Blogging the Qur’an: Sura 17, “The Night Journey,” verse 1

Muhammad’s famous Night Journey (Isra and Miraj) is the basis of the Islamic claim to Jerusalem as an Islamic holy city. The only thing the Qur’an has to say about it is this the first verse of sura 17, which says that Allah took Muhammad from “the Sacred Mosque” in Mecca “to the farthest [al-aqsa] Mosque.” There was no mosque in Jerusalem at this time, so the “farthest” mosque probably wasn’t really the one that now bears that name in Jerusalem, but Islamic tradition is firm that this mosque is in Jerusalem.

Muhammad’s vision of this journey was as dramatic as his initial encounter with Gabriel. According to Ibn Ishaq, Muhammad described the vision to one of the Muslims as beginning “while I was lying in Al-Hatim or Al-Hijr,” that is, an area in Mecca opposite the Ka’bah, identified by Islamic tradition as the burial place of Hagar and Ishmael, when “Gabriel came and stirred me with his foot.” Soon after that “someone came to me and cut my body open from here to here” – and he gestured from his throat to his pubic area. The one who had come to him, Muhammad continued, “then took out my heart. Then a golden tray full of Belief was brought to me and my heart was washed and was filled (with Belief) and then returned to its original place. Then a white animal which was smaller than a mule and bigger than a donkey was brought to me.” This was the Buraq, which Muhammad further described as “an animal white and long, larger than a donkey but smaller than a mule, who would place his hoof a distance equal to the range of vision.” It was, he said, “half mule, half donkey, with wings on its sides with which it propelled its feet.”

“When I came up to mount him,” Muhammad reported according to Ibn Ishaq, “he shied. Gabriel placed his hand on its mane and said, ‘Are you not ashamed, a Buraq, to behave in this way? By God, none more honorable before God than Muhammad has ever ridden you before.’ The animal was so ashamed that he broke out into a sweat and stood still so that I could mount him.”

They went to the Temple Mount, and from there to heaven itself. According to a hadith, Muhammad explained: “I was carried on it, and Gabriel set out with me till we reached the nearest heaven. When he asked for the gate to be opened, it was asked, ‘Who is it?’ Gabriel answered, ‘Gabriel.’ It was asked, ‘Who is accompanying you?’ Gabriel replied, ‘Muhammad.’ It was asked, ‘Has Muhammad been called?’ Gabriel replied in the affirmative. Then it was said, ‘He is welcomed. What an excellent visit his is!’”

Muhammad entered the first heaven, where he encountered Adam. Gabriel prods Muhammad: “This is your father, Adam; pay him your greetings.” The Prophet of Islam duly greets the first man, who responds, “You are welcome, O pious son and pious Prophet.” Gabriel then carries Muhammad to the second heaven, where the scene at the gate is reenacted, and once inside, John the Baptist and Jesus greet him: “You are welcome, O pious brother and pious Prophet.” In the third heaven, Joseph greets him in the same words, and Muhammad and Gabriel go on, greeted by other prophets at other levels of heaven.

In the sixth heaven is Moses, occasioning another dig at the Jews. “When I left him,” Muhammad says, “he wept. Someone asked him, ‘What makes you weep?’ Moses said, ‘I weep because after me there has been sent (Muhammad as a Prophet) a young man, whose followers will enter Paradise in greater numbers than my followers.’”

In the seventh heaven, Muhammad meets Abraham, has further visions, and receives the command that the Muslims pray fifty times daily. But returning, Muhammad passed by Moses, who asked him, “What have you been ordered to do?”

Muhammad replied, “I have been ordered to offer fifty prayers a day.”

Moses offered him some advice: “Your followers cannot bear fifty prayers a day, and by Allah, I have tested people before you, and I have tried my level best with Bani Israel (in vain). Go back to your Lord and ask for reduction to lessen your followers’ burden.”

So Muhammad returned to Allah and got the number of daily prayers reduced to forty, but Moses still thought that was too many. Muhammad kept going between Allah and Moses until the number of daily prayers for the Muslims was only five. At this point Moses still doubted that Muhammad’s followers were up to this challenge: “Your followers cannot bear five prayers a day, and no doubt, I have got an experience of the people before you, and I have tried my level best with Bani Israel, so go back to your Lord and ask for reduction to lessen your follower’s burden.”

But this time Muhammad would not go back. “I have requested so much of my Lord that I feel ashamed, but I am satisfied now and surrender to Allah’s Order.”

The Prophet of Islam also described the other prophets for his followers: “On the night of my Al-Isra (Journey by Night) (to the heavens), I saw (the prophet) Musa (Moses) who was a thin person with lank hair, looking like one of the men of the tribe of Shanu’a; and I saw Isa (Jesus) who was of average height with red face as if he had just come out of a bathroom. And I resemble Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) more than any of his offspring does. Then I was given two cups, one containing milk and the other wine. Gabriel said, ‘Drink whichever you like.’ I took the milk and drank it. Gabriel said, ‘You have accepted what is natural, (True Religion i.e., Islam) and if you had taken the wine, your followers would have gone astray.’”

When they heard the stories of his Night Journey, the pagan Quraysh scoffed: “By God, this is a plain absurdity! A caravan takes a month to go to Syria and a month to return and can Muhammad do the return journey in one night?” Challenged by some who had been to Jerusalem, Muhammad claimed one further miracle in connection with the Night Journey: “When the people of Quraish did not believe me [i.e. the story of my Al-Isra (Night Journey)], I stood up in Al-Hijr [Rock City] and Allah displayed Jerusalem in front of me, and I began describing it to them while I was looking at it.”

Evidently, however, his descriptions weren’t altogether convincing: some Muslims abandoned their faith and challenged Muhammad’s most faithful follower, Abu Bakr, to do the same. According to Ibn Ishaq, Abu Bakr was contemptuous: “If he says so then it is true. And what is so surprising in that? He tells me that communications from God from heaven to earth come to him in an hour of a day or night and I believe him, and that is more extraordinary than that at which you boggle!”

Later Muhammad seems to have retreated from the claim that this was a bodily journey. His wife Aisha explained: “The apostle’s body remained where it was but God removed his spirit by night.”

Next week: “We put coverings over their hearts (and minds) lest they should understand the Qur’an.”

(Here you can find links to all the earlier "Blogging the Qur'an" segments. Here is a good Arabic Qur’an, with English translations available; here are two popular Muslim translations, those of Abdullah Yusuf Ali and Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall, along with a third by M. H. Shakir. Here is another popular translation, that of Muhammad Asad. And here is an omnibus of ten Qur’an translations.)

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Is that "miraj" as is I'm not really seeing that, it is a miraj? (mirage)

Buraq = Pegasus from Greek mythology
Many levels of heaven = Indian mythology
Joseph, Moses and Abraham = Jewish mythology
John the Baptist, Jesus = Christian mythology

Islam is indeed the religion of pieces. Pieces of other religions. Not that sort of thing hasn't been done before. The question is why modern Islam continues to preach hate against Jews, Christians and all the other "infidels". This permits a muslim to hate the foundations of his own faith. No wonder Rage Boy has to rage.

Speaking of blogging, a blogger committed suicide over the West's appeasement to Islam and the left's alliance with Islam.

Here is the guest book from the family of the blogger if you want to sign it.

I just wanted to get that out since it seems its only the blogs right now that understand the threat we face and that we lost one of our own. Thank you for your time.

Abu Bakr was contemptuous: “If he says so then it is true."

Well, hot damn! That's proof enough for me!

(And Moe didn't need no stinking seeing stone like Joseph Smith used! Gabriel kicks Moroni's ass!)

The post at hotair by THEBIGOLDDOG -

“The best of the shuhada’ are those who fight in the first rank and do not turn their faces away until they are killed. They will have the pleasure of occupying the highest dwellings in Paradise."

The Sahabah asked Muhammad, “What is al-Wasilah?” He said, “It is the highest level of Paradise, which only one man will reach, and I hope that I will be the one."

So, those two contradict each other.
Those who fight for allah and are killed will occupy the highest dwellings in Paradise,
only one man will reach the highest level of Paradise.

Mo died in his own bed, so how could he be in paradise?

And why is Moses only in the sixth level of heaven? Shouldn't he be in Paradise? Or is it because he wasn't killed in allah's name.

And the same for Abraham? Surely he should not be in the seventh level of heaven but should be in Paradise? After all he is the original prophet? Maybe he didn't make it to paradise because his followers failed to be perfect? Why punish him? Or because he wasn't killed?

When Mo describes paradise there are virgins and young boys but are there others? Why not the most famous followers of allah? Did he recognise anyone in paradise? How many levels are there? I thought there was only one paradise? Not levels.

Assalamau Laikum all,

Muhd PBUH spoke to Allah directly when he transcended to his office from Al Aquisa.
On his way up he met the more minor prophets like Moses pbuh and Jesus PBUh. Ofcourse Muhd PBUH mindful of his inexperience as a negotiator with the one god Allah SWT took advice from Moses and Jesus (pbut) as to how much reverence and devotion should be given to Allah on a daily basis.

Initially Allah wanted to be prayed to 50 times a day. Muhd PBUH was told by the minor prophets that there was work to be done, water to be collected, camels to be fed, houses to be built...50 times is simply too much.
Muhd PBUH went back to Allah SAW and after salutations begged (as a slave) that this be reduced....and Allah SWT being ever merciful and all knowing ...reduced it to 25 times a day.
Once again the minor prophets interfered..."it's too much Bro"... there's goats to be killed, food to be prepared, fighting skills to be learned, ...peoples will move away from Allah SWT.
And so Muhd SAW went back and Allah SWT smiled at him...."Moses pbuh and Jesus PBUh...been winding you up eh...they are a naughty what figure do you have in mind now"?

Bear in mind Allah said "that there will be no further negotiation ...and this legacy will remain in force for ever... ".

So Muhd PBUH went on his knees in prayer and made DUA ..with tears in his eyes looking into that bright light that is Allah SWT .."5 times..if it pleases lord".

Allah SWT was pleased in the manner that Muhd SAW had made the request...and raised his mighty hand and said "So it shall be"....5 times a day....peoples shall pay reverence to me for giving them life, substance , the will to live...the oxygen to breathe and goats to eat (something like it probably).

Muhd SAW then promised to spread this practice throughout the world...did a “hi-5” with Jesus PBUh and Moses pbuh for their advice and came back to the real world.

The time of the 7th centuary, in the middle-east there was little in the way of spiritual awareness. In fact if you consider pre-Islamic Arab society, it was divided in three classes which you "could" call castes, like Hinduism.
On the top were jews, then Christians, both grouped as 'Ahle-kitab'. And at the lowest rug were pagan Arabs called 'Ummies'.

Inspired by Muhd SAW the Ummies rose up and became the Super Power. Sound familiar? why it's your OH so friendly Umma.

The Quran says "Allah keeps changing days among humans". i.e. Nothing is eternal but subject to flux, but "Rahe naam Allah ka" (Allah's name will remain 4eva despite the flux).
As we know this to be true...those associated with allah SWT ...the ummies ...will also remain forever.

Now you must bear in mind that peoples didn't pray that much or in a disclipined manner before. Muhd SAW didn't have that much time ....and so he informed his ardent followers to show the rest when to pray, and how to offer salat...and so the religious police was born.

Armed with this knowledge now....make your way post haste to a mosque and recite the shahada...remember over subscription can be bad...don't get caught out.



Naseem, you're rewriting the quran? Excellent! A comedy version. It certainly needed a little humor.

Oh, and this is classic: "....and came back to the real world."

No, there's no way anyone will believe that mo has ever lived in the real world.

All fantasy, all the time.

“When I came up to mount him,” Muhammad reported according to Ibn Ishaq, “he shied."

Animals are intuitive, even imaginary ones.

"The animal was so ashamed that he broke out into a sweat and stood still so that I could mount him."

Nice !

Initially Allah wanted to be prayed to 50 times a day. Muhd PBUH was told by the minor prophets that there was work to be done, water to be collected, camels to be fed, houses to be built...50 times is simply too much.

Al said don't worry mummybabe you will soon have dhimmis to do it for you.

Oh, so now Moses is a minor prophet? Wasn't he spoken to directly by the creator? When he was given the ten commandments? Which he didn't write but were written by god's own hand in stone so there could be no mistaking what was most important? (per Cecile D. DeMille)

How could he be minor?

Oops, Nauseum hath chimed in without, again, providing proof that the boy-lovers under whose thumb she must shiver and shake, quiver and quake, hath given her leave to communicate with infidels and men.

So, beware all, lest her posting and replies here, by thy provocation, doth cause her untimely demise at the hand of her 'men.'


There are some 112 verses in the chapter but the subscriber of the ‘Quran Blogging’ has picked up just an opening verse to make a base for his detailed recountal. This verse [17:2] picked bythe author very briefly describes the incident of ‘Isra’ (Night Journey) of Prophet Muhammad (saw), (verse); “Glory be to Him Who carried His servant by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Distant Mosque, the environs of which We have blessed, that We might show him some of Our Signs. Surely, He alone is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing”. But this chapter mainly describes the commandments of God, the exalted; that how the believers can seek His nearness. It also narrates the ulterior motives and mischief of Israelites (Judaic); which has not been touched upon by the author at all?

With his intent to blemish and under rate the lofty stations of the Holy Prophet in the eyes of the readers; the sacred incident of ‘Isra’ is purported and presented here with a twist. In order to build up the story further; various sayings of Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) pertaining to the incident are also high lighted with a mix up of other hear says. This amounts to cartel the commandments of God Almighty by skipping the beef of the subject matter with an aim to render the readers totally debased and mislead. This may be out of his sheer envy and rightly so; God Almighty admonishes in the same chapter; warning his Judi’s ancestors [17:5] “And We had clearly conveyed to the Children of Israel in the Book: 'You will surely do great mischief in the land twice, and you will surely become excessively overbearing.' And God Almighty declares [17:10] Surely, this Qur'an guides to what is most right; and gives to the believers who do good deeds the glad tidings that they shall have a great reward;”

For the benefit of all; a brief commentary of the subject Surah is made available to clarify any misconceptions:


Date of Revelations and Context

This chapter is known as Bani Isra’il (Israelites) because it deals with some important incidents in the history of the Israelites and with the experiences through which they had to pass. It also bears the title of Isra’ because it opens with the Holy Prophet’s great Vision about his spiritual Night Journey to Jerusalem which forms one of the most outstanding topics of this Chapter. According to Ibn Mas’ud, one of the earliest Companions of the Holy Prophet, the revelation of the Sūrah was completed between the 4th and 11th year of the Call. Christian writers assign this period between the 6th and 12th year. Towards the end of the previous Sūrah (Chapter 16 The Bee) Muslims were warned that very soon they would meet with opposition from ‘the People of the Book’ as severe as they had already experienced at the hand of Meccan idolaters, but that they should bear it with patience and fortitude till God should give them victory over their opponents. In the present Sūrah their attention is drawn to the fact that this opposition will start at Medina and will end in the total defeat and discomfiture of ‘the People of the Book’ their sacred laces falling into the hands of Muslims.


The Sūrah, as its title shows, deals with the history of the Jewish people, with a pointed reference to two outstanding occasions when they openly disobeyed and defied the two great Prophets of God – David and Jesus. As a result of this defiance they suffered the destruction of their natural life, first at the hands of the Babylonian Nebuchadnezzar and then at those of the Roman Emperor Titus. This special reference to the twofold destruction of Jews implied a warning to Muslims that their wrongdoings and transgressions would also result in the double eclipse of their national life. The warning, however, was also accompanied with a word of hope and good cheer for them. It was to this effect that since the Holy Prophet was the last Law-giver Prophet; his Dispensation would not, like the Jewish Dispensation, suffer total extinction but after initial reverses would emerge triumphant with increased lustre and effulgence. Besides, some other subjects to which only and implied reference were made in the preceding Surah have also been dealt with at some length. The Sūrah opens with the subjects of Isra’ (Spiritual Night Journey of the Holy Prophet) in order to show that as the successor and counterpart of Moses, his followers will conquer the lands which were promised to Moses, and that like Moses, he will have to leave his native place. But his Emigration will lead to very rapid progress and advancement of his noble cause. Then it is briefly states that the people of Moses acquired great power and prestige through their Prophet, though subsequently they came to grief by defying and ignoring Devine warning. But the Qur’an, being a much more complete code of Laws, is capable of bringing about a greater and a completer change in the lives of its followers than was the Book of Moses. This brief reference to the rise and decline of Jews is attended with a warning to Muslims that God would bestow upon them His favours and like the Jews they would also rise to great heights of material greatness and glory, but that after they had acquired wealth, power and influence, they should not forget God.

Then some rules of conduct are mentioned by acting upon which people could rise at a very high spiritual stature. But, instead of benefiting by these rules, disbelievers arrogantly turn away from them and give no thought to the dreadful end to which their conceit and pride are likely to lead them. They are warned that rejection of truth never produces wholesome results and that they will be visited with severe Devine punishment, particularly in the Latter Days, when the world will witness a fight to the finish between the forces of Light and Darkness and finally the forces of Satan shall be completely routed. The Sūrah then administers a severe rebuke to disbelievers that they seek to annihilate the Holy Prophet, but God has decreed a great and noble purpose for him and a mighty destiny awaits him. His name shall be known unto the remotest corners of the earth and shall be honoured to the end of time. The world shall recognise him as humanity’s greatest Guide and Leader and the Qur’an as a store house of limitless spiritual knowledge. The Sūrah closes with a brief description of the signs of the Latter Days and of the evils which will then prevail in the world and declares that it is prayer and true connection with God that can save man from sin.

Friends are cordially invited to any question that they may have?
Love for all, Hatred for none.

Anyone else ever wonder about what Islam borrowed from Buddhism?

Prayer beads were a Buddhist invention. What else came from that direction? I’m curious about terms like “the compassionate, the merciful” and “Lord of the Worlds”.

“Sura” is semitic, and means enclosed by a wall. “Sutra” is indo-european, and means enclosed by rope or thread. Were the compilers of the Koran aware of both words? Did rhythmic chanting of text imitate Tantric practice?


nabi ZK wonders about Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer. Three functions. (Brahama, Vishnu and Shiva.- the trimurti). In the west we don't think about the sustaiing part and are likely to think only of creation and annihilation, not "keep alive" "keep alive" "keep alive". This sustainer role attributed to allen seems to come from the east. Just a thought with nothing at all to back it up. (as usual)

nabi ZK

...the nabific one takes another shot from the hip....he shoots...he scores...or maybe misses by a mile...

nabi ZK here again. This much I do know to be an absolute fact. This will probably rankle mohametans who don't want to face the truth. It is absolutely certain that the mohametan system incorporates elements of cultures and religions which preceded it and is not a spontaneous and unique thing devoid of context. The same must be said for every human activiy, in fact. Mohametanism is no exception to this. Nope, it wasn't given by Gabriel/Mercury/Hermes or whoever. It came form that which preceded it.

nabl ZK

Dear skevin, zonie kafir and Friends,

Learning process in our education always remains in progression. When one passes the graduation; it is not said that the he barrowed the words of wisdom from his earlier or primary school education; rather his earlier education helped form a base. Like wise the teachings in the fields of religion to learn the word of God has always remained in progression; a continuous process toward achieving the adult hood of man’s conscious. Earlier prophets imparted the primary education as required of the time and all the succeeding prophets had their endeavour, on the Commandment of their Lord, to help achieve the adult hood of man’s conscious; till it has reached at its present day lofty stage… that we find at its summit…called Islam.

God Almighty says [16:37] “And We did raise among every people a Messenger with the teaching, 'Worship Allah and shun the Evil one.' Then among them were some whom Allah guided and among them were some who became deserving of ruin. So travel through the earth and see; what was the end of those who treated the prophets as liars!”

The God Almighty acknowledges [16:37] “He it is Who has sent His Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) with the guidance and the Religion of truth, that He may cause it to prevail over all religions, however much those who associate partners with Allah may dislike it.”

Muslims; they do not boast for heck of it but God Almighty declares them [3:111] “You are the best people raised for the good of mankind; you enjoin good and forbid evil and believe in Allah.”

God Almighty gave a glad tiding for the mankind to Prophet Muhammad (saw); [14:2] “Alif Lam Ra. This is a Book which We have revealed to thee that thou mayest bring mankind out of the depths of darkness into light, by the command of their Lord, to the path of the Mighty, the Praiseworthy.”

Love for all, Hatred for None

In what level of Paradise are the Girls at?

Allah makes promises but does he deliver?

Who would have guessed that Allah could be persuaded to change his mind?

Do all Women make it into Paradise while all men do not? Accounting for the disproportion of Male to Female ratios.

The more I read, the more this whole story reminds me of one told around a Camp Fire. Made up as one drinks along.

Greetings A Khokar

Since I am nabi to the mohametan trolls I will comment on your post. First let me say that I feel no animosity towards you personally, even though you wish to shill for the totalitarian mohametan system. I believe you are acting in good faith to explain and defend that which you feel to be good and righteous.

The nabi regards the doctrines of many earlier religious traditions. such as for example, Christianity or Buddhism to be superior in every way to mohametanism. Neither Jesus nor Buddha were involved in any lethal violence and their teachings advocate the death of exactly who?

Now AK, I realize that mohamet lived in a rough neighborhood and I even understand that the early mohametans could have been wiped out if they did not fight. This, however, is no excuse for those who would claim to expound a sublime teaching.

I even appreciate that this teaching, flawed as it was, was a big improvement for the Arabs and superior to the worship of Hubal. Hubal sometimes wanted children killed on the basis of the outcome of a random event involving arrows, similar to reading tea leaves. My understanding is that mohamet's father was almost done in at the behest of the idol but, like Abraham, Mohamet's grandfather was unable to do the deed and offered something else instead. So yes, AK, I see mohametanism as superior to that. I know it isn't a human sacrifice cult. But that's not really saying much is it?

Actions speak louder than words AK and Mohamet's actions do not speak well for him. If you called him a great political leader or military genius I would not object. So was Genghis Khan. But I can not accept such a person as a religious leader because, well, because I can not.

nabi ZK the nabi on this one...or usual...


With reference to the post of flowerknife us …February 26, 2008 At 5 AM
Dear Friends,
You asked; whether women will go to Heaven or Not?
YES: they will certainly be rewarded with this great reward. The Quran says:-

In Al-Ahzab Chapter 33: Verse 36
“ Surely, men who submit themselves to GOD and women who submit themselves to Him, and believing men and believing women, and obedient men and obedient women, and truthful men and truthful women, and men steadfast in their faith and steadfast women, and men who are humble and women who are humble, and men who give alms and women who give alms, and men who fast and women who fast, and men who guard their chastity and women who guard their chastity and men who remember Allah much and women who remember Him - Allah has prepared for all of them forgiveness and a great reward.”

In Aal-e-`Imran Chapter 3: Verse 134
“ And hasten towards forgiveness from your Lord, and the Paradise whose value is the heavens and the earth. It is prepared for the God-fearing”

In Al-A`raf Chapter 7: Verse 44
“And We shall remove whatever rancour may be in their hearts. Beneath them shall flow rivers. And they shall say, 'All praise belongs to Allah who has guided us to this paradise. And we could not have found guidance, if Allah had not guided us. The Messengers of our Lord did indeed bring the truth.' And it shall be proclaimed unto them, 'This is the heaven to which you have been made heirs as a reward for what you did.'

In Al-Taubah Chapter 9: Verse 71
“ And the believers, men and women, are friends of another. They enjoined good and forbid evil and observe Prayer and pay the Zakaat and obey Allah and His Messenger. It is these on whom Allah will have mercy. Surely, Allah is Mighty and Wise.”

In Al-Taubah Chapter 9: Verse 72
“ Allah has promised to believers, men and women, Gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide, and delightful dwelling-places in Gardens of Eternity. And the pleasure of Allah is the greatest of all. That is the supreme triumph.”

In Al-Kahf Chapter 18 : Verse 108
“ Surely, those who believe and act righteously will have Gardens of Paradise for an abode,”

In Al-fath Chapter 48 : Verse 6
“ That He may cause the believing men and the believing women to enter the Gardens beneath which streams flow, wherein they will abide, and that He may remove their evils from them - and that, in the sight of Allah, is the supreme achievement;”

In Al-Hadid Chapter 57 : Verse 13
“ And think of the day when thou wilt see the believing men and the believing women, their light running before them and on their right hands, and angels will say to them, 'Glad tidings for you this day of Gardens through which streams flow, wherein you will abide. That is the supreme triumph.”

And in Al-Mu'minun Chapter 23 : Verse 12
“ Who will inherit Paradise. They will abide therein for ever.”
Love for all, Hatred for None

Posted by: zonie kafir at February 26, 2008 10:38 AM

Hi Zonie,

Thanks for your kind response. You seem to be a humble person and prefer your self to be called as “nabi”; means; one who brings home the message of righteousness and adhere by that. But with the same breath you call your self ‘Kafir’ also; means none believer… in the field of righteousness.

Please clarify?

With best of regards
A Khokar

Hello AK

Well, you are asking the nabi to go outsider of character! I don't usually do this but OK, what the heck. I became nabi ZK in response to a certain troll who continually predicts of our spiritual state in the future. In this case AK, what would you say about this persons ability to see the future? Non existent, right? So I added this moniker as a mockery to suggest that I too know all and see all. You know, which I do, of course. ;)

Having said that, I now return to character to condemn you to a fate worse than death, in the world to come, for doubting the "he who should not be doubted", me, nabi ZK.

The nabi hopes all is now clear for you. Do not ever ask again if the nabific one is actually a "real" nabi. In fact "I" only play one on the internet, but "I" really don't like to mention that too often. And "I" don't like to make such statements in writing either! But probably nobody will ever see this post. So it's OK this time "I" guess.

nabi ZK (pbum)*

...this post is not to be doubted...or else...

* peace be upon me.

The kafir part should be perfectly clear as well. I doubt the veracity of any system which asks for belief in things unseen and unmeasurable. I reject revealed knowledge as a way of understanding the physical world. I will accept either logic or better yet, experiment to probe such matters.

On questions of morality I will accept those values which seem to be universal and which could be more or less summed up as "The Golden Rule". That much needs no proof and no particular belief concerning such things as the shape, function, location, or even existence of any divine power or powers, whatever that means, and or any notions of the "world to come".

I simply do not have any answers for such questions, but it doesn't bother me much since these questions are somewhat vague and poorly defined and in any case not subject to logic or experiment. If I were to report otherwise I would advise you to disregard my answers as they would be most unreliable. (awesome nabific powers not withstanding)

OK OK, like, I could kill myself, or better yet wait for a natural end, to find out about life after death. For sure, much better to wait on that one. So I could do the experiment. But could I then share my results with all of you? Not likely.

Thus AK, I am sure you will recognize me as a follower of "al deen ul kafiroon". If I am not mistaken mohamet called me the worst of devils for staking out this little bit of philosophical turf. Even worse than those who not only doubt but flat out disbelieve. But I feel that I'm in good company.

nabi ZK

....plum out of aphorisms this time....believe it...or....else...

The great nabi ZK (pbuy) rocks!