Featured Article
The Real Sherlock Holmes
by Alex Knapp

Judging by the photos and trailers, the upcoming Sherlock Holmes appears to be truer to the original stories than virtually any other adaptation.

Recent Articles
by Alex Knapp
The Top Five Queen Songs In Movies

We count down the top five uses of Queen in movies for your audio-visual pleasure.

by Jon Stonger
Falling Leaves, Falling Spirits

As the leaves fall, a little seasonal melancholy is in the air.

by Jon Stonger
Ode to Halloween

Why Halloween is a great — and sexy — holiday.

by Tom Traina
Supreme Court Preview: <i>McDonald v. Chicago</i>

Our last Supreme Court preview deals with the right to keep and bear arms in the individual states.

by Jon Stonger
No Refuge From Nanny

Anti-smoking forces are now working against people enjoying a smoke in their own homes.

by Brian Knapp
Movie Reviews: Whiteout the Inglourious Lying

Three very different movies are up for review: Whiteout, Inglorious Basterds, and The Invention of Lying.

by Alex Knapp
Three Badass Civil Servants of World War II

Three examples of civil servants who went above and beyond the call of duty.

by Jon Stonger
Love and War and Teenagers

Why is teenage love celebrated and teenage anger dismissed as hormonal?

by Tom Traina
Supreme Court Preview: <i>Pottawattamie County v. McGhee</i>

In Pottawattamie County v. McGhee, the Court considers whether someone can sue if the government manufactures false evidence against them.

by Jaime O'Malley
There is No God

Found among the papers of Jaime O’Malley; missing since September 30, 2001.

by Brian Knapp
The End is Nigh: The End is Here

…to change his mind.

by Brian Knapp
The End is Nigh: September 30th

This is the last day…

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