J Street

The new address for Middle East peace and security

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Our Full-Page Ad in the New York Times

Take Action Posted: Mar 22, 2010

J Street ran a full-page ad in the New York Times on Monday to get our pro-Israel, pro-peace message out at this critical time for Israel, the US, and the future of a two-state solution. Click the image on the right to download a PDF of the ad. 

For those coming to our website for the first time or just first hearing about J Street, check out what we're all about on our About Us and Statement of Principles pages. Join us by signing up to receive J Street emails here.

[Download a PDF of the ad.]
[View the full text of the ad.]
[NEW POLL: US Jews Continue to Support Obama's Push for Two States, Back Strong US Engagement]
[40,000 actions in support of strong US-Israel friendship that is a two-way street.]

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40,000 Actions in Support of the Obama Administration

Take Action Posted: Mar 16, 2010

The pro-Israel, pro-peace movement is stepping up strong this week, sending over 40,000 messages to the White House and Congress in support of the Obama Administration's strong leadership in the Middle East.

On Monday, J Street leadership delivered over 18,000 signatures to White House officials demonstrating that large numbers of pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans agree with the Vice President when he says "sometimes only a friend can deliver the hardest truth," and urging the Administration to turn this crisis into an opportunity for progress on two states.

And now we're continuing to show Congress the deep support in our community for the Administration's leadership, sending over 25,000 messages to the Hill in the campaign's first few days.

Click here to contact your representatives to voice your support for the Administration's strong stand and urge them to turn this crisis into an opportunity.

Additional Resources:
[J Street Statement on Escalation of US-Israel Tensions]
[J Street Media Coverage: VP Biden's Visit and East Jerusalem Construction]
[Petition to White House: A Wake Up Call in Jerusalem]

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From our Word on the Street blog More Articles

NEW POLL: American Jews Continue to Support Obama Push for Two-State Solution, Back Strong U.S. Engagement

A new J Street poll shows overwhelming support among American Jews for the Obama administration's assertive engagement in the Middle East, even if it means publicly disagreeing with the parties.

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J Street Applauds Secretary Clinton's Remarks At AIPAC

J Street Executive Director Jeremy Ben-Ami applauded Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's Monday remarks at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

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• The J Street Education Fund – a 501(c)(3) organization for education and outreach, includes the J Street U campus initiative and J Street Local, J Street's national field program.
Contact J Street at info [at] jstreet [dot] org or at (202) 596-5207 or P.O. Box 66073, Washington DC 20035. Contact JStreetPAC at info [at] jstreetpac [dot] org.

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