US LEGAL NEWSRSS feed for JURIST - Paper Chase

US defense secretary announces stricter measures for expelling gays from military

[JURIST] US Defense Secretary Robert Gates on Thursday announced changes to the enforcement [press release] of the Don't Ask Don't, Tell [10 USC § 654 text; JURIST news archive] policy to make it more difficult to expel openly gay service members from the... [full story]

US, Russia reach nuclear non-proliferation agreement to be signed in April

[JURIST] The US and Russia reached an agreement Wednesday to reduce nuclear arms, marking the first such agreement between the two nuclear powers in nearly two decades. According to an anonymous Kremlin spokesperson, the two countries have come to an.... [more]
Federal judge rules US may continue holding Yemeni Guantanamo detainee
2:12 PM ET
Supreme Court stays execution of condemned Texas inmate seeking DNA test
12:58 PM ET
Federal judge lifts Noriega extradition stay
9:07 AM ET
Federal judge strikes down Texas city immigrant housing ordinance
7:20 AM ET

RSS feed for legal news
Philippines court orders arrest of 189 for November massacre
3:43 PM ET
US, Russia reach nuclear non-proliferation agreement to be signed in April
2:15 PM ET
Federal judge rules US may continue holding Yemeni Guantanamo detainee
2:12 PM ET
US Senate passes health care reconciliation bill, sends to House for final vote
2:06 PM ET
UN Secretary-General calls for eradication of modern slavery
12:20 PM ET
UN rights council adopts resolutions criticizing Israel
12:00 PM ET
Federal judge lifts Noriega extradition stay
9:07 AM ET
EU proposes simplified international divorce laws
8:57 AM ET
France to propose law banning full face veil in public: Sarkozy
8:29 AM ET
Russia lower house approves bill to ban pre-trial detention for financial crimes
7:42 AM ET

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OP-EDS RSS feed for JURIST - Forum

Supervising Intelligence: A Checked and Balanced Approach to National Security

V. Hansen/L. Friedman
New England School of Law

Sovereignty, Atrocities and Accountability

Laurie Blank, Emory Law
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COMMENTS RSS feed for JURIST - Hotline

Guantanamo detainee?s release highlights failure of enhanced interrogation policy3/25
Daphne Eviatar [Senior Associate, Human Rights First]: "There may be no better example of why so-called "enhanced interrogation techniques" are a bad idea than the case of Mohamedou Ould Slahi, who a judge on Monday ordered released after seven years in US custody.Prosecutors once insisted that Slahi was "the highest value detainee at Guantanamo Bay," a key al-Qaeda leader involved in plotting ...." [more]
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WASHINGTON DC: Oral Arguments at the Supreme Court3/15
Zach Mueller, Pitt Law '12, recently attended oral arguments in the case of Humanitarian Law Project v. Holder at the US Supreme Court in Washington, DC. He shares his thoughts on the experience...The red velvet curtain parted, and Chief Justice John Roberts emerged from the narrow opening behind the elevated bench, prepared to hear the oral arguments for each party. I instinctively closed my ...." [more]
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ANALYSIS RSS feed for JURIST - Annotations

The Lisbon Treaty1/25
JURIST Guest Analyst Andreas R. Ziegler is the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law and Criminal Sciences and a Professor of Law at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland. He was a Visiting Professor at University of Pittsburgh School of Law in 2009. His papers are available on SSRN. On 1 December 2009, the Lisbon Treaty ...." [more]
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Scottsboro Boys arrested

On March 25, 1931, nine black teenagers were arrested in Paint Rock, Alabama for allegedly raping two white women. Twelve days later, the young men were put on trial in the nearby town of Scottsboro. After numerous the proceedings culminated in two landmark decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court, Powell v. Alabama and Norris v. Alabama. Ultimately, the death sentences issued by the jury were ...." [more]
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