Iraq - 'The Past, Present and Future of the Cradle of Civilization'!

Can the Iraqi 2010 election bring changes?

Since 2003 after the collapse of Saddam Hussein regime as a result of the American invasion of the country until now the country declined. The euphoria of the decline of the most oppressive regime rapidly come to an end as a result of many complex problems including the lack of security, the deterioration of all services, the continuation of existence of Iraq under the UN charter 7, the wide spread corruptions, the sectarian mentality of the existed politicians, the weakness of the existed government, the interference of the other countries including Iran and Saudi Arabia, the lack of plan for the foreign troops to leave a strong Iraqi army capable to protect the Iraqi borders and internal security and many other problems. All these and other problems resulted in a weak and corrupted Iraq.

The Iraqis have lost confidence in the present coalition leading the government after 4 years of this entire decline. They share one aim which is to change the existed leading parties and having new government that is not sectarian and not using the religion for its own interests.

Today most the Iraqis went for election looking for a change which they hope it will come after this election to result in a government and parliament without sectarian ideology. It should take the interest of Iraq on the top and not the interest of the other countries.

We feel that some change may come and we know there is nothing magic.

العراق بحاجة الى التجديد فاعلم كيف تنتخب

لاتنتخب الذين فشلوا في تحقيق الامن
ولاتنتخب الذين فشلوا في تحقيق الخدمات
ولاتنتخب الذين تستروا على الفساد
ولاتنتخب الطائفيين
ولاتنتخب الذين يضحكون على الذقون فيقولون للناس نحن للمحرومين بينما هم الذين يحكمون فهم اذن مسؤولون عن الحرمان
ولاتنتخب المتكبرين
ولاتنتخب الذين يستخدمون الرموز الدينية من اجل الوصول
ولاتنتخب الذين لايهتمون الا بمصالحهم ومصالح احزابهم وفئاتهم
ولاتنتخب الذين يتعالون على الناس باسماء اسرهم
ولاتنتخب الجهلة الذين يُجَهِلون الناس
ولاتنتخب الذين يمارسون او يسندون الارهاب
ولاتنتخب الذين تهمهم مصالح بلدان غير العراق
ولاتنتخب الذين ليس لديهم خطط للاصلاح والبناء الا الشعارات
ولاتنتخب المحاصصين الطائفيين
ولاتنتخب الا لمن تتأكد من ولائه للوطن والشعب وهو قادر على البناء ويستمع لصوتك بعد الانتخاب اكثر من قبله

العراق بحاجة الى التغيير والسنوات الماضية اثبتت بأن الموجودين على الساحة من الاحزاب الحالية غير جديرين ولا مهتمين ابداً ببناء العراق

العراق بحاجة الى التجديد

الابقاء على الوجوه الماضية سوف لن يجدد بل يبقي على كل شيء على ما هو عليه او نحو الاسوأ

فأحسن الاختيار ..... واعلم بأن صوتك ثمين!

الانتخابات العراقية: لاتعطي صوتك للذين يخدعونك

لاتعطي صوتك لمن يستغلك بأسم الدين او الطائفة او المذهب
لاتعطي صوتك للذين تسببوا بانعدام الامن والخدمات
لاتعطي صوتك للذين تسببوا بالبطالة
لاتعطي صوتك لهؤلاء

اضغط على الخارطة لتراهم بوضوح

The Iraqi election: competition between egocentric individuals

The propaganda of the candidates for the next government is just started. None of them submitted a plan showing how they are going to salvage the crippled country from its slump.

They are the same one who reached into the parliament and the government by the previous election is the nominees for the same parties. They have done nothing but crippled the country farther. Since the previous election until now there are more unemployment, worst services, thousands of Iraqis killed by attacks that no one knows who did them and massive poverty and wide spread deprivation.

They created a system of patronage and corruption. Bribery, thievery, and fraud are deep in the systems everywhere. The services reached into a stage that there is no remedy but have to be completely replaced. The Iraqi oil plundered. It was nationalized though its money went for wars but now it is sold for the foreign companies and looted.

Iraq is still under chapter 7 of the UN. It is a country without airlines! The Iraqi foreign policy is another failure for the last 4 year. Its agriculture is dreadfully declined. As is the other systems such the education, the health, the environment, and not to say any thing about the security.

In the last election the parties lied and deceived the people about their sectarian attitude. In this election and because the people discovered their lies, they used the anti-Bathism propaganda to try to win some votes. It looks that the nominated candidates and their parties know nothing and do nothing but paying money to create posters with their repugnant pictures. Some used TV adverts which are poor and begging for votes. In facts they used even illegal ways by intimidation, threatening, false promises, and money to get votes.

What is happening in Iraq is not a democracy but corruption and multi-dictatorships under the umbrella of democracy.

The Iraqi government and the next election

In about 47 days the Iraqis will go again to (elect) a new parliament and a new government. There are no independent surveys about the pre-election balance. However all the Iraqis without exception would like to see new faces and not those in the present government and the parliament? The existed faces in the government and the parliament are linked directly with the corruption and lack of experience in addition to their attitude of ignoring the main needs of the people including the lack of basic services.

The existed Iraqi (leaders) are nothing but corrupts and they send the country down towards a very serious point lacks even the most basic services. The people are asking during the time of Saddam Hussein in 1991 and despite the sanction the Iraqis were able to build the infrastructure and get most of the services back to normal why they can not do this under the new (leaders)?!

Other questions asked is about poverty, lack of services, lack of security despite years in power, failure in improving relation between Iraq and other nations, failure of getting Iraq out of chapter 7, farther destruction of the Iraqi structures, giving the Iraqi oil back to the foreign companies, and so on and so forth ….!

In fact the Iraqis are now saying that in Iraq there was only one dictator who provided at least security but now there are thousands of dictators who provide only lack of security!

We simply do not want them back!

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