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Hannidate - The place where people of like conservative minds can come together to meet. Whether you are looking for a life partner, or just someone to hang out with, here you'll be able to find exactly who you are looking for, locally or around the world. It's fun, interactive, safe and anonymous - until you decide to take it further. It's FREE to join, post your profile and to contact that special someone!
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 Profiles with photos only
Mr. Right-wing
Gender - Age: Male - 27
General Info:
I'm polite, worldly, musical
(somewhat), funny, & artistic.
Love to travel. Lived in
Osaka (Japan), Toronto, New
Brunswick, and Scotland.



     Age 18 to 25
     Age 26 to 30
     Age 31 to 35
     Age 36 to 40
     Age 41 to 45
     Age 46 to 50
     Over 50
     Age 18 to 25
     Age 26 to 30
     Age 31 to 35
     Age 36 to 40
     Age 41 to 45
     Age 46 to 50
     Over 50

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