
Shame on us or U.S???

If U send us This
We will present u this
Even if u search Our Kitchens
We will still Serve u delicious food
Even if u Destroy our homes
Don't worry
We will still invite U
in our homes !!!
U Search Our Children
U even arrest our children
Be HAPPY!!!!Our Kids will still entertain U
U undress our innocent children
U even Kill their families,
in front of them
We will still entertain u,
U leave our mother crying
Our women will receive u
with dignity
U leave our Families in Sea of tears
We are Secular Our women will Kiss U
U put our brothers under ur shoes
We will stand shoulder to shoulder
with U…..
U even keep an eye on our kids,
this shows ur bravery
And then u kill our innocent,
unarmed children
Our men will play along with u
See how liberal we are.....
I received these pictures through an email the other day and it makes me sick to my stomach...
A picture speaks a thousand words. We have all heard this saying, more than once. But consider for a moment how very true this statement really is.



I love my blog but my blog doesn't love me:(

No matter what I do i cant seem to get rid of the hideous photo bucket/exceeded bandwidth thingy up there --- looks like I'm stuck with it. So Ive chosen this background for now, hope everyone likes it.

Anyways despite the weather i met up with the lovely sister Ammena on Wednesday, we met up at whitechapel mosque prayed Dhur there, went to the book store went hijab hunting had lunch might i add which was very delicious hmmm my mouths watering thinking about it again lol, where was I yes so Ammena mentioned to me before that she wanted to check out the La veil store in Angel we reached there after we changed trains and to our dismay had to climb up what felt like 200 flight of stairs coz their escalators weren't working:/ we found the store which was at the back of a Internet store --- go figure, i asked the store owner:/ if there was an abaaya shop at the back he went into another room called the part owner of La veil told her there was some customers and she popped out and said to us to have a look around she was about to pray...

You'll never guess what...there was hardly anything worth buying despite the huge hype of the store, we had a look and we were so disappointed walahi:(
I thought at least there would be one thing worth buying...so this is what she says to us.

Me: So where do you guys get this stuff shipped from?
Lady: Oh my business partner goes over to Dubai and places orders at the factory and brings them over here.
Me: Oh I see.
Lady: Actually we've sold out on most stuff
Me: Really
Lady: Yes

Ammena and I leave the store looked baffled and ask ourselves so if you guys ran out on stock to clear stuff out coz of the sale, wouldn't you have new abaaya's/Shayla's etc in stock?
Ammena had to go meet her friend somewhere in central and i had some shopping to do at the Body shop...

Oh well, I had great fun meeting Ammena and will definitely be doing it again.

I got my shopping done and there was black ice and mud everywhere, i went past my old high school and was walking along I had a feeling i was gonna fall sometime today, and slam BANG! right down the pavement i fell right on my hands and knees I bruised my leg and cut my hands pretty deep so their in bandages right now...Alhamduiliah no one saw me fall omg i would have been so embarrassed i looked around phew there was no one about yippie!
So much for fun and games.


Pro pro go away

The bloody thing wont leave my blog, it says bandwidth exceeded under my butterfly...

Arrrgggh its doing my head in now, I'm a perfectionist i want everything in place now how do i get rid of it...HELP!!!


Snowed in

We had the first snow of the year in the UK on Sunday/Monday it snowed so heavily that there was no work or school for anyone...so i was stuck at home since there was no transport which sucked Big time coz there was no Internet and telephone mumzy decided to change her phone and broadband company she wasn't happy with their services so this couldn't have come at a worse time:(
But got to spend some time with the family had breakfast together since dad didn't go into work and mum was off from school, we made snow forts had snow fights with everyone hehe...
All in all it was a good day despite i couldn't access any of my emails and the phone line was dead...The forecast said that it would snow through out the week with some rain showers as well.
Right now its cloudy and -3°C.
Heres some pics i took yesterday for you to enjoy...
View from back garden
View from front door of my mums house

Waleed and Wafaa

Wafaa and me

Inshallah tomorrow i will be meeting up Ammena from Ammena's Adeventures for some east London shopping and some lunch...Cant wait.


Fat fat belly...

I just had lunch a few minutes ago and i cant breathe seriously lol

it was only prawns and salad with chips and loads and loads of salad cream...

Pffft I cant believe i ate so much now i have a huge fat belly lol...
I sorta feel like that -------->
Next stop tea and biscuits:P I'm on a roll people haha.
Now excuse me ladies while i go and have a good old natter
with Anne, shes just as crazy as I am you know!


Favorite tag!

I've been tagged by my girl Hijabee over at Hijabee in DC:)
If you've been tagged you have to add one more favorite thing to the end of the list:

Favorite colour: Blue

Favorite perfume: (guys) Giorgio Armani Acqua di gio

Favorite perfume (girls): Miss Dior

Favorite pj brand: Any

Favourite clothes brand in general: Zara, Topshop

Favourite person in the entire world: My brother Waleed

Favourite country: Italy

Favorite car: 4X4 Mercedes, theres something i love about those big cars

Favorite sport: Tennis

Favorite sport player : Denise Lewis

Favorite spot in America: Don't live there so don't ask lol, Fav spot in London: Hyde park

Favorite animal: Giraffe

Favorite movie: Leon

Favorite singer: Don't have one

Favorite day in the week: Friday Friday Friday:)

Favorite time of the day: Night time

Favorite holiday season: Summer

Favorite number: Hmmm I would have to say 8 lol

Favorite chocolate: Milk Chocolate

Favorite cartoon: Tweety

Favorite blogger: Hijabee of course:)

Favorite Flavor Ice Cream: Belgian chocolate (Hagan daz, not just any brand)

Favorite Mobile Brand: Samsung

Fave name: Ahlam

Favorite hobby: Shopping, its what us girls do best!

Favorite room in my house: My bedroom

Favorite Fruit: Cherries

I will add Favorite im gonna be boring here - Favorite drink: Cranberry Juice:P

I tag Habayeb, Jasmina, Umm Travis, His sweetheart.


Butterfly award you say...

Yep I've been awarded lol, by my adorable Susu over at
His Sweetheart...Can you say Awwww!

This award has to be passed on to 10 other cool sisters blogs.
Oh oh oh who do I choose:P

I choose...

  • Ameena - Love reading about her day to day challenges, and her fab pictures.

  • Umm Travis - Such a sweet sister, I'm glad i know her - very wise and loving her photography skills.

  • Hijabee - That's one sister who makes me laugh so much i cant breathe sometimes...and has a very special talent for writing stories...Cant wait to see her this year Inshallah:)

  • Moon - My Oh so lovable sis from South Africa.

  • Huda - Just getting to know this sister, love her posts, very wise sister.

  • Malika - Reflections of a convert sister and how she challenges her day to day dilemma's.

  • Maryam - One of my very first blogger friends, she's got a rare talent when writing her posts, trust me you wont see any other sister out there like her.

  • Imaan from the Hijab blog - Love love her fashion sense, very down to earth sis and so beautiful. Mashallah.