Kamangir (Archer)

March 31, 2009

“We Need to Talk”, My Article in Gozaar

Filed under: Iran — Kamangir @ 8:28 pm

After Bluehost suspended a number of Persian blogs (see: “Persian blogs on Bluehost will be going down”), I wrote this short article for Gozaar. The article jut got published:

We Need to Talk!

On the Suspension of Persian Blogs by the Hosting Company Bluehost

Seinfeld’s George Costanza once said “we need to talk” is “the worst four words in the English language.” Some of the people who comment on our Persian blogs—though not particularly fond of the “perverted” Western culture—do share the same viewpoint with Mr. Costanza.


March 22, 2009

No More Martyrs

Filed under: Iranian Bloggers — Kamangir @ 1:43 pm

March 21, 2009

Thank You President Obama, or They like it Tough

Filed under: Iran, US, Video of the Day — Kamangir @ 2:52 pm

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