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The Terms of the Deal

Mar 18, 2010 | Doctor Zero | 4 Comments » | 1 Trackbacks

So… What Next?

Mar 18, 2010 | J.E. Dyer | 7 Comments » | 1 Trackbacks | Healthcare

Schoolhouse Rock: How a Bill Becomes a Law, By Louise M. Slaughter

Mar 18, 2010 | directorblue | 8 Comments » | 1 Trackbacks | Cronyism

Perriello: If you don’t tie our hands, we will keep stealing

Mar 18, 2010 | Cassy Fiano | No Comments » | 0 Trackbacks | Politicians

“Fall On My Sword” or “NEXT!”

Mar 18, 2010 | Sarjex | 8 Comments » | 0 Trackbacks | Healthcare

Obama on FOX: 11 Minutes I’ll Never Get Back

Mar 18, 2010 | Howard Portnoy | 11 Comments » | 0 Trackbacks | Healthcare

Obama: “the Louisiana Purchase would cover an earthquake in Hawaii”?!

Mar 17, 2010 | Cassy Fiano | 4 Comments » | 1 Trackbacks | Obama

PETA rakes in $34 million, but only saves 8 animals

Mar 17, 2010 | Cassy Fiano | 12 Comments » | 2 Trackbacks | Animal Rights Wackos

“Counting Votes” or “Sour Grapes”

Mar 17, 2010 | Sarjex | 6 Comments » | 0 Trackbacks

ObamaCare: Lazy WaPo bloggers relay bogus Dem talking point

Mar 17, 2010 | Karl | 4 Comments » | 1 Trackbacks

Stimulus2 passes the Senate

Mar 17, 2010 | King Banaian | 5 Comments » | 0 Trackbacks | Congress

The Latest from the Conniving Weasel

Mar 17, 2010 | Howard Portnoy | 13 Comments » | 0 Trackbacks | Healthcare

Obamacare is “a crisis of culture”

Mar 16, 2010 | Cassy Fiano | 4 Comments » | 2 Trackbacks | Healthcare

“Picking your battles” or “Shut up Lindsey!”

Mar 16, 2010 | Sarjex | 11 Comments » | 0 Trackbacks

Government and “Costs”: A Simple but Significant Truth

Mar 16, 2010 | J.E. Dyer | 11 Comments » | 0 Trackbacks | Economics

The Sweetness of Doing Nothing

Mar 16, 2010 | J.E. Dyer | 17 Comments » | 3 Trackbacks | Congress

The Parable of the Bread Aisle

Mar 16, 2010 | Doctor Zero | 34 Comments » | 5 Trackbacks

Obama demands that the US flag NOT be flown in Haiti

Mar 16, 2010 | Cassy Fiano | 10 Comments » | 1 Trackbacks | Obama

The Hill’s “Whip Count” on ObamaCare – GOP Picking Up Votes

Mar 15, 2010 | Dafydd ab Hugh | 4 Comments » | 1 Trackbacks | Congress

Stocks fall as US receives warnings of losing our AAA credit rating

Mar 15, 2010 | Cassy Fiano | 6 Comments » | 1 Trackbacks | Economics

“Blue Dogs Overboard” or “Walking the Plank”

Mar 15, 2010 | Sarjex | 4 Comments » | 0 Trackbacks

ObamaCare: Don’t call it a whip count

Mar 15, 2010 | Karl | 3 Comments » | 3 Trackbacks

Success, Envy and Glenn Beck

Mar 15, 2010 | The Other McCain | 17 Comments » | 2 Trackbacks | Media

Regulating School Recess—and the Hits Just Keep on Coming

Mar 15, 2010 | Howard Portnoy | 10 Comments » | 2 Trackbacks | Moonbats

The Failure of School Reform

Mar 15, 2010 | The Other McCain | 12 Comments » | 0 Trackbacks | Education

Chris van Hollen’s memo to Democrats describes how the U.S. Constitution will be shredded this week; the “Slaughter Rule” is a go

Mar 14, 2010 | directorblue | 14 Comments » | 1 Trackbacks | R.I.P.

Pelosischlacht: Left Comes Out Swinging for the Slaughter Rule

Mar 14, 2010 | J.E. Dyer | 2 Comments » | 0 Trackbacks | Healthcare

An Assault on FOX News by—Howell Raines??

Mar 14, 2010 | Howard Portnoy | 5 Comments » | 0 Trackbacks | Healthcare

Tom Brady Urges World to Turn Off Lights for One Hour, But Not During a Pats Night Game

Mar 14, 2010 | dougpowers | 7 Comments » | 1 Trackbacks | Enviro-nitwits

Welcome to Martial Law: House Democrats Will Rule They Voted on Health Care Bill Without Actually Voting On It

Mar 13, 2010 | directorblue | 23 Comments » | 5 Trackbacks | Healthcare

The Real Progressive Speaks!
(preface to a reply to commenters)

Mar 13, 2010 | CK MacLeod | 11 Comments » | 0 Trackbacks | Republican Party

The Hill’s “Whip Count” on ObamaCare – as of Today

Mar 13, 2010 | Dafydd ab Hugh | 10 Comments » | 2 Trackbacks | Healthcare

Republican Liberty Caucus stands by their endorsement of Adam Kokesh

Mar 13, 2010 | Cassy Fiano | 4 Comments » | 0 Trackbacks | Elections

Paul Krugman is The Man

Mar 12, 2010 | J.E. Dyer | 6 Comments » | 0 Trackbacks | Healthcare

New DNC ad: Look! Over there! Abramoff!

Mar 12, 2010 | Slublog | 9 Comments » | 0 Trackbacks

Things you can learn from Wikipedia – defining the Left

Mar 12, 2010 | CK MacLeod | 9 Comments » | 0 Trackbacks | Politics

Obama By Proxy

Mar 12, 2010 | Doctor Zero | 36 Comments » | 4 Trackbacks

Pelosi to Slackers: Relax!

Mar 12, 2010 | J.E. Dyer | 6 Comments » | 0 Trackbacks | Healthcare

Shocker: Amy Bishop fired from University of Alabama

Mar 11, 2010 | Cassy Fiano | 6 Comments » | 0 Trackbacks | Education

“Trifecta” or “TLG Reactions”

Mar 11, 2010 | Sarjex | 6 Comments » | 0 Trackbacks