Monitoring Israel's Academic Fifth Column

Following anti-Israel Extremism on the Israeli Campus



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'Holding such a Zionist narrative serves as an obstacle to peace since it promotes negative emotions, mistrust, de-legitimization and negative stereotypes of Arabs and Palestinians.'

Professor Daniel Bar-Tal, Tel Aviv University (Dept of Educational Psychology):
Article Press Release – Columbia University (Internet) April 6, 2009

Recent Essays

The Pathology of Jewish Anti-Semitism

Steven Plaut
February 2010


The Power of Insinuation: the modalities and normative anti-Israel discourse of Israel’s academics as seen through The Power of Inclusive Exclusion - Book Review

Seth J. Frantzman
January 2010


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Most Recent Updates

Tel Aviv University – Shlomo Sand (Dept of History) now serving as official justifier of Arab terrorism against Jews.

The following Op-Ed by Sand appeared on March 11, 2010 on the YNET (Yediot Ahronot - Hebrew) web newspaper (his article then had about 180 “talkbacks,” almost all of them viciously attacking Sand):

"When a Palestinian attempts to kill Israelis, whether they are civilians, armed settlers or soldiers, he is immediately declared a terrorist. Hamdi Quran and Majdi Rimawi, for instance, who were sent by The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) to assassinate Israel’s Tourism Minister, Rachavam Ze’evi, were not given the death penalty."

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Tel Aviv University - Adi Ophir (Dept of Philosophy) fights against Zionism by means of Inventing Silly Long Polysyllables

The Israeli government responded to the Palestinian uprising with excessive violence, generous and indiscriminate use of live ammunition and extensive destruction of houses, land and property. It was not physical violence, however, but spatial disintegration and fragmentation that emerged as the main technology of domination and control which Israel used in order to contain and suppress the Palestinian resistance and stop a stream of suicide attacks in Israeli cities west of the Green line. The effect of the new regime of movement on the Palestinian population was enormous. The situation has further deteriorated when Israel responded aggressively to a terrorist attack (in Hotel Park in Netanya on Passover eve 2002), re-conquered several Palestinian towns, crushed the security apparatuses of the Palestinian Authority and dismantled many other institutions of the Palestinian government (Operation Defense Shield). The IDF resumed the massive demolition of Palestinian houses (in order to create "clean" areas and to punish families of suspects in terrorist activity) and thousands of Palestinians have become homeless. Soon there appeared the first reports that catastrophized the conditions in the OPT. They tried to ring the alarm bells, using rhetoric of urgency that has not been used before.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Tel Aviv University: “Poet-Academic” Yitzhak Laor Accused with Rape

Ultra anti-Israel extremist Yitzhak Laor took time off from promoting the jihad to engage in rape of students at Tel Aviv University.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Ben Gurion University – David Newman (Dept of Political Science) attacks

IN THE past I have been attacked for daring to suggest, on the pages of this newspaper, that the politics of delegitimization practiced in recent years by such organizations such as Campus Watch, IsraCampus and, most recently, NGO Monitor have been a contemporary brand of McCarthyism. But if it was unclear until now, this past week’s events have highlighted the fact that there is a concerted campaign on the part of these well-funded organizations to silence and delegitimize anyone who holds pro-peace, pro-human rights positions, views which uphold the very best of democratic and Jewish traditions and for which the State of Israel is rightly proud.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


University of Geneva - Linguistics Professor Ur Shlonsky speaks with a forked tongue

Shlonsky, however, is a particularly virulent foe of the Jewish state from his bailiwick in Switzerland, for he not only wants to see Israel in general boycotted, but also all Israeli universities and their academic staff. His writings and comments promoting “divestment” are so malicious that they appear in all manner of pro-Palestinian propaganda websites, including Palestine with Provenance, an Irish pro-terror web site, as well as this ISM website fronting for Arabs in the UK. He has spoken in favor of boycotting Israel at a Michigan college.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Ben Gurion University - Will David Newman (Dept of Political Science) have the courage of his convictions and call upon Israel to turn the Western Wall over to the Palestinian terrorists?

BGU's David Newman opposed to Israel Preserving the Tomb of the Patriarchs and other Shrines as its Heritage. He writes:
‘Obviously, places have to be treated with respect and preserved, especially if they have particular mythical meaning for specific groups, or if people have given up their lives at these sites as part of the national struggle. But if they are being promoted as a way to strengthen the political claims of one side while ignoring the places important to the other, or as a means of making a political statement concerning the control of land, then it is highly questionable whether we are in fact sanctifying or desecrating these places. If, through our choice of sites, we only throw additional fuel on the flames of conflict, then we have achieved exactly the opposite of what the government set out to do.’

We note how he nowhere in his article calls on the Muslim world to relinquish control of the Dome of the Rock in the name of relaxing tensions and creating a more peaceful world.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Ben Gurion University - Oren Yiftachel (Dept. of Geography) calls Israel an “ethnocracy”

Yiftachel has developed the theory of Israeli ethnocracy in his own setting. He published a book in 2006 entitled Ethnocracy: Land and Identity in Israel/Palestine. A mundane description of the book notes that “the notion of ethnocracy suggests a political regime that facilitates expansion and control by a dominant ethnicity in contested lands. It is neither democratic nor authoritarian, with rights and capabilities depending primarily on ethnic origin and geographic location.”

In Middle East Report Yiftachel wrote that the development of Israel was based on “the ‘return’ of Jews to their ancestors’ mythical land” and notes that “I argue that the Israeli polity is governed not by a democratic regime, but rather by an ‘ethnocracy.’”'

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


UC Berkeley - Professor Chana Kronfeld (Dept of Near Eastern Studies) battles Zionism, promotes Israel army deserters on campus

'Yet she continually presents the image of tiny Israel as being the bully against 250 million Arabs, with the IDF playing no role of protecting the Israeli people.  The Israeli army just murders Arab children for sport.

Not satisfied with such forums, Kronfeld also endorses Israeli accomplice with terrorism Tali Fahima, Israel's Taliban-Jane who did a long jail sentence, who helped smuggle weapons for her terrorist Arab boyfriend to kill her her fellow Israelis.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Professors fuel fire of anti-Israel propaganda

Radical Israeli Jewish academicians that condemn Israel’s right to exist fuel the fire of anti-Israel rhetoric, said Dr. Yitzchak Mansdorf, former director of the pro-Israel campus advocacy David Project, at the recent Jerusalem Conference.   He was referring to the anti-Israel propaganda war on college campuses, saying that the new form of antisemitism challenges Israel’s legitimacy on a political, ideological and academic level. ...Ignorance of Jewish history – by non-Jewish and even by Jewish-Israeli professors – is another reason cited by Mansdorf.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Prof. Amnon Rubinstein exposes how "University Publishers" outside Israel promote the Israeli Academic Fifth Column:

"The latest product in the flourishing bash-Israel literature is Iranophobia. The book debunks Israeli and Western anxieties about the Iranian dangers. The author, Prof. Haggai Ram of Ben-Gurion University, argues that Israeli anti-Iran phobias are largely projections of perceived domestic threats to the prevailing Israeli ethnocratic order. In plain language, he holds that Israel has to demonize Iran so as to identify the Islamic Republic with its suppressed minorities in Israel: the Mizrahi and the haredi communities. Iran, on this theory, is the hated "role model" with which these suppressed minorities can be associated: "the production of Iran as a radical external other in Israeli imagination is to be understood in relation to the emergence of ("Iran-like") ethnic and religious internal others that violated the Jewish state's self-image as 'the West.'"

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Israel's Academic Fifth Column and its "Post-Colonial" Disgrace

Gadi Taub on YNET denounces Israel's extremist anti-Israel academics: “Israel’s radical leftist academicians promote false, immoral notions.”

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Tel Aviv University - The PACBI anti-Israel group run by TAU grad student Omer Barghouti is denouncing the anti-Israel propaganda book edited by TAU's Adi Ophir (which we reviewed). It is just not anti-Israel enough!

"The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) has recently encountered a number of projects that while intending to empower the colonized Palestinians, in essence end up undermining their will and choice of method of struggle for freedom, justice and self determination. The publication of a new book entitled The Power of Inclusive Exclusion: Anatomy of Israeli Rule in the Occupied Palestinian Territories [1] belongs to this category. The book project represents a classic example of how the collective voice of the colonized is ignored in the production of a scholarly work supposed to empower them."

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Ben Gurion University – David Newman (Dept of Political Science) “reduced to name-calling”

In his classical defense of free speech, John Stuart Mill imagined a free marketplace of ideas, in which truth will usually prevail. But Newman could not be bothered to respond to a single item in Im Tirzu’s meticulously documented report on NIF funding. Instead of refutation, he offered only name-calling. ... Many on the Left employ a double standard concerning free speech. They want their own advocates or professors immunized from criticism – thus Prof. Newman’s outrage at groups, such as Campus Watch, which publicize what professors say in and outside the classroom. On the other hand, they develop an elaborate set of rules to disallow the speech of others as incitement, Islamophobia, homophobia, sexism, racism, or McCarthyism. Neve Gordon is an egregious example. He published a widely disseminated op-ed in The Los Angeles Times calling for a boycott of Israel, but whines when others point out what kind of people head Ben-Gurion University’s Political Science Department and files libel suits to silence critics.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Tel Aviv University – TAU Donor calls out TAU President Klafter on non-action against anti-Israel activities by Rachel Giora & Anat Matar

A red line is crossed when a professor transitions from stating his or her opinion on certain political matters within an academic environment, to actively pursuing and promoting the international boycott of Israel in non-academic spheres. The latter activity should not be protected or condoned by Klafter and his administration. Furthermore, faculty members stating at their international Israel-bashing forums that they are TAU professors, gives undeserved credence to their nefarious views. At the same time, it harms the university’s reputation. TAU now appears as a hotbed of anti-Israel activity in the eyes of its donors, thanks in part to the president facilitating this behavior through his inaction. Rachel Giora and Anat Matar are the two most high-profile faculty members who fly all over the world, encouraging the academic boycott of the very university that pays their salaries.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Tel Aviv University – Yitzhak Laor, former lecturer at TAU and anti-Israeli Haaretz columnist, being accused in media of rape

According to testimony aired last night on Channel 10's investigative reporting program "Hamakor," the poet and author Yitzhak Laor has sexually harassed several women over many years.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


The Pathology of Jewish Anti-Semitism

" Jewish-anti-Semitism is a modern disease. In the twenty-first century the world is experiencing an explosion of it, a virtual plague. Among the most malicious and venomous of all bigots, the Jewish anti-Semites are at the forefront of each and every smear campaign against Israel and other Jews. Jews today are leaders in the campaigns to boycott and "divest from" Israel, including the "Solidarity with Terrorists" groups. They make pilgrimage to the terrorist camps of the Hamas and the Hezb'Allah, cheering on terrorist atrocities against Jews. They pioneered the smear campaign to paint Israel as an apartheid regime and denouncing Israel as equivalent to Nazi Germany is their favorite pastime. Western campuses are crawling with them. Some of the Jewish anti-Semites even hold leadership positions in Hillel houses. Many others are tenured professors. An anti-Semitic Jewish judge chaired a UN commission demonizing Israel. A Jewish member of Britain's Parliament (Gerald Kaufman) compared Hamas terrorists to Jewish fighters in the Warsaw Ghetto and denounced Israel as a Nazi entity. And a shockingly large number of Jewish anti-Semites are Israelis or ex-Israelis. "

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Tel Aviv University – Rachel Giora (Dept of Linguistics) Struts her support for the "Divestment and Boycott" Racists, but refuses to Resign and Move to Gaza

'The major role of the Israeli BDS movement has been to support international BDS calls against Israel and legitimize them both as clearly not anti-Semitic, as not working against Israelis but against Israeli governmental policies, and as supporting a legitimate nonviolent means by which Palestinian civil society can reclaim and re-own its people’s rights and freedoms. Alongside solidarity with the Palestinians, the driving force behind the Israeli BDS movement has been the realization that the criminal occupation and repression of the Palestinian people, as practiced by Israeli governments, will not be redressed without significant international pressure.'

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Your tax shekels and donation dollars at work!  You are financing terrorists studying at the Hebrew University!

The State of Israel continues to pay for the higher education of Arab terrorist prisoners, an advertisement by the “Prisoners' Club” in Ramallah shows. The advertisement gave notice that 100 prisoners from the Rimon jail are enrolled at Hebrew University as foreign students. It also said that three prisoners had received Masters' Degrees.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Trinity College (Ireland) - Ronit Lentin (Dept of Sociology) leads Anti-Israel academic extremists from the UK (including Pappe and Shlaim) and elsewhere in order to "defend" anti-Israel lecturer/propagandist at BGU Ahmad Sa'di  (Dept of Politics) from make-pretend "persecution"

We, Israeli, Palestinian and British academics, are writing to express our deep concern at the treatment of Dr Ahmad Sa’di, a Senior Lecturer at Ben-Gurion University’s Department of Politics and Government, who was subjected to racist treatment on 3 January 2010 when he arrived at Ben-Gurion University train station, as he does every teaching week.  He was humiliatingly searched, yelled at and embarrassed by the security staff at Mexico Gate, which we find offensive and unacceptable. … Dr Sa’di strongly believes that his treatment at Mexico Gate on 3 January was only the last in a whole series of racist encounters and harassment he has faced in the past ten years of his employment at Ben-Gurion University. Other incidents included his car being stopped, his bags searched and security staff making calls to ascertain whether he should be allowed to enter the university.

Signed by
Professor Avi Shlaim, Oxford University, UK
Professor Nur Masalha, St Mary’s University College, UK
Dr Ronit Lentin, Trinity College, University of Dublin, Ireland
Professor Nira Yuval-Davis, University of East London, UK
Professor Gabriel Piterberg, UCLA, US
Professor Ilan Pappe, Exeter University, UK

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Nathan Cherny (MD, other institutions, Shaarei Tsedek Hospital) insists that critics of the New Israel Fund are evil rightwing extremists undeserving of freedom of speech

'That the New Israel Fund has come under attack from all sorts of extremist, rightwing, anti-democratic, and anti-pluralist persons and interest groups is not new. Among its most severe critics are the sorts of people who attack Israel’s judiciary, who defend a rigid Orthodox hegemony over Jewish life, promote Israeli annexation of the West Bank and the expulsion of the Palestinian community; elements that represent the “dark side” of the national discourse. The recent attacks by the rightwing organisation “Im-Tirtzu” (which prompted Danny Lamm’s commentary on the NIF) is only the latest attempt to silence the voice of civil society in Israel.'

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Hebrew University - Ariel Rubinstein (Dept of Economics) joins call for boycott of Ariel College

'The use of academia to drive the cogs of occupation demands an appropriate Zionist response. Ariel is a college designed to advance a catastrophic goal that could lead to the uprooting of the people of Israel – if not from its state and from its land, then from its soul. Boycotting the college is the necessary response.'

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Sapir College – Ze’ev Tzahor (College President) claims Israel massacres children

'And were hundreds of Palestinian children killed? This time, Israel did not deny. How could it? However, “we found no evidence that would justify a criminal investigation.” The same was true in respect to cases where the IDF fired at medical teams. According to Israel’s response, the judge advocate general launched dozens of thorough investigation, but somehow everything and everyone turned out to be fine.'

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Tel Aviv University - Adi Ophir (Dept of Philosophy) leads a team of editors in yet another Anti-Israel "Occupation" book

The fact that there is yet another book about the “occupation” should not be a surprise. The fact that it consists ONLY of anti-Israel and anti-Zionist writers is not either. The fact that not a single pro-Israel writer was invited to participate should be met with yawns. Ideological self-recruiting to promote a political agenda under the guise of “research” has become trivially common in Israeli universities and elsewhere.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Tel Aviv University – Yossi Schwartz (Dept. of History) Wants to Dissolve Israel

In the world according to Schwartz, then, it’s Comrades Lenin and Trotsky who have the answer – the mass murderer and torturer who laid groundwork for the police-state infrastructure for all of Stalin’s even larger-scale crimes.'

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Hebrew University – David Shulman (Department of Comparative Religion) Engages in Anti-Israeli Agitprop

'Given Shulman’s wholesale adoption of the Palestinian narrative, it will come as no surprise that half a year later he was charging Israel with carrying out a “pogrom”—or as he tells it:"Pogroms: it’s something the Jews know about….And now it turns out—who would believe it?—that there are Jews who also know how to carry out pogroms." '

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Mistress of the Oxymoron: New York University: Professor Ella Shabiba Shohat invents the “Arab-Jew”

"If Shohat would have her way, no pesky “binarisms” would be around any longer to disturb the peace of the Middle East, because Israel would be annihilated and its population exterminated."

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Tel Aviv University – Anat Matar (Dept of Philosophy) – another Tenured Academic calling for a boycott of Israel in an international forum

A Tel Aviv University academic will call for a boycott of Israel, speaking at a London university event next month to commemorate "one year since Israel's attack" on Gaza.

Dr. Anat Matar of TAU's Philosophy Department will be speaking on February 17 at London University's School for Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) - a campus renowned for anti-Israel activity.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Hebrew University – Alon Harel (Dept of Law) heads “Leftist-only” Conference

Well, the very same Harel distributed an electronic call this past week for academics to attend a "conference" on the Mount Scopus campus on "Legal Aspects of Jewish Settlement in 'Sheikh Jarrah' and East Jerusalem." 'Sheikh Jarrah' is the Arab name for the Simon the Righteous neighborhood where the Left is attempting to prevent Jews from moving in. Every single speaker at this "conference" is a far-leftist. When the invitation reached Yoed Halbersberg, a PhD student in law at the Hebrew University, he was offended by the fact that the "conference" in the invitation included no non-leftists. So he wrote the organizer, Harel, to ask him about the lack of any philosophical diversity. Harel replied that the "conference" was clearly meant to be a leftist-only event.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Academic College of Tel-Aviv-Yaffo - Roy Wagner (Dept of Computer Science) Joins the Celebrations of the founding of the PFLP Terrorist Group

'He leads several “Queers against Israel” groups (their terminology), and is a leading advocate of worldwide boycotts of Israel. He was one of those Israelis who signed a petition declaring that Israel was about to commit Nazi-like atrocities the moment the allied troops invaded Iraq. That statement is still carried on Holocaust Denial web sites like Stormfront. Saddam was long ago toppled, but no apology from Wagner.'

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Hebrew University - Nurit Peled-Elhanan (Dept. of Education) - Speech about "Gaza Carnage" on anniversary of "Cast Lead"

'In the past year our children have learned that to kill a non-Jew, of whatever age, is a great commandment. This they learned not only from the rabbis, but also from the soldiers who ceaselessly boast of what they have done.... The Religious-Zionist child, who attends the fenced and well-guarded kindergarten in the settlement, might say: I learned to be a good Zionist, to love the Land, to die and kill for its sake, to expel from it the invaders, to kill their children, to destroy their homes, and never to forget that in each and every generation the persecutors arise to annihilate us and that all gentiles are the same and that they are all antisemites (sic) who must be annihilated.'

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Israel’s taxpayer-supported academic McCarthyism

'Pogrund and Newman are incensed that IsraCampus and other campus watch groups might expose to the public Israeli professors who promote the academic boycott of Israel’s universities, or who work to support the dissolution of the Jewish state. Pogrund quotes David Newman in an interview on an Arab website based in the EU: “I have no hesitation in calling this a McCarthyite campaign. What they are doing is very dangerous.”' Hmmmmm.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Ben Gurion University Senior Lecturer of Middle East History Haggai Ram (home page here) claims Israel is inventing the threat from Iran in order to oppress Palestinians.

'By playing up the purported genocidal threat issuing from Iran, the Netanyahu government thus hopes to avoid making any concessions that are likely to bring about a meaningful breakthrough in the Israeli-Palestinian impasse. "The message is: Iran is an existential threat to Israel; settlements are not," as an Israeli official recently told The Guardian.... because such expressions have thus far enabled the Jewish state to exacerbate, rather than help to alleviate, the Palestinian problem. It is this yet-to-be resolved problem - and not Iran - that presents the Jewish state with the most serious challenge to its survival.'

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


A Governor of Ben Gurion University tells Far Leftist politics professor at BGU, David Newman, to "go perish" for his aiding anti-Semitism

'The British-born philanthropist Michael Gross, a governor of BGU, had been so incensed at Newman’s contribution to the Channel Four programme that he had sent him several emails, in one of which, alluding to Newman’s “disgusting contribution” to the programme, he had promised to “use whatever influence I have at BGU to have you thrown out… I hope you perish,” while in another he had proffered the view that “the sooner you are removed from BGU and the face of the earth, the better.”'

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


University of Montreal - History Professor Yakov Rabkin joins Neturei Karta in seeking Israel’s Destruction

Yacov Rabkin has close ties with Neturei Karta (NK) and promotes the same agenda as do they. Rabkin does not adopt the Neturei Karta’s 16th century fashion statement. He travels around the world on anti-Israel speaking tours, in close coordination with his Neturei Karta buddies. The NK’s feature Rabkin’s new anti-Israel book on their web site and even sell it there, in five different langauges. … Like some other anti-Zionist Jews, Rabkin claims that he just wants Israel to “evolve from a state for the Jews – a major source of the Israel/Palestine conflict – to an inclusive state of all its citizens.” He does not insist that France stop being a state for the French or the British a state for the British or explain why the Palestinian Authority cannot be a state for all its citizens also—instead only for Arabs and Muslims. … Rabkin claims that anti-Semitism is something the “Zionists” want, as it helps them to justify a Jewish state. Elsewhere Rabkin has stated that when Neturei Karta meet with Ahmadinejhad to voice support for him and his regime against Israel, “There is no indication that these activities enhance anti-Jewish sentiment” in the Muslim world. Perish the thought.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Hebrew University reneges on allowing the campus to become Hamastan for a day

The Hebrew University in Jerusalem on Monday cancelled a conference organized by the leftist Hadash Party branch after learning that it was meant to focus on the "dreadful and damned Zionist war," referring to Israel's war against Hamas a year ago.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Hebrew University - Zeev Sternhell (Dept of Political Science) explains why Lawbreaking by Leftists is Moral, but by Religious People it is 'Political' and Immoral

'An ethical uprising, anchored in adherence to universal norms, completely personal in nature and accompanied by a willingness to pay its full price, has nothing in common with the violent and organized rebellion that is taking place today in the settlements. This rebellion is essentially political. ...The yeshiva is a way of life, not an institution you enter just to study. It is a monolithic institution, led by an autocrat, that encompasses all the spheres of a student's life. There you learn to obey, not rebel against the consensus or some intellectual authority.'

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Ben Gurion University – Neve Gordon (Dept of Political Science) presents Arab rioters as part of a “pro-peace” and “nonviolent” resistance

"Why," I have often been asked, "haven't the Palestinians established a peace movement like the Israeli Peace Now?" The question itself is problematic… Most important, though, is the false supposition that Palestinians have indeed failed to create a pro-peace popular movement. In September 1967 – three months after the decisive war in which the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem were occupied – Palestinian leaders decided to launch a campaign against the introduction of new Israeli textbooks in Palestinian schools. … Palestinian dissidents … declared a general school strike: teachers did not show up for work, children took to the streets to protest against the occupation and many shopkeepers closed shop. … the message Israel wanted to convey was clear: any act of resistance would result in a disproportionate response, which would make the population suffer to such a degree that resistance would appear pointless. After a few weeks of nightly curfews, cutting off telephone lines, detaining leaders, and increasing the level of harassment, Israel managed to break the strike. ... But over the past five years, Palestinians from scores of villages and towns such as Bil'in and Jayyous have developed new forms of pro-peace resistance that have attracted the attention of the international community.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Ben Gurion University – David Newman (Dept of Political Science) feels the heat from a peeved Board of Trustees due to his contributions to an anti-Semitic documentary on British Channel 4

Prof. David Newman from the Department of Politics and Government at Ben Gurion University has already experienced persecution by the Board of Trustees of the institution where he teaches. A month ago he received an angry e-mail from Michael Gross,, who sits on the University’s Board of Trustees, following an appearance on the British Channel 4 television. In the e-mail, Gross threatens to use all of his influence to fire Newman. He uses very strong language, to the point of death wishes

Members of the faculty of humanities at the university are organizing a petition that will be sent to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees Roy Zuckerberg, who lives in New York, to protest Gross’s e-mails. “It is an example of how a university donor who lives abroad (Gross lives in England) is trying to take over the university’s agenda,” said a faculty member. Newman would only say this week: “Others are fighting for me, not I for others, and I prefer not to talk about it.”

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Ben Gurion University - David Newman (Dept of Political Science) Collaborates in Production of anti-Semitic Documentary; defends it as "Legitimate Journalism"

So Newman is remorseful, not necessarily because of what he said, but rather because of the outrage he caused. He was petrified by people's reactions and he freaked out. He ran all the way to the Post to clear his tarnished image as an Israeli scholar who appears to be giving his name to a conspiracy theory that could easily fit inside the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. But Channel 4 was quick to refute his righteousness and its spokesman issued a statement saying: “We are absolutely clear that David Newman understood the subject matter of the film before being interviewed by Peter Oborne.” … The programme … [gave] the impression that Jewish donors are profiteering from the "occupation" in exchange for their financial generosity to political parties. … The truth was that, like David Newman, Oborne was “shocked” by some of the comments made after Dispatches was aired. What shocked him and caused his outrage was not the programme’s anti-Semitism, however, but rather the charges of anti-Semitism made against the programme, Newman defended the programme as legitimate journalism. … So what did the veteran Channel 4 investigative reporter do? He fabricated a mountain of rumors and speculations, and then admitted, after the act, that they have no substance. … Newman also suddenly "saw the light" after the broadcast, saying the program "wasn’t balanced in the context of the Middle East and didn’t explain that lobbying is a legitimate part of the political process.” But he did enormous damage, not only to Israel, but also to the Anglo-Jewish community of which he was once a member. He lent his name as a prominent Israeli academic to baseless anti-Semitic allegations that accuse perfectly normal political activities as a sinister cabal orchestrated from Jerusalem against the British people.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


The IDF shows discrimination: ignores the insubordination of 350 academic “rabbis” and the anti-Israel ALEF forum at Haifa University

The IDF also has a hesder (arrangement) with the University of Haifa, where some 40 staff members signed a petition calling for insubordination. At that university, senior officers from the National Security College study for a master's degree (Ilan Pappe also taught in that program). In addition, naval cadets and officers from Military Intelligence study there for bachelor's degrees. And lo and behold, in the university's central computer, in a file entitled "war criminals," a group called Aleph published photographs of dozens of officers and by doing so blacklisted them. (The list includes Gabi Ashkenazi, Yohanan Locker, Yigal Slovik, Yoav Mordechai, Avi Blot, Yuval Halamish, Herzi Halevi and Gur Rosenblatt, as well as former foreign minister Tzipi Livni.)

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


University of Haifa - Ron Kuzar (Dept of English) calls for world boycott against Bar Ilan University

"I do find some similarities between South-Africa's apartheid and Israel's conduct in the occupied territories...The boycott against Bar-Ilan University is fully justified since this university actively supports a college which is part of the settlement apparatus."

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


A Call by Isracampus for the Immediate Dismissal of Shai Nitzan as Israel Deputy Prosecutor

We at Isracampus would like to ask you to take a few moments from your Hannuka week to strike a blow against anti-democratic Thought Control in Israel. We would like to ask you to take a few moments to demand the immediate dismissal of Israel’s worst politicized Inquisitor, Israel’s leftist thought policeman and enemy of democracy, Mr. Shai Nitzan, operating as the Deputy Prosecutor in the Ministry of Justice. Nitzan, who has a track record of partisan political decision making as the Deputy director of Israel’s Prosecution Office, must be immediately dismissed because of his campaign of persecution and harassment against Dr. David Bukay, for the crime of incorrect thinking and speaking. … Last week, the leftist Deputy Director of the Israel Prosecutor’s Office, Shai Nitzan, ordered Dr. Bukay to come into his office as part of an investigation into incorrect thinking and speaking by Dr. Bukay in his classroom. The story is reported in full in detail (in Hebrew only, alas) in the weekend issue of Maariv, and can be read here: and here:

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Ben Gurion University - Uri Gordon (Arava Institute for Environmental Studies in Ketura), lecturer in anarchism, has discovered that the ancient Hebrews were pagans who did not believe in a single deity

How then did this pagan nature religion transform into abstract monotheism, the basis for Judaism, Christianity and Islam? The answer lies not in theology, but in politics. The change took place in two stages, the first of which came with the sweeping campaign of religious and political centralization enacted in Jerusalem by King Josiah in 621 BCE. The chief instigators were the high priest Hilkiah, the royal secretary Shaphan, and the prophetess Huldah, a prominent noblewoman. During renovations in the temple, they “discovered” a forgotten manuscript, the Book of the Covenant, later incorporated into the book of Deuteronomy. Its centerpiece was the Shema – the passage beginning “Hear, O Israel, Yahweh our God, Yahweh the One” (Deut. 6:4) – along with harsh prohibitions on idolatry and exogamy, a stress on one exclusive temple, and threats of total annihilation of the people if they worship other gods. Presented to the king, these writings formed the perfect pretext for a wholesale centralization of theocratic power in the hands of the House of David and the Jerusalem priestly caste. Josiah acted swiftly. … Josiah’s coup created and enforced a patriarchal state religion, to whose intellectual elite modern scholarship attributes the books of Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings – a retroactive historiography which would drastically reshape Judean identity and collective memory.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Tel Aviv University – Shlomo Sand’s (Dept of History) book gets described as a “trip through a landscape of illusions” in an attempt by Sand to free the Middle East from “the hard bricks of truth”

For Sand, a professor of history at Tel Aviv University, the antidote to a national identity based on what he argues are fables, is to shed the fancy that there is any such thing as a shared Jewish identity independent of religious practice. … Sand confuses ethnicity – which, in the case of the Jews, is indeed impure, heterogeneous and much travelled – with an identity that evolves as the product of common historical experience. Rabbinical arguments may rest on an imaginary definition of ethnicity, but the legitimacy of a Jewish homeland does not. Ultimately, Israel’s case is the remedy for atrocity, about which Sand has nothing to say. His book is a trip (and I use the word advisedly) through a landscape of illusions which Sand aims to explode, leaving the scenery freer for a Middle East built, as he supposes, from the hard bricks of truth. This turns out to require not just the abandonment of simplicities about race, but any shared sense of historical identity at all on the part of the Jews that might be taken as the basis of common allegiance, which is an another matter entirely. En route, he marches the reader through a mind-numbingly laborious examination of the construction of national identities from imagined rather than actual histories. A whole literature has been devoted to the assumption that nations are invariably built from such stories, in which, nonetheless, grains of historical truth are usually embedded. The important issue, however, is whether the meta-narrative that arises from those stories is inclusive enough to accommodate the tales of those whose experience is something other than racially and culturally homogeneous.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Ben Gurion University - Neve Gordon (Dept of Political Science) turns His Own Home into a Spa for Convicted Terrorist

Dr. Neve Gordon of Israel’s Ben Gurion University is known as one of the most radical academic Palestinian sympathizers. However, his activities appear to have peaked this year with a call for an anti-Israel boycott, and revelations that he hosted a convicted Palestinian sentenced to house arrest. Despite being the chairman of the political science department at Israel’s Ben Gurion University, Gordon wrote an L.A. Times op-ed calling for a worldwide boycott of Israel, including Israeli universities, to achieve what he calls “ending our apartheid.“ Gordon’s call was widely seen as an anti-democratic attempt to undermine Israeli democracy and sovereignty and drew scathing criticism from his peers in both the academic and activist communities. … Around the same time as the boycott call, Gordon turned his own home into a refuge for convicted Fatah organizer Mohammed Abu Humus, a resident of the Issawiya neighborhood of East Jerusalem. As a local Fatah organizer, Abu Hums had previous convictions for several security related offenses including arson and assault. Despite the latest conviction for directing demonstrators to throw rocks, Gordon described Abu Humus as a “political prisoner” and “a Fatah leader.” A Jerusalem district judge earlier this year convicted Abu Humus and handed down a nine-month sentence, converted to house arrest. Gordon organized a group of far-left academics to testify on behalf of Abu Humus, and Gordon offered the court to host Abu Humus in Gordon’s own home in Beersheva for the duration of the house arrest. It is evidently the only case on record of a Palestinian terrorist being released to house arrest in the home of a Jewish Israeli citizen.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Hebrew University – Daphna Golan lends credibility to Goldstone's Mouthing of Hamas Propaganda

Israeli opposition to the Goldstone report reflects multiple layers of denial, ranging from literal denial (it never happened) through denial of its significance (these weren't really war crimes) to justification (we had no alternative; what can we do when they shell Sderot nonstop?). There is also denial of the possibility that an international commission might be able to investigate better than the Israel Defense Forces (they're anti-Semites), denial of the existence of any international law that would also be valid in Gaza (awful things always happen in wars, and our situation is unique), denial of the pictures that were seen worldwide, but not in Israel (Al Jazeera is spreading propaganda), and denial of the possibility that there is another way besides the way of war.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


University of Exeter – Ilan Pappe's (Dept. of Political Science) book gets reviewed as “worthless”

Ilan Pappe is an Israeli academic who has made his name by hating Israel and everything it stands for. In his view, expressed with obsession and a degree of paranoia, Jewish nationalism, that is to say Zionism, has been from its outset a deliberate tool for dispossessing the Palestinians; and therefore it is to be condemned root and branch. He reserves the Palestinian term of Nakba, meaning catastrophe, for describing what to Israelis is their war of independence of 1948. To him, Israeli politicians and soldiers, one and all, are so many murderers. Forests have been planted only to cover up the past. Houses are ‘monstrous villas and palaces for rich American Jews’. Everything Israeli is ugly, everything Palestinian is beautiful. One day, he supposes, the Israelis may well consummate their original crime with something even worse. The only possible alternative lies in the immediate return of every Palestinian to his original home, and that will mean the end of the state whose existence so offends Pappe. This, of course, is exactly the inflexible position taken by Hamas and the PLO. … As history, the book is worthless. In interviews Pappe regularly explains: ‘We do [historiography] because of ideological reasons, not because we are truth seekers.’ For him, as a Marxist and anti-nationalist, ‘there is no such thing as truth, only a collection of narratives’. To substantiate his particular ideological narrative, Pappe puts the worst possible interpretation on any Jewish deed or word, while validating anything said or done by Palestinians.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Tel Aviv University - Prof. Amnon Rubinstein, one-time Minister of Education, Israel's leading constitutional law expert, Dean of the IDC, states: anti-Israel faculty at TAU uses “academic podium to deliver Israel-bashing propaganda”

This news item did not surprise me. A small group of anti-Zionist, anti-Israel faculty members has turned Tel Aviv University into a podium from which to broadcast their political propaganda. Two notable instances: a group of 30 professors signed a pro-Iranian petition last year warning against Israeli and American designs and "adventurism" against the Islamic Republic, without even mentioning its president's threat to wipe Israel off the map and his Holocaust-denying outbursts. The second example was a conference held by the Tel Aviv Law School in which the subject was the alleged mistreatment of "political prisoners" (i.e. convicted Palestinian terrorists) that invited, as guest speaker, a released prisoner sentenced to 27 years in jail for throwing a bomb into a Jewish civilian bus. This is not academic freedom. This is using academic podiums to deliver Israel-bashing propaganda.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


The Israeli “Academics” doing the Dirty work for the Alternative Information Center (AIC)

Few Israelis and even fewer Americans know much about the Alternative Information Center (AIC) which is located both in the West Bank in Beit Sahour and also in downtown Jerusalem. The Alternative Information Center was set up by an Arab physics professor from Bir Zeit University named Ghassan Andoni. It was a precursor for the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), an extremist pro-terror anti-Israel group, previously going under the name Alternative Tourism. Andoni and his organization represent the Christian communist terrorist wing of the PLO, George Habash’s Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Andoni’s Center has become a major source for anti-Israel propaganda and disinformation. … Just as wars are fought not only directly on the battlefield between soldiers, but through economic warfare, this latest report from the AIC is designed to cut the line of supply to the IDF of educated personnel. Recall that the AIC itself grew out of the PFLP terrorist movement. It still has the destruction of Israel in mind.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Tel Aviv University – Even Rabbis know about anti-Israel sedition that goes on at TAU

"The IDF sends solders to be educated at Tel Aviv University, where lecturers openly call for refusing orders. The demand [of not encouraging refusal of orders] cannot be imposed only on rabbis when the IDF funds refuseniks," [Rabbi Zalman Melamed, Rabbi of Beit El and Head Of Yeshiva] reportedly said.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Tel Aviv University – Anat Matar (Dept of Philosophy) – Nothing is unpardonable, not even treason and murder

The heart skips a beat every time news leaks about progress in the talks on releasing abducted soldier Gilad Shalit. This week we were again told that the negotiations are being energetically pursued, so our hopes rose again. But like so many times in the past, another source says one of the stumbling blocks is Israel's opposition to releasing any of its citizens as part of a prisoner exchange. … Israel sees Hamas' demand to free these people as crass interference in its internal affairs… A good example is that of Mahmad and Mahmoud Jabarin, residents of Umm al-Fahm serving long terms for murdering a collaborator, whereas their accomplices in the killing, residents of Palestinian areas, were released almost 10 years ago.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


The Chronicle of Higher Education reviews IsraCampus and the debate it hopes to create

Left-right tensions are rising on Israeli campuses over the complex legacy of Zionist ideology and the place of Zionism in Israeli society, with a call for students at one university to report on "Thought Police" professors, a campaign that is being likened to "McCarthyite" tactics in the United States. … Things came to a head at University of Haifa with the publication this fall of an advertisement in the new student calendar by IsraCampus, a watchdog modeled on Campus Watch in the United States. … "There's a group of Israeli professors who are misusing the classroom for political indoctrination," said Steven Plaut, an associate professor of business administration at Haifa, who paid for the IsraCampus advertisement. "They are using their positions within Israeli academia to basically promote an anti-Israel political agenda. Other people have the right to know what they're doing."

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


University of Haifa – Haggai Kupermintz remains unrepentant in his participation in a blood libel

Recently University of Haifa lecturer in "peace education," Haggai Kupermintz, was taken to task for never having apologized for being one of the signatories on a petition from a few years ago containing a blood libel. The petition accused Israel of planning to conduct genocidal atrocities the moment the Allied invasion of Iraq was to begin. The war and came went and no Israeli genocide against Arabs. Kupermintz never retracted or apologized for his role in this. The petition was published on the pro-jihad Aljazeera and on many other anti-Semitic web sites.

When challenged about this on the "Segel-Plus" chat list of University of Haifa faculty members, Kupermintz posted this response:

RE: [Segel-plus] Fw: Conceits of the Academic Far Left
Thu, November 19, 2009 11:36:39 PM
From: Haggai Kupermintz <>

Ah, but you got it all wrong, Stevie! In fact, word got out to the Bush administration that the infamous leftist, Marxist, Antisematic (sic), Noe-Nazi (sic), Anachist (sic), Self-hating Jewboy Mafia of the Haifa branch of Bir Zeit university is behind the petition. As if Saddam wasn't enough... He immediately and personally gave orders to halt the cleansing operation. We understand your frustration that we saved our beloved Palestinian people, but at least give us credit for our achievement. Surly, you know what we eldres (sic) can accomplish. Don't under estimate us!


Suffolk University - Israeli Professor Nir Eisikovits (Dept of Philosophy) is Enamored with the Enemies of Israel

Sympathizing with Israel’s enemies is exactly what Eisikovits does from the safety of the US and Boston. But, instead of reconciliation, his “sympathy” grants aid and comfort to Israel’s enemies and to radical anti-Zionists. He has written in an article he wrote in the Christian Science Monitor: “Our (Israel’s) basic constitutional documents speak of a ‘Jewish democratic state’ while about 20 percent of our citizens are non-Jews. We have no separation of synagogue and state. We have, for over 40 years, maintained illegal settlements and a harsh military occupation in most of the Palestinian territories captured in 1967.”

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


German Youth/Student Website attacks IsraCampus as “McCarthyite”

French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner, who arrived on Tuesday for talks in Israel, expressed the impression that Israel is no longer interested in a peace agreement. Previously there had been a large peace movement and a left that had stood for peace. He had the impression that "the desire for peace has completely vanished, as if the people no longer believe in it." That ensures that Israel has a kind of "witch hunt" against anti-government statements that "getting to feel very left academics in universities. I refer to this as a McCarthyite campaign," said David Newman, professor of politics at Ben-Gurion University of Beersheva, in conversation with journalist Jonathan Cook on groups that specifically denounce professors. On the website of IsraCampus ( the photos were published of 100 dissident professors and academic as a "fifth column called". One of them is Anat Matar, a professor of philosophy from the University of Tel Aviv. "Our society has become somewhat fascist," Cook cites him in his report.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Many Israeli Academics are “disconnected” and “unsure of their place” in Israeli society

It is apparent that the central problem with too many of Israel's academics is that they are unsure of their place in society, they misunderstand their relevance and they are embittered and hysterical in their pronouncements to the point of having a childlike "crying wolf" mentality when discussing the conflict in the Middle East. … There was a time in history when academics understood that their role in society, shaping its culture, encouraging it along a proper course, developing the national narrative. The academy knew that its life was intricately linked to that of the society it lived in. It was the highest level of that society and had a responsibility to it. Israeli academics who call on European powers to invade the country to "save it from itself," those who call the country "Nazi," those who call for boycotts of their own country, those who go into "exile" abroad or those who encourage the murder of citizens in the country simply do not view themselves as responsible for the country at large. They are so disconnected from the society that they no longer feel any responsibility to be decent and mature in their rhetoric toward it.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Tel Aviv University – Shlomo Sand’s (Dept of History) statements get more outrageous as his fictional book tour travels to the UK; the birth of the State of Israel an “act of rape”

Shlomo Sand, a professor of history at Tel Aviv University, spoke at a number of events in London last week to sell his book The Invention of the Jewish People, in which he writes that the Israelites were never exiled from the Promised Land and therefore have no right to return. … "Sand's agenda is to sever the historic link between the Jewish people and the Land of Israel," said Jonathan Hoffman, co-chairman of the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. "To promote that agenda his book ignores archeological and genetic evidence. At none of his three London appearances was there a historian or Jewish history expert on the platform to counter his distortions, evasions and sensationalism. The result will contribute to anti-Semitic discourse and incidents in the UK, already at a record level." … A guest on BBC Radio Four last week, Sand told presenter Andrew Marr that he compares Israel's birth to "rape." … [Sand] said. "I compare when I am speaking before Arab students the birth of the Israeli state to an act of rape. But even the son that was born of the act of rape... you have to recognize him...”

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Tel Aviv University – Carlo Strenger (Dept. of Psychology) Uses Crude, Defamatory Argumentation

Carlo Strenger, professor of psychology at Tel Aviv University, has published an op-ed in Haaretz criticizing an earlier op-ed in the Jerusalem Post by Isi Leibler, columnist and former vice-president of the World Jewish Congress. If Strenger disagrees with Leibler and wants to present counterarguments, that’s fine. Instead, Strenger has written a crude, defamatory ad hominem attack that misrepresents or ignores Leibler’s actual statements. Is this how one gets to be an accredited professor at Tel Aviv University? ... At most, Strenger could have reasonably objected that Leibler does not make sufficiently clear what he means by phrases like “neutralize the impact of renegade Jews” or “exorcise such odious groups from the mainstream” (Leibler subsequently explained what he meant here). Instead, Strenger keeps accusing Leibler, over and over, of favoring “excommunication,” all with no basis in Leibler’s actual text, which—as noted—uses the word only once in reference to Jews in the Middle Ages. ... Strenger, thus, manages to associate Leibler with an alleged murderer (Teitel) and an actual one (Yigal Amir, Rabin’s assassin) while insinuating that Leibler himself incites such acts, and that there is doubt as to whether Leibler adheres to civilized norms and opposes such crimes. This is usually the tactics of McCarthyists. Strenger engages in such calumny while categorically excluding and failing to address the actual issue that Leibler’s article raises—how to deal with blatantly disloyal acts by Israelis and Diaspora Jews

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Ben Gurion University – David Newman (Dept of Political Science) enlists the help of Jonathan Cook - a columnist for the anti-Semitic, pro-jihad, neo-Stalinist web magazine Counterpunch - to attack However they have to go all the way to Abu Dhabi to get it published

“I have no hesitation in calling this a McCarthyite campaign,” said David Newman, a politics professor at Ben Gurion University, in Israel’s southern city of Beersheva. “What they are doing is very dangerous.” Last month, in what appeared to be a new tactic, IsraCampus placed a full-page advertisement in an official diary issued to students at Haifa University, urging them to visit its website to see a “rogues’ gallery” of 100 Israeli scholars the group deems an “academic fifth column”. “The goal is to transform our students into spies in the classroom to gather information and intimidate us,” a senior Israeli lecturer said. “It’s a model of ‘policing’ faculty staff that has been very successful in stifling academic freedom in the US.”

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Ben Gurion University – Neve Gordon has his material featured on anti-Semitic web site amid Holocaust Denier columnists

Neo-Nazi anti-Semitic web site that insists that the Jews were behind 9-11 attacks on the US and that Jews worship Satan, features, amidst the Holocaust Denier columnists, Neve Gordon:

Either Gordon himself asked to be reprinted there, or Gordon has declined to sue the web site to get his material removed! (He did sue Prof. Steven Plaut though because the latter dared to criticize Gordon's political opinions)


University of Exeter – Ilan Pappe (Dept. of Political Science) calls for International boycott of Israel and the end of the Jewish State of Israel but yet claims "I'm not a traitor"

"I believe that things would change only if Israel receives a strong message that as long as the occupation continues it would not be a legitimate member of the international community, and that until then its academics, doctors and authors would not be welcome. A similar boycott was imposed on South Africa. It took 21 years, but it eventually led to the end of Apartheid." … As the son of German Jews, I know how important it is for our elites to be a part of Europe. … "Once we realize that the only way is to relinquish some of out holy ideas, and once the Palestinians give up the idea of nationalism, and once they realize that there needs to be one state here that isn't Jewish nor Palestinian, but a state of all its citizens, like in the US, we will have peace."

[Another interesting tidbit, when Pappe is asked if he'd willingly vacate when the 1948 refugees resettle the area surrounding his home, he ignores the question. I guess this is a classic case of the Israeli "it won't happen to me" (לי זה לא יקרה) syndrome. The reporter lets him off the hook, which leads to believe that the reporter is either a novice or shares Pappe's views.]

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Erez Tadmor, Im Tirtzu Director, warns about the Anti-Zionist “thought police” at Israeli Universities and Colleges; cautions about the harm to Israel’s international image

“Anti-Zionist professors have created an informal “thought police,” he said. Those academics who hold different political views are passed over for promotion, he charged. “This is cynical exploitation of the system by professors... there is a general atmosphere meant to frighten those with different views.” … Another problem created by the existing situation is that of poor public relations, he noted. When many Israeli academics are openly critical of the state of Israel, their views become fodder for anti-Israel activists abroad, and the result is harm to Israel's image in the international community.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Im Tirtzu Poster invites students to report Anti-Israel Faculty

Attached here (in Hebrew) a poster the Im Tirtzu student organization is displaying on all Israel campuses this week. It calls on students who witness political indoctrination in class or in course syllabi to bring the matter to their attention.

To see the Im Tirtzu poster, go here


Tel Aviv University – Shlomo Sand’s book draws the ire from an Israeli Academic

If the "Jews" the world over are not an ethnic nation with a common history of 4500 years and originating from Palestine, a history which includes the Roman exile, it means that modern Zionism and Aliya (emigration of Jews to Palestine) is not a home coming. The implication is enormous since it deprives Israel from its rationale as a Jewish state. It corresponds to the main Arab argument that the Jews are just a religion but not an ethnic nation with a long history. Even Hitler wanted to kill all Jews on the basis of their common ethnicity. At least let us grant him this recognition. Judaism is unique as it corresponds to both a religion and a nation based in Palestine and stretching thousands of years. No other group of people has got such a long national, cultural, religious and cohesive history. The denial of the Jewish ethnicity and nationhood is in the same category as holocaust denial. It should be treated with the same contempt.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Tel Aviv University - Haaretz runs front page story of Far-Leftist suppression of Academic Freedom at TAU for second day running

For the second day in a row, Haaretz has run front page news stories on Tel Aviv University and on the complaints by students of being harassed and intimated by leftist faculty members. In today’s story, it reports that the Rector of TAU is looking into the matter and investigating. In the first story yesterday, Haaretz itself said that it investigated the matter as a result of earlier stories that had run in the media about monitoring web sites exposing leftist radical faculty members. It of course meant Note how Haaretz paints the problem as complaints from “right-wing students.”

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Tel Aviv University - expose prompts TAU Official to come forward: Students being harassed by anti-Israel Far Leftist faculty members

Tel Aviv University students are hesitant to express their political views in class, lest lecturers perceived to have left-wing political views penalize them with lower grades, the head of TAU's Department of Curriculum and Instruction wrote in an internal memorandum last month. Prof. Nira Hativa's comment in the faculty memo ignited controversy among professors, with some declaring that her sentiments should not be made public. … Hativa's statements were prompted by a story in the Haaretz English Edition on rightist activists monitoring lecturers who are considered to have leftist views, as well as an article in Maariv on what it described as the right-wing views of Daniel Schueftan, deputy director of the National Security Studies Center at the University of Haifa.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Oxford - Avi Shlaim presents a hodgepodge of dis-information as irrefutable fact and comes to the conclusion that Israel is responsible for the 1948 war refugee problem

The "old" historians saw the 1948 war as an unequal struggle between a Jewish David against an Arab Goliath: a desperate, heroic, and ultimately successful Jewish struggle against overwhelming odds. The heroism of the Jewish fighters is not in question. Nor is there any question that the first round of fighting was indeed a struggle for survival. … The final outcome of the war was not a miracle but a reflection of the underlying Arab-Israeli military balance. In this war, as in most wars, the stronger side won. ... The entire debate between the old and the new Israeli historians revolves round the question of moral responsibility for the consequences of the first Arab-Israeli war. The old historians present Israel as the innocent party, as the victim of Arab aggression. But the evidence presented by the new historians makes it patently clear that the establishment of Israel involved a monumental injustice to the Palestinians. ... Unless and until Israel acknowledges its share of the moral responsibility for the creation of the Palestinian refugee problem, this dispute cannot be solved.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Tel Aviv University - Uri Hadar (Dept of Psychology) claims the “vengeful” Israeli “unconscious” wants a “Palestinian Holocaust”

Israel’s “attack on Gaza” the previous winter, Hadar told the audience, had “little to do with security” (as if 8000 rockets and mortars fell on London people would just yawn). What, then, he asked there, “enables Jewish brutality toward Palestinians?” Since Israel, he explained, has never properly mourned the Holocaust, the society has a “vengeful unconscious”--and takes it all out on the innocent, bewildered Palestinians. Israelis say (or used to say, back in the 1950s) that Jews will never again go “like sheep to the slaughter”; so the Palestinians, insists Hadar, are their “sacrificial lamb.” Indeed, “a full-blown Palestinian Holocaust is part of the unconscious [Israeli] itinerary.”

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


University of Utrecht, Netherlands: Former Technion Linguistics/Computer Professor Yoad Winter denounces Israeli “terrorism”

Yoad Winter is a Linguistics and Mathematics expert who works with computers, formerly from the Technion in Israel, now employed as an academic lecturer at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands. … Yoad Winter belongs to a growing crowd of anti-Israel Israelis living outside Israel, and is part of a group called Gate48 in Amsterdam. During the war in Gaza he and his fellow Israeli academics and fellow travelers in Gate48 wrote the following to the Dutch government:

“We, a group of Israelis living in the Netherlands, call on you to publicly disapprove of the brutal military operation claiming the life of Palestinian civilians in Gaza. … Since the beginning of this operation approximately 700 people, among them more than 200 children were killed. 700,000 Palestinians are living without water and nearly a million without electricity. Israel blocks the delivery of sufficient humanitarian aid, which has resulted in starvation, and a lack of proper medical assistance. We cannot find any justification for such war crimes against civilians.”

The bulk of the “700 people killed” (ultimately 1,300 claimed by the UN by war’s end) were proven to have been armed terrorists from Hamas and Islamic Jihad, who used the civilian population (including children) on many occasions as human shields. In addition, obviously 700,000 Arabs were not living without water, nor one million without electricity. Israel did not block delivery of humanitarian aid and the population in Gaza is and never has been starving. Those are the inventions of the International Solidarity Movement, a Hamas-supporting movement, and similar outfits, which consistently try to get the West to believe that Gaza is “under siege” because Israel controls the borders to stop weapons smuggling from Iran and Syria. The ISM has a strong presence in the Netherlands.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


A Little Problem of Consistency at the University of Haifa

A university in Norway is calling for worldwide boycotts of Israel. Meanwhile the president and the rector of the University of Haifa have taken to the airwaves to denounce that initiative. See this:

The only problem? They have done nothing about the members of the faculty at the University of Haifa who are themselves calling for a worldwide boycott of Israel! Prof. Daphna Carmeli, Prof. Yoram Carmeli, and Prof. Vered Kraus are listed here.

These University of Haifa leftist anti-Zionists were calling for such a boycott against Israel and against Israeli universities even before the recent call for such a boycott issued by anti-Israel extremist Neve Gordon from Ben Gurion University.

Want to let the heads of the University know what you think of this “inconsistency”? Write to University of Haifa:

President of the University of Haifa
Prof. Aaron Ben-Ze’ev
University of Haifa
Mt Carmel, 31905 Haifa Israel
Tel: 972-4-8240101
Fax: 972-4-8240281


A Public Challenge to Tel Aviv University

The Sociology department at Tel Aviv University has been engaged in subsidized sedition. It has offered a course in one-sided propaganda and leftist indoctrination. And Tel Aviv University students got PAID to sign up and be indoctrinated in the course! …It was group-taught, mainly by Tel Aviv University Marxist sociologist and far-leftist anti-Zionist Professor Yehouda Shenhav, together with far-leftist non-academic political activists. … The syllabus of the course shows that it consists only of leftist anti-Israel propaganda. …

Well, my friend and comrade Seth Frantzman, a Phd student at the Hebrew University and a writer for, the watchdog group that monitors and exposes Israeli extremist academics, has come up with a brilliant idea. He (and I second his call) would like to challenge the heads of Tel Aviv University. We would like to ask the heads of Tel Aviv University whether in the name of pluralism and balance they would be willing to approve in principle the following course as a new one to be offered to students in the sociology department.

Here is the course outline as prepared by Seth Frantzman:

Bureaucracy, Governmentality and Individual Rights – Alternative Course Syllabus
Prof. Benny Alon
TA: Adv. Itamar Ben-Gvir
Guest lecturer: Baruch Marzel

The course will discuss managerial theory and practice, with an emphasis on mind control mechanisms that Palestinians developed to train terrorists in the context of the West Bank. We will examine the historical sources of these mechanisms and attempt to situate them within the Islamist context, particularly as envisioned in Wahhabism and the writings of Said Qutb. We will then demonstrate how the Hebrew freedom fighter is reflected, within the spaces of sovereignty he creates, in the NGO-funding practices of European countries, their agents and executive authorities. In addition, we will demonstrate how the Palestinian Islamist culture creates lawless spaces, where people's lives become exposed to violence or the threat thereof. Simultaneously, we will analyze the political and cultural implications of historical anachronism, relating them to questions of morality and religion, politics and sovereignty, and political theology.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Israeli Professors make call for international intervention during Operation “Cast Lead” in The Guardian

Meanwhile, hundreds of Palestinian civilians get killed, thousands are bleeding to death, tens of thousands are uprooted and wandering in vain in search of some shelter to protect them. The Israeli army bombs hospitals and Unrwa relief centres, and, defying international convention, it uses white phosphorus bombs against civilians. "What else can we do?" these leaders keep asking. Well, here is what you can do: move from words to deeds. Only immediate, decisive and strict sanctions against the state of Israel and its limitless aggression will make it realise that there's a limit. We, as Israeli citizens, raise our voices to call on EU leaders: use sanctions against Israel's brutal policies and join the active protests of Bolivia and Venezuela. We appeal to the citizens of Europe: please attend to the Palestinian Human Rights Organisation's call, supported by more than 540 Israeli citizens ( boycott Israeli goods and Israeli institutions; follow resolutions such as those made by the cities of Athens, Birmingham and Cambridge (US). This is the only road left. Help us all, please!

Among the signatories
Prof. Daphna Carmeli (Haifa University), Prof. Yoram Carmeli (Haifa University), Dr. Ovadia Ezra (Tel Aviv University), Prof. Rachel Giora (Tel Aviv University), Prof. Vered Kraus (Haifa University), Dr. Aim Deuel Luski (Tel Aviv University), Moshe Machover, Dr. Anat Matar (Tel Aviv University), Dorothy Naor, Prof. Yehuda Shenhav (Tel Aviv University), Dr. Kobi Snitz (Technion – Israel Institute of Technology)

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Academics - Anat Matar, Rachel Giora and Kobi Snitz - organized a petition signed by “Israeli citizens” that demands international intervention to stop “Israel’s destructive criminal policy” during Operation “Cast Lead”; presented the petition to foreign embassies

Israel has returned to openly committing war crimes, worse than what we have seen in a long time. … Israel's destructive criminal policy will not cease without a massive intervention by the international community. However, except for some rather weak official condemnation, the international community is reluctant to intervene. … In the past the world knew how to fight criminal policies. The boycott on South Africa was effective, but Israel is handled with kid gloves: its trade relations are flourishing, academic and cultural cooperation continue and intensify with diplomatic support. This international backing must stop. That is the only way to stop the insatiable Israeli violence. We are calling on the world to stop Israeli violence and not allow the continuation of the brutal occupation. We call on the world to Condemn and not become an accomplice in Israel's crimes.

Among the other signatories:
Dalit Baum, Anat Biletzki, Haim Bresheeth, Uri Davis, Lev Grinberg, Adam Keller, Yael Korin, Moshe Machover, Haggai Matar, Dorit Naaman, Dorothy Naor, Judd Ne'eman, Ofer Neiman, Nurit Peled-Elhanan, Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin, Oren Yiftachel

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Tel Aviv University – Anat Matar (Dept. of Philosophy) back lobbying for boycotts of Israel and denouncing  Jews as racists

Original Message ----
From: Anat Matar
To: 'bbffww'
Sent: Saturday, October 31, 2009 9:37 AM
Subject: [bfw] Open letter to the Choir of Clare College, Cambridge

I've just sent my signature. I urge you to do the same.

We understand that you intend to tour Israel with the Choir of Clare College to perform J.S. Bach's 'Christmas Oratorio' between 25th and 30th December this year and we are asking you to reconsider this decision. Artists and musicians in Palestine, inspired by the example of the campaign which brought an end to apartheid in South Africa, have asked people of conscience around the world not to perform in Israel as an act of solidarity with them. … December 27 will be the anniversary of the terrible day last year that Israel unleashed a military onslaught on the trapped population of the Gaza Strip. While the rest of the world will be remembering the massacre of 1,400 Palestinian people, your choir will be performing in the capital city of the government which perpetrated acts now regarded as war crimes, according to the latest UN report from Judge Richard Goldstone.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Hebrew University - Ze'ev Sternhell (Dept of Political Science) insists Israel is guilty until proven innocent and maybe even after that

'Everyone understands that the army's opposition to a probe of the accusations against it can have only one reason: There is something to hide. It is not the Goldstone report that has opened another painful phase in the erosion of Israel's credibility, but rather the cavalier attitude here toward the heavy Palestinian losses. In broad circles of Western European and American intelligentsia (sic) - in the universities and among cultural and media figures - Israel arouses ever-deepening hostility.'

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Monitoring sites, like, have the Israeli Tenured Left hysterical

Haaretz today [23/10/2009] ran in its English web site a hysterical column attacking the monitoring groups and web sites, including, for daring to expose the political activities of Israel’s Tenured Left. As you know, these include open advocacy by tenured academics in Israel of terrorism against Jews, of boycotts against Israel, and of Israel’s annihilation. The Haaretz column is a hysterical attack on those who cite verbatim what anti-Israel leftist academics write and say. That constitutes “McCarthyism,” according to the writer, Benjamin Pogrund. The writer is not an academic but is a leftist journalist from South Africa living in Israel, known mainly for once having ties with Nelson Mandela and for his writings against apartheid when he lived in South Africa. Today he is a leftist Zionist of sorts, and has made some speaking tours overseas with Palestinians to tout the Left’s agenda.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


University of Haifa - Student Union Head claims that Haifa U management turns a blind eye to far-leftist indoctrination

The Haifa University Student Union has distributed a calendar diary containing an advertisement calling readers to know who the “anti-Israeli lecturers” are, in Haifa U. and in other academic institutions throughout Israel. The advertisement contains the web address of IsraCampus – a website devoted to exposing lecturers who are employed in Israeli universities, yet openly agitate against the state of Israel. ... The head of the Haifa University Student Union, Felix Kuritni, said that he believes that the decision to print the advertisement was justified. “Students who study here need to know who their lecturers are and if there are lecturers who oppose the State of Israel it is important to publish their names. ... Unfortunately the campus management turns a blind eye and continues to allow all kinds of political cells like Hadash and Balad to hold conventions on campus.”

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Ben Gurion University – Neve Gordon (Dept of Political Science) has issues with the “less tolerant” “Zionist national narrative” in Israeli Schools; contributes to the “Palestinian People” Myth by calling non-Jewish Israeli citizens “Palestinians”

Consider the way Jewish and Palestinian children are educated. Segregation in the classroom is the rule so that Jewish and Palestinian children only rarely mix. This strict segregation exists despite the fact that the Palestinians are citizens of Israel … It is, no doubt, a truism that public schools in modern liberal democracies inculcate their students with the dominant national worldview. In the US, for example, children still recite the pledge of allegiance and in France children sing La Marseillaise. But while the public schools in these democracies are today more willing to provide students with a multicultural curriculum that includes the historical narratives of those who have been oppressed and marginalised over the centuries, Israel is arguably becoming less tolerant to any pedagogy that challenges the dominant Zionist national narrative.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


University of Haifa – YNet quotes University and Student Union Heads defending’s right to publish ad that denounces Anti-Israel Lecturers in Student Union daily planner

Students at Haifa University are outraged over the contents of an ad included in a daily planner distributed by the Student Union at the beginning of the academic year. The ad urges students to become aware of "anti-Israel lecturers" from universities across the country, including the Haifa institute. A complaint was sent to University President Professor Aaron Ben Ze'ev pointing to incitement. … Chairman Felix Koritney commented, "It's an advertisement bought and published in the planner as by other advertisers. We went over the content and it is fine by us. It informs the students, in the way other websites inform of corruption and ethics violations…Students should know who they take classes with. We love the State of Israel and support it and see no wrong with the ad." Haifa University issued a statement reading, "In accordance with its policy and the student rights law, the University of Haifa allows freedom of speech on campus, even when it opposes the contents of opinions, so long as no State laws were violated."

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Ben Gurion University - Oren Yiftachel (Dept. of Geography) smears the Israeli voter that “voted for apartheid”; the “democratic bloc” for Yiftachel is composed of Meretz and the Arab parties

Ironically, the militaristic mood caused by the Gaza invasion backfired against its architects-the ruling Kadima and particularly the Labor party, which at least in rhetoric supports the peace process. The Jewish public adopted Barak’s hard line against Hamas, but then (logically) decided to strengthen the “real” militaristic alternative-the colonialist Right. Another irony was that in the name of “democracy” the Israeli elections, which were neither general nor free, put in power a colonialist bloc bent on deepening the “creeping apartheid” process even while vowing to remove the democratically elected Hamas government. … The democratic bloc includes mainly the small leftist-liberal Zionist party Meretz, the mixed Arab-Jewish socialist party al-Jabha al-Dimuqratiyya lil-Salam wal-Musawa (the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality; Hadash), and the Arab parties al-Tajammu‘ al-Watani al-Dimuqrati (the National Democratic Assembly; Balad) and al-Muwahida (Ra’am-Ta’al).

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Hebrew University – Jeffrey Goldberg, the world renown reporter, dings Bernard Avishai who wants the the law of return repealed [putting an end to the Jewish Safe-Haven] in his book “The Tragedy of Zionism”

On the more important question of Zionism and anti-Zionism, all I think I need to say is this: Avishai, the author of a book called "The Tragedy of Zionism," believes that Israel's Law of Return should be repealed. This is the law that grants Jews anywhere in the world to claim citizenship in the newly-reconstituted Jewish state, which was meant to be a refuge for persecuted Jews. The law is the raison d'etre of Zionism, and of Israel's existence. I don't think I was being "vicious" in pointing out that Avishai's conception of what Israel should be is very different from the mainstream Zionist position. By the way, J Street's position, as officially enunciated by its head flack to me, is that the group's core mission is to preserve Israel as a "Jewish democracy." Though maybe I should ask J Street if it believes the Law of Return as currently written and implemented is undemocratic.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Tel Aviv University – Shlomo Sand (Dept of History) gets a stage at New York University to present his work of fiction as fact

Whereas a colloquium is classified as an open forum to debate ideas, professor Miller's event is clearly defined to present Shlomo Sand's book as fact. … However, Sand's book is replete with historical inaccuracies. … Rather than being a groundbreaking or original scholarly work, Sand's book is just a rehashing of anti-Semitic tracts distributed by a Jewish convert to Christianity in the pay of Arab interests named Benjamin Freedman who claimed the same historical nonsense from about 1946 to 1961. … Sand also tries to claim today's Palestinians are the real Jews who were forcibly converted to Islam after the seventh century. This, too, is academically false, as the majority of Arabs and Muslims residing in Israel and the Palestinian Authority today immigrated to the region in the mid 20th century as a result of the Zionist movement. … Part of the anti-Israel campaign on U.S. campuses is to suggest that Jews in America need not support a Jewish or "Zionist" state where Israel is in order to be Jewish. The number of Jewish students at New York University is staggering in terms of the student population there, so what better place to have a Marxist professor like Miller and pseudo-historian like Shlomo Sand from Tel Aviv University come and speak to explain that the Jewish people was nothing more than an invention to justify taking Palestine from the Arabs. However, the event is really just another form of anti-Semitism and hatred against the Jewish state masquerading as an academic discussion to indoctrinate impressionable students.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Tel Aviv University - Dr. Amalia Ziv (Dept of Literature) protects Iran’s interests at TAU

Despite Ziv’s cushy faculty position, she generally seeks to combine her obsession about all that is “Queer” with her anti-Israel activities. … She also is pro-Iranian, despite the insistence by the President of Iran that there are no homosexuals at all living there. She was one of a group of radical professors at Tel Aviv University who protested a new Center for Iranian Studies lest it aid Israel and American security. Ziv and her colleagues decided that the time was apt to show their own solidarity with Iran and defend it from American "imperialist ambitions." The protesters expressed fear that the new center would be "misused" to paint Iran as a radical, anti-Semitic and pro-terrorism state (which it clearly is), and grant legitimacy to Western denunciations of Iran. They also expressed concern about the center being exploited by American “imperialism” in furthering American aggression against Iran.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Tel Aviv University – Aeyal Gross’ (Dept of Law) biased praise of the Goldstone Report

Not to put too fine a point on it, Prof. Gross has it in for Israel. It can do no right: faced with thousands of rockets falling on a whole region of the country, or with hundreds of suicide bombings in the heart of its cities, it can neither defend itself with “violent acts” nor even build a fence to keep out the attackers. If Israel engages in such self-defense, whether active or passive, proper international reactions include boycotting it or invading it militarily. … Gross pulled out all the stops, though, in an op-ed a few weeks later praising the Goldstone Report, which has been condemned across Israel’s political spectrum. The report, he declared, “is not one-sided, it is not biased against Israel, and it does not ignore Hamas’s crimes”—breathtaking assertions to anyone who has been following the unfolding of this travesty.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Tel Aviv University – Summary of the Anti-Israel Activity in the Philosophy and Political Science Departments

In all, Tel Aviv University’s department of Philosophy has two major activists who have signed the most radical petitions and supported the most radical anti-Israel activities, including calling on soldiers to have the “courage to refuse,” and requesting international boycotts of their own university. A further three have supported international involvement against Israel and signed more benign petitions. In total only 15 faculty have not signed any of the petitions while 13 have, meaning the department appears to be about equally balanced, however this ignores the fact that several of the faculty who are not activists are retired or visiting lecturers. Removing them brings down the number of faculty not signing petitions to 10. Thus the youngest faculty, particularly the up-and-comers, as well as the chair of the department, are at the forefront of “activism” in the “peace movement,” which means, many times encouraging soldiers to break the law and refuse orders. … The activism of TAU’s philosophy department might be seen to be relatively within the bounds of what an average department might produce, a few radicals and numerous other academics, were it not for another related philosophy department known as The Cohn Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas. It is this institute that might be considered TAU’s school of radicalism, where its most extreme voices have gathered and where almost every single faculty member has been active in radical Israel-critical petitions. … In Contrast to the Philosophy Department and the Cohn Institute, the Political Science Department at TAU’s faculty are relatively tempered in their criticism of the state which supports their research. Only three signed the “academic freedom” petition and only one has shown a consistent pro-Palestinian agenda. … The importance of Philosophy and Political Science to the continuing functioning of the state is apparent. The two disciplines help provide needed analysis, critique and ideas for the development of politics and political theory. Many of the ideas central to the Western World and its embrace of citizenship and democracy have originated in these disciplines. However at Tel Aviv University an increasing number of academics no longer embrace these ideas. In their political activism on behalf of the Palestinians they have come to support a radical Islamist regime where citizenship, democracy and an open society are non-existent. … This is an unfortunate and irresponsible conclusion and one that has a continuing worrisome impact on the state of Israel and the training of its up and coming minds.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Kiryat Ono College of Law - Amir Paz-Fuchs believes that “army service resisters” are “the bravest Israelis”

Israel has a long track record of law school academics ganging up to demonize and discredit the country. Among these are leftist attorneys who have played the game of citing “international law” and “social justice” in defending the indefensible, the quest to destroy Israel by any means necessary. … Israeli law lecturer Amir Paz-Fuchs is an example of someone who uses the courts in a similar manner. He also uses his Kiryat Ono classroom as an arena to smear and demonize Israel and Zionism. … Paz-Fuchs and his colleague argue that refusing to serve in the military for political reasons in a democratic country should be regarded as completely legal and valid, and mutineers even be paid veterans’ benefits. The authors regard such people as the bravest Israelis.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Hebrew University - The Leftwing McCarthyism of Prof. Itzhak Galnoor (Dept of Political Science)

In the most recent issue of “Social Research,” Galnoor publishes an article entitled, “Academic Freedom under Duress: Israel.” In large part it is an ideological attack against the exercise of freedom of speech by critics of Israel’s tenured radicals and its far-leftist anti-Israel faculty members. Galnoor evidently thinks such people should be exempt from public and private criticism. Expressing criticism and denunciations of the anti-Israel political activities of such radicals is itself an intolerable assault against academic freedom, insists Galnoor in his article. Academic freedom should be defended for those who attack Israel and seek its destruction, but not for anyone criticizing such people or questioning their motives. … But Galnoor is part of a new movement in Israeli academia, one insisting that it is anti-democratic to cite verbatim what anti-Israel radical faculty members say or to cite news stories in the mainstream media about the public political activities of anti-Israel radical academics. … Itzhak Galnoor is alarmed that the leftist hegemony over so many departments at Israeli universities is being publicized, scrutinized and challenged these days. Galnoor is himself anti-democratic, someone whose real fear is that non-leftists might actually come to enjoy freedom of speech in Israel and - Heavens to Betsy - perhaps even on Israeli campuses. Galnoor’s version of freedom of speech is where academic extremists build careers out of turning out anti-Israel and anti-Semitic hate propaganda, but where no one should be allowed to criticize or denounce them for doing so, or even mention it.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Tel Aviv University – Anat Matar (Dept. of Philosophy) and Rachel Giora (Dept of Linguistics) embrace the pack of lies called the Goldstone Report; divest themselves from Mahmud Abbas

We write to join the Palestinian political parties, civil society groups, trade unions, and citizens that have condemned the recent decision at the UN Human Rights Council to withdraw Palestinian support for a resolution endorsing the report of the "UN Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict," led by Richard Goldstone. We consider this decision a betrayal of the Palestinian struggle for self-determination and of broader efforts to promote human rights and a just international system. … But by withdrawing support for a resolution in the Human Rights Council, you have done more to undermine these efforts than all of the sustained, high-level attacks by Israel and its allies combined. … Furthermore, we believe this self-inflicted wound raises serious doubts about the soundness of your leadership and the authority of the diplomatic missions under your control worldwide to represent the interests of the Palestinian people. … We demand that you restore full Palestinian diplomatic support for advancing the Goldstone report through the United Nations system, including to the Security Council and the International Criminal Court. Furthermore, we reiterate our support for efforts to restore the unity and legitimacy of the Palestinian national struggle. Until such unity is restored, any appeals for solidarity or support from you or your subordinates will carry no weight.

[Among the] Signed,

Noam Chomsky
Omar Barghouti
Dr. Anat Matar, head of Israeli Association for the Palestinian Prisoners, Prof., Tel Aviv University
Rachel Giora, Prof., Tel Aviv University

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Hebrew University - Itzhak Galnoor (Dept of Political Science) revisited: How Itzhak Galnoor smeared Israel Prize winner Nahum Rakover

Rakover was one of the main targets of the McCarthyist assault on freedom of speech launched by the Israeli Labor Party and the rest of the Left in the 1990s. Rakover is a professor of law at Bar Ilan University. He is an expert in Jewish law. In the early 1990s he held a side position as deputy legal advisor for the government of Israel. … Rakover was invited in to say what Jewish Law and the Torah think of gay marriage. Rakover answered truthfully… That sent the PC camp into ionospheric orbit. The Left then launched a merciless vicious venomous ad hominem assault on Rakover. … Within days, Professor Itzhak Galnoor, a Hebrew university leftist from political science, who had earlier been a Peace Now commissar, attacked Rakover. Galnoor was at the time serving as the Labor appointed head of the civil services, a position from which he introduced affirmative action double standards. Galnoor opened up internal persecution of Rakover in the civil service and sought to get him fired.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Ben Gurion University – Summary of Neve Gordon’s (Dept of Political Science) anti-Israel activity

One of the most bizarre aspects of this campus war against the Jews is how numerous self-hating, anti-Semitic Jews are in the ranks of the movement to achieve the annihilation of Israel. For reasons that only a psychiatrist could fully understand, these people use their birthright to give authenticity to the campaign of delegitimizing and demonizing Israel. … Though he is an Israeli citizen, Gordon invariably sides with Israel’s enemies in the ongoing Mideast conflict. During the siege of Ramallah in 2002, for instance, he barricaded himself with Yasser Arafat, the terrorist responsible for the deaths of more Jews than any human being since Adolf Hitler. For years, Gordon has been referring to Israel as a fascist, terrorist, “apartheid” state that “resembles Nazi Germany.” He has posted numerous writings on Holocaust-denial websites. And he has repeatedly advocated a “one state” solution, in which Israel, by way of the so-called Palestinian “right of return” would be inundated with Arab “refugees” whose inevitable political supremacy would spell the de facto end of Israel.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Technion – Kobi Snitz (Dept of Mathematics) and Roee Harush (Seminar Hakibutzim), residents of “occupied Haifa,” also support and actively participate in a “BDS campaign by the citizens of Israel”

Many of Haifa's Palestinians and some Jews participate in anti-Zionist activity on different occasions … as well as various forms of direct action against the occupation and the Zionist regime. … Through the various discussions, it was found that there is broad agreement that support by Israeli citizens, particularly Jewish-Israelis could be very useful to the international BDS campaign. … An important unresolved issue is the legitimate reluctance of many anti-Zionists in Palestine to identify as Israelis. … This is a long-standing question for the Jewish anti-Zionist movement in Palestine, and while it is an unresolved issue, it should not be allowed to become an obstacle to mounting an effective struggle against the apartheid regime. … The group is now at a stage of planning activities in Israel and abroad. At first, efforts will be focused on educating potential supporters. … For instance, one way in which Hebrew speakers can clearly be of use to the campaign is research into the corporations and institutions supporting and legitimizing Israel's apartheid system. Such research should not be done in an arbitrary fashion, but would be much more useful if done in coordination with the needs of the global campaign and the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), the main reference point of the global campaign.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Isi Leibler, retired Senior Vice President of the World Jewish Congress, calls for legislation to “deny tenure” for tenured Anti-Israel Academics

Regrettably, successive Israeli governments failed to respond even when professors at universities funded by Israeli taxpayers and Diaspora Zionists began exploiting their positions to delegitimize their country. They identified with Israel's enemies, calling on the world to boycott Israeli institutions, including their own universities. Israel prides itself on being the only country in the region in which genuine freedom of expression reigns supreme. … To tolerate such abominations in the name of freedom of expression is taking an ideal to a lunatic extreme. Besides, it is hard to visualize the authorities adopting such a laissez faire approach had the offenders been racists, fascists or even radical right-wing extremists. In fact, when senior academics like Ben-Gurion University's Neve Gordon, call Israel an "apartheid state" and encourage the world to boycott Israeli institutions, they are the ones abusing academic freedom. It is thus high time for the Knesset to set up a non-partisan commission to recommend legislation to deny tenure at state-sponsored institutions to those indulging in such activities.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Tel Aviv University – TAU campus administration found guilty of “suppression” of free speech; the Tenured Left at TAU fails to support the student case for “academic freedom”

Evidently Tel Aviv University's law school, a bastion for leftists, Israel bashing, and a school largely uninterested in freedom of speech (you may recall the petition by some of its professors against allowing a woman colonel teach in the school), did nothing to support the students. Neither did any of the rest of the Tenured Left, always pretending to support academic freedom when it comes to things like Neve Gordon's calls for Israel to be annihilated, or the decision to turn the TAU campus into a Gulag for a day (see this). … A Tel Aviv District Court judge on Wednesday ruled that Tel Aviv University had “violated freedom of expression”

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Tel Aviv University - Shlomo Sand – the Professor of Pseudo-History

Tel Aviv University history professor Shlomo Sand has written a “book,” titled “The Invention of the Jewish People,” which claims the existence of the Jewish people was “invented.” There is no Jewish people, insists Sand. The bulk of the Jews who created Israel were in fact not the descendents of the real Jews of the Bible, although Palestinian Arabs are their true descendents, the “indigenous” people who were converted to Islam after the 7th century when the Muslims took over. … Shlomo Sand is in fact a pseudo-scholar whose "research" is largely a rehashing of the anti-Semitic tracts of another Jewish-born anti-Semite named Benjamin Freedman, who from 1946 through the 1950’s tried to sell the idea of Khazarians-as-the-real-Jews in America to alienate Christian support from Israel. Freedman also claimed that Yiddish developed as the result of the Khazars except there are no Turkic words in it. We think Tel Aviv University should investigate just how much is 'borrowed' from other anti-Jewish writers in Sand's book. … What a shame that the Israeli taxpayer should subsidize a salary for such a tenured pseudo-scholar.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Hebrew University - Zeev Sternhell (Dept of Political Science) calls the Goldstone Report “another brick to the wall of delegitimization” of the Jewish State of Israel; blames the “Israeli political elite” but cannot see his own role in the building of the wall

It is clear that there was no prior intention to harm noncombatants, but the disaster that befell the Abu al-Aish family was an inevitable and foreseeable outcome of implementing the zero-risk principle. This is one example among many demonstrating how cheap the price of Palestinian lives was in Israeli eyes. The price, however, was not determined in the field, but rather was embedded in the parameters determined for the operation at its outset, by the top echelon of Israel's leadership. Here, too, everything is clear: The responsibility lay not with the junior and intermediate command levels, but rather with those who shaped the new combat norms and approved them. Therefore, the entire problem is first and foremost a moral one, and the Israeli political elite cannot evade taking responsibility for it. The Goldstone report was inevitable. … The bottom line is that Operation Cast Lead has contributed another brick to the wall of delegitimization that is gradually closing in on the Jewish state. Even if no Israeli is brought to court in The Hague in the near future, the moral stain will not be erased and the repercussions are yet to be seen.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Isi Leibler, retired Senior Vice President of the World Jewish Congress, asserts its time to “expose” and “marginalize” tenured Anti-Israel Academics

It is thus surely time to stop ignoring the self-loathing Jews and Israelis who now occupy key roles in the campaigns to delegitimize and demonize our people. Freedom of expression enables them to continue articulating their vile attacks on their own people, but it is high time that they be exposed and marginalized from mainstream Jewish life. It is an absolute scandal that some of the worst culprits, including those calling for boycotts of their own country, retain tenure in Israeli universities funded by Israeli taxpayers and Diaspora Zionist philanthropists.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Queen’s University, Canada - Wannabe filmmaker and pseudo-academic Dorit Na’aman attacks Israel again

When we first exposed Dorit Na’aman here at Isracampus for her activities as a professor in Canada working to aid those out to destroy the Jewish state, Ms. Na’aman became so upset she began a campaign to get Google to block its search engine from displaying the article in Israel and Canada. Obviously, the truth hurts. … Dorit Na’aman’s “art” in her field is her promotion of her political agenda against the Jewish state and western-style democracy. That “art” always sells on the college market circuit and among groups like the International Solidarity Movement. … One thing is for certain: Dorit Na’aman is among the worst of the worst of Israeli academics abroad who will gladly work to destroy the Jewish state while claiming to speak for it as another Israeli Jew.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Jerusalem Post readers comment on Yocheved Miriam Russo’s article on Neve Gordon and Ben Gurion University's response (updated as of 29/9/2009 11:55pm)

40. Gordon and his anti Israeli Position

I have been to Ben Gurion University and met some of the faculty and students and have earmarked a large contribution. The fact that Ben Gurion University gave Gordon tenure and promoted him to Department Head is very disturbing. Long ago it was said freedom of speech does not go so far as to allow a man to go into a crowded theatre and yell fire. This article is making me reconsider altering my contribution.

Max Zaslawsky - USA (09/29/2009 11:09)

25. Neve Gordon

Is not the first or the last academic in Israel to issue such statements of self-hatred, getting in bed with neo-nazis if necessary to quote A. Dershowitz. He should start his boycott by resigning from his position and leaving the country that raised him at once. This kind of individual is counterproductive and a burden for our society. I hope that BGU's Senate will take the appropriate stance with this mentally impaired faculty of them. D. Rittel Professor, Technion, Haifa

daniel rittel - israel (09/26/2009 17:05)

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Ben Gurion University – Neve Gordon (Dept of Political Science) praises Kobi Snitz’s “civil disobedience” against the “annexation wall”; laments the “non-lethal” options the Security Forces use to encourage civil obedience

Kobi Snitz … is an Israeli anarchist who is currently serving a 20 day sentence for refusing to pay a 2,000 shekel fine. Thirty-eight year-old Snitz was arrested with other activists in the small Palestinian village of Kharbatha back in 2004 while trying to prevent the demolition of the home of a prominent member of the local popular committee. … Both the demonstrations and the attempt to stop the demolition were acts of civil disobedience. … that once a village decides to struggle against the annexation barrier the entire community is punished. In addition to home demolitions, curfews and other forms of movement restriction, the Israeli military forces consistently uses violence against the protestors--and most often targets the youth-- beating, tear-gassing as well as deploying both lethal and “non-lethal” ammunition against them.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Ben Gurion University – The real reason why BGU became a den of treason

Ben Gurion University just can't get itself out of the headlines thanks to its hordes of anti-Israel extremist faculty members. The worst is Neve Gordon of BGU's political science department, so anti-Semitic that his articles run on Holocaust Denial and official Iranian governmental web sites, who has been leading the call for a world boycott of Israel. So, Want to know the REAL reason why Ben Gurion University became a den of treason? Ask Avishai Braverman, who personally set up the Political Science Department there as Israel's worst anti-Israel anti-Zionist propaganda bureau. Braverman was president of BGU for many years and was in many ways even worse than its current President, the clueless Rivka Carmi. Braverman filled BGU with "post-Zionists" and "New Historians." He allowed the political science department to fire and refuse to employ Zionists.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Ben Gurion University – Neve Gordon (Dept of Political Science) - Jerusalem Post takes on Neve Gordon and Ben Gurion University; and Campus Watch featured

Unless one is a news junkie, an academic, or closely involved with BGU, the name Neve Gordon may not ring many bells among mainstream Israelis, either. Even so, within 48 hours, 4,000 emails protesting Gordon's remarks had landed in the inbox of BGU President Rivka Carmi. Several days later, Carmi responded to her department head's call for a boycott through her own LA Times op-ed, admitting that she was "shocked" at what Gordon had written, suggesting that even she hadn't been fully aware of what she called Gordon's "destructive views."

NOT EVERYONE was shocked. For years, watchdog organizations like Campus Watch and IsraCampus had monitored Neve Gordon's words and activities, even before Gordon made international news during the "Siege of Ramallah," when, in 2003, he joined Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat, holed up in his Ramallah compound. Defying IDF orders which forbade his entry to Ramallah, he moved in to protect Arafat, taking up a position as a "human shield." During the height of the intifada, when suicide bombers belonging to the military wing of Arafat's movement were blowing up Israeli cafes and buses, a photo of Gordon and Arafat, hands joined and held high in solidarity, splashed across the front pages of Israeli newspapers.

According to documents compiled by watchdog IsraCampus (,il), Gordon's dissident career was politically consistent. Calling Israel an "apartheid" state had long been part of his anti-Israel rant. Last December, at the height of Operation Cast Lead, as Hamas rockets and missiles slammed into Israel - including striking the BGU campus - Gordon again spoke out, denouncing not Hamas but Israel.

In any communal organization, no one enjoys unrestricted rights, they note. Just as the right to swing your arms stops where the other fellow's nose begins, why can't there be some limit on the things anyone - professor or not - is entitled to say, if his words will prove detrimental to the community as a whole?

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Technion – Kobi Snitz (Dept of Mathematics) does jail time due to Anti-Israel activity

His statement (from yesterday) is below:

Tomorrow I will start a 20 day prison term. It is a result of an attempt to prevent a house demolition in kharbatha. As you probably know 20 days is nothing compared to the time many Palestinian teenagers have to do.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Tufts University, Boston – Nadim Rouhana (Dept of International Affairs) questions the legitimacy of the establishment of the State of Israel through the front of the Mada Al-Carmel - Arab Center for Applied Social Research - in Haifa

It seems that the impact of what befell Palestinian society in 1948 caused by the establishment of Israel -- the Nakba, starting with the loss of their homeland, the dismantling of their society, the ethnic cleansing of the majority of Palestinians from historic Palestine, and the prolonged and frustrating struggle against all odds for freedom, equality, and return -- is weighing increasingly on all parts of the Palestinian people. The depth of the catastrophe is dawning on new generations of Palestinians who compare their present conditions with what could they and their homeland have become if not for the Zionist project violently implemented in their homeland. While this is true of many Palestinians, it might be particularly true of the Palestinians in Israel, perhaps because of the return of repressed awareness that their homeland was both claimed and forcefully taken by another group who, in increasingly Kafkaesque ways seek to force them to accept the legitimacy of the takeover. This truth is evidenced by the annual increase in the number of cultural and political events to commemorating the Nakba. It is also made clear by the increasing awareness of the magnitude of the disaster and its continued manifestations in cultural and political discourses.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Dr. Emmanuel Navon accuses the Academic Left of creating "dogmatic" and "intellectually boring" students

What is anchored on Israeli university campuses, however, is not true power, but true weakness. I have … always been struck by the fact that my students are confused when I ask them to think. This confusion confirms what I experienced as a graduate student in Israel. We were asked to learn, but not to think. To repeat, not to be critical. All the professors were on the same political wavelength (guess which one), and they did manage to produce formatted and dogmatic students that knew their field but had no culture and critical mind. Israeli campuses introduced me to something new: intellectually boring Jews. Faced with uncritical and ignorant 20-somethings who just finished the army and only care about getting a degree and a job, Israel's most radical professors have it easy. And what they have to say hardly makes our universities a source of national strength: Young Israeli residents of Judea and Samaria are like the Hitlerjungen (Moshe Zimmerman, Hebrew University); Israel's policy toward the Palestinians is one of politicide (Baruch Kimmerling, Hebrew University) and ethnic cleansing (Ilan Pappé, formerly from Haifa University); the very existence of a Jewish people is a "myth" invented by Zionism (Shlomo Sand, Tel-Aviv University); there never was a unified Israelite monarchy in biblical times (Israel Finkelstein, Tel-Aviv University); Israel is an apartheid state that should be boycotted by the world community (Neve Gordon, Ben-Gurion University), etc.

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Prof. Uriel Reichman of the Herzliya Interdisciplinary Center Denounces anti-Israel anti-democratic members of the Israeli Academic Fifth Column

The most extreme allegations against Israel are often made by a small anti-Zionist group of Israeli university professors. … Recently, in an article published in the Los Angeles Times, an Israeli professor called his audience to boycott Israel on all levels, to "save that apartheid state from itself." How should a university respond to such writing? Is it a case of constitutionally protected free speech or academic freedom? There is a difference between internal democratic debate, what course should a nation adopt, when being called in for sanctions by other countries. The professor who wrote the L.A. article would probably support the use of international military forces, in case the sanctions fail its "save Israel from itself" campaign. Calling other nations to take action against your own country - be it by economic sanctions or military force – means turning your back on the internal democratic system. … it is very odd that such a professor is requiring a salary from a state university funded by the tax payers' money. Freedom of speech is guaranteed to enable free debate in a society; it does not extend to calls for force, which will actually terminate debates. Such calls have also nothing to do with academic freedom. It is a joke to regard a call for academic boycott as being part of academic freedom.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


The Immaterial Girl: Tel Aviv University’s Linguistics Professor Rachel Giora attacks Madonna for performing in Israel

The newswires have been ablaze with the tabloid-quality news story that the “Material Girl,” Madonna, was being attacked by anti-Israel leftist extremists for performing in Tel Aviv. After being made aware of the protests, Madonna, at her concert, draped herself in the Israeli flag, which inspired an even louder brouhaha. Leading the charge against the singer was Tel Aviv University’s Israel-hating Professor Rachel Giora.  With her purple hair contrasting with Madonna’s blond, Giora leads an Israeli anti-Israel group, Call From Within, evidently dedicated to promoting the next Holocaust of the Jews by encouraging the boycott of everything and anything in Israel. ... Isn’t it ironic that Madonna, a non-Jew, should feel love and concern for the people and land of Eretz Yisrael, while Tel Aviv University’s Rachel Giora seeks their destruction?  And she does so from a bully pulpit paid for by the Israeli taxpayer.  Madonna seeks to immerse herself in Jewish learning, whereas Rachel Giora wants to destroy the very Jewish state that employs her.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


UCLA – StandWithUs.Com provides information about Gabriel Piterberg’s “dishonest tactics”

Piterberg distorts facts to excoriate Zionism and delegitimize Israel, and when he concedes some facts, he gives them a sinister interpretation or, through fancy intellectual footwork, twists them to set up an artificial and inaccurate picture of Zionism and Israel that he can then attack. For example, he admits that Zionists knew Arabs lived in the Jewish homeland, but nonetheless claims “Zionist ideology defined the land as empty” because it lacked “Jewish sovereignty.”[1] Using similarly dishonest tactics, Piterberg claims that from its inception, Zionism was nothing more than a campaign to ethnically cleanse indigenous people (the “subalterns”) and justified its actions through “its foundational myths.” He attacks these myths, denying that there was continuity between the Jews of the “ancient past” and modern Jews, and he argues that the idea of re-establishing the Jewish state was largely due to Romantic nationalism of the late 19th century, not due to the 2,000 year old history of Jewish dreams of return. [2] He even attacks Zionism for dismissing the successes of Jewish life during their millennia of exile. The history of persecution of Jews does not enter his narrative, nor does he accord it any role in the development of modern Zionism. He also accuses Israel of exploiting the Holocaust to justify its actions.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


The usual Leftist cronies sign a petition in support of Neve Gordon & BDS; join the call for “external pressure” on Israel

BOYCOTT! would like to extend its support and appreciation to Dr. Neve Gordon of Ben-Gurion University in Beer-Sheva for publishing his position in support of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel in an LA Times Op-Edi. In an overwhelming assault on freedom of speech, Gordon has met with immediate condemnation in the Israeli media, coming from the Minister of Educationii and several political parties. Even though he was writing on a subject directly within the scope of his academic expertise, he was attacked by his own university, whose President, Prof. Rivka Carmi, went as far as to say that "the university may no longer be interested in his services".iii The attempt to silence Gordon as well as the threats leveled against him illustrate how resistant Israeli society and institutions are to bringing about change, thus confirming the need for external pressure in an attempt to force Israel to end its colonial and apartheid policies and bring about justice for Palestinians.

1. Prof. Rachel Giora - Tel Aviv University
2. Dr. Anat Matar - Tel Aviv University
3. Dr. Kobi Snitz - Technion
6. Prof. Emmanuel Farjoun, Hebrew University – Dept of Math
8. Dr. Marcelo Svirsky – Cardiff University (previously from University of Haifa)
9. Prof. Zvi Razi - Tel Aviv University – Dept of History
13. Haggai Matar, Tel Aviv
16. Prof. Uri Davis, Ramle
19. Dr. Dorothy Naor, Hertzliya
21. Dr. Eyal Nir, Tel Aviv
22. Dr. David Nir, Hebrew University – Dept of Math
26. Dr. Aharon Shabtai – Tel Aviv University – Dept of Literature
27. Dr. Haim Yacobi, Ben Gurion University - (Dept of Politics)
30. Dr. Aim Deuelle Luski Tel Aviv University (Dept of General Studies) & Bezalel (Dept of History)
31. Dr. Ruchama Marton Tel Aviv University (Dept of Mid East Studies)
33. Dr. Orly Lubin - Tel Aviv University (Dept of Comparitive Literature)
35. Iris Bar, University of Haifa
37. Ofer Neiman, Hebrew University (Dept of Computer Science)

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


University of Exeter - Ilan Pappe exports his Hatred and Lies from the Moor

“Indeed the struggle is about ideology, not about facts. Who knows what facts are? We try to convince as many people as we can that our interpretation of the facts is the correct one, and we do it because of ideological reasons, not because we are truth-seekers.” (A wonderful philosophy for an “academic” and “educator” rephrasing the propaganda policy of Edward Said and Yasser Arafat that “facts don’t matter, only emotions (opinions) matter. Write your own history.” The Arab ideology is based on totalitarian ideals and Sharia Law. Apparently Pappe sees nothing wrong to condemn people to live under such ideology).

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Tel Aviv University – PACBI, run by Omer Barghouti, trashes Israel’s Left; gloats over BDS campaign's “legitimacy” and “moral superiority” in the BRICUP newsletter

unlike some “BDS supporters” in Israel who are trying to set their own, restrictive parameters for the campaign or qualifying their support for it to serve their political agendas. PACBI believes that increasing Israeli support for BDS or a recognition of its inevitability as a strategy in the struggle against Israeli colonialism and apartheid is an indicator of the growing legitimacy, moral superiority and success of the Palestinian-initiated and led BDS campaign. … Some of the Israeli discourse about BDS betrays a related attribute of the Zionist left’s political discourse, which is its Israel-centered rationale for supporting BDS. In this view, the underlying principle and main justification for calling for BDS is to "save Israel from itself," out of a concern for the country's future, including the prospects of normalizing Israel’s presence in the Arab world. Such an overriding concern for guaranteeing Israel’s future, without questioning its apartheid and racist character, reveals that not all members of the Israeli left or “peace camp” can be counted on as solid allies of the Palestinian and international BDS movement.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


University of Haifa - Israel hater Micah Leshem (Dept of Psychology), cheers on Neve Gordon's call for a Boycott against Israeli "apartheid"

There is no consensus on political issues, theories abound, and Gordon, as a political scientist, has one which he propounds. Quite possibly his LAT article reflects his personal views too, but in this particular case there is a grey area between his personal views and his professional analyses, and that is what lends credence to his analysis and probably irks the rightists no end. It is both his academic and personal freedom that irks them, ie his freedom to express views they loath.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Ben Gurion University – Even Uri Avnery comes out against Neve Gordon’s boycott however his argument is that it would be ineffective

No one who entertains this hope can support the call for boycotting Israel. Those who call for a boycott act out of despair. And that is the root of the matter.

Neve Gordon and his partners in this effort have despaired of the Israelis. They have reached the conclusion that there is no chance of changing Israeli public opinion. According to them, no salvation will come from within. One must ignore the Israeli public and concentrate on mobilizing the world against the State of Israel. (Some of them believe anyhow that the State of Israel should be dismantled and replaced by a bi-national state.)

I do not share either view - neither the despair of the Israeli people, to which I belong, nor the hope that the world will stand up and compel Israel to change its ways against its will. For this to happen, the boycott must gather worldwide momentum, the US must join it, the Israeli economy must collapse and the morale of the Israeli public must break.

How long will this take? Twenty Years? Fifty years? Forever?

Avnery is not arguing that a boycott would be bad, but that it would be ineffective, that it would eviscerate any popular support the 'peace movement' has here.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Ben Gurion University – Neve Gordon reiterates call for boycott on NY radio station's Summary of audio interview:
Neve Gordon repeats claim that Israel is an Apartheid regime. Lumps all non-Jewish Israeli citizens as “Palestinians”. He wants the “pre-occupied” middle-class to “feel” the financial pinch to effect “change”. Claims an obscure sentence from the original editorial said that his advocacy of BDS was to be “gradual”.

Demands an academic boycott of Ariel College. Advocates tracking businesses that work in Judea and Samaria.

Believes the BDS is for all: “one-state” and “two-state” believers as well as “Zionists” and “Anti-Zionists”. BDS is a tool for which to force Israel to abide by “international law”.

Voices opinion on tenure and BGU President's comments: Academic freedom is at stake, his right to call for a boycott has to be protected. Testifies to receiving 5000 emails of support – 1000 from professors and other Academic Institutions around the world [Why can’t he go to one of those Universities and feel more at home?]. Belittles the BGU donors and calls the donor boycott of BGU “ironic”.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Ben Gurion University – BGU Rector wants Gordon to resign

Ben-Gurion University will not fire Dr. Neve Gordon, who endorsed a boycott of Israel, but officials call on him to resign his post as head of the Political Science Department. University Rector Professor Jimmy Weinblatt met Thursday with faculty members who signed a petition supporting Gordon and told them he thinks it is not appropriate that Gordon continue on in his position and that he must reach the proper conclusions.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Ben Gurion University – Gordon’s cry for boycott gets likened to "anti-Semitism"

True, dirty laundry should be washed at home, but boycotting Israel has long been heard internationally. Baseless, outrageous, counter-productive and basically a very valuable weapon, these cries against Israel stem from innate, deeply embedded hatred. It is purely and simply anti-Semitism. Professor Gordon’s demand is no different than Prof. Myers’s position that kidnapping Israeli soldiers is a justifiable weapon. The aftermath of the LA Times article teaches two things: First, donor revolt is a very valuable tool and withholding funding garners attention. Second, the Israeli and Jewish communities have slowly accepted the realization they are at war. Now they must focus on the Israeli Public Diplomacy front, where the battle is raging and they are mounting incalculable losses.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Ben Gurion University - Even J Street denounces Gordon

J Street believes that calls for boycotts and sanctions undermine our ability to achieve a two-state solution and regional, comprehensive peace. … The answer, however, isn’t to divest, boycott or sanction - steps that deepen Israel’s sense of isolation and increase the antagonism that surrounds the issue.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


UC Berkeley - Lecturer in Hebrew Rutie Adler spends her days on campus urging boycott of and divestment from Israel

Her name is on the first boycott and divestment petition against Israel ever created on a college campus in the US (number 45 there). The idea of creating a divestment-from-Israel program on US campuses to break Israel financially, help Arab terrorism, and curry dislike among Americans was actually the brainchild of a law professor at the University of Illinois named Francis Boyle. But Rutie Adler, who teaches Hebrew as part of the UC Berkeley’s Near Eastern Studies Department, part of the Center for Middle East Studies (CMES), was determined to help fire the first salvo against Israel in the campaign. … Rutie Adler’s name even made it to the neo-Nazi Stormfront website because of her adamant support for anything against the Jewish state. She signed a petition that the US should not send foreign aid to Israel when Ariel Sharon went into the West Bank to clean out the terror cells that were routinely sending suicide bombers into Israel and blowing up buses, schools and cafes almost weekly. … Ignoring the spate of suicide bombings in Israel at the time in the petition is very telling. … Of course, one could also speak out about what is going on in Darfur or the denial of human rights in Arab countries, even the Palestinian Authority, but Adler never finds time to address anything except Israel’s alleged abuse of Palestinian Arabs.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Ben Gurion University - Jerusalem Post Columnist calls for Sanctions against BGU as answer to its Academic Fifth Column

Nor do professors' statements become immune to criticism because they are uttered in a classroom. Professors, like everyone else, should expect to have their work evaluated. Just as parents and students have an interest in knowing which professors have a tendency to get too friendly with female students, so do they have a right to form judgments about which professors are using their classrooms for political indoctrination, not education. Groups like Campus Watch and foster such informed judgments by publicizing both the published utterances and classroom statements of university lecturers. In general, it would be foolish to refrain from contributing to a university based on the views of one faculty member. Doing so would eliminate every potential recipient. But Neve Gordon is not a solitary rogue professor on the BGU campus. The BGU Department of Politics and Government, which he chairs, fits the description of former Minister of Education Amnon Rubinstein of academic departments in Israel in which no traditional Zionist could be appointed.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Tel Aviv University - In the Anti-Semitic pro-terror "Counterpunch" magazine, Anat Matar (Dept of Philosophy) calls for a world boycott against Israeli universities, especially her own

"When the flag of academic freedom is raised, the oppressor and not the oppressed is usually the one who flies it. What is that academic freedom that so interests the academic community in Israel? ... Members of the Israeli academia staunchly guard their right to research what the regime expects them to research and appoint former army officers to university positions. Tel Aviv University alone prides itself over the fact that the Defense Ministry is funding 55 of its research projects and that DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency in the U.S. Defense Department, is funding nine more. All the universities offer special study programs for the defense establishment."

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Ben Gurion University – Neve Gordon is not the ONLY Anti-Israel Illness at Ben Gurion University

Dr. Neve Gordon has turned David Ben Gurion in his grave one more time, but who is really to blame for the fiasco in Beer-Sheba? The answer is obvious. The University president who helped to create in her midst the mafia that is called "the department of Politics and Government.” For the last few years Prof. Carmi ignored all the writing on the wall, but now she is panicking as American Jewish donors refuse to take her telephone calls. ...

Professor Carmi was certainly aware of this Gordon-terrorism encounter, which was splashed on many Israeli newspapers, and yet she did not register any "outrage" at the time, nor protest, needless to say, in the name of "academic freedom.” But if the horror show in the Mukata'a might have been dismissed by her as a one-off display of collaboration with Arafat, she could have taken a note of more of Gordon’s other recent "misdemeanors" that made similar headlines. Not in the very distant past Gordon campaigned for and endorsed the views of the notorious anti-Semite Norman Finkelstein. He also published articles on Holocaust denials website, declared that Israel is not a democracy, celebrated Palestinian bulldozer-murders, defended Azmi Bishara, the fugitive former MK and Hezbollah agent, labeled IDF officers as war criminals, called on his students to “resists” military service and - maybe worst of all - tried to gag his critics by taking them to court demanding financial compensation.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


The Orwellian Lobby for Neve Gordon

Neve Gordon makes Ilan Pappe look like a serious academic and a patriotic Zionist. He makes Micah Leshem and Yuval Yonay look rational and pro-Israel. It is always amusing watching the Israeli Academic Fifth Column joining anti-Semites from all over the world, rushing out to defend the right of anyone to smear Israel and Jews, and to defend the most mind-bogging falsehoods and blatant fabrications in the name of "academic freedom." These are invariably the very same people who oppose freedom of speech for those who disagree with their own political agendas and, in particular, oppose freedom of expression for those who think Israel has the right to exist and the right to defend itself

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Uri Davis – the token Jew on the Fatah Council; reduces Zionism to “land grab based on ethnic cleansing”

He has been here before, not least as the man who first proposed the critique of Israel as an "apartheid state" in the late 1980s. Davis's involvement in the first UN World Conference Against Racism in Durban in 2001 was condemned by the Anti-Defamation League. During a career of protest he has been described – inevitably – as a "self-hating Jew". He calls himself an "anti-Zionist". And his personal history is a fascinating testimony to the troubled history of the postwar Israeli left and forgotten trajectories in the story of Israel itself. The man elected to the Revolutionary Council in 31st place from a field of 600 has been as much shaped by the tidal forces of recent Jewish history – not least his own family's sufferings in the Holocaust – as any fellow citizen of Israel. But he disputes a largely manufactured account of that experience that he believes has been used deliberately "to camouflage" its "apartheid programme". Now he enjoys an extraordinary mandate to explain his own views. And he hopes, too, that just as the small number of white members of the ANC widened its legitimacy during the apartheid era in South Africa, other Jews can be attracted to participate in Fatah, transforming it into a broader-based movement that stands for equal rights for both Arabs and Jews in a federated state. ... His own self-description is a case in point, fine-tuned over the decades. "It has gone through a number of stages. In my autobiography in the mid-1990s I described myself as a Palestinian Jew. That has now changed to a Palestinian Hebrew of Jewish origins." How he frames his own identity is part of his attempt to impose an "alternative narrative" to the one that has dominated Israel since its foundation in 1948 by what he describes as "a settler-colonialist" strand of Zionism built on a massive act of "ethnic cleansing". That moment – known as the "Nakba", or the catastrophe to Arabs – saw the flight of 650,000-750,000 Palestinians who fled or were expelled from their homes by Jewish forces. Davis is careful with his definitions of both "Zionism" and his own "anti-Zionism". The Zionism that he opposes is the "political Zionism" of Israel's founders, the Zionism that amounts, he says, to land grab based on ethnic cleansing.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Ben Gurion University - LA Times readers express their dissatisfaction with Neve Gordon’s call for boycott

-----Original Message-----
From: marion dreyfus
Sent: Tue, Aug 25, 2009 6:32 pm
Subject: letter to editor printed in the LAT (on Neve Gordon)

Gordon has always been quixotic, anti-Israel, anti-Jewish and now, anti-common sense.

Boycotting his own country is clearly an extreme and bizarre position for his bizarrely held views, and both are problematic for his neighbors and co-religionists.

Marion DS Dreyfus

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Ben Gurion University Prez Carmi cites Gordon's claim that Israel is an "apartheid" regime, but never gets around to pointing out that it is NOT

However, I strongly believe a call for a worldwide boycott of Israel written by a Ben-Gurion University faculty member, Neve Gordon, that appeared in The Times oversteps the boundaries of academic freedom -- because it has nothing to do with it. Academic freedom exists to ensure that there is an unfettered and free discussion of ideas relating to research and teaching and to provide a forum for the debate of complicated ideas that may challenge accepted norms. Gordon, however, used his pulpit as a university faculty member to advocate a personal opinion, which is really demagoguery cloaked in academic theory. Gordon argues that Israel is an "apartheid" state and that "a boycott would save Israel from itself." But the empirical facts show that it would destroy the very fabric of the society that he claims to want to protect. … At the same time, by calling on other entities, including academic institutions, to boycott Israel -- and effectively, to boycott his own university -- Gordon has forfeited his ability to work effectively within the academic setting, with his colleagues in Israel and around the world. After his very public, personal soul-searching in his Op-Ed article, leading to his extreme description of Israel as an "apartheid" state, how can he, in good faith, create the collaborative atmosphere necessary for true academic research and teaching?

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Tel Aviv University - Anat Matar (Dept of Philosophy) supports Neve Gordon’s boycott; claims Academics should take the fall

Several days ago Dr. Neve Gordon of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev published an opinion piece in the Los Angeles Times. In that article he explained why, after years of activity in the peace camp here, he has decided to pin his hopes on applying external pressure on Israel - including sanctions, divestment and an economic, cultural and academic boycott. He believes, and so do I, that only when the Israeli society's well-heeled strata pay a real price for the continuous occupation will they finally take genuine steps to put an end to it. Gordon looks at the Israeli society and sees an apartheid state.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Academics lining up to endorse or condemn Neve Gordon's call for a worldwide Boycott against Israel

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 20:48:47 GMT
From: Niza Yanay <>

Personally, I don’t believe that Dr. Gordon will be fired. Rather, the university seems intent to do whatever it needs to make his life at BGU unpleasant so that he will leave of his own accord… and then pretend that academic freedom in Israel has not been compromised at all. …

-Sydney Levy

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


University of Haifa – Micah Leshem (Dept of Psychology) Supports Gordon's Call for Worldwide boycott of Israel

On Thursday, August 20 the LA Times published an op-ed in which Ben Gurion University Professor Neve Gordon wrote that the question that kept him up at night, both as a parent and as an Israeli citizen, was how to ensure that his two children as well as the children of his Palestinian neighbors do not grow up in an apartheid regime. He concluded that the only thing that the only workable solution would be "massive international pressure." (1) Following the publication of the article there has been such a vehement and aggressive attack against Gordon in Israel (2), that we believe "massive international pressure" will be needed to keep him from being fired from his job.

We are protecting here more than one person and one job. Help us protect the ability to talk openly about the Israeli occupation and about nonviolent options to address it, such a boycott, divestment, and sanctions.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


A Day of Shock in Beersheba

BGU President Prof. Rivka Carmi says she’s “shocked” by the call to boycott Israel made in a LA Times op-ed written by Dr. Neve Gordon, the Chairman of her Department of Politics and Government. ... As for me, I’m shocked that she’s shocked. ... As seems apparent, Prof. Carmi has been unaware of the anti-Israel venom that has, for many years, been spewing out of her Department of Politics and Government. Not only has she not taken steps to reprove or reform her wayward Department head, she’s done precisely the opposite, not only promoting him, but endorsing him, supporting him, defending him, repeatedly terming his vicious hate propaganda "serious and distinguished research into human rights." This can’t go on. So here’s my proposal: In order to save BGU from itself, I think a boycott is in order. If we want to save Beersheba’s much-loved Ben Gurion University of the Negev, then we must boycott it.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


University of Michigan - Neve Gordon (Ben Gurion University - Dept of Political Science) - "Neve Gordon misuses the Classroom to Conduct anti-Israel Propaganda There"

Eyewitness Student Testimony from University of Michigan:

"Gordon's playground this fall was Arab-Israeli Conflict course with over 200 students. Twice a week, Gordon had the opportunity to fill the fresh minds of University of Michigan students with skewed history and highly politicized anti-Israel rhetoric. He consistently embarrassed students who dared to question or object to his controversial and sometimes offensive claims.

"In a lecture on November 14th, Gordon told the class that he wasn’t interested in giving an unbiased academic history of the Arab-Israeli conflict: 'Jeremy asked why I would give a revisionist history. And I give a revisionist history because I think it's true. What's said in a textbook is not what it's about."

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Ben Gurion University - Neve Gordon's LA Times boycott editorial draws reader response

I am a great believer in academic freedom, but academic freedom does not mean one has free license to defame ones own country with anti-semitic and anti-zionist propaganda as conducted by Neve Gordon, not just in his latest outburst which you have censored but for years in the past. I agree entirely with the stance taken by the LA Jewish Federation. You and your predecessor had plenty of opportunity to impose responsible freedom of speech amongst tenured staff but you have declined to act responsibly to date. So is it surprising that your funders have no option to take things in their own hands to ensure that responsibilities instilled throughout all academic fields in your University? ... I have stopped giving donations to Friends of Israel universities  for the same reason ages ago. There are other ways open to me to ensure that those who are deserving of funding, particularly on the critical scientific research side (critical for Israel’s future) do get funding through donations but not the likes of Mr. Gordon.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Ben Gurion University - Dr. Alex Grobman reflects on why Self-hating Israelis, like Neve Gordon, Denounce Israel

In an August 20, 2009 editorial in the Los Angeles Times, Neve Gordon, a professor of political science at Ben-Gurion University, accused Israel of being an apartheid state. He said a two-state solution was the “more realistic” way to end this inequity. Since only “massive international pressure,” will bring about this state and thus save Israel, Gordon recently joined the Arab sponsored Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement founded in July 2005.1 Vilification of Israel by Jews is not a new phenomenon. … Levin sees an element of arrogance in “this self-delusion” by Israelis who believe they can affect change. Jews assume a responsibility for something over which they have no control, to ward off despair. This is similar to an abused child who feels responsible for his plight and views himself as “bad.” The child maintains, “the fantasy that if he becomes good enough,” his father will stop hitting him, his mother will give him attention and whatever other form of abuse he suffered will end. 15 In the same way, some Israelis are delusional when they assume they can control Arab behavior.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Ben Gurion University - Martin Sherman (TAU - Dept of Political Science) shreds Neve Gordon’s logic for boycotting Israel; rejects Alon Harel’s abuse of “freedom of academic expression” on SocSci List

I should like to place on public record my unequivocal refusal to attach my name to the proposed letter distributed by Alon Harel, expressing support for Neve Gordon's right to call for a boycott of Israel. … While freedom of academic expression is of course a value of great importance it should not be exposed to unbridled misuse - even less to cynical abuse – as it has been in this instance. One might hope that the exercise of such freedom would be constrained by other values - arguably of no lesser importance -- such as moral integrity, and moral consistency. Indeed, one can detect neither integrity nor consistency in Gordon's continued acceptance of a salary paid in large degree from the coffers of regime he finds so despicable and iniquitous that he feels morally bound to work for its downfall. … Moreover, while there may well be legitimate debate as what is true, there are clearly claims that are demonstrably false. … Gordon's claim that Israel is an apartheid state is no less preposterous than these examples.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Ben Gurion University – Jon Anson (Dept of Social Work) - Among Other Anti-Zionists at BGU backing Neve Gordon's call for boycott of Israel

He states clearly: this is his opinion, this is what worries him, as an Israeli, as someone who has chosen to make Israel his home. He doesn't even call for a boycott, he merely states his conclusion that only international pressure will get us out of the impasse we are in, and that only a boycott will create sufficient pressure to have an effect. His description of the situation is uncomfortable -- but if what is happening on the West Bank is not Apartheid, then what is it?

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Hebrew University - Anti-Zionist Alon Harel (Dept. of Law) defends Neve Gordon's call for a worldwide boycott of Israel

Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 20:48:24 +0300
From: Alon Harel <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [Social Science- IL]: Ben Gurion University and Academic Freedom

This is a letter to the President of Ben Gurion University which we hope to send next week. Please consider adding your name.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


University of Haifa – A.B. Yehoshua can’t seem to tell the difference between reality and the plot of one of his stories

I have long felt that many of the finest creative minds in the literary world, whether poets, dramatists, or novelists, must be taken cum grano when they see fit to pronounce on political issues. Not all, of course, but perhaps most. It is as if they are occupationally prone to conceiving the political arena as part of an aesthetic framework, susceptible to snug resolutions, rather than the messy and often insoluble dynamic that it is. They tend to confuse, in the words of E.M. Forster [8], plot with story … But Yehoshua represents a different case in point. He is not a foreigner but an Israeli writer whose ancestry, political engagement, and proximity to actual events should, one might assume, have freed him from the web of fantasy in which the literary mind is so easily snared and served to alert him to the structure of reality.

During one of our supper conversations in the university refectory, the subject turned to Israel’s impending disengagement from the Gaza Strip. Yehoshua, whose sympathies are robustly on the left and who tends to identify with those whom he regards as underdogs, a.k.a. the Palestinians, could not contain his enthusiasm for the process, making light of my skepticism. The great man knew. All would be well. It had to be. The Palestinians would recognize Israel’s readiness to endure sacrifices, would surely be grateful for the greenhouses and infrastructure left behind to promote their nascent economy, and would respond in good faith to this new and impressive initiative.

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Technion – Yosef Rafiq Jabareen (Dept of Architecture) slams the new Israel Land Administration (ILA) legislation as an attempt to “Judaize” the Galilee and Negev; calls it a “clearance sale” that would complete the “Nakba”

The JNF thus seeks to expand the lands it holds by relinquishing lands in the existing cities and receiving lands in the Galilee and Negev (Naqab) as compensation. The implementation of the law would ultimately enable the JNF to enjoy new lands that would be transferred to it at the expense of state lands that are supposed to be for the benefit of the entire public and not only for one ethnic group. That is, it is prohibited for Arabs to touch the lands of the JNF and they are not allowed to enjoy them like the Jews. The legislation would eventually lead to the transfer of ownership, even without payment, to Jewish leaseholders and to a “clearance” sale of what remains of Palestinian property in many cities in Israel, such as Jaffa, Ramla, Lod, Be’er Sheva, Tiberias, Beit Shean, Haifa and Acre, as well as the Palestinian property in West Jerusalem. Thus, the Palestinian Nakba would be completed in these cities in the future when the Palestinian space that has existed for many generations would be finally eliminated and it would become a case of privatized real estate for the enjoyment of Jewish developers … Thus, the government would be able to carry out its plans to sell land and to Judaize the Galilee and the Negev in a more efficient way

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Ben Gurion University – LA Jews threaten to boycott Ben Gurion University to save it from Neve Gordon

According to Israel's Haaretz, Aug. 23 2009, a large group of Los Angeles Jews are launching a campaign to boycott Ben Gurion University for as long as Gordon works there: … Gordon served as a "human shield" for wanted terrorists and murderers being hidden by Yassir Arafat. He has spent much of time in recent years promoting and supporting Neo-Nazi Norman Finkelstein, who was fired by DePaul University for his own lack of serious academic work. At DePaul University, anti-Israel hate propaganda does not count as scholarship, but at Ben Gurion University it does! He is a leftist Neo-Fascist who opposes freedom of speech for those with whom he disagrees and has attempted to use the Israeli court system to suppress democracy and freedom of speech through SLAPP harassment. He has repeatedly called for Israel to be eliminated altogether. Gordon's campaign for the annihilation of Israel is being carried out while Gordon sits in a cushy academic job paid for by the Israeli taxpayer.

To tell the heads of Ben Gurion University what you think of all this, write to

Rivka Carmi, President
P.O. Box 653,
Israel, 84105
Tel: 972-8-6461211/9
Fax: 972-8-6472991

Prof. Jimmy Weinblatt, Rector
P.O. Box 653,
Israel, 84105
Tel: 972-8-6461223
Fax: 972-8-6479434

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Ben Gurion University – Yaakov (Yaki) Dayan, Israel's Consul-General in Los Angeles, warns BGU President Rivka Carmi of pending financial sanctions by “benefactors of Ben-Gurion University” due to the Neve Gordon's apartheid editorial and “anti-Zionist lecturers like Gordon”

In the wake of the publication of the article, Israel's Consul-General in Los Angeles, Yaakov (Yaki) Dayan sent a letter to the president of Ben-Gurion University, Prof. Rivka Carmi, in which he said that such statements may be detrimental to the university. "Since the article was published I've been contacted by people who care for Israel; some of them are benefactors of Ben-Gurion University," Dayan wrote. "They were unanimous in threatening to withhold their donations to your institution. My attempt to explain that one bad apple would affect hundreds of researchers turned out to be futile." "I believe that the definitive answer to anti-Zionist lecturers like Gordon is to set up a center for Zionist studies, which unfortunately does not exist in Israeli academia," he continued. "This center would help dispel the lies disseminated by Gordon in the name of your university."

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Ben Gurion University - Neve Gordon (Dept of Political Science) calls in the Los Angeles Times for a world boycott of Israel. Is there no limit to academic treason even at Israel's "Bir Zeit" of the Negev?

It is indeed not a simple matter for me as an Israeli citizen to call on foreign governments, regional authorities, international social movements, faith-based organizations, unions and citizens to suspend cooperation with Israel. … The most accurate way to describe Israel today is as an apartheid state. … It is therefore clear to me that the only way to counter the apartheid trend in Israel is through massive international pressure. … I consequently have decided to support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement that was launched by Palestinian activists in July 2005 and has since garnered widespread support around the globe. The objective is to ensure that Israel respects its obligations under international law and that Palestinians are granted the right to self-determination.

Please write to the heads of Ben Gurion University (contact information below) and let them know what you think of this:

Rivka Carmi, President
P.O. Box 653, Beer-Sheva, 84105, Israel,
Tel: 972-8-6461211/9
Fax: 972-8-6472991

Prof. Jimmy Weinblatt, Rector
P.O. Box 653, Beer-Sheva, 84105, Israel
Tel: 972-8-6461223
Fax: 972-8-6479434

For more details and to see the full original article, go here


Bemoaning the Plague of Self-Hatred at Israeli Universities

The Israeli university reflected Zionist ideals. It maintained the continuity between the traditions of the past and the country taking form in the present without foregoing the secular-pioneer mission of building a sovereign independent state without waiting for divine intervention. However, as enlightened freedom of thought is replaced by a politically correct agenda, over-emphasis of secular anti-religion remains and paves the way for self-hating revisionism. For instance, one of the "new historians" "proved' that Jewish self-awareness as a nation and their continued connection to the Land of Israel are inventions meant to justify Zionist ideology retroactively. A well-known archeologist, who was awarded a prestigious award, regurgitated this claim and applied it to biblical times. According to him, the kingdom of David and Solomon never existed and was only invented to justify control of the Palestinian territories with a claim of historic right. A third "new historian" went far enough to say that the Jewish people are an invention, saying that Jews are all converts from other nations. With this kind of curriculum to rely on, it is no wonder that students are staying away from Jewish university studies.

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