January 24, 2010

This is it

It is a hard decision though, but I had to put an end to it. I can't keep fluctuation between "Yes, No, may be so". For each start there is an end and I am here to declare the end of my journey at this blog and say goodbye to those three and a half years of posting.
I have learnt so many things during those years, subjected my point of views, welcomed comments, and known very good people, open-mided, close-minded, bad, and all kinds of people.
My reason to establish this blog was to transfer and state the real events of my city in Iraq, what encouraged me to do so was the Media. The reality and honesty of transferring the news were missing, I wanted the readers to see my city and country through my eyes. Although I haven't given any real names or so, but I was very honest to post the event or the story as it is in reality. In additional to personal stories about my life, because that what my blog refers to!
As I got to the States, I became far from my homeland the way I can't write any thing about what is going on, not because I don't feel I want to but because I am not there. I don't want to plagiarize from the media and paste it to my page.
Every thing here in Michigan is stable and normal, there is no need to write about. I have written one post regarding the comparison between Iraq and USA and that's it. I don't want to sound redundant. Plus, after 6 months of struggling and applying for jobs I have got one which is a very good job. I work as Manager assistant in a big company here in Michigan. God has rewarded me by this job, I am so thankful. If I want to be devoted for my blog I have to find the time to write constantly but being a busy woman, I can't do this. Plus, there are many issues that is going on in the middle east against Christians, I fum when I watch the news, no matter how many times I write about this subject I will get the same comments, no solutions and a headache. So why bother!! I am not remorse for any post and article I have published here at my page. Because it is my page and I am free to write any thing I want...This is what the freedom of expression is all about. Least but not last, I will keep visiting other bloggers' blogs and comment, cuz I'd like to hear others' stories especially those who still reside in Iraq, may our Lord Jesus Christ bless them and keep them safe. Sincerely yours, Marshmallow26

December 22, 2009

Perfectly white

How nice is to welcome Christmas with a white scene. Snow is here! Let it snow, let it snow...

December 17, 2009

The extremist Islam

Two explosions in Mosul on the same day with the threat of more to come!!
Jesus said: "...yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service. And these things they will do to you because they have not known the Father nor Me."
John 16:2
Again and again the Churches and the Christians in Iraq are paying for the brutality, the barbarism, and the haughtiness of the so called religion "Islam"!! Can any one count how many times the churches were attacked since 2003 until today's date?? Can any one count how many innocent souls were murdered with no reason?
I have and we all have had enough of their expressions pretending that "Islam" is the religion of peace. BULL SHIT. What peace??? Is there any heavenly religion commands to kill other lives? Does Christianity tell us to hate others and fight them or force them to become Christians? Do we call Muslims sons of monkeys and pigs??
What kind of a religion Islam is? Brutality? Faked promises? Do you believe that who ever kills Christians or Jews will be granted 72 virgins in heaven?Ok how about females? What would they be offered in heaven? Hercules? A Boisterous festivity in heaven? Killing in the name of Allah or God? Does God need someone to fight for him? Is he weak? Does God even call for battles? Brian wash and lots of brain washing!!
Two churches in one day, one of the churches called : Al-Tahira which means: the mother of purity! You damn terrorists this church is purest than you and your descendants, your filthy minds have drawn out the dirtiness and rottenness of your fangs to smear them with blood and innocent fleshes. Shame on you and shame on your Muslim leaders who call for fight on Friday prayers instead of calling for peace with others.
Aren't they the same leaders who say: Don't buy Christians houses or properties today because you will get them free tomorrow? Since the Islamic foray to Mesopotaemea there were three conditions given to Christians to live; either to convert to Islam, or pay ransoms or die! Isn't that mentioned in Surah - Altawbah 9:
...an announcement from God and His Apostle, to the people on the day of the Great Pilgrimage,- that God and His Apostle dissolve obligations with the Pagans. If then, ye repent, it were best for you; but if ye turn away, know ye that ye cannot frustrate God. And proclaim a grievous penalty to those who reject Faith!!!
So what kind of peace are they talking about?
If I were a Muslim ( Thanks to Jesus I'm not) and witness all this mayhem and killings are taking place in the name of Islam I would have divorced this religion long time ago.
I ask my dear Muslims to reconsider their religion and their book. if they care!
Those who think Mosul is a Muslim state they are %100 wrong, it was and still and will always be the Capital of the Assyrian empire and the capital of the ancient convents and churches. The cross will always be there on the top of the domes.
Jesus said:
"Father forgive them, for they know not what they do" Luke: 23
By these sacred words our lord Jesus Christ has obsoleted the power of evil, the power of abuse and the power of hostility. He didn't fight evil by evil because he is the God of love and forgiveness, that is why we are called Christians because we follow Jesus Christs and his words in our lives.
"The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still" Exodus 14:14

November 01, 2009

If your MOM is still alive, don't upset her!

4080 days...Gosh mom!! It was too early for you to go. I know it is my fourth year to commemorate you here at my blog. And no matter how silly and redundant I might sound, but I will always remember you, you have a special place in my heart and my blog.

Mom, once I got an email regarding my flight to the States I can't tell you how confused and sad I was! I should have been happy instead knowing that I will reunite with my husband after all but believe me it was like some one was stabbing my heart with a dagger. I realized that I would not be able to visit your grave whenever I want to! At that day to be exact I decided to go and visit the grave for the last time :(

I cried like a baby, I cried and missed you so bad! I felt ashamed because I was going to leave you behind. Mom, these feelings are keep killing me. I didn't stay there by my dad's side. Two years ago I wrote you a letter complaining about my dad's refusal to my marriage and now I blame no one but my self. I left you and left him I left you both! Would any one of you forgive me for what I have done? Even if you don't I still understand.

Mom I took a picture of your grave and I want to post it right here at my blog.
I know that my step mom is with dad and she is supporting him but still, neither me nor my sister are there to mitigate his pains.
I immigrated to the States joining my husband. I came here with all the memories. Mom did you know that your brother passed away last month? Of course you know, he is with you now!

I am controlling my tears now and it is very hard to do so. I can't stop thinking of you and I will never want to.

Mother day comes and ends, but I have no concern about it. I want to isolate my self when that day arrives, don't wanna read or hear about this event.
Mom, here in America I have seen a lot of sons and daughters whom have dumped their parents. Two of my neighbors are old moms living by themselves. No one visits them. My heart aches for them. Their children don't appreciate them, what a waste!
Mom I wonder what would have been like if you were alive and witnessing my departure to another country? I am sure you would have wanted to come over...You were brave enough to endure the pain and the tumor for three years. You never gave up you wanted to live as much as you breath just for us( dad, me and my sister). If the cancer was a man I would have killed him cuz he stole my mom from me.

Rest in peace my angel, we will meet one day.
Love you always and forever.
Your daughter