Kamangir (Archer)

December 7, 2009

The land of Goder and Ferfer, blogging with a Persian accent

Filed under: Article — Kamangir @ 10:05 pm

This is the title of an article I wrote for DW-World about the Persian Blogosphere. Read the article in English here and in Persian here.

November 12, 2009

Blog.Persian, The Empty Half – My Presentation at CPH:DOX

Filed under: media — Kamangir @ 4:06 pm

November 2, 2009

And again, hopefully!

Filed under: Personal — Kamangir @ 8:17 am

September 20, 2009

Controversial Poll by World Pubic Opinion: Ahmadinejad is Legitimate

Filed under: Iran — Kamangir @ 11:55 am

June 27, 2009

Statement by a group of Iranian bloggers about the Presidential elections and the subsequent events

Filed under: Iran — Kamangir @ 10:00 am

June 26, 2009

Did Ahmadinejad kill Michael Jackson?

Filed under: Iran — Kamangir @ 12:20 am

June 25, 2009

Solidarity with Iran: Human Chain – Toronto

Filed under: Iran — Kamangir @ 11:12 pm

Quick Update

Filed under: Personal — Kamangir @ 11:05 pm

March 31, 2009

“We Need to Talk”, My Article in Gozaar

Filed under: Iran — Kamangir @ 8:28 pm

March 22, 2009

No More Martyrs

Filed under: Iranian Bloggers — Kamangir @ 1:43 pm

March 21, 2009

Thank You President Obama, or They like it Tough

Filed under: Iran, US, Video of the Day — Kamangir @ 2:52 pm

February 23, 2009

“Persian blogs on Bluehost will be going down”

Filed under: Blogging, Iran, Iranian Bloggers — Kamangir @ 7:04 am

January 20, 2009

Will FriendFeed Recognize Nowruz?

Filed under: Iranian Bloggers — Kamangir @ 8:12 pm

January 18, 2009

Khavaran Cemetery: The Testimony to Brutality has to be preserved

Filed under: Iran — Kamangir @ 9:32 pm

Excerpt: Bombs don’t “help” anymore

Filed under: Excerpts — Kamangir @ 7:13 pm

January 17, 2009

Excerpt: More Sex Is Safer Sex – Chapter One

Filed under: Excerpts — Kamangir @ 9:58 pm

Excerpt: Are you anti-revolution as well?

Filed under: Excerpts — Kamangir @ 1:17 am

January 16, 2009

Excerpt: Feed Counter, Nine Days and No Change

Filed under: Excerpts — Kamangir @ 5:18 pm

Excerpts from a Persian Blog

Filed under: Excerpts — Kamangir @ 5:13 pm

December 26, 2008

“Al Maliki witnesses another shoe tossed for Bush”

Filed under: Picture of the Day — Kamangir @ 8:25 pm

December 18, 2008

New Digital Police to Establish in Iran

Filed under: Blogging, Human Rights, Iran, Islamic Republic, Picture of the Day — Kamangir @ 9:18 pm

Video of the Day: Modesty is the Cover

Filed under: Human Rights, Iran, Islamic Republic, Video of the Day — Kamangir @ 1:08 am

Letter in Defense of Hossein Derakhshan (Hoder)

Filed under: Human Rights, Iran — Kamangir @ 12:43 am

December 12, 2008

The Shah is Gone, Why Hoder’s arrest doesn’t matter

Filed under: Blogging, Iran, Islamic Republic — Kamangir @ 6:03 pm

December 10, 2008

The Iranian Brand of Islam: Why they consider us Infidels

Filed under: Iran, Islam — Kamangir @ 2:08 pm
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