things I hate—about Waxman-Markey 0

    Posted 9 hours, 8 minutes ago By Alan Durning

    Under withering fire, Waxman-Markey’s cap-and-trade superstructure is still intact. If it passes in its current form, we can all be pleased, but we’ll have to hold our breath, hoping that the offset provisions work as intended. Waxman-Markey could be the most important piece of energy or environmental legislation in a generation. It’s also much-needed economic policy: clean energy can be the path out of recession. Read More

  • Energy Department changes tune on peak oil

    It’s official—the era of cheap oil is over 6

    Posted 8 hours, 34 minutes ago By Michael T. Klareauthor

    Every summer, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) of the U.S. Department of Energy issues its International Energy Outlook (IEO) -- a jam-packed compendium of data and analysis on the evolving world energy equation. Read More

  • One big dinner table

    When it comes to food, we’re all in this together 2

    Posted 8 hours, 38 minutes ago By Cary Fowlerauthor

    Teenagers and nations like to declare independence. But for a long time now, humans have relied on a broad, global, and utterly interdependent genetic and cultural basis for food production. Read More

  • A hot, flat, crowded, and fabulous party

    Grist celebrates in D.C. with Thomas Friedman 1

    Posted 9 hours, 22 minutes ago By David Roberts

    Wednesday night, Grist hosted a party -- nay, a soirée -- in Washington, D.C. New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman was the star attraction, and guests included EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, CEQ Chair Nancy Sutley, and Green Jobs Czar (don't call him that to his face!) Van Jones.  Read More

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