Blogging the Qur’an: Sura 27, “The Ant”

A great romance, a conversion to Islam

According to Ibn Abbas and Jabir bin Zaid, suras 26, 27, and 28 were revealed to Muhammad in Mecca in that order, although the subject matter of the suras themselves still does not follow any chronological order.

A brief preamble (verses 1-6) asserts that the Qur’an “makes things clear” (v. 2). Those who pray regularly and give alms are assured of Paradise (v. 3). But Allah has made the evil deeds of those who don’t believe in the afterlife seem good to them (v. 4). The Tafsir al-Jalalayn explains: “Truly those who do not believe in the Hereafter, We have adorned their vile deeds for them, by making such [deeds] seem sensuous so that they then deem them wholesome, and so they are bewildered, confused about why We deem these [deeds] to be vile.” They’ll be duly punished in the next life (v. 5).

Then verses 7-14 return once again to the story of Moses, which we have already seen in suras 2, 7, 10, 17, 20, and 26. This time we get a version of the story of the burning bush from Exodus 3:2ff (vv. 7-9), but no revelation of the Name of God (Exodus 3:14). Instead, the Qur’anic account fast-forwards to Exodus 4:2-6, in which Moses at God’s bidding casts down his rod and sees it become a serpent (v. 10) and puts his hand inside his cloak, whereupon it becomes leprous and is then restored – although in the Qur’an, it merely turns white, without disease (v. 12). But Pharaoh and his court reject these signs “in iniquity and arrogance, though their souls were convinced thereof” (v. 14) – here again is a hint that people who reject Islam do so only because they are corrupt, even though they know it’s true.

Verses 15-44 turn to the story of Solomon, focusing primarily on his meeting with the Queen of Sheba. Allah gave Solomon the gift of understanding the speech of birds (v. 16). He can also understand the ants, overhearing when one ant warns the others to flee before they’re trampled by Solomon and those with him, as all the jinns, men, and birds come before him (vv. 17-19). Solomon is annoyed when he discovers that the hoopoe is not among the birds (v. 20), and vows to punish him (v. 21). However, the hoopoe comes in late with news of the Queen of Sheba, who has a magnificent kingdom (v. 23) – but she and her people are deceived by Satan and worship the sun (v. 24). The hoopoe himself is a pious Muslim (v. 26). Solomon sends the hoopoe with a letter for the Queen (v. 28), as much to test the hoopoe’s veracity as anything else (v. 27). The letter begins with the standard Islamic invocation Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim (v. 30) — In the name of Allah, the compassionate, the merciful – and calls the Queen and her people to Islam (v. 31). The Queen consults with her advisers (v. 32) and resolves to send Solomon a gift (v. 35). Ibn Kathir explains this passage as “meaning, ‘I will send him a gift befitting for one of his status, and will wait and see what his response will be. Perhaps he will accept that and leave us alone, or he will impose a tax which we can pay him every year, so that he will not fight us and wage war against us.’”

This idea seems modeled on the jizya, the tax prescribed for the dhimmis (9:29): she seems prepared to pay a tax as a symbol of her submission to Solomon’s authority. Qatadah, one of Muhammad’s companions, marveled: “May Allah have mercy on her and be pleased with her — how wise she was as a Muslim and (before that) as an idolater! She understood how gift-giving has a good effect on people.”

But Solomon rejected the gifts (vv. 36-37), intent instead on converting the Queen to Islam. Ibn Kathir paraphrases his response to the gifts: “Are you trying to flatter me with wealth so that I will leave you alone with your Shirk [worshipping others besides Allah] and your kingdom?” He is not disposed to leave them alone, as Muslims have never been disposed to leave infidel kingdoms alone, when they had the means to confront them. Solomon asks one of his men to bring him her throne (v. 38) and gets a volunteer (v. 39). The throne received (v. 40), Solomon orders it altered slightly, to test the Queen’s powers of recognition (v. 41). She recognizes it (v. 42), which, according to Ibn Kathir, shows “the ultimate in intelligence and strong resolve.” She forsakes her other objects of worship and worships Allah alone (v. 43). Solomon devised the further test in v. 44, according to the Tafsir al-Jalalayn, to get a gander at the Queen’s legs:

“It was, also, said to her, ‘Enter the palace [hallway]’ — this was a transparent white glass floor underneath which flowed sweet water that contained fish. Solomon had it made when he was told that her legs and feet resembled the shanks of a mule. And when she saw it, she supposed it to be a pool, of water, and so she bared her legs, to wade through it. Meanwhile Solomon was seated on his throne at the front part of the palace [hallway], and he saw that her legs and feet were [in fact] fair. He said, to her: ‘It is a hallway paved [smooth] with crystal’, and thereafter he called her to submit [to God]. She said, ‘My Lord, indeed I have wronged myself, by worshipping other than You, and I submit with Solomon to God, the Lord of the Worlds’.

Solomon, says the Tafsir al-Jalalayn, “wanted to marry her but disliked the hair on her legs. So the devils made a [depilatory] lime mixture (nūra) and she removed it therewith. He married her and had [great] love for her.”

Then comes in verses 45-53 the story of Salih (also in suras 7, 11, and 26), prophet of the people of Thamud, whom Allah destroys for their unbelief (vv. 51-52), and the story of Lot (verses 54-58 — also in suras 7, 15, and 26), who upbraids his people for their homosexuality (v. 55), and is saved with his family (except for his wife) while the city is destroyed (vv. 57-58).

Verses 59-65 detail some of the signs of Allah’s power in the natural world. But in verses 66-74 the unbelievers are still perverse, objecting to the possibility of the resurrection of the dead (v. 67), saying again that these are just “tales of the ancients” (v. 68) and asking when the resurrection will happen (v. 71). Allah tells Muhammad to tell the unbelievers to travel the earth see what has become of those who sinned (v. 69) and not to grieve over their unbelief (v. 70).

Verses 75-93 extol the Qur’an, for it explains to the Children of Israel the things they dispute about (v. 76) and is a guide for the believers (v. 77). Allah will confront the unbelievers on the Day of Judgment (v. 84), and they will be unable to answer (v. 85). Those who do good will be saved (v. 89), while those who do evil will be thrown into the Fire (v. 90).

Next week: Sura 28, “The Story”: “Everything (that exists) will perish except His own Face.”

(Here you can find links to all the earlier "Blogging the Qur'an" segments. Here is a good Arabic Qur’an, with English translations available; here are two popular Muslim translations, those of Abdullah Yusuf Ali and Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall, along with a third by M. H. Shakir. Here is another popular translation, that of Muhammad Asad. And here is an omnibus of ten Qur’an translations.)

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But Allah has made the evil deeds of those who don’t believe in the afterlife seem good to them (v. 4). The Tafsir al-Jalalayn explains: “Truly those who do not believe in the Hereafter, We have adorned their vile deeds for them, by making such [deeds] seem sensuous so that they then deem them wholesome, and so they are bewildered, confused about why We deem these [deeds] to be vile.” They’ll be duly punished in the next life (v. 5).

"Confuse" them and "punish" them. Is this the behavior of a compassionate and merciful god? How is allah "compassionate" or "merciful?" It seems to me the opposite is true. islam adorns vile deeds by making them seem wholesome.

bewildered, confused about why We deem these [deeds] to be vile.”

those few words describe best islam. it is truly an evil cult, for Christians it is the anti Christ.

He married her after she shaved her legs? Who knew true love could be had so easily? What a hoot!

Did Yul Brynner have hair at one point?

Just wondering. So Solomon was worried about the Queen's leg hair. So much for that love thing. Robert, your point is well taken. The Queen of Sheba is a good dhimmi because she realizes that Solomon will not be satisfied with the Biblical equivalent of a new iPod. Instead, since Solomon is a Muslim, her country will have to submit, she has to shave her legs and Solomon gains another girl friend.

This example repeats itself over and over again in Islamic history. No country can be left alone. Islam cannot "just get along" with others. And ladies - no hairy legs!

If you want to take control the future, first you must take control of the past.

We have adorned their vile deeds for them, by making such [deeds] seem sensuous so that they then deem them wholesome, and so they are bewildered, confused about why We deem these [deeds] to be vile.”

Wholesome? As set by the example of their prophet? LOL!
Let's see . . .muslim men can marry up to four women as long as they can properly provide for them. Yet, Muhammad had, let's see . . .
1.Khadija Bint Khuwailid
2.Sawda Bint Zam`a
3.A´isha Bint Abu Bakr
4.Hafsa Bint `Umar
5.Zainab Bint Khuzaima
6.Ummu Salama
7.Zainab Bint Jahsh
8.Juwairiyya Bint al-Harith
9.Safiyya Bint Huyay
10. Ummu Habiba
11. Maimuna Bint al-Harith

. . .not to mention the assortment of concubines female slaves, possessions of ol' Mo's right hand or Rayhana, one of the spoils of war from the tribe of the Banu Qurayza -- all to satiate this supposed prophet's personal lusts .

Wholesome or vile? Islam is such a pathetic load of contradictions as set by Muhammad, uswa hasana, al-insan al-kamil.

the site of jihade watch will have no future because our economies are booming , and peoples are tired of war in iraq afganistan... and there will be peace i think in future , muslims are focusing on economic development and industry to bring back a great civilisation , we wante to be the example of world as a civilisation , the prophet said : islam will reach every house in world ) , our love mohamed pbh , that teached us love , that gave wisdom , gave us every detail of how to live in this life , gave us every solutions for every problems ,... , there are thousands of books about prophet saying , how to live , how to eat , how to have bath , how to sleep , how deal with peoples , how praye , even when you date your wife this is a good work ( deed) god will reward you you of it : said our loved prophet , .. he teached us by deatails how to make our lives for god ! , narrated our lady aisha :( a day the prophet pbh entred my room , ... and just when he started kissing me ( dating ) , sudenly he asked me to allow him to praye the this night even i wanted to be near him (continuou dating him ) because he was the best thing in my life ! , he then started praying and crying all the night , repeating for all night , the god saying : the creation of universe and earth and night and day are a signs for best intelegent peoples that ... ) , . this is mohamed that teached us how to to praye 8 or 6 hours in the night and cry , that teached us how to love , how to love god ! , how to stand all night talking to your love , for your god , how fast 3 days each week as he did , how to patience for your love , for your god , this is our love mohamed that teached us ! , gave us heart peace , for your knowledg , the prophet prayed his nights standing longs hours until he became ill sick of his legs , for 20 years ! , this is the best human that teached me to praye all night and maked my heart cry while people are sleeping or drinking beer or busy with sex ! , this is mohamed that teached me , i never drink or listen music or smoke cegarette , never have a girl freind until marriage , my heart is full of love , god love ! that a teacher a great prophet teached me of it , therfore the peoples follow every deatails of mohamed life , mohamed style of wearing , mohamed clothes styles , mohamed eating style , mohamed sleeping styles , mohamed talking styles , mohamed walking style , mohamed prefred meal ,.... there are thousands of books about mohamed saying , and even when i wante to wash my hand or my head hair i should first look for mohamed style to do it ! , hi spencer , you can t resume a great religion in just war and fight ! , what u think of it , allah said :( in theire heart a sick , allah made them more sicks ) , i think more you hate mohamed more your heart are sick , ya robert spencer

"The hoopoe himself is a pious Muslim (v. 26)."

The hoopoe is a bird, right? An animal, right?

So, if I buy a big black dog, name it Mohammed, teach it to kneel toward Mecca on command (five times a day), and read the Qur'an to it, will my dog then be a Muslim, rather than najis? May I allow it into the house, then?

Should I ask an Imam about it?

"the site of jihade watch will have no future because our economies are booming , and peoples are tired of war in iraq afganistan... and there will be peace i think in future..."

O Pious Muslim: We know of your taqqiya and lies. We know of your stealth jihad. We know of your "womb jihad". We know of your "money jihad". We know of your Da'wa. We know that your Book tells you to "fight until all worship is for "Allah"."

Dude, we are so onto you! Peddle your papers where someone might buy them.

...gave us every solutions for every problems..."

Did he tell you what to do when your computer crashes?

Did he teach you how to change the oil in your car?

Did he teach you how to microwave food in a way that keeps it from drying out?

Did he teach you how to SCUBA dive?

Did he teach you how to avoid being shocked by electricity?

Did he advise you on which cable or satellite providers will offer you the best reception for your television?

Did he teach you how to farm catfish?

Did he teach you how to turn crude oil into usable petroleum?

Did he teach you...Ah, this is getting boring.

dear peoples , what you worship is just a human called jesus , god is not a human , god is greater then universe no thing like him , absolute no others gods oppose or equal him , the existance of 3 gods is impossible , the god must be absolute if there are 3 gods , this mean that there is no god att all because a god must be absolute , absolute do what he wante , no equal power can opose him , and absolute size place , so no place for others so called gods , first no thing before him , this mean if there are 2 only , so the first must be a creator , the seconde is just a created , you worship a created called jesus ! , god is also outer , outer of universe , no thing above him ......

Posted by: Abscedere at June 3, 2008 10:11 AM
what you know is just some appearance of this limited life! , and im engineer of electronics , what prophet said :(if you wante a best earth life so you must learn science , if you need herafter so you should also learn science .)
-the science mean 2 things : religions knowledge and science ( physic , math .. )
the schooler call it open book ( science of physic math ... ) and read book ( quran and prophet saying )
- prophet saying and quran are a science ! , prophet said : (scientist or schoolers will be in the best level of paradise in herafter with prophets )


Did Allah create life on Mars? If he did, why didn't he tell Mohammad?

So you love mohamed...isn't that a lot like idol worshipping? Shirk? I thought you said Allah comes first. I guess not, you love Mohamed. I suppose it is possible to love Allah and Mohammad at the same time, but to do so is shirk, and a great sin. There is only room for one on the throne of your love, and it ain't Mohamed...Better hit those books 'my love Mohamed', somewhere along the line you have misunderstood Islam, you have given Allah a partner, not Jesus, Mohamed...Allah is watching all this, taking notes, writing down names and addresses. He's making a list and checking it twice. He will find out who is naughty and who is nice...If I were you 'my love Mohamed', I would lay low until Allah leaves town...

FYI: Israel recently declared the hoopoe its national bird. Hoopoes figure in the plot of James Michener's "The Source" (which I wish more people would read.)

the Qur’an “makes things clear”

One of the greatest oxymoron's, and trouble maker, in world history.

The brainwashing and mindless drivel staggers the mind, doesn't it? ....sigh

Where to begin? First, with the ironies.....

my_love_mohamed states: "dear peoples , what you worship is just a human called jesus"

What was Muhammad, my love? A human. Muslims worship the ground that Muhammad walked on, so you certainly are one to talk about Christians worshipping Jesus.

Secondly, I want to address the misinformed statement about Jesus...

My love also stated: "god is not a human , god is greater then universe no thing like him , absolute no others gods oppose or equal him , the existance of 3 gods is impossible , the god must be absolute if there are 3 gods , this mean that there is no god att all because a god must be absolute , absolute do what he wante , no equal power can opose him , and absolute size place , so no place for others so called gods , first no thing before him , this mean if there are 2 only , so the first must be a creator , the seconde is just a created , you worship a created called jesus ! , god is also outer , outer of universe , no thing above him ......"

As a Christian, I have taken the time to study what it is about Muhammad & Islam that I disagree with before asserting my position on the subject; which brings me to a suggestion I have for you, my love. Before you assert your position on Jesus and the Trinity, you need to take the time to study what it is that Christians believe and WHY they believe it before asserting your position, because it is very clear that you are only repeating what you've been taught to believe in about Christ.

That being said, may I suggest studying through this link so you will be better informed and prepared to know EXACTLY what it is that you disagree with, rather than simply disagree with Jesus as God and the Christian Trinity out of hand:

Here is an excerpt from the above link:

"Allah is Not the God of the Bible"

"Muslims believe that there is no other God besides Allah and that he is the God of the universe. They claim that not only is he their God, but that he is the God of the Jews, the Christians and everyone else. When examining the profile of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and comparing it with Allah’s profile, there are a number of distinct differences between them that can only result in one conclusion: These profiles simply do not match! Allah is NOT the God of the Bible!"

"The Islamic faith, through the teachings of Muhammad, asserts that Allah is God and attempt to place him within the confines of the Holy Scriptures. When the Bible contradicts their teachings, they allege that it is flawed, has been tampered with, and has many errors. They further claim that the Koran, through the teachings of their prophet Muhammad, corrects them. However, it has already been established that Muhammad was both a false prophet and teacher. Therefore, Islam’s allegations are unsupported, baseless and without merit."

"There are a number of major differences between the God of the Bible and Allah. This chapter will focus upon five reasons why they are not the same. According to the Holy Scriptures, the God of the Bible is the one true God while Allah is a false god."

Posted by: champ at June 3, 2008 1:39 PM , ok very good , my english is very weak but you can undertand the meaning ,of course god of islam is deferent of the trinity gods , you said it thank you , islam is a pure monothism christianity is just a coumpound between roman paganism and monothism of prophet jesus pbuh , they roman worshiped mother godess and father god and sistre god ... , affected the original christianity ( monothism ) , im just taliking with u by logic that the existance of 3 gods is impossible from the absolute point view ( size , place , time , outer inner , power , ...) before worship god you must see what is the defenetion of your god , hindu also worship god , they believe that god can be a cow a river ... , therfore they worship rivers cows ... , budhiste also worship god , they believe that the man called budha is also a flesh of god , same as you christian with jesus do , god defined him self in koran , that no thing like him , outer then universe , absolute, perfect ( never sleep ,or be tired , or be killed by a jew .. ) , what u worship is jesus is inner inside universe , but god is absolute can t be inside a created or smaller then a created ( earth, universe) ,
- place : like you say there are 3 rooms of same size inside 1 room of same size , this is impossible , because god size is only no thing above him where god is so there will be no even small cm of vacuum to others so called gods ( jesus , spirit .. )
- time : god is first no thing before him never move ( allah said : the static ( dont move ) , because he is every where and in every space and earea and no eara no vacuum surounding him ! never depend time

scientific miracle of ko ran , scientific evidance and koran , as a proof for infidels , see the proofs by photos and judge yourself

my love, you could also argue in favor of the Trinity by pointing to something as simple and ordinary as an 'egg'. The egg has three separate parts, so it isn't impossible, as you allege, to house 3 persons within God's Room (using your analogy); since the egg is comprised of a shell, the yolk, and the white. By remove any one of these parts, and cannot have an egg.

In the same way, God has a Son, who is Christ Jesus, and His Holy Spirit, which moves on mens hearts. This is not impossible, my love, but completely plausable and true.

....plausable and true for the Christian, that is. I realize that you do not see God in this manner, but now you can better understand how a Christian can easily embrace a Three-In-One-God.

My bad English, too: "By remove any one of these parts, and cannot have an egg."

Should say..."By removing any one of these parts, then you cannot have an egg."

you seem to be awomen thinking by your feeling not logic , but there aren t 3 eggs in 1 eggs , the shell yolk and white are just a part of egg but they are not egg , because egg is containing the 3 , the shell is just a shell not egg , jesus is just jesus not god , and for your knowledg god is 1 unity can t be subdevided , if you lose your leg , your leg is just a part of your body not your body , by worshiping jesus you are worshiping a part of your god if you believe that jesus is a part of god so he is not god , this mean you dont worship god , if you worship jesus as god , so you worship a god inside a god impossible ! , what i can tell you god is not egg , god is 1 unity can t subdiveded or create others gods inside him or with him or beside him , because god is a creator not a created , the cr eated can never be god , because i told you god is absolute never existe a yolk or a shell that can defy his power , you are 1 women 1 personality , never accept other personality with you or inside you , how can you more intelegent then you egg gods , if god the father wante u hell , the son wante you paradise what happen , god is absolute dont tell me compromise ... ,
-jesus is not a son but a created , a son come from an animal sexuel relation between 2 animals , but god dont need sex to have jesus , he just created jesus by the word to be like he created adam , universe ... , why you dont worship adam , why you dont worship universe .... , your egg god is funny!
- jesus is small size ( size of human ) of an atom camparing earth size , the earth is just an atome camparing universe size , god is greater then universe , so how can be the egg gods existe , the god must not be inside a created or smaller then a created
god must be outer no vacuum surounding him no thing greater then him , therfore we say allah akber = allah is the greatest

"you seem to be awomen thinking by your feeling not logic , but there aren t 3 eggs in 1 eggs"

I did not state that there are 3 eggs in 1 egg.

Please read my comment again, as I stated that there are 3 PARTS to an egg: the shell, the yolk & the white. Those 3 parts make up one egg - that's what I stated.

And what part of what I stated shows "feeling"? My previous comment presented facts about an egg, not my feelings on the subject.

Don't you understand the difference between facts and feelings?

Bye my love - I would rather bang my head against a wall than attempt reasoning with the likes of you - a fool who cannot even read my comments correctly. Have a nice brainwashed day.


My man, of all your poor "misunderstandings" of your unholy book, I can overlook as entertainment, you know, comedy value.

But the most offensive, foulest, dirtiest, nastiest thing you said was this:

allah akber = allah is the greatest

Please, please, please..we beg of you...keep your filthy connotations of the moon-rock idol allah to yourself!

Good day! I am go to do a 'champ' and beat my head on the nearest concrete wall!

Ha Ha, Boneshack! Actually, I borrowed that slogan from you, as I seem to recall your using that 'wall' for said purposes yourself! LOL! I mean, there comes a point when you have to ask yourself, WHAT'S the point? ....groan!

This goes against my better judgment but I will take a crack at it.

Hey my_love_mohamed, forget the egg and think of it the way a Baptist minister once explained it to me. God is like water. Water can be ice, liquid, or steam. 3 different "things," but it is still water. Father, Son, Holy Spirt. It still the same thing. One God. Get it now?

I know you should not put all your eggs in one basket.........

I know you should not put all your eggs in one basket.........

Re. Islam, and female body hair, here's a fascinating passage from Geraldine Brooks' 'Nine Parts of Desire':

"At first, I'd naively assumed that hijab would at least free women from the tyranny of the beauty industry. But at the Iranian {Muslim} Women's Conference, locked up day and night with a handful of Muslim radicals, I soon learned I'd been mistaken.

"I'd asked Hamideh to arrange a meeting for me with the women of Lebanon's Hezbollah...I wanted to ask about [Terry] Anderson,...To meet the women said to be married to his captors seemed like the best chance I'd ever have to get information for his desperate family.

"In the end, I learned nothing about his plight, but meeting the women {i.e. the Hezbollah wives} was instructive in other ways. They invited me to join them that evening for tea in their suite, provided that I promised not to name them in any articles I wrote.
"When the door opened to my knock, I thought I had the wrong room. The woman in front of me had frosted blond hair streaming to her waist. She wore a silk negligee with a deep-plunge neckline. On the bed behind her, another woman lay languidly in a bust-hugging slit-sided scarlet satin nightgown.


"It was, they explained, sunnat, or Islamically recommended, for married women to remove all body hair every twenty days. The traditional depilatory was a paste of sugar and lemon that tugged the hair out at the roots {OUCH!! Yet another great reason for NOT becoming a Muslim.} Muslim men, they said, also should remove their body hair. For men, the recommended time between depilation is forty days."

(from Nine Parts of Desire (Anchor Books paperback edition, 1995), pp. 26-27.

Gee - talk about obsessive micro-management of people's lives.

Myself, I find the sharia idea that adult women should NEVER have any perceptible body hair (together with the total obsession with COVERING their head hair, in public) really, really creepy. It kind of fits in with Aisha and child marriage - because, of course, a pre-pubescent girl has no pubic or underarm hair, so to demand that adult women keep those areas hair-free is to demand that adult women mimic a pre-pubescent girl...

Of course, other cultures do the de-hairing bit to varying degrees - e.g. ancient Greek women plucked out their pubic hair (OUCH!), as is clear from some passages in Aristophanes' 'Lysistrata' - and modern western women shave legs and underarms and some even go for 'bikini wax' jobs, but far as I know, only Islam makes complete body hairlessness a religious obligation.

There are passages in St Paul's letters that talk about head coverings and women's head hair, and hair length (for men), but the Christian scriptures simply are NOT INTERESTED in what happens to pubic hair and underarm hair, or leg hair, or chest hair, or even beards. It isn't mentioned. One is perfectly free to do whatever one chooses to do about it.

I know Judaism has a few rules about head hair - e.g. the side-locks worn by males in some groups - and I know that Yemeni Jewish women seem to have practised the same form of depilation as Arab Muslim women (was it originally a pre-Islamic custom?) but can some Jewish reader please enlighten us as to whether Judaism, classic rabbinic Judaism, takes any kind of interest at all in what adults do to their underarm hair, leg hair, and pubic hair?

I have had a Very Bad Thought.

The lady who told Geraldine Brooks that women were supposed to completely remove all body hair every twenty days, and men, to do likewise, every forty days, was a Hezbollah Wife.

So I assume that every forty days Hassan Nasrallah smears himself all over with a paste made of lemon juice and sugar and RIIIPS off all that hair...ARRGH! YEOW! OOOH! EEEH! (Unless he cheats, and uses an Epi-Pen. Or does he visit a waxing salon?). And one must assume the other Hezbollah Men do likewise.

Where is the wicked, wicked Infidel cartoonist who will produce for all of us other infidels an animated cartoon featuring 'The Pious Hassan Nasrallah and His Heroic Companions at the Waxing Salon, Having Their Pubic Hair, Underarm Hair, Leg Hair and Chest Hair Removed According to the Sunnat of the Prophet...'.

A question.

I'd like to be able to compare this sura of the Qur'an - or at least the portion of it that deals with Solomon and the Queen of Sheba - with the Jewish account of Solomon and the Queen.

I know the biblical story of their meeting (1 Kings 10: 1-13) and none of this even remotely matches it, not least because after paying the king a formal diplomatic visit she...goes back home, end of story.

But I also know that there are extra-Biblical Jewish, and also Christian Ethiopian, stories about Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, that are far older than Islam.

Can anyone give us a link to, say, the primary Jewish version of the Solomon-Queen of Sheba legend?

If we have the Jewish original then we can see exactly how 'mohammed', or whoever it was that produced the Qur'an, has reshaped the story, which will give us a clearer sense of what's going on in this sura.

(Just like, if you're studying Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida, it's handy to be able to compare it with Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde; or if reading Chaucer's version, it helps to know the Boccaccio story of which it is, in essence, a subtle remaking).

This goes against my better judgment but I will take a crack at it.

Hey my_love_mohamed, forget the egg and think of it the way a Baptist minister once explained it to me. God is like water. Water can be ice, liquid, or steam. 3 different "things," but it is still water. Father, Son, Holy Spirt. It still the same thing. One God. Get it now?

Posted by: dentalque at June 3, 2008 8:58 PM
very good , the women called champ is worshiping egg and worship the yolk and shell and white , she think that god is more stupide then a women , why , because he have not a personal identity , she worship god but in same time worship jesus and worship an angel called sperit , she think that god is like an egg , inside him others gods that we should worship , so what is the identity of her god , what is personal identity of her god , she dont know , what make a god create or accept others god sharing his identity and his power , in the same time she dont know if jesus is god or a part of god ? , if you worship a part of god , that make u funny ! ,
-you worship a water god , hindu worship cows , rivers , .. , they think the same by your logic that god can be a river or a cow , therfore they worship cows ... ,
-if you believe that jesus is just another form of god or god transformed him self to be an angel or to be a human ,even this is impossible by the absolute point view and defenetion of what god is , but let say it is true , in this case you should worship only god not jesus or spirit , if you worship 3 gods you are a pagan , if water ice existe in same time this mean there are a enough vaccum for them , and know you worship god and jesus , water and steam , can be deferent and existing in same time in deferent place , so by this logic you worship 2 gods or 3 , the existance of 3 gods is impossible for logic raison : will be conflict of power between them ... , no enough space erea for 3 gods ,,
if not you just worship god and forget about jesus and spirit
-the god as defined by logic and by quran is absolute never move or be transformed or changed or be changed or be surounded by others or be surounded by vacuum or be smaller then a created , or be inside a created , never like a created , no thing like him
never depend time , never be tired or sleep
or eat ... ,
water is just a created depending time , water affacted by time become ice , glorify to allah , allah never be changed he is absolute , never depend time , to become jesus the human , or jesus the pecture , because transformarion or movement are the characterestics of createds , and god is perfect from begening and for ever without limits ,the fact that you accept that god moved or be changed make your god not perfect and not absolute and became a created surounded by vacuum like a human in earth smaller then earth moving inside earth , go from a house to another house invite people for faith , need 2 hours to sleep , need hours to walk .... , simply became depending to time ! what a funny god you worship , if you accept that god depending time so i will ask you , time is just a created , created by god , and god never be depend to a created , and depending to earth land when he walk , land also is a created ...... , therfore you should read phelosophy before talking to me , to undetand the meaning of words like absolute , perfect , outer , never move ... defined by him self in quran !

mlm- phelosophy before talking to me, to undetand the meaning of words like absolute , perfect , outer , never move ...

I have a word for you, METAPHOR. Look it up. People have been nice here to you here, trying to explain it.

....defined by him self in quran !

Incorrect, sounds like you mean Mohumud. Should be Him or God or Allah or if you have actually read the Qur'an it is usually written "We" if you mean God. Say doesn't We imply more than one?

No one is blinder than he who WILL NOT learn or see. Like I stated, it was against my better judgment to engage you. Good luck, you win. Your arguments are better. This is the last you will hear directly from me. Go be a troll on some other site.


Since metaphors do not work for you, try science. Water CAN exist in 3 phases at once, check it out, it is called the triple point.

Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Get it now?

What do you get when you put an egg & water together and stir them up over an open flame? Scrambled eggs of course!

So by your moronic reasoning, quarter-wit, we worship the Scrambled-Eggs-God, right? Yeah, spread the word and tell all of your spongebrained friends, that we worship the Scrambled-Eggs-God, since they must be as stupid as you are. Gee, no wonder you guys believe in Muhammad, Allah and the Qur'an. It's no friggin' wonder!!!

Oh wait - No - that description reminds me more of that demonic-duo, Muhammad & Allah, since they turn ones mind into scrambled particle board, as demonstrated by the lovely, but not so talented, mlm. You are the one who worships the Scrambled-Eggs-God. Whodda' thunk!

Quick note, really non-essential:

The part about Moses' hand being turned white, but with no mention of leprosy is because Muhammad would have been familiar with the story through the Septuagint, the Greek version of the Holy Scriptures, via Eastern Christians. The Septuagint states that Moses' hand "became as snow," with no mention of leprosy. It is the Masoretic, the Hebrew version of the Scriptures that Westerners are familiar with, which adds "with leprosy."

MLM: Please explain to me a couple of things.

If the Jews and the Christians corrupted the Scriptures, how come the Christians and Jews wrangle over the same Old Testament? Also, why do the various sects of Christians wrangle over the same New Testament? Don't tell me that they've got different ones, for I've read different Bible translations of the Jews, Roman Catholics, Greek Orthodox, and Protestants, and can see how they all come from the same Hebrew Old Testament and same Greek New Testament.

Why, they're so scrupulous about the text that the Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, and Anglicans keep a plurality of bishops at the beginning of the Letter to the Philippians, even though it strikes at the heart of their hierarchical structures. It's one that may sneering scoffer/scroner (see Psalm 1) friends can't explain, either. Maybe a Muslim can?


Your response is perfectly understandable and appreciated by all of us, but be assured, you are wasting your time with this troll.

... he teached us by deatails how to make our lives for god !

Our islamic electrical engineer probably can't spell his own name.

But he is fun to play with!

"Our islamic electrical engineer probably can't spell his own name."

Of this I have no doubt - especially since he can't even spell "mohamed" correctly.

Hello!! It's spelled: MOHAMMAD

Even we Infidels know that!


I was re-reading the last few posts, I spelled Mohammad wrong, too. I guess that is why I will always be an infidel. Nice try with the egg metaphor, I tried the same thing with water.

I can look past the poor English as he stated that his English is not very good. It is obvious it is not his first language. There are some people who will not engage in civil debate.

Hi, Dentalque! I didn't even catch your spelling error, so no worries there. But I did like how you pointed out that we were simply using a "metaphor" to explain the concept of the Trinity, and that we werent't being literal in what we were saying. Yeah, the day I worship an egg-god, or you are worshipping a water-god, is the day that we should both be put in straight jackets, right?! Ha Ha!!

I have had several exchanges with other Muslims with varying writing abilities, and even though I may have had some difficulty in communicating with them, nothing comes close to dialoguing with this clown! He is obviously messing with us, because I find it hard to believe that he could be so stupid; or maybe he is that stupid, God only knows. Oh well, it's all in a days work on Jihad Watch, as they just seem to come out of the woodwork, don't they? ....sigh

Take care.



See you on some other posts.

Don't feed the trolls!

I'll try! I have the same trouble at the zoo when signs say, "Dont Feed The Monkeys", it's everything I can do NOT to feed them. :-D

See ya around!

she and her people are deceived by Satan and worship the sun (v. 24)

Better the sun, which gives life, than the cresent moon, which does not.

Better the sun than the trinity
of allah, Mohammad and the cresent moon.