March 18, 2010

Thursday’s Links

Associated Press via Yahoo News: Idaho makes Obama’s Socialist Health Insurance Takeover, illegal.

World Net Daily: Yet ANOTHER city outlaws Bible studies in private homes, while allowing meeting of any other kind.

Posted by Danny Carlton at 8:01 AM

March 17, 2010

Wednesday’s Links

The Kooks Gallery (current members include those that claim man descended from apes, those that claim the moon landing was faked, those that claim 9/11 was an inside job and those that claim Obama has shown his birth certificate) now have a new member…

Austrian Times: “Scientists” claim US government caused Haiti’s earthquake with some machine they have in Alaska. In other words, it’s Sarah Palin’s fault.

Big Government: House Democrats plan to “pass” Obama’s Socialized Health Insurance takeover without allowing Congress to actually vote on it. (called the Slaughter House Rule) The real purpose of this rule is to allow Congressmen to “vote” fro a measure they know their constituents won’t want, then claim they didn’t vote for it.

Posted by Danny Carlton at 6:45 AM

March 16, 2010

Senate computers have virus problems. Senate Dems have consistency problems.

When the Senate’s Sergeant at Arms used a recent virus infestations of Senate computers as an excuse to keep people away from the Conservative leaning Drudge report, it exposed a lot more than just the shallow attempts by Liberals to censor conservatives, but also the hypocrisy that Liberals have when applying their political philosophy to themselves.

How hard would it be to keep viruses and malware of Senate computers (assuming we’re talking about the 100 Senators and their staffers) Pretty easy. Both my wife and one of my sons had a problem with an infection on their computers. My solution was to clean out the system, then set them up with a non-administrator account to do their daily stuff. They ask me whenever administrative approval is needed. I have to do something maybe once every couple of weeks. So it would be fairly simple for the Senate to put all access to Senate computers as non-administrative (it doesn’t matter what OS, because they all operate this way) and hire some full time IT people to handle any administrative duties.

However, that would require all of the Senators and their staff to sacrifice a little bit of their freedom in exchange for the necessary security. Isn’t that pretty much the core of the Democrat platform?

Want healthcare without “paying” for it? Sacrifice the freedom to choose quality healthcare for the security of government provided crapcare.

Want a nice social “safety net” to fall on when you screw things up? Well, sacrifice your freedom to earn a decent living and the Democrat controlled government will gladly provide you that “safety net” that’s so comfortable many people use it as a hammock and camp out there.

All of the things the Democrats are pushing for offer security at the expense of freedom, yet they still allow all their computer users administrative access to sensitive government information? Sounds like some people don’t like living under their own imagined “utopia”.

Posted by Danny Carlton at 9:23 AM

Tuesday’s Links

Dakota Voice: South Dakota becomes 5th state to declare Federal gun laws null and void.

New York Post: What was terminal illness under Socialist Heathcare (Scotland), becomes easily treated in third world country (Libya), thus a mass murder goes free.

Posted by Danny Carlton at 7:29 AM

March 13, 2010

Saturday’s Links

Alliance Defense Fund: Arizona town bans Prayer Meetings and Bible Studies in private homes. Any other meeting is permissible, however. Welcome to Obama’s Amerika.

World Net Daily: New Wyoming law would fine and/or imprison any Federal agent attempting to enforce Federal gun laws contrary to Wyoming laws.

Liberty Council: Censorship of kindergartener's poster of Jesus moves to the US Supreme Court.

Big Journalism: Authorities now harassing pastor who harbored Rifqa Bary from muslim death threats.

Associated Press: Communist China, which jails and enslaves Christians for being Christian while sitting on the farcical UN Human Rights Council—has the unmitigated gall to call the US hypocritical about Human Rights.

London Mail: <=which misses the point. When you take away the land from the farmers because they are white, so there’s no one left who knows how to farm--this is what happens.

ABC News: This is why they need to bring back horse whipping.

Posted by Danny Carlton at 8:20 AM

March 4, 2010

Thursday’s Links

Atlanta Journal Constitution: Lobbyist for domestic violence organization arrested for shooting husband—in public.

Detroit Free Press: Stay-at-home mom sentenced to jail for arriving late to jury duty—with a toddler and an infant in tow. Charges dropped after it was pointed out the judge had no authority to jail potential jurors.

David Paul Kuhn at RealClearPolitics: The Mommy-Daddy government debate. Interesting read.

CNS News: Jim Inhofe ranked THE most conservative Senator. THAT’S MY SENATOR!!

L.A.Times: City law says lawn must have live ground covering, but also restrict watering. Couple finds remedy with mulch covering and desert plants. City threatens to fine them for not have a dead grass lawn.

Posted by Danny Carlton at 7:23 AM

March 3, 2010

Wednesday’s Links

World Net Daily: New York judge rules praying in a public park is “disorderly conduct”.

Associated Press: It comes out that Rifqa Bary and her whole family are illegal aliens, yet no effort has been made to deport the parents. If deported, Rifqa, would almost certainly be murdered by Moslem zealots in Sri Lanka, but it’s still uncertain whether the Obama administration, overtly friendly to Moslems, would allow her asylum in the US when she turns 18.

New York Times: Liberals attempt to copy success of Tea Party movement, with – get this – The Coffee Party. Why not just call it the “Half Caff Mochaccino with whipped topping and just a sprinkle of cinnamon, not too much, just a sprinkle” Party?

Washington Times: According to the Commerce Department, last month for the first time since the Great Depression, Americans took more aid from the government than they paid in taxes.

Phyllis Schlafly via Government schools are being used to create an army of ObamaBots.

London Times: Study finds “Green” fuels more harmful to the environment than fossil fuels. (Michigan): Taxpayers robbed of millions in foodstamp fraud, in Detroit alone.

Posted by Danny Carlton at 7:17 AM

March 2, 2010

Tuesday’s Links

London Daily Mail: Environmental scare-mongering kills three. Leave 7-month-old girl injured and orphaned.

World Net Daily: Court declares Christians not second-class citizens. Teacher may post historical quotes regarding Christianity, previously banned by school, which allowed other teachers to post Buddhist and Atheist messages.

Racine Journal-Times: After being bullied by Atheist students and teachers, school censors victim, a Christians.

Ventura County Start: County Health Nazis put an end to free doughnuts and coffee at local hardware store, ending a 15-year tradition.

CBS affiliate in Miami too stupid to put their call letters on their web site: Miami outlaws feeding homeless.

WOAI, San Antonio: Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles recommends “clemency” deceased inmate proven innocent of the crime he was imprisoned for. Texas governor considering “pardon”. He dies in prison, an innocent man, and they have the unmitigated gall to offer a “pardon” for the crime he never committed. What a bunch of morons. An apology and financial restitution is what they need to be offering, as well as a hefty prison sentence for whatever officials screwed up an put him in prison.

Posted by Danny Carlton at 8:15 AM

Homosexuality and Smoking: An interesting double standard

We’ve seen the headlines repeatedly: Outspoken opponent of homosexual marriage and other special rights for homosexuals caught in compromising position giving the appearance that he is a closeted homosexual. Whether it’s a politician or a pastor, the Media and other Liberals start screaming like banshees that it’s hypocritical to oppose so-called “gay rights” while habitually engaging in homosexual behavior. Got that? If you habitually engage in a behavior, it’s hypocritical to encourage laws that restrict or oppose those behaviors.

It came out this week that our President, who, by the way, last year signed the “Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act” a law that allows the Food and Drug Administration to reduce nicotine in tobacco products, ban sweet flavorings and block labels such 'low tar' and 'light.' (from the Daily Mirror) is a habitual smoker, but claims it’s not a problem since he smokes only 7 or 8 cigarettes a day.

So why are Liberals and the Media (sorry for the redundancy) not screaming that Obama is a hypocrite? Is there some reason these two, unhealthy, lifestyle choices are different?

Oh, that’s right, even though there’s not one shred of evidence to support it Liberals claim that homosexuality is genetic, and that while there actually is evidence to support a genetic factor is the propensity to smoke, it’s remains a “choice” absent of any environmental influences.

Posted by Danny Carlton at 7:17 AM

March 1, 2010

I finally got Live Writer to work

Turns out it was an error in my template, not Live Writer. But it took me all morning to fix it, so no news today.

Posted by Danny Carlton at 9:12 AM

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