Tuesday, June 09, 2009

71 vs 57!

It is a clear victory! 

The 14 march coalition got 71 MP out of 128!

Aoun popularity suffered a huge drop. I am waiting for the official detailed numbers to calculate the exact number.

Meanwhile, the main armenian party (the tachnag) have failed to deliver the much taunted surprise. And their snobbish refusal to the Future Movement alliance proposal (Saad Hariri agreed to give them 4 MP) has dramatically affected their power base and influence, as they only got two MPs out of six Armenians MP in the parliament. 

Now it is time to put the elections behind us and start working to earn the trust that was bestowed to our coalition by the majority of the Lebanese people.

I am eagerly waiting for Aoun speech tomorrow... 

More to come on detailed results in the next week...

for general results check the official website of the Ministry of Interior.

Monday, June 08, 2009

we won!

let peace reign suprim!

Sunday, June 07, 2009

It seems the armenians have failed to diliver!

Although the total participation rate is pretty low all over Lebanon, but there is no armenians surge detected. Only 14% have voted till now in the Metn (their stronghold) in 2005 around 30% voted.

if the Armenians do not deliver on their promise to bring thousands from abroad Aoun will lose the Metn, Beirut 1 and most probably Zahleh

Let s wait and see, but it is looking good for march 14...

Saturday, June 06, 2009

I am calling it: 68+ for marhc 14!!!

My predictions: it will all depend on how far Aoun popularity dropped. If the trend that started in 2007 by-elections, in which his popularity dropped by more than 30%. Then I can confidently say that March 14 will win with flying colors.

Now if the drop was closer to 20% then the election will be tied at around 64-64

And if Aoun only loses around 10% then March 14 will lose, with a minimum of 59 candidates from them and the rest for March 8.

Finally, i will offer my own projection: March 14 wil win 68+ members of parliament.

Tomorrow keep your eyes open on the Metn, Zaheleh and Beirut 1 districts. But for an earlier projection of the results ( as these districts are alrger and the counting of th eballots will take longuer) look for the results of the smaler distrricts and how did Aoun popularity change. (like Batroun, Koura and Jbeil)

Additionaly, participation number both of our supporters and the Armenians supportign Aoun will give early indications during the day... i ll keep you posted

Finaly, let us all hope that the election are peacfull and may the best wins!

It is time!

The time has come to go vote. Tomorrow at 7 am the voting center will open, democracy at its finest...

No matter what is your a political affiliation, or lack off tomorrow go vote! Just vote... and unfortunately in Lebanon blank votes are not counted so vote. choose between the lesser of two evils and choose!

Just Vote!

Friday, May 08, 2009

A year ago...

A year ago Hezbollah thugs invaded Beirut, killing, maiming and burning... They occupied the city, terrorized its people and shut down its press...

Yet They failed. A year past, Saad Hariri is still here, and so is Joumblatt and the rest of the Cedar revolution. Moreover, they even denied them their goal: All what it would have taken was for Saad Hariri to call the banners, and hell would have broken loose. The army would have split and the country would have plunged into an never ending civil war (in the days following may 7, most of the senior army officers close to march 14 presented their resignation because the army command failed to defend the people of Beirut. It took Saad Hariri all his clout to change their mind and convince them to return to their post, in order to preserve the army unity.)

A year has past, and the country is poised for another test: the parliamentary election. Meanwhile, Hezbollah has proven once and for all that they are just another militia, and all of Nassrallah promises that he Will never turn his guns against other Lebanese have proven false, and his other promises about his party ultimate goals stooping at defending Lebanon has also been shattered when the Egyptian caught a Hezbollah cells planning terror attack in Egypt...