Friday, July 3, 2009

Sharia dentist drills right through niqab

Just kidding, he doesn't make his patients wear anything that blocks the mouth evidently:
A dentist who told Muslim patients he would treat them only if they wore Islamic dress will be able to continue to practise, a disciplinary panel ruled today.

Dr Omer Butt, of Prestwich, Greater Manchester, ordered two women to wear head scarfs before he would see them and their families, the professional conduct committee of the General Dental Council (GDC) found.

The panel concluded that he sought to impose a dress code on Muslim patients while working at the Unsworth Smile Clinic in Bury, Greater Manchester, between April 2005 and June 2007.

Dr Butt "discriminated" against people on the basis he "disapproved of their attitude to the requirements of Islam" and "did not act in the best interests of his patients", the panel found.

The GDC committee said it was "in no doubt that it amounted to misconduct" but found his fitness to practise was not impaired. [...]
(h/t: Jihad Watch)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

So let's call it mental floss

Hewing close to this blog's primary focus:
Brushing teeth and flossing may not only reduce gum disease and stroke but memory loss, U.S. researchers suggest.
(h/t: Vos iz Neias)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Oddly Familiar Toothpaste from Iran

It is hard to see, but the phrase "For long lasting tooth" appears on the tube. (h/t:

Friday, February 20, 2009

This proves the ubiquitous ape-comparison . . .

. . . is one of the more post-racial aspects of contemporary political culture.

Monday, November 3, 2008 "Pulling (halachic) teeth"

Halacha and dentistry!
Thinking about having a root canal before the weekend? Think again. Rabbi Eliezer Melamed, head of the Har Bracha Yeshiva, has recently published a halachic opinion stating that any elective dental procedures which may leave the patient in pain for several days should not be preformed before Shabbat, in order not to infringe on the joy of Shabbat.

The Halacha, said the rabbi, gives a parallel example, in which it forbids sailing just before the Shabbat, for feat one may get sea sick and suffer distress on the holy day.

"One should refrain from having wisdom teeth pulled before the weekend as well, for that would surely cause him pain and prevent him from eating for at least two days," wrote the rabbi, adding the same was true for any dental work which may result in prolonged pain. [...]

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Asharq Alawsat: "Intifadah" against "mediocre dialog"

An uprising against the indecent and the humdrum?
This loud cry of "enough" emanated last Saturday from a group of Saudi female academicians and educated women during the inauguration of the "Association for the Call for Virtue in the Information Media."

According to the Internet web site of the group in question, the inauguration of their association is an intifadah against any Arab satellite TV channel that broadcasts Arab or foreign subtitled serials showing marital adultery, nude scenes, Kissing, intimate encounters, and mediocre dialogue.
They're nothing if not comprehensive.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Chabad in the News

In the Egyptian news, that is:
In addition to opening tunnels beneath the Haram Al-Sharif, the Israeli government has also allowed a fanatical Jewish sect, the Chabad movement, to build a synagogue next to the Western section of the Islamic compound. Chabad openly calls for the expulsion or extermination of Palestinians as well as the destruction of Islamic and Christian holy places in Palestine.
That's news to me.