Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Airport Musing

Let's see, they make you dispose of your drink before going through security. On the other side sodas cost almost four bucks. I see a pattern there . . .

Monday, March 15, 2010

I'm digging up all the trees in my yard . . .

. . . and replacing them with boxthorn trees as fast as I can.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Don't look now . . .

. . . but Gilad Atzmon is currently trying on Holocaust Denial to see if it matches his eyes. It's you, Gilad!

Radiantly brilliant Tom Friedman column

Tom Friedman has just published his masterpiece. It purports to be about how Joe Biden should have walked away from Israel in order to pressure the recalcitrant Zionist entity into taking advantage of the great present opportunity for peace, in which even Hamas "has halted its attacks on Israel from Gaza." In reality it is a very clever plan to end Yankee Imperialist meddling in the GZP, the Grand Zionist Plan. Don't do it, Joe! Don't throw us in the briar patch!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

What's new at

I have been interested in MPAC-UK (Muslim Public Affairs Committee) for some time as a sort-of window into the clash of civilizations. They have a blog-like website in which half the posts are often attacks on Israel and one of their founders once gave money to David Irving. Nevertheless, they were once invited by the BBC to provide a more democracy-minded alternative voice to that of Hizb ut-Tahrir.

Recently, an Irish MPAC has appeared on the scene. The website seems to be modeled on that of MPAC-UK., however, seems more extreme than its UK sister-organization. Their posts, for instance, are often liberally sprinkled with the word "Kuffar," which MPAC-UK seems to avoid. Let's take a little stroll into the world of, shall we? One of the more interesting current titles proclaims "Saudis Help Christians to be more ‘Christian.’" Really? How does that work?

[...] The Saudi ban on ‘church buildings’ has meant that Christians in that land have now partly returned to the New Testament model of worship (they still maintain many polytheist practices that have nothing to do with the religion that ‘Isa (Jesus) brought) in the same way that the early Christians did, in small joyful gatherings.

Islam has once again demonstrated its position as the true criterion between what is right and wrong in the former religions. [...]
If you say so. Another post is about what will happen to cartoonist Lars Vilks in the after-life (see here for background):
[...] The punishment for mocking the Prophet in an Islamic state is severe, both for Muslims and non-Muslims. However the situation for those in the Hereafter is far worse.

For while the Muslim who commits the grievous sin may repent, s/he will still be subject to execution in this life – their repentance will benefit them in the Hereafter. There is no such recompense for the non-Muslim. [...]
And finally, a post about how shameful it is that it takes a Socialist organization to hold a protest on behalf of Aafia Siddiqui:
[...] What is wrong with Muslims that the Kuffar have now become the protectors of the Ummah’s most vulnerable. Where are the men who once went to war over the honour of ONE Muslim woman?

Last year we subjected ourselves to Socialists who led anti-war marches against the onslaught in Gaza, they called for a socialist Middle east while Muslims were forbidden to chant our solidarity with those fighting the aggressive occupier in our land. What is wrong with us?

It’s time to wake up and take a lead in these matters, if conscientious non-Muslims wish to come under OUR banner then they are most welcome, but it is WE who should dictate the direction of campaigns NOT them.
Show those Noam Chomsky types who's boss!

Crossposted on Soccer Dad

Musical performance "reflected . . . militant stamina of the KPA"

Another one of those art performances in which the song titles are hard to distinguish from the news agency headlines. "A Thriving Nation Is in Sight," declares one of them. Yeah, right. According to another one, "Mass-production of Vinalon" is "a Sign of Happiness." Vinalon, in case you don't know, is the official Juche synthetic fabric. According to Wikipedia, "Vinalon is resistant to heat and chemicals but has numerous disadvantages: it is stiff, uncomfortable, shiny, prone to shrinking and difficult to dye." It's a sign of happiness, nevertheless, vile Imperialists!

General Secretary Kim Jong Il enjoyed a performance given by the KPA Song and Dance Ensemble.

Put on the stage were such colorful numbers as mixed chorus "Glory to General", male chorus "Appearing in the East and in the West, It's the Anti-Japanese Guerilla Style", female quartet "Push Back the Frontiers of Science", female solo and chorus "Mass-production of Vinalon, a Sign of Happiness", kayagum ensemble "Thinking of Journeys for Songun Leadership", dance "We Are Defenders and Builders of a Thriving Nation" and mixed chorus "A Thriving Nation Is in Sight".

The performers enthusiastically sang of the might of the heroic KPA which has grown to be a matchless army under the care of the great brilliant commander and the indefatigable stamina of Songun Korea and fully demonstrated the rock-firm faith and indomitable will of the army and people of the DPRK to accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche, following the Party forever.

At the end of the performance, Kim Jong Il acknowledged the enthusiastic cheers of the performers and audience and congratulated the performers on their successful performance.

Expressing great satisfaction over the fact that the artistes of the ensemble gave a splendid performance rich in ideological contents and high in artistry as it fully reflected the noble ideological and moral world and the militant stamina of the KPA, he highly estimated the success made in the performance and extended thanks to them.

The ensemble has powerfully encouraged the army and people of the DPRK in the revolution and construction through its revolutionary and militant art creative activities in the past, he said, once again highly appreciating its great feats.

He advanced important tasks that would serve as guidelines for the revolutionary art creation and performing activities. [...]
The latest editions of Haveil Havalim are "rich in ideological contents and high in artistry."

Sunday, March 07, 2010

JPost: "‘Hamas losing control over Strip’"

A current item at JPost has the hopeful title "‘Hamas losing control over Strip.'" Are people getting fed up with Hamas? Maybe, but that isn't what the title refers to. It just seems that the thugs are competing for power:

Ahmed Ja’abri, commander of Hamas' armed wing, Izaddin al-Kassam, recently sent an urgent letter to Hamas leader in Damascus Khaled Masha’al, warning that the situation in the Gaza Strip was “deteriorating,” and that Hamas has started losing control over the territory, London-based Arab-language newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat reported on Saturday morning. [...]

According to the report, Ja’abri wrote Mahsa’al that “several worrisome explosions recently occurred in Gaza, security anarchy is extensive, and al-Kassam men are being killed.” [...]

The paper quoted Palestinian sources as saying that Hamas operatives who oppose Haniyeh were behind the attacks. Others suggested that the explosions were carried out by fundamentalist Islamic jihad groups.
Besides Hamas, I assume that means.

Monday, March 01, 2010

Ahmadinejad: "World is flabbergasted at Iran’s grandeur"

Mehr News:

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said that Iran’s grandeur has astounded the world.

Those who thought that the Iranian nation’s power has been undermined are now astounded by its grandeur, he said in a gathering of provincial governors in Tehran on Monday.

He also pointed out that the current unity among the Iranian nation is unique.

"The national cohesion and the unity which is currently dominant in our country is much more that the last years," he said.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Ahmadinejad emphasized that no one should attempt to classify the people into groups because “the nation consists of 70 million believers and supporters of the system." [...]
You'll be flabbergasted at the grandeur of the latest Haveil Havalim.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Strangely prescient Purim Motown-parody anticipates remarks by Rav Yosef

Ynetnews presents some timely remarks from towering Torah scholar Rabbi Ovadia Yosef:

Shas' spiritual leader, Rabbi Ovadia, Yosef said Saturday evening that "drunkenness is an abominable and nefarious act" and that in Purim one must drink very little wine, only as a symbolic act to remember Ahasuerus' feast – without getting intoxicated.

In his weekly sermon Saturday eve, Yosef said, "Haman was intoxicated, but we must act with good manners." The rabbi recommended drinking until one falls asleep – a situation in which one does not distinguish between 'Haman the agitate' and 'Mordechai the blessed'."

"A man that is drunk – what good is he?" wondered Rabbi Yosef . . .
I actually created this parody last year, but "what good" indeed?

Barf! huh, yeah
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Barf! huh, yeah
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Say it again, y'all

Barf! huh, Gevalt!
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Listen to me

Ohhh, Barf, I reprove
Because it means destruction
Of innocent booze

Barf means tears
When mothers view the muddle
With their sons face down
In a single-malt puddle

I said, Barf! huh
Gevalt, y'all
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Say it again

Barf! Gevalt!
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Listen to me

Barf! it ain't nothing
But a tragedy
Barf, friend only to the distillery
Ooooh, Barf
It's an enemy to all Yid-kind
The point of barf blows my mind
Barf has caused unrest
Within the younger generation
Engorgement then disgorgement
Who wants to barf
Aaaaah, barf-huh
Gevalt y'all
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Say it, say it, say it
Barf! huh
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Listen to me

Barf, huh, yeah
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Barf, huh, yeah
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Say it again y'all
Barf! huh, Gevalt
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Listen to me

Barf, it ain't nothing but bad for Jewry
Barf, it's got one friend
That's the brewery
Ooooh, barf has shattered
Many a young man's seuda
Made him discolored, bitter and putrid
Purim is much too short and precious
To spend unconscious these days
Barf can't give simcha
It can only take it away

Ooooh, Barf! huh
Gevalt y'all
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Say it again

Barf, whoa, Gevalt
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Listen to me

Barf, it ain't nothing but bad for Jewry
Barf, friend only to the brewery
Simcha, joy and moderation
Tell me, is there no place for them today
They say we must binge to have our simchah
Hashem knows there's got to be a better way

Ooooooh, Barf! huh
Gevalt y'all
What is it good for
You tell me
Say it, say it, say it, say it

Barf, huh
Gevalt y'all
What is it good for
Stand up and shout it

Even Rav Yosef lets you drink enough to fall asleep. Judeopundit recommends saying some lechaims in the spirit of fun and moderation and keeping down your Seudas Purim.

Freilechen Purim!

Crossposted on Soccer Dad