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Basic Tenets of Faith 360
Beliefs and Practices (Aqeedah) 397
Business Matters 380
Character, Morals (Akhlaaq) 320
Charity, Obligatory (Zakaat) 149
Charity, Ramadhan (Zakat ul Fitr) 10
Child Upbringing (Tarbiyyah) 355
Divorce (Talaaq) 260
Eid 55
Fasting (Sawm) 190
Food and Nourishment 241
Funerals (Janaaiz) 174
Hadith 183
Hajj and Umrah (Pilgrimage) 151
Health and Wellness 183
History and Biography 184
Inheritance (Irth) 84
Inviting to Islam 109
Islamic Politics 120
Jurisprudence and Rulings (Fiqh) 448
Manners (Aadaab) 166
Marriage (Nikah) 1107
Masjid (Mosque) 137
Mathaahib (Schools of Thought) 109
Men 148
Miscellaneous 412
Money Matters 341
Prayer (Salaat) 826
Psychological and Social 304
Purity (Tahaarah) 346
Quran 214
Ramadhan 70
Repentance (Tawbah) 105
Science of Evidence (Usoo ul-Fiqh) 35
Society and Culture 302
Supplications (Duaas) 280
Talaaq 14
Travel 59
Unknown 100
Women 491
Worldly Possessions 97

10016 total.

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  • Salam, is it true that women can ONLY wear gold rings, and not platinum etc. jazakallah   Miscellaneous
  • I would like to do my father's haj as he passed on 3 years ago from severe illness. Prior to this, I promised him that I will do his haj if he does not get an opportunity to do it   Hajj and Umrah (Pilgrimage)
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